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Contributions of space exploration which are widely recognized are those dealing with the impact of space technology on public health and medical services in both urban and remote rural areas. Telecommunications, image enhancement, 3-dimensional image reconstructions, miniaturization, automation, and data analysis, have transformed the delivery of medical care and have brought about a new impetus to the field of biomedicine. Many areas of medical care and biological research have been affected. These include technological breakthroughs in such areas as: (1) diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, (2) new approaches to the understanding of osteoporosis, (3) early detection of genetic birth defects, (4) emergency medical care, and (5) treatment of chronic metabolic disorders. These are but a few examples where technology originally developed to support space medicine or space research has been applied to solving medical and health care delivery problems on Earth.  相似文献   

In the past, space life sciences has focused on gaining an understanding of physiological tolerance to spaceflight, but, for the last 10 years, the focus has evolved to include issues relevant to extended duration missions. In the 21st century, NASA's long-term strategy for the exploration of the solar system will combine the assurance of human health and performance for long periods in space with investigations aimed at searching for traces of life on other planets and acquiring fundamental scientific knowledge of life processes. Implementation of this strategy will involve a variety of disciplines including radiation health, life support, human factors, space physiology and countermeasures, medical care, environmental health, and exobiology. It will use both ground-based and flight research opportunities such as those found in current on-going programs, on Spacelab and unmanned biosatellite flights, and during Space Station Freedom missions.  相似文献   

Scientists and educators at Baylor College of Medicine are using space life sciences research areas as themes for middle school science and health instructional materials. This paper discusses study findings of the most recent unit, Food and Fitness, which teaches concepts related to energy and nutrition through guided inquiry. Results of a field test involving more than 750 students are reported. Use of the teaching materials resulted in significant knowledge gains by students as measured on a pre/post assessment administered by teachers. In addition, an analysis of the time spent by each teacher on each activity suggested that it is preferable to conduct all of the activities in the unit with students rather than allocating the same total amount of time on just a subset of the activities.  相似文献   

介绍国内外项目成本管理的现状及规范化情况,分析我国航天项目成本管理存在的问题,并从标准化的角度提出我国航天项目成本管理规范化方案,对航天项目成本管理标准体系框架的建立进行了研究。  相似文献   

文章对企业信息技术外包项目的风险管理进行了研究,将矩阵分析法和波尔达序值法应用于信息技术外包项目的风险管理,对项目进行了风险识别和分析,并提出应对策略。文章为信息技术外包项目风险管理制定了项目外包风险管理流程和方法,为企业信息技术外包项目有效规避风险提供参考。  相似文献   

The National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) encourages open involvement by scientists and the public at large in the Institute's activities. Through its Education and Public Outreach Program, the Institute is supporting national efforts to improve Kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) and undergraduate education and to communicate knowledge generated by space life science research to lay audiences. Three academic institution Baylor College of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine and Texas A&M University are designing, producing, field-testing, and disseminating a comprehensive array of programs and products to achieve this goal. The objectives of the NSBRI Education and Public Outreach program are to: promote systemic change in elementary and secondary science education; attract undergraduate students--especially those from underrepresented groups--to careers in space life sciences, engineering and technology-based fields; increase scientific literacy; and to develop public and private sector partnerships that enhance and expand NSBRI efforts to reach students and families.  相似文献   

The selection, definition, and development phases of a Life Sciences flight research experiment has been consistent throughout the past decade. The implementation process, however, has changed significantly within the past two years. This change is driven primarily by the shift from highly integrated, dedicated research missions on platforms with well defined processes to self contained experiments with stand alone operations on platforms which are being concurrently designed. For experiments manifested on the International Space Station (ISS) and/or on short duration missions, the more modular, streamlined, and independent the individual experiment is, the more likely it is to be successfully implemented before the ISS assembly is completed. During the assembly phase of the ISS, science operations are lower in priority than the construction of the station. After the station has been completed, it is expected that more resources will be available to perform research. The complexity of implementing investigations increases with the logistics needed to perform the experiment. Examples of logistics issues include- hardware unique to the experiment; large up and down mass and volume needs; access to crew and hardware during the ascent or descent phases; maintenance of hardware and supplies with a limited shelf life,- baseline data collection schedules with lengthy sessions or sessions close to the launch or landing; onboard stowage availability, particularly cold stowage; and extensive training where highly proficient skills must be maintained. As the ISS processes become better defined, experiment implementation will meet new challenges due to distributed management, on-orbit resource sharing, and adjustments to crew availability pre- and post-increment.  相似文献   

