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The analysis of data taken by SUMER near disk center, where a small coronal hole is observed in EIT images, is performed. From the measurements of Doppler non-thermal velocities and intensities, we search for the diagnostics and the signature of small scale structures in the coronal hole using transition region lines. Transition region lines in the range of 7 × 104 K to 2.5 × 105 K have a non-thermal velocity excess of 4.0 to 5.5 km s-1 relative to the contiguous quiet Sun. While the average intensity is lower in the coronal hole than in the quiet area, this result shows an increase of turbulence at the base of the high speed solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Coronal hole boundaries are the interfaces between regions where the coronal magnetic field contains a significant component which is open into the heliosphere and regions where the field is primarily closed. It is pointed out that there are constraints on the magnetic field which opens into the heliosphere that must be satisfied in the corona: it must come into pressure equilibrium in the high corona, and the component of the field which connects to the polar regions of the Sun must differentially rotate. A model is presented in which satisfying these constraints determines which field lines are open and which are closed, and thus where the polar coronal hole boundaries occur. Some of the consequences of this model are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summarized below are the discussions of working group 3 on "Coronal hole boundaries and interactions with adjacent regions" which took place at the 7th SOHO workshop in Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA, 28 September to 1 October 1998. A number of recent observational and theoretical results were presented during the discussions to shed light on different aspects of coronal hole boundaries. The working group also included presentations on streamers and coronal holes to emphasis the difference between the plasma properties in these regions, and to serve as guidelines for the definition of the boundaries. Observations, particularly white light observations, show that multiple streamers are present close to the solar limb at all times. At some distance from the sun, typically below 2 R, these streamers merge into a relatively narrow sheet as seen, for example, in LASCO and UVCS images. The presence of multiple current sheets in interplanetary space was also briefly addressed. Coronal hole boundaries were defined as the abrupt transition from the bright appearing plasma sheet to the dark coronal hole regions. Observations in the inner corona seem to indicate a transition of typically 10 to 20 degrees, whereas observations in interplanetary space, carried out from Ulysses, show on one hand an even faster transition of less than 2 degrees which is in agreement with earlier Helios results. On the other hand, these observations also show that the transition happens on different scales, some of which are significantly larger. The slow solar wind is connected to the streamer belt/plasma sheet, even though the discussions were still not conclusive on the point where exactly the slow solar wind originates. Considered the high variability of plasma characteristics in slow wind streams, it seems most likely that several types of coronal regions produce slow solar wind, such as streamer stalks, streamer legs and open field regions between active regions, and maybe even regions just inside of the coronal holes. Observational and theoretical studies presented during the discussions show evidence that each of these regions may indeed contribute to the solar slow wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Polar coronal holes represent the most convincing site from which the high-speed solar wind originates. Here we report high-accuracy Doppler shifts measured in the O VI (1037.6 Å) line obtained by SUMER on SOHO inside an interplume region within the south polar coronal hole. We infer limits on the outflow velocity and draw hints about the flow geometry.  相似文献   

