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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The James Webb Space Telescope is a 6.5 m, infrared space telescope designed to be launched in 2013 aboard an Ariane 5. The JWST program is a cooperative program with the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) managing the project for NASA. The prime contractor for JWST is Northrop Grumman Space Technology (NGST). JWST’s international partners are the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). JWST will address four major science themes: end of the dark ages: first light and reionization; the assembly of galaxies, the birth of stars and protoplanetary systems; and the formation of planetary systems and the origins of life. We discuss the design of the observatory and review recent progress on the JWST program.  相似文献   

Missions to explore Europa have been imagined ever since the Voyager mission first suggested that Europa was geologically very young. Subsequently, the Galileo spacecraft supplied fascinating new insights into this satellite of Jupiter. Now, an international team is proposing a return to the Jupiter system and Europa with the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). Currently, NASA and ESA are designing two orbiters that would explore the Jovian system and then each would settle into orbit around one of Jupiter’s icy satellites, Europa and Ganymede. In addition, the Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA) is considering a Jupiter magnetospheric orbiter and the Russian Space Agency is investigating a Europa lander.  相似文献   

The LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) mission has been selected by the European Space Agency’s Science Programme Committee as the third large-class mission of the Cosmic Vision Programme, addressing the science theme of the Gravitational Universe. With a planned launch date in 2034, LISA will be the first ever space-borne Gravitational Wave observatory, relying on laser interferometry between three spacecraft orbiting the Sun in a triangular formation. Airbus is currently leading an industrial Phase A system study on behalf of the European Space Agency. The paper will address the astrodynamics challenges associated with the LISA constellation design, driven by tight requirements on the geometric quality metrics of the near equilateral formation.  相似文献   

This report deals with the present plans and philosophy of the European Space Agency as regards the interest and the justification for a European Experimental Research Program in Space. It offers recommendations to be considered by both the space investigators and the E.S.A. executive in order to achieve the most urgent needs.  相似文献   

SSM (Solar Sail Materials) is an on-going project for the European Space Agency (ESA) relying on past and recent European solar sail design projects. It aims at developing and testing future technologies suitable for large, operational solar sailcrafts.  相似文献   

The various areas and missions involving international cooperation and coordination with ESA and its various space partners are reviewed. Special mention is made of cooperation with NASA which has been a privileged partner of ESA for many years. The past and future activities conducted within the Inter Agency Consultative Group (IACG) are also mentioned. It is shown that the apparent loss of independence which may result from extensive international cooperation can be corrected through the existence of a Long Term Plan.  相似文献   

As part of its mandate the Space Life Sciences Program within the Canadian Space Agency has worked to increase interest in space and develop young scientists. Projects have been undertaken at the public school and high school level, with classroom resource material and science contests; at the university level with summer training programs, and at the post-graduate level with opportunities to complete research projects in a microgravity environment.  相似文献   

The NetLander Mission will deploy four landers to the Martian surface. Each lander includes a network science payload with instrumentation for studying the interior of Mars, the atmosphere and the subsurface, as well as the ionospheric structure and geodesy. The NetLander Mission is the first planetary mission focusing on investigations of the interior of the planet and the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. A broad consortium of national space agencies and research laboratories will implement the mission. It is managed by CNES (the French Space Agency), with other major players being FMI (the Finnish Meteorological Institute), DLR (the German Space Agency), and other research institutes. According to current plans, the NetLander Mission will be launched in 2005 by means of an Ariane V launch, together with the Mars Sample Return mission. The landers will be separated from the spacecraft and targeted to their locations on the Martian surface several days prior to the spacecraft's arrival at Mars. The landing system employs parachutes and airbags. During the baseline mission of one Martian year, the network payloads will conduct simultaneous seismological, atmospheric, magnetic, ionospheric, geodetic measurements and ground penetrating radar mapping supported by panoramic images. The payloads also include entry phase measurements of the atmospheric vertical structure. The scientific data could be combined with simultaneous observations of the atmosphere and surface of Mars by the Mars Express Orbiter that is expected to be functional during the NetLander Mission's operational phase. Communication between the landers and the Earth would take place via a data relay onboard the Mars Express Orbiter.  相似文献   

