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Surface thermal emission has been detected byROSAT from four nearby young neutron stars. Assuming black body emission, the significant pulsations of the observed light curves can be interpreted as due to large surface temperature differences produced by the effect of the crustal magnetic field on the flow of heat from the hot interior toward the cooler surface. However, the energy dependence of the modulation observed in Geminga is incompatible with blackbody emission: this effect will give us a strong constraint on models of the neutron star surface.  相似文献   

Frey  H.U.  Mende  S.B.  Immel  T.J.  Gérard  J.-C.  Hubert  B.  Habraken  S.  Spann  J.  Gladstone  G.R.  Bisikalo  D.V.  Shematovich  V.I. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):255-283
Direct imaging of the magnetosphere by instruments on the IMAGE spacecraft is supplemented by simultaneous observations of the global aurora in three far ultraviolet (FUV) wavelength bands. The purpose of the multi-wavelength imaging is to study the global auroral particle and energy input from the magnetosphere into the atmosphere. This paper describes the method for quantitative interpretation of FUV measurements. The Wide-Band Imaging Camera (WIC) provides broad band ultraviolet images of the aurora with maximum spatial resolution by imaging the nitrogen lines and bands between 140 and 180 nm wavelength. The Spectrographic Imager (SI), a dual wavelength monochromatic instrument, images both Doppler-shifted Lyman-α emissions produced by precipitating protons, in the SI-12 channel and OI 135.6 nm emissions in the SI-13 channel. From the SI-12 Doppler shifted Lyman-α images it is possible to obtain the precipitating proton flux provided assumptions are made regarding the mean energy of the protons. Knowledge of the proton (flux and energy) component allows the calculation of the contribution produced by protons in the WIC and SI-13 instruments. Comparison of the corrected WIC and SI-13 signals provides a measure of the electron mean energy, which can then be used to determine the electron energy flux. To accomplish this, reliable emission modeling and instrument calibrations are required. In-flight calibration using early-type stars was used to validate the pre-flight laboratory calibrations and determine long-term trends in sensitivity. In general, very reasonable agreement is found between in-situ measurements and remote quantitative determinations.  相似文献   

Experimental results and problems of absolute intensity measurements of solar electromagnetic radiation in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray region of the spectrum (designated cumulatively as XUV for brevity) are reviewed. The numerous practical problems are divided in two major areas, (a) general problems of heterochromatic absolute XUV spectrophotometry in the laboratory and (b) specific problems characteristic of requirements of solar physics, the physics of planetary atmospheres, and existing restrictions of space technology. Within the first area (a) emphasis is placed on recent progress toward justified reliance on ionization detectors without necessary connection to source standards. For the second area (b), emphasis is placed on the immediate need to have existing exploratory observations followed by a new phase of more systematic experiments of increased accuracy.  相似文献   

Medium resolution (2A/px) but high s/n spectra of approximately twenty of the brightest blue stars in the young open cluster NGC 330 in the SMC have been analyzed in order to determine their atmospheric parameters and the evolutionary status. Stellar parameters are determined by comparison with LTE and NLTE model atmosphere calculations and an HR diagram constructed. Luminosities of the sample stars lie in the range 4.0L */L )<5.0 and spectral types between O9 and late-B. The stars in our sample appear to define 4 groups: main-sequence B-stars (B2-B4), B-supergiants (B4) in a blue-loop phase of evolution, a small number of blue stragglers (O9-B0 near main-sequence stars) and a group of luminous giants (B1-B2) which reside in the so-called post main-sequence gap of the HR diagram. Furthermore, we have confirmed spectroscopically the very high incidence of Be stars in this cluster. Finally the almost complete absence of metal lines (at this resolution) is in keeping with the expected very low metallicity of the SMC.  相似文献   

Conclusion It now appears difficult to write that the Cephei stars occupy a well defined instability strip in the HR diagram (Lesh and Aizenman, 1978): the Cep phenomenon — from any observational definition we could give — cannot be restricted to the small group of variables inside the box limited by the B 0.5 - B 2 spectral types and by the (II–III) – IV luminosity classes.So the pulsation mechanism is probably not strictly related to a narrow evolutionary stage. From this point of view, a mechanism related to envelope properties could better allow for variability in a wider region of the HR diagram. Which should be the new boundaries for such a phenomenon ? Should we expect an amplification of the phenomenon towards the center of its HR domain?  相似文献   

We review some recent developments in our understanding of accreting magnetized neutron stars. A brief summary of the observations is given, on which current phenomenological models are based. The main part of this paper is a discussion of recent work by several groups on the radiative transfer problem in a strong magnetic field and its application to models of the structure and properties of self-consistent neutron star polar cap emission regions. The assumptions and uncertainties involved are discussed, recent progress is evaluated, and current and future problems are indicated.Smithsonian Visiting Scientist, partially supported through NASA Grant NAGW-246, on leave from Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik MPA, Garching.  相似文献   