We compared the H I Lyα polar coronal hole profiles obtained during the three Spartan 201 flights (in 1993, 1994, and 1995) and during the more recent UVCS/SOHO mission. We found that at 2.1 R there are no significant variations of the line shape over the several years of the descending phase of the solar cycle. However, there may be some evidence for the 1.8 R profiles being broader towards solar minimum. The profiles at 2.1 R are different from profiles obtained at 1.8 R; they have clearly narrower cores and wide wings. We fitted the profiles with single and/or multiple Gaussian functions and calculated their typical 1/e half widths. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We derive electron temperature and density as a function of height up to 0.2 R above the limb in polar coronal holes, using five EUV data sets recorded by the SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer between July 1997 and February 1998. Radial T and N distributions, averaged in a 2° to 10° range of position angles, are the same above the North and South coronal holes. They do not show any time variability over a period of seven months. Polar plumes are found to have lower electron temperature and higher density than the interplume lanes. The electron density slope suggests that the proton temperatures are twice as high as the electron temperatures. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An equatorial coronal hole has been observed on 18 and 19 October 1996 with SOHO-CDS and with the Nancąy Radioheliograph (RH). The CDS EUV line intensities are used to determine the coronal hole Differential Emission Measure (DEM); in turn this is used to compute the radio brightness temperature Tb at the observed frequencies, leaving the coronal electron temperature and density as free parameters. EUV line intensities, calculated from the derived models, show a good agreement with EUV observations. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We analyzed UVCS/SOHO data and compared the H I Lyα (121.6 nm) and O VI (103.2 nm, 103.7 nm) emission in the polar and equatorial coronal holes. We found that the emission lines have similar characteristics in these two types of coronal holes. Both types show evidence for superradially diverging boundaries. The latitudinal distribution of the O VI line ratio may indicate that the equatorial coronal hole has O+5 outflow velocities lower than in the polar coronal holes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Results from a series of SOHO/Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) observations of coronal holes and plumes are presented, including analysis of a low-latitude plume observed in August 1996. Spectroscopic diagnostic techniques using the CHIANTI atomic database are applied to derive the plasma parameters: electron density, temperature, and element abundances. The results are compared with quiet sun values. Coronal electron densities in the holes are found to be about 2 × 108 cm-3, a factor of two to three lower than in the quiet sun. The plasma thermal distribution exhibits differences between coronal holes, the quiet sun and plumes. For example, the peak of the emission in coronal holes is at a lower temperature (T ⋍ 8 × 105 K) than in the quiet sun (T ⋍ 1 × 106 K), while plumes are cooler (T ⋍ 7.6 × 105 K) and show a different distribution, closer to an isothermal state. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Spartan 201 flights from 1993 to 1995 provided us with observations in H I Lyman-α of several coronal hole/streamer boundaries and adjacent streamers during the declining phase of the current solar cycle: Analysis of the latitudinal dependence of the line intensities clearly shows that there is a boundary region at the coronal hole/streamer interface where the H I Lyman-α intensity reaches a minimum value. Similar results are also found in UVCS/SOHO observations. We also discuss differences in the coronal hole/streamer boundaries for different types of streamers and their changes over the three year period of Spartan 201 observations. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using the Mass Time-of-Flight Spectrometer (MTOF)—part of the Charge, Elements, Isotope Analysis System (CELIAS)—onboard the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, we derive the nickel isotopic composition for the isotopes with mass 58, 60 and 62 in the solar wind. In addition we measure the elemental abundance ratio of nickel to iron. We use data accumulated during ten years of SOHO operation to get sufficiently high counting statistics and compare periods of different solar wind velocities. We compare our values with the meteoritic ratios, which are believed to be a reliable reference for the solar system and also for the solar outer convective zone, since neither element is volatile and no isotopic fractionation is expected in meteorites. Meteoritic isotopic abundances agree with the terrestrial values and can thus be considered to be a reliable reference for the solar isotopic composition. The measurements show that the solar wind elemental Ni/Fe-ratio and the isotopic composition of solar wind nickel are consistent with the meteoritic values. This supports the concept that low-FIP elements are fed without relative fractionation into the solar wind. Our result also confirms the absence of substantial isotopic fractionation processes for medium and heavy ions acting in the solar wind.  相似文献   

This paper presents a short summary of observations of coronal structures at microwaves using an instrument with high spatial resolution and good wavelength coverage. The comparison of the RATAN-600 data with optical observations of coronal loops in the green line and with the Very Large Array maps at 21 cm has shown that the loops represent only a small part of coronal matter, although their role may be of great importance in the physics of the solar corona. Prominence (filament) associated sources, especially peculiar ones, are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole of three inclination angles and three spacing between holes are presented which described the discharge behavior of a row of holes. The inlet and outlet of the 3-in-1 hole both have a 15° lateral expansion. The flow conditions considered are mainstream turbulence intensities and density ratios of secondary flow to mainstream. The momentum flux ratios varied in the range from 1 to 4. The comparison is made of the discharge coefficients of three shaped holes to find an optimal hole with low flow loss. The results show that the discharge coefficients of 3-in- 1 hole are highest in three shaped holes and therefore this article is focused on the measurements of discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole for various geometries and aerodynamic parameters. The measured results of 3-in-1 hole indicate that turbulence intensities, density ratios and momentum flux ratios have weak influence on discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 20°. The high turbulence intensity yields the small discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased both momentum flux ratios and density ratios lead to the increased discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased inclination angle causes the rapidly increased discharge coefficients. There is a weak dependence of discharge coefficients on hole pitches.  相似文献   