For the past two years, some real progress has been made in Chinese Space Astronomy, though we have not launched any missions exclusively belonging to the scope of Astronomy. In order to program the next five years' national plan (2006-2010), the Chinese Space Agency organized a series of authorized evaluations for the future missions. Among more than ten astronomical mission proposals, several were selected to give the green light to continue for their Phase A studies. We try to briefly outline these proposals.  相似文献   

飞轮扰动原因与测量技术现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
飞轮是高精度航天器姿态控制的主要干扰源之一. 分析了引起飞轮产生扰动的主要因素, 详细介绍了美国航空航天局哥达德空间飞行中心、日本宇宙航空开发机构筑波空间中心、美国麻省理工学院空间系统实验室以及中国科研单位在研究中采用的飞轮扰动测量技术, 为进一步开展飞轮扰动测量技术研究奠定了基础.   相似文献   

Rosetta is a correrstone mission of the science programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) and it has been studied as a collaborative project with NASA. The major scientific objectives of Rosetta is to return cometary samples to Earth. About 20 kg of cometary material from up to 3m below the surface would be made available to the scientific community for analysis. Since relatively little is known a priory about the environment to be expected, the mission design must be based on a limited body of knowledge and rely on autonomy. The paper outlines the main mission characteristics and the experimental approach to demonstrate the mission feasibility.  相似文献   

A numerical study of the MIDACO optimization software on the well known GTOP benchmark set, published by the European Space Agency (ESA), is presented. The GTOP database provides trajectory models of real-world interplanetary space missions such as Cassini, Messenger or Rosetta. The trajectory models are formulated as constrained nonlinear optimization problems and are known to be difficult to solve.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the manufacturing and evaluation of a solar power sail membrane prototype for the OKEANOS project. The in-house prototype was built by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Mechanical and electrical evaluation tests were conducted. The membrane, thin-film solar cells, reflectivity control devices were good condition after the manufacturing and handling. The improvements in the manufacturing process and design were found. The manufacturing process and design were fundamentally established. After the prototype, improvement plans for the manufacturing process and design were tried. We have a prospect of manufacturing the flight model sail and continue to the development.  相似文献   

The United States has begun the development of an international Space Station complex in cooperation with Japan, Canada, and the European Space Agency. The planned uses of the facility encompass a broad spectrum of research disciplines including life sciences, material sciences, astrophysics, earth sciences and planetary sciences. Activity has already started on the preparation of scientific proposals, and in some cases on specific pieces of instrumentation, in many of these areas. Long-duration, continuous research in space in a manned facility presents situations, problems and opportunities which have never before needed to be addressed. This paper presents current thinking in the United States on several of these issues related specifically to the microgravity sciences and an initial paradigm for their solution.  相似文献   

BepiColombo, a mission of ESA (European Space Agency) in cooperation with JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), will explore Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun. BepiColombo will launch in 2014 on a journey lasting up to six and a half years; the data gathering phase should occupy a one year nominal mission, with a possible extension of another year. The data which will be brought back from the orbiters will tell us about the Hermean surface, atmospheric composition, and magnetospheric dynamics; it will also contribute to understanding the history and formation of terrestrial planets. The PHEBUS (Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy) instrument will be flown on MPO: Mercury Planetary Orbiter, one of the two BepiColombo orbiters. The main purpose of the instrument is to reveal the composition and the distribution of the exosphere of Mercury through EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet: 55–155 nm) and FUV (Far Ultraviolet: 145–315 nm) measurements. A consortium composed of four main countries has been formed to build it. Japan provides the two detectors (EUV and FUV), Russia implements the scanning system, and France and Italy take charge of the overall design, assembly, test, integration, and also provide two small NUV (Near Ultraviolet) detectors (for the light from calcium and potassium molecules). An optical prototype of the EUV detector which is identical to the flight configuration has been manufactured and evaluated. In this paper, we show the first spectra results observed by the EUV channel optical prototype. We also describe the design of PHEBUS and discuss the possibility of detecting noble gases in Mercury’s exosphere taking the experimental results so far into account.  相似文献   

Planetary surface exploration is an appealing application of wireless sensor networks that has been investigated in recent years by the space community, including the European Space Agency. The idea is to deploy a number of self-organizing sensor nodes forming a wireless networked architecture to provide a distributed instrument for the study and exploration of a planetary body. To explore this concept, ESA has funded the research project RF Wireless for Planetary Exploration (RF-WIPE), carried out by GMV, SUPSI and UPM. The purpose of RF-WIPE was to simulate and prototype a wireless sensor network in order to assess the potential and limitations of the technology for the purposes of planetary exploration.  相似文献   

