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Consequences of the solar wind input observed as large scale magnetotail dynamics during substorms are reviewed, highlighting results from statistical studies as well as global magnetosphere/ionosphere observations. Among the different solar wind input parameters, the most essential one to initiate reconnection relatively close to the Earth is a southward IMF or a solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field. Larger substorms are associated with such reconnection events closer to the Earth and the magnetotail can accumulate larger amounts of energy before its onset. Yet, how and to what extent the magnetotail configuration before substorm onset differs for different solar wind driver is still to be understood. A strong solar wind dawn-to-dusk electric field is, however, only a necessary condition for a strong substorm, but not a sufficient one. That is, there are intervals when the solar wind input is processed in the magnetotail without the usual substorm cycle, suggesting different modes of flux transport. Furthermore, recent global observations suggest that the magnetotail response during the substorm expansion phase can be also controlled by plasma sheet density, which is coupled to the solar wind on larger time-scales than the substorm cycle. To explain the substorm dynamics it is therefore important to understand the different modes of energy, momentum, and mass transport within the magnetosphere as a consequence of different types of solar wind-magnetosphere interaction with different time-scales that control the overall magnetotail configuration, in addition to the internal current sheet instabilities leading to large scale tail current sheet dissipation.  相似文献   

The solar wind at Mars interacts with the extended atmosphere and small-scale crustal magnetic fields. This interaction shares elements with a variety of solar system bodies, and has direct bearing on studies of the long-term evolution of the Martian atmosphere, the structure of the upper atmosphere, and fundamental plasma processes. The magnetometer (MAG) and electron reflectometer (ER) on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) continue to make many contributions toward understanding the plasma environment, thanks in large part to a spacecraft orbit that had low periapsis, had good coverage of the interaction region, and has been long-lived in its mapping orbit. The crustal magnetic fields discovered using MGS data perturb plasma boundaries on timescales associated with Mars' rotation and enable a complex magnetic field topology near the planet. Every portion of the plasma environment has been sampled by MGS, confirming previous measurements and making new discoveries in each region. The entire system is highly variable, and responds to changes in solar EUV flux, upstream pressure, IMF direction, and the orientation of Mars with respect to the Sun and solar wind flow. New insights from MGS should come from future analysis of new and existing data, as well as multi-spacecraft observations.  相似文献   

A dependence of the polar cap magnetic flux on the interplanetary magnetic field and on the solar wind dynamic pressure is studied. The model calculations of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes at the ionospheric level are presented. The obtained functions are based on the paraboloid magnetospheric model calculations. The scaling law for the polar cap diameter changing for different subsolar distances is demonstrated. Quiet conditions are used to compare theoretical results with the UV images of the Earth’s polar region obtained onboard the Polar and IMAGE spacecrafts. The model calculations enable finding not only the average polar cap magnetic flux but also the extreme values of the polar cap and auroral oval magnetic fluxes. These values can be attained in the course of the severe magnetic storm. Spectacular aurora often can be seen at midlatitude during severe magnetic storm. In particularly, the Bastille Day storm of July 15–16, 2000, was a severe magnetic storm when auroral displays were reported at midlatitudes. Enhancement of global magnetospheric current systems (ring current and tail current) and corresponding reconstruction of the magnetospheric structure is a reason for the equatorward displacement of the auroral zone. But at the start of the studied event the contracted polar cap and auroral oval were observed. In this case, the sudden solar wind pressure pulse was associated with a simultaneous northward IMF turning. Such IMF and solar wind pressure behavior is a cause of the observed aurora dynamics.  相似文献   