为解决双向喇叭形金属微小孔阵列的高效低成本制造难题,提出了一种基于镂空型惰性金属模板的、由电铸加工与掩模电解加工步骤串接而成的组合式加工方法。基于建立的数学模型,在证实该组合加工可行性的基础上,进一步仿真分析与试验研究了惰性金属模板结构参数对被加工孔阵列几何结构形状的影响规律,并进行了参数优选,数值分析与试验结果基本一致。研究结果表明:被加工孔阵列的几何特征参数严重受惰性金属模板结构参数的影响;采用大厚度、大于90°开口角的惰性金属模板有利于获得最小孔径更小且出入口廓形对称性更好的双向喇叭形孔;模板筋宽越小,越易于实现大孔深、高对称性的双向喇叭孔;模板孔径越大,喇叭孔金属层的极限厚度越大,但出入口廓形的对称性越差。此外,在小筋宽、90°开口角的惰性金属模板上更易电解加工生成""形喇叭孔。基于优化的惰性金属模板,能电铸-电解组合加工出出入口廓形对称性好的、最小孔径比被复制模板孔小的、网片厚度大且表面光滑的双向喇叭形金属微小孔阵列,其进出口的对称度、孔径偏差与出口相对于最小孔径的扩口率等分别为88.8%、9.7%和110.1%。  相似文献   

基于3J33C弹性合金小孔镗削温度测量实验及Advant Edge有限元温度仿真试验,验证了有限元模型及结果的可靠性,得到其不同镗削参数时基体最高温度的变化规律及温度范围。基于有限元仿真结果建立了3J33C小孔镗削的温度经验公式,结果表明,随着镗削转速、进给速度及径向切深的增大,镗削温度都呈现升高趋势,并且在这三个因素中镗削转速影响最大,进给速度影响次之,径向切深影响最小。  相似文献   

为满足管线通过、减重、维修等需求,通常需要在结构上开孔。基于Patran和Nastran软件,针对剪切载荷下的四边简支开孔矩形平板,对其在不同开孔位置下的稳定性及口边应力集中情况进行仿真分析,并整理仿真分析结果,得到不同开孔位置对矩形平板剪切稳定性和口边应力集中的影响,供结构开孔设计使用。  相似文献   

CFRP和钛合金叠层构件以其优异的性能广泛应用于航空、航天、汽车等领域。二者由于材料加工特性的差异,需要采用不同的钻削工艺参数才能获得满意的加工质量。为保证孔同轴度和加工效率,通常采用同一参数一体钻孔。一体钻孔会导致孔的界面烧伤、复材表面划伤、孔径一致性差等问题。为解决上述问题,提出一种低温钻孔工艺,通过钻削试验,研究低温条件下CFRP/钛合金叠层构件钻孔的轴向力、孔径一致性和表面质量。试验表明,低温条件下CFRP/钛合金叠层构件钻孔的轴向力增加,孔径一致性和表面质量均得到改善,证明了低温下CFRP/钛合金叠层构件一体钻孔的可行性。  相似文献   

兰泽宇  余欢  徐志锋  帅亮  胡银生 《航空学报》2021,42(9):424488-424488
对基于真空气压浸渗法制备的三维五向、三维正交、叠层穿刺和2.5D浅交直联4种不同编织结构Cf/Al复合材料,分别在350℃和400℃下进行压缩试验,分析其高温压缩性能以及温度对复合材料压缩性能的影响,并进一步利用SEM观察叠层穿刺结构的断口形貌,探讨其压缩失效机理。结果表明,不同编织结构的复合材料在高温环境下压缩性能差异较大,三维正交结构的压缩强度最高,在350℃和400℃下分别为351.4 MPa和288.6 MPa;2.5D浅交直联结构的压缩强度最低,分别为87.3 MPa和52.2 MPa。同时不同编织结构的Cf/Al复合材料高温稳定性也存在较大差异,当温度由350℃升高到400℃时,2.5D浅交直联结构的压缩强度下降幅度较大,约为40.2%,其高温压缩稳定性较差;叠层穿刺结构的压缩强度下降幅度较小,约为4.0%,其高温压缩稳定性较好。叠层穿刺结构复合材料的高温压缩失效过程根据切线模量特征可分为两个阶段:第一阶段基体合金承受主要载荷,第二阶段基体与增强纤维共同承受载荷。  相似文献   

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