文章介绍了风险及风险管理概念,针对航天器总装实施特点,建立了航天器型号AIT研制项目风险结构模型,应用科学的评估方法,达到风险量化管理的目的。  相似文献   

引言如何能够使一项工作从计划的制订开始就处于一个可控的、持续改进的环境中,从而取得理想的执行效果是我们一直探讨的问题。西北空管局网络中心针对工作计划从制订到最后的执行反馈过程中的一系列问题,从一个新的角度通过自主研发的软件平台对其进行了统一的、无间断的实时管理,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

论航天型号项目的协作及项目群的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要针对我国航天型号项目管理中存在的问题进行分析和研究。例如在大型环境试验和总装过程中,单一项目的管理已经日臻完善;但面对更加繁重的任务和巨大的发展机遇,单一项目的管理所暴露出的问题也越发明显。文章拟用项目群的管理思路来完善和丰富项目管理体系,从而促进环境试验和总装的项目管理水平。  相似文献   

《Space Policy》2014,30(3):143-145
The human exploration of space is pushing the boundaries of what is technically feasible. The space industry is preparing for the New Space era, the momentum for which will emanate from the commercial human spaceflight sector, and will be buttressed by international solar system exploration endeavours. With many distinctive technical challenges to be overcome, human spaceflight requires that numerous biological and physical systems be examined under exceptional circumstances for progress to be made. To effectively tackle such an undertaking significant intra- and international coordination and collaboration is required. Space life and biomedical science research and development (R & D) will support the Global Exploration Roadmap (GER) by enabling humans to ‘endure’ the extreme activity that is long duration human spaceflight. In so doing the field will discover solutions to some of our most difficult human health issues, and as a consequence benefit society as a whole. This space-specific R&D will drive a significant amount of terrestrial biomedical research and as a result the international community will not only gain benefits in the form of improved healthcare in space and on Earth, but also through the growth of its science base and industry.  相似文献   

为解决航天型号任务激增给AIT生产管理体系带来的问题,文章结合当前开展精细化管理工作的要求,与国外先进宇航公司——泰雷兹-阿莱尼亚空间公司就组织机构、科研生产管理、系统级研发及生产能力提升、生产流程进行对标,提出了业务整合、流程再造、优化管理模式的解决措施,探索具有中国航天特色的型号AIT生产管理模式。  相似文献   

In Space many bodily functions adjust to the absence of gravity. Our understanding of these homeostatic processes have depended on studies on man and other animals. The present paper briefly reviews how such studies may benefit some terrestrial medical problems.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the determination of optimal trajectories for the aeroassisted flight experiment (AFE). The intent of this experiment is to simulate a GEO-to-LEO transfer, where GEO denotes a geosynchronous Earth orbit and LEO denotes a low Earth orbit. Specifically, the AFE spacecraft is released from the Space Shuttle and is accelerated by means of a solid rocket motor toward Earth, so as to achieve atmospheric entry conditions identical with those of a spacecraft returning from GEO. During the atmospheric pass, the angle of attack is kept constant, and the angle of bank is controlled in such a way that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the atmospheric velocity depletion is such that, after exiting, the AFE spacecraft first ascends to a specified apogee and then descends to a specified perigee; and (b) the exit orbital plane is identical with the entry orbital plane. The final maneuver, not analyzed here, includes the rendezvous with and the capture by the Space Shuttle. In this paper, the trajectories of an AFE spacecraft are analyzed in a 3D space, employing the full system of 6 ODEs describing the atmospheric pass. The atmospheric entry conditions are given, and the atmospheric exit conditions are adjusted in such a way that requirements (a) and (b) are met, while simultaneously minimizing the total characteristic velocity, hence the propellant consumption required for orbital transfer. Two possible transfers are considered: indirect ascent (IA) to a 178 NM perigee via a 197 NM apogee; and direct ascent (DA) to a 178 NM apogee. For both transfers, two cases are investigated: (i) the bank angle is continuously variable; and (ii) the trajectory is divided into segments along which the bank angle is constant. For case (ii), the following subcases are studied; 2, 3, 4 and 5 segments; because the time duration of each segment is optimized, the above subcases involve 4, 6, 8 and 10 parameters, respectively. It is shown that the optimal trajectories of cases (i) and (ii) coalesce into a single trajectory: a two-subarc trajectory, with the bank angle constant in each subarc (bang-bang control). Specifically, the bank angle is near 180° in the atmospheric entry phase (positive lift projection phase) and is near 0° in the atmospheric exit phase (negative lift projection phase). It is also shown that, during the atmospheric pass, the peak values of the changes of the orbital inclination and the longitude of the ascending node are nearly zero; hence, the peak value of the wedge angle (angle between the instantaneous orbital plane and the initial orbital plane) is nearly zero. This means that the motion of the spacecraft is nearly planar in an inertial space.  相似文献   