The question of multifractality is of great importance because it allows us to investigate interplanetary hydromagnetic turbulence. The multifractal spectrum has been investigated with Voyager (magnetic field) data in the outer heliosphere and with Helios (plasma) data in the inner heliosphere. We use the Grassberger and Procaccia method that allows calculation of the generalized dimensions of the solar wind attractor in the phase space directly from the cleaned experimental signal. We analyze time series of plasma parameters of the low-speed streams of the solar wind measured in situ by Helios in the inner heliosphere. The resulting spectrum of dimensions shows a multifractal structure of the solar wind attractor. In order to quantify that multifractality, we use a simple analytical model of the dynamical system. Namely, we consider the generalized self-similar baker’s map with two parameters describing uniform compression and natural invariant measure on the attractor of the system. The action of this map exhibits stretching and folding properties leading to sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The obtained solar wind singularity spectrum is consistent with that for the multifractal measure on the weighted baker’s map.  相似文献   

Order of magnitude variations in relative elemental abundances are observed in the solar corona and solar wind. The instruments aboard SOHO make it possible to explore these variations in detail to determine whether they arise near the solar surface or higher in the corona. A substantial enhancement of low First Ionization Potential (FIP) elements relative to high FIP elements is often seen in both the corona and the solar wind, and that must arise in the chromosphere. Several theoretical models have been put forward to account for the FIP effect, but as yet even the basic physical mechanism responsible remains an open question. Evidence for gravitational settling is also found at larger heights in quiescent streamers. The question is why the heavier elements don't settle out completely. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The interaction of the solar wind with the Martian exosphere and ionosphere leads to significant loss of atmosphere from the planet. Spacecraft data confirm that this is the case. However, the issue is how much is actually lost. Given that spacecraft coverage is sparse, simulation is one of the few ways for these estimates to be made. In this paper the evolution of our attempts to place bounds on this loss rate will be addressed. Using a hybrid particle code the loss rate with respect to solar EUV flux is addressed as well as a variety of numerical and chemical issues. The progress made has been of an evolutionary nature, with one approach tried and tested followed by another as the simulations are improved and better estimates are produced. The results to be reported suggest that the ion loss rates are high enough to explain the loss of water from Mars during earlier solar epochs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the solar corona as observed during solar minimum with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS, on SOHO is discussed. The large quiescent coronal streamers existing during this phase of the solar cycle are very likely composed by sub-streamers, formed by closed loops and separated by open field lines that are channelling a slow plasma that flows close to the heliospheric current sheet. The polar coronal holes, with magnetic topology significantly varying from their core to their edges, emit fast wind in their central region and slow wind close to the streamer boundary. The transition from fast to slow wind then appears to be gradual in the corona, in contrast with the sharp transition between the two wind regimes observed in the heliosphere. It is suggested that speed, abundance and kinetic energy of the wind are modulated by the topology of the coronal magnetic field. Energy deposition occurs both in the slow and fast wind but its effect on the kinetic temperature and expansion rate is different for the slow and fast wind.  相似文献   

Solar chemical abundances are determined by comparing solar photospheric spectra with synthetic ones obtained for different sets of abundances and physical conditions. Although such inferred results are reliable, they are model dependent. Therefore, one compares them with the values for the local interstellar medium (LISM). The argument is that they must be similar, but even for LISM abundance determinations models play a fundamental role (i.e., temperature fluctuations, clumpiness, photon leaks). There are still two possible comparisons—one with the meteoritic values and the second with solar wind abundances. In this work we derive a first estimation of the solar wind element ratios of sulfur relative to calcium and magnesium, two neighboring low-FIP elements, using 10 years of CELIAS/MTOF data. We compare the sulfur abundance with the abundance determined from spectroscopic observations and from solar energetic particles. Sulfur is a moderately volatile element, hence, meteoritic sulfur may be depleted relative to non-volatile elements, if compared to its original solar system value.  相似文献   