In the present work we intend to show that a stellar dynamo mechanism can produce high X-ray luminosities and also give account for modulation periods of the order thousand seconds or larger.We outline here that the model we propose does not require the presence of a very compact object in a binary system; indeed, we intend to show that faint late main sequence stars sufficiently fast rotating, can give rise by dynamo action to sufficiently high magnetic fields to give account for the strong X-ray emission of some galactic X-ray sources.We examine the possibility that also a fraction of those X-ray sources usually depicted as accreting binary systems may be interpreted as active stars supplied by the - dynamo mechanism.  相似文献   

A systemic and validated model was developed to predict ultraviolet spectra features from the shock layer of near-space hypersonic vehicles in the ‘‘solar blind" band region. Computational procedures were performed with 7-species thermal non-equilibrium fluid mechanics, finite rate chemistry, and radiation calculations. The thermal non-equilibrium flow field was calculated with a two-temperature model by the finite volume technique and verified against the bow-shock ultra-violet(BSUV) flight experiments. The absorption coefficient of the mixture gases was evaluated with a line-by-line method and validated through laboratory shock tube measurements. Using the line of sight(LOS) method, radiation was calculated from three BSUV flights at altitudes of 38,53.5 and 71 km. The investigation focused on the level and structure of ultraviolet spectra radiated from a NO band system in wavelengths of 200–400 nm. Results predicted by the current model show qualitative spatial agreement with the measured data. At a velocity of 3.5 km/s(about Mach11), the peak absolute intensity at an altitude of 38 km is two orders of magnitude higher than that at 53.5 km. Under the same flight conditions, the spectra structures have quite a similar distribution at different viewing angles. The present computational model performs well in the prediction of the ultraviolet spectra emitted from the shock layer and will contribute to the investigation and analysis of radiative features of hypersonic vehicles in near space.  相似文献   

针对氢氧火箭发动机羽烟紫外辐射特性参数分析,提出一种基于紫外CCD(change coupled device)相机采集的单幅辐射图像,同时反演羽烟内紫外辐射源项和吸收系数的方法.该方法将羽烟简化为发射-吸收轴对称介质,通过对辐射图像数据进行Able变换得到三维介质内辐射强度分布,利用最小二乘法将反演问题转化为使计算得到的与Abel变换得到的辐射强度误差最小的最优化问题,然后利用共轭梯度法求解该最优化问题.通过在求解正问题得到的准确值的基础上添加随机噪声,模拟辐射图像数据,分析了测量误差对算法反演精度的影响.结果表明:该算法对测量误差不敏感,能够准确的重建羽烟内的辐射源项和吸收系数分布.   相似文献   

Aerts  Conny  De Cat  Peter 《Space Science Reviews》2003,105(1-2):453-492
In this review we present the current status of line-profile-variation studies of β Cep stars. Such studies have been performed for 26 bright members of this class of pulsating stars in the past 25 years. We describe all these currently available data and summarize the interpretations based on them in terms of the excited pulsation modes. We emphasize that line-profile variations offer a much more detailed picture of the pulsational behaviour of pulsating stars compared to ground-based photometric data. The latter, however, remain necessary to unravel the often complex frequency pattern and to achieve unambiguous mode identification for multiperiodic β Cep stars and also to derive the pulsational properties of the faint members of the class. We highlight the statistical properties of the sample of 26 stars for which accurate spectroscopic studies are available and point out some future prospects. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is significant progress in the observations, theory, and understanding of the x-ray and EUV emissions from comets since their discovery in 1996. That discovery was so puzzling because comets appear to be more efficient emitters of x-rays than the Moon by a factor of 80000. The detected emissions are general properties of comets and have been currently detected and analyzed in thirteen comets from five orbiting observatories. The observational studies before 2000 were based on x-ray cameras and low resolution (E/E1.5–3) instruments and focused on the morphology of x-rays, their correlations with gas and dust productions in comets and with the solar x-rays and the solar wind. Even those observations made it possible to choose uniquely charge exchange between the solar wind heavy ions and cometary neutrals as the main excitation process. The recently published spectra are of much better quality and result in the identification of the emissions of the multiply charged ions of O, C, Ne, Mg, and Si which are brought to comets by the solar wind. The observed spectra have been used to study the solar wind composition and its variations. Theoretical analyses of x-ray and EUV photon excitation in comets by charge exchange, scattering of the solar photons by attogram dust particles, energetic electron impact and bremsstrahlung, collisions between cometary and interplanetary dust, and solar x-ray scattering and fluorescence in comets have been made. These analyses confirm charge exchange as the main excitation mechanism, which is responsible for more than 90% of the observed emission, while each of the other processes is limited to a few percent or less. The theory of charge exchange and different methods of calculation for charge exchange are considered. Laboratory studies of charge exchange relevant to the conditions in comets are reviewed. Total and state-selective cross sections of charge exchange measured in the laboratory are tabulated. Simulations of synthetic spectra of charge exchange in comets are discussed. X-ray and EUV emissions from comets are related to different disciplines and fields such as cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics.  相似文献   