引言直升机以其机动灵活、快捷、便利、适应能力强等特点广泛地应用于各个领域。随着国民经济的飞速发展以及我国低空空域管理改革的逐步深入,通用航空市场的需求量将越来越大,以直升机为  相似文献   

Cluster flight is a term used for describing multiple satellites that are being held within pre-defined minimum and maximum distances for long time intervals, possibly the entire mission. This technology is required for a myriad of space architectures and missions, including disaggregated space architectures. Whereas the literature is abundant with works on control laws for satellite formation flying, there are only a handful of works on control of cluster flight. The purpose of the current work is to develop a cluster flight control algorithm, which is able to keep the satellites of the cluster within pre-specified minimum and maximum distances, while utilizing small amounts of propellant. The newly developed algorithm relies on the natural inter-satellite distance dynamics. The algorithm incorporates realistic mission constraints, such as constant-magnitude thrust, and is implemented in feedback form, steering the mean elements to judiciously selected reference values. Simulations indicate that a few tens of grams of propellent are sufficient for operating a cluster flight mission in excess of 1 year, using low specific-impulse thrusters.  相似文献   

Pletser V 《Acta Astronautica》2004,55(10):829-854
Aircraft parabolic flights provide repetitively up to 20 s of reduced gravity during ballistic flight manoeuvres. Parabolic flights are used to conduct short microgravity investigations in Physical and Life Sciences, to test instrumentation and to train astronauts before a space flight. The European Space Agency (ESA) has organized since 1984 thirty parabolic flight campaigns for microgravity research experiments utilizing six different airplanes. More than 360 experiments were successfully conducted during more than 2800 parabolas, representing a cumulated weightlessness time of 15 h 30 m. This paper presents the short duration microgravity research programme of ESA. The experiments conducted during these campaigns are summarized, and the different airplanes used by ESA are shortly presented. The technical capabilities of the Airbus A300 'Zero-G' are addressed. Some Physical Science, Technology and Life Science experiments performed during the last ESA campaigns with the Airbus A300 are presented to show the interest of this unique microgravity research tool to complement, support and prepare orbital microgravity investigations.  相似文献   

项目组织管理能力不足造成的项目成本损失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章旨在描述一种对项目组织管理能力不足造成的成本损失进行分析的思路和方法。在项目管理中,通过对“项目组织管理成本损失因子”的分析和有效管理,实现对项目组织管理能力的综合量化评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The field of disaster risk management is relatively new and takes a structured approach to managing uncertainty related to the threat of natural and man-made disasters. Disaster risk management consists primarily of risk assessment and the development of strategies to mitigate disaster risk. This paper will discuss how increasing both Earth observation data and information technology capabilities can contribute to disaster risk management, particularly in Belize. The paper presents the results and recommendations of a project conducted by an international and interdisciplinary team of experts at the 2009 session of the International Space University in NASA Ames Research Center (California, USA). The aim is to explore the combination of current, planned and potential space-aided, airborne, and ground-based Earth observation tools, the emergence of powerful new web-based and mobile data management tools, and how this combination can support and improve the emerging field of disaster risk management. The starting point of the project was the World Bank’s Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA) program, focused in Central America. This program was used as a test bed to analyze current space technologies used in risk management and develop new strategies and tools to be applied in other regions around the world.  相似文献   

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