Recently we have shown how the slow solar wind can be formed within a coronal helmet streamer. The solar wind is modeled by a "wake-neutral" sheet, whose subsequent linear and nonlinear evolution provides clues to the development of the wind. In this paper we describe the first results of our extension of this model to the compressible regime. In particular, we show that traveling density enhancements are formed, similar to those observed by LASCO. The compressible equations are solved by an extension to MHD of the SPECLS algorithm. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Exposure to the solar wind can have significant long term consequences for planetary atmospheres, especially for planets such as Mars that are not protected by global magnetospheres. Estimating the effects of solar wind exposure requires knowledge of the history of the solar wind. Much of what we know about the Sun’s past behavior is based on inferences from observations of young solar-like stars. Stellar analogs of the weak solar wind cannot be detected directly, but the interaction regions between these winds and the interstellar medium have been detected and used to estimate wind properties. I here review these observations, with emphasis on what they suggest about the history of the solar wind.  相似文献   

Rempel  E.L.  Chian  A.C.-L.  Borotto  F.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):503-506
Nonthermal magnetospheric radio emissions provide the radio signatures of solar-terrestrial connection and may be used for space weather forecasting. A three-wave model of auroral radio emissions at the fundamental plasma frequency was proposed by Chian et al. (1994) involving resonant interactions of Langmuir, whistler and Alfvén waves. Chaos can appear in the nonlinear evolution of this three-wave process in the magnetosphere. We discuss two types of intermittency in radio signals driven by temporal chaos: the type-I Pomeau-Manneville intermittency and the interior crisis-induced intermittency. Examples of time series for both types of intermittency are presented. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper I will briefly summarize the present status of our knowledge on the four different sorts of solar wind, their sources and their short- and long-term variations. First: the fast solar wind in high-speed streams that emerges from coronal hole regions. Second: the slow solar wind emerging from the non-active Sun near the global heliospheric current sheet above helmet streamers and underlying active regions. Third: the slow solar wind filling most of the heliosphere during high solar activity, emerging above active regions in a highly turbulent state, and fourth: the plasma expelled from the Sun during coronal mass ejections. The coronal sources of these different flows vary dramatically with the solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

The observations at different solar distances and latitudes, collected in the past three decades, and the results obtained from more and more sophisticated numerical simulations allowed us to reach a good understanding on many aspects of the complex phenomenon of solar wind turbulence. Moreover, new interesting insights in the theory of turbulence have been obtained, in the past decade, from the point of view that considers a turbulent flow as a complex system, where chaotic behavior and well-established scaling laws coexist. This review aims to provide a quick overview on the state of art in this research field with particular focus on local generation mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have shown in several recent publications that it is necessary to group the meteorological data according to the phase of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) throughout the year, in order to find a clear signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle (SSC). This work is summarized here. It is the purpose of this paper (1) to update earlier results of the solar cycle – QBO relationship for the northern winter, (2) to stress the interaction between the hemispheres and (3) to summarize the influence of the QBO on the solar variability signal, as well as the influence of the solar variability signal on the QBO throughout the year. For this, the constructed annual mean of the solar cycle – QBO relationship is introduced.  相似文献   