This report describes current and future solar-terrestrial space missions of the Russian Federal Space Agency. They are discussed in the context of the International Living With a Star activity aimed at consolidation of efforts in developing a balanced cooperative program of solar-terrestrial and space weather oriented research. We provide information on several missions that are at different stages of realization: solar observing – CORONAS-F, CORONAS-PHOTON, and INTERHELIOPROBE; and magnetospheric – RESONANCE, ROY, and INTERBALL-PROGNOZ.  相似文献   

The increasing gap in the space capabilities of different countries has led to the need for capacity building in modern times. Space capacity building of countries without or with limited space capacity via international cooperation with advanced spacefaring nations is a good practice towards intragenerational equity among all spacefaring countries, and between spacefaring and non-spacefaring countries at the same period of time. A case study is used here to show the current situation of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and its member states that are associated with their space capacity building. The study finds that neither the satellite technology development model developed by Wood and Weigel (2011) nor the model developed by Ercan and Kale (2017) is a good fit for the development of space capability in all of the developing countries. Therefore, using the APSCO member states as a case study may offer guidelines towards the space capacity building of other developing countries. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the merits and flaws of APSCO’s capacity building programs through comparing them with similar projects carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) and some other countries is conducive to providing some references for regional cooperation in the field of space capacity building. While international space law and the APSCO Convention can provide the general principles for capacity building activities under the framework of APSCO, they are only relevant to the development of scientific and technological capacities for space and human resources rather than organizational development and legal frameworks. Some international soft laws can likewise provide guidance for the capacity building activities of APSCO and its member states in the areas of international direct television broadcasting, remote sensing and cooperative way. To enhance its and its member states’ space capabilities, APSCO, in the context of space commercialization and maintaining the long-term sustainability of outer space activities (LTSOSA), should establish a comprehensive internal regime that addresses scientific and technological capacity building for space, human resources, organizational development and legal frameworks, a flexible regime for international cooperation with other developed spacefaring nations and international organizations with relevant technical capabilities and an internal research center for space law, and actively expand its membership by embracing other economically or technologically developed spacefaring nations in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

Recently the European Space Agency (ESA) has initiated a number of exploratory Projects, within the General Studies Programme (GSP), to analyze what potential improvements on a GNSS system navigation determination and dissemination performance could be brought by introducing inter-satellite ranging & inter-satellite communication-links. The key improvements targeted by these Projects are the enhancement of the orbit and clock prediction accuracy and the reduction of the dependency from ground infrastructure. Both projects adopted the Galileo system architecture as the initial working point.  相似文献   

We propose a dual-rendezvous mission, targeting near-Earth asteroids, including sample-return. The mission, Asteroid Sampling Mission (ASM), consists of two parts: (i) flyby and remote sensing of a Q-type asteroid, and (ii) sampling of a V-type asteroid. The targeted undifferentiated Q-type are found mainly in the near-Earth space, and to this date have not been the target of a space mission. We have chosen, for our sampling target, an asteroid from the basaltic class (V-type), as asteroids in this class exhibit spectral signatures that resemble those of the well-studied Howardite–Eucrite–Diogenite (HED) meteorite suite. With this mission, we expect to answer specific questions about the links between differentiated meteorites and asteroids, as well as gain further insight into the broader issues of early Solar System (SS) evolution and the formation of terrestrial planets. To achieve the mission, we designed a spacecraft with a dry mass of less than 3 tonnes that uses electric propulsion with a solar-electric power supply of 15 kW at 1 Astronomical Unit (AU). The mission includes a series of remote sensing instruments, envisages landing of the whole spacecraft on the sampling target, and employs an innovative sampling mechanism. Launch is foreseen to occur in 2018, as the designed timetable, and the mission would last about 10 years, bringing back a 150 g subsurface sample within a small re-entry capsule. This paper is a work presented at the 2008 Summer School Alpbach,“Sample return from the Moon, asteroids and comets” organized by the Aeronautics and Space Agency of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. It is co-sponsored by ESA and the national space authorities of its Member and Co-operating States, with the support of the International Space Science Institute and Austrospace.  相似文献   

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