There is significant progress in the observations, theory, and understanding of the x-ray and EUV emissions from comets since their discovery in 1996. That discovery was so puzzling because comets appear to be more efficient emitters of x-rays than the Moon by a factor of 80 000. The detected emissions are general properties of comets and have been currently detected and analyzed in thirteen comets from five orbiting observatories. The observational studies before 2000 were based on x-ray cameras and low resolution (E/δE ≈ 1.5-3) instruments and focused on the morphology of xrays, their correlations with gas and dust productions in comets and with the solar x-rays and the solar wind. Even those observations made it possible to choose uniquely charge exchange between the solar wind heavy ions and cometary neutrals as the main excitation process. The recently published spectra are of much better quality and result in the identification of the emissions of the multiply charged ions of O, C, Ne, Mg, and Si which are brought to comets by the solar wind. The observed spectra have been used to study the solar wind composition and its variations. Theoretical analyses of x-ray and EUV photon excitation in comets by charge exchange, scattering of the solar photons by attogram dust particles, energetic electron impact and bremsstrahlung, collisions between cometary and interplanetary dust, and solar x-ray scattering and fluorescence in comets have been made. These analyses confirm charge exchange as the main excitation mechanism, which is responsible for more than 90% of the observed emission, while each of the other processes is limited to a few percent or less. The theory of charge exchange and different methods of calculation for charge exchange are considered. Laboratory studies of charge exchange relevant to the conditions in comets are reviewed. Total and state-selective cross sections of charge exchange measured in the laboratory are tabulated. Simulations of synthetic spectra of charge exchange in comets are discussed. X-ray and EUV emissions from comets are related to different disciplines and fields such as cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Application of digital cross-correlation spectroscopy to the spectra of the W Serpentis binaries SX Cas and RX Cas has allowed an accurate determination of the orbits and rotations of the (mass-losing) K-subgiant secondary components. The distortion of the primary radial-velocity curves due to the influence of the prominent accretion disks in these systems has been modelled to first order. This enables us to estimate k 1, and thereby the mass ratio q 0.30, to within ± 20%. The absolute radii of the secondaries are derived independently from the observed rotations and periods, assuming synchronous rotation. They show that the stars fill their Roche lobes, or at least very nearly so. Rough fits to the available photometry shows both primaries to be unevolved mid-B stars; that in RX Cas appears completely obscured by the disk. Preliminary spectroscopic data for W Ser and W Cru show some promise for similar analyses of these systems.  相似文献   

Summary It can thus be seen that organization in various stages of tropical storm development are frequently seen in satellite pictures. And it appears that further work will establish relationships between the size and organization of the cloud masses with the coarse magnitude of the wind speed in the storm area.  相似文献   

The radial pulsations of very luminous, low-mass models (L/M 104, solar units), which are possible representatives of the R CrB stars, have been examined. These pulsations are extremely nonadiabatic. We find that there are in some cases at least one extra (strange) mode which makes interpretation difficult. The blue instability edges are also peculiar, in that there is an abrupt excursion of the blue edge to the blue for L/M sufficiently large. The range of periods of the model encompasses observed periods of the Cepheid-like pulsations of actual R CrB stars.  相似文献   

Application of digital cross-correlation spectroscopy to the spectra of the W Serpentis binaries SX Cas and RX Cas has allowed an accurate determination of the orbits and rotations of the (mass-losing) K-subgiant secondary components. The distortion of the primary radial-velocity curves due to the influence of the prominent accretion disks in these systems has been modelled to first order. This enables us to estimate k 1, and thereby the mass ratio q ≈ 0.30, to within ~ ± 20%. The absolute radii of the secondaries are derived independently from the observed rotations and periods, assuming synchronous rotation. They show that the stars fill their Roche lobes, or at least very nearly so. Rough fits to the available photometry shows both primaries to be unevolved mid-B stars; that in RX Cas appears completely obscured by the disk. Preliminary spectroscopic data for W Ser and W Cru show some promise for similar analyses of these systems.  相似文献   

Taking as example a 60M star of solar metallicity, the state of the art of model calculations for very massive, from the main sequence to the supernova stage, is reviewed. It is argued that — due to the simple internal structure of Wolf-Rayet stars — the post main sequence evolutionary phases are currently those which are better understood. A brief discussion of the supernova outcome from very massive stars is given. Then, the more uncertain main sequence evolution is discussed. A first attempt to incorporate results about pulsational instabilities of very massive stars in stellar evolutionary calculations is performed. On its basis, a new type of evolutionary sequence for very massive stars is obtained, namely O-star → Of-star → H-rich WNL → LBV → H-poor WNL → WNE → WC → SN. This scenario is shown to correspond better to many observed properties of very massive stars than the standard one. It includes a model for the prototype LBV P Cygni.  相似文献   

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