Recent observations with UVCS on SOHO of high outflow velocities of O5+ at low coronal heights have spurred much discussion about the dynamics of solar wind acceleration. On the other hand, O6+ is the most abundant oxygen charge state in the solar wind, but is not observed by UVCS or by SUMER because this helium-like ion has no emission lines falling in the wave lengths observable by these instruments. Therefore, there is considerable interest in observing O5+ in situ in order to understand the relative importance of O5+ with respect to the much more abundant O6+. High speed streams are the prime candidates for the search for O5+ because all elements exhibit lower freezing-in temperatures in high speed streams than in the slow solar wind. The Ulysses spacecraft was exposed to long time periods of high speed streams during its passage over the polar regions of the Sun. The Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) on Ulysses is capable of resolving this rare oxygen charge state. We present the first measurement of O5+ in the solar wind and compare these data with those of the more abundant oxygen species O6+ and O7+. We find that our observations of the oxygen charge states can be fitted with a single coronal electron temperature in the range of 1.0 to 1.2 MK assuming collisional ionization/recombination equilibrium with an ambient Maxwellian electron gas. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) scheme is described for solving the governing equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in three space dimensions. This solution algorithm makes use of modern finite-volume numerical methodology to provide a combination of high solution accuracy and computational robustness. Efficient and scalable implementations of the method have been developed for massively parallel computer architectures and high performance achieved. Numerical results are discussed for a simplified model of the initiation and evolution of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the inner heliosphere. The results demonstrate the potential of this numerical tool for enhancing our understanding of coronal and solar wind plasma processes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The solar wind charge state and elemental compositions have been measured with the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometers (SWICS) on Ulysses and ACE for a combined period of about 25 years. This most extensive data set includes all varieties of solar wind flows and extends over more than one solar cycle. With SWICS the abundances of all charge states of He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar and Fe can be reliably determined (when averaged over sufficiently long time periods) under any solar wind flow conditions. Here we report on results of our detailed analysis of the elemental composition and ionization states of the most unbiased solar wind from the polar coronal holes during solar minimum in 1994–1996, which includes new values for the abundance S, Ca and Ar and a more accurate determination of the 20Ne abundance. We find that in the solar minimum polar coronal hole solar wind the average freezing-in temperature is ∼1.1×106 K, increasing slightly with the mass of the ion. Using an extrapolation method we derive photospheric abundances from solar wind composition measurements. We suggest that our solar-wind-derived values should be used for the photospheric ratios of Ne/Fe=1.26±0.28 and Ar/Fe=0.030±0.007.  相似文献   

太阳帆航天器动力学建模与求解   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
崔乃刚  刘家夫  荣思远 《航空学报》2010,31(8):1565-1571
 太阳帆航天器动力学建模与求解是姿态控制与结构振动抑制的基础,具有重要的理论与工程意义。针对带有控制杆和控制叶片的太阳帆航天器,进行结构的合理简化。应用矢量力学基本原理,推导出考虑弹性振动的太阳帆航天器姿态动力学方程,再对其进行简化,分别得到基于控制叶片和控制杆的两类太阳帆航天器的姿态动力学方程,联立太阳帆支撑杆振动方程,结合非约束模态的定义对运行于超地球同步转移轨道的太阳帆航天器动力学方程进行了求解及分析,结果表明所建立的太阳帆动力学模型可准确地描述柔性太阳帆航天器的动力学特性。  相似文献   

Simulations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) evolving in the interplanetary (IP) space from the Sun up to 1 AU are performed in the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) by the means of a finite-volume, explicit solver. The aim is to quantify the effect of the background solar wind and of the CME initiation parameters, such as the initial magnetic polarity, on the evolution and on the geo-effectiveness of CMEs. First, three different solar wind models are reconstructed using the same numerical grid and the same numerical scheme. Then, different CME initiation models are considered: Magnetic foot point shearing and magnetic flux emergence. For the fast CME evolution studies, a very simple CME model is considered: A high-density and high-pressure magnetized plasma blob is superposed on a background steady state solar wind model with an initial velocity and launch direction. The simulations show that the initial magnetic polarity substantially affects the IP evolution of the CMEs influencing the propagation velocity, the shape, the trajectory (and thus, the geo-effectiveness).  相似文献   

The main effects caused by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are analyzed in cases of supersonic solar wind flow around magnetized planets (like Earth) and nonmagnetized (like Venus) planets. The IMF has a relatively weak strength in the solar wind but it is enhanced considerably in the so-called plasma depletion layer or magnetic barrier in the vicinity of the streamlined obstacle (magnetopause of a magnetized planet, or ionopause of a nonmagnetized planet). For magnetized planets, the magnetic barrier is a source of free magnetic energy for magnetic reconnection in cases of large magnetic shear at the magnetopause. For nonmagnetized planets, mass loading of the ionospheric particles is very important. The new created ions are accelerated by the electric field related to the IMF, and thus they gain energy from the solar wind plasma. These ions form the boundary layer within the magnetic barrier. This mass loading process affects considerably the profiles of the magnetic field and plasma parameters in the flow region.  相似文献   

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