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A new approach for the prediction of lift, drag, and moment coefficients is presented. This approach is based on the support vector machines (SVMs) methodology and an optimization meta-heuristic algorithm called extended great deluge (EGD). The novelty of this approach is the hybridization between the SVM and the EGD algorithm. The EGD is used to optimize the SVM parameters. The training and validation of this new identification approach is realized using the aerodynamic coefficients of an ATR-42 wing model. The aerodynamic coefficients data are obtained with the XFoil software and experimental tests using the Price–Pa?doussis wind tunnel. The predicted results with our approach are compared with those from the XFoil software and experimental results for different flight cases of angles of attack and Mach numbers. The main pur-pose of this methodology is to rapidly predict aircraft aerodynamic coefficients.  相似文献   

To investigate the longitudinal motion stability of aircraft maneuvers conveniently, a new stability analysis approach is presented in this paper. Based on describing longitudinal aerodynamics at high angle-of-attack (a < 50 ) motion by polynomials, a union structure of two-order differential equation is suggested. By means of nonlinear theory and method, analytical and global bifurcation analyses of the polynomial differential systems are provided for the study of the nonlinear phenomena of high angle-of-attack flight. Applying the theories of bifurcations, many kinds of bifurcations, such as equilibrium, Hopf, homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbit and double limit cycle bifurcations are discussed and the existence conditions for these bifurcations as well as formulas for calculating bifurcation curves are derived. The bifurcation curves divide the parameter plane into several regions; moreover, the complete bifurcation diagrams and phase portraits in different regions are obtained. Finally, our conclusions are applied to analyzing the stability and bifurcations of a practical example of a high angle-of-attack flight as well as the effects of elevator deflection on the asymptotic stability regions of equilibrium. The model and analytical methods presented in this paper can be used to study the nonlinear flight dynamic of longitudinal stall at high angle of attack.  相似文献   

The modern high performance air vehicles are required to have extreme maneuverability,which includes the ability of controlled maneuvers at high angle of attack. However, the nonlinear and unsteady aerodynamic phenomena, such as flow separation, vortices interaction, and vortices breaking down, will occur during the flight at high angle of attack, which could induce the uncommanded motions for the air vehicles. For the high maneuverable and agile air missile, the nonlinear roll motions would occur at the high angle of attack. The present work is focused on the selfinduced nonlinear roll motion for a missile configuration and discusses the influence of the strake wings on the roll motion according to the results from free-to-roll test and PIV measurement using the models assembled with different strake wings at a = 60°. The free-to-roll results show that the model with whole strake wings(baseline), the model assembled with three strake wings(Case A)and the model assembled with two opposite strake wings(Case C) experience the spinning, while the model assembled with two adjacent strake wings(Case B), the model assembled with one strake wing(Case D) and the model with no strake wing(Case E) trim or slightly vibrate at a certain ×rolling angle, which mean that the rolling stability can be improved by dismantling certain strake wings. The flow field results from PIV measurement show that the leeward asymmetric vortices are induced by the windward strake wings. The vortices would interact the strake wings and induce crossflow on the downstream fins to degrade the rolling stability of the model. This could be the main reason for the self-induced roll motion of the model at a = 60°.  相似文献   

Bifurcation analysis and stability design for aircraft longitudinal motion are investigated when the nonlinearity in flight dynamics takes place severely at high angle of attack regime. To predict the special nonlinear flight phenomena, bifurcation theory and continuation method are employed to systematically analyze the nonlinear motions. With the refinement of the flight dynamics for F-8 Crusader longitudinal motion, a framework is derived to identify the stationary bifurcation and dynamic bifurcation for high-dimensional system. Case study shows that the F-8longitudinal motion undergoes saddle node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation, Zero-Hopf bifurcation and branch point bifurcation under certain conditions. Moreover, the Hopf bifurcation renders series of multiple frequency pitch oscillation phenomena, which deteriorate the flight control stability severely. To relieve the adverse effects of these phenomena, a stabilization control based on gain scheduling and polynomial fitting for F-8 longitudinal motion is presented to enlarge the flight envelope. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

A theoretical nonlinear aeroelastic response analysis for a flexible high-aspect ratio wing excited by harmonic gust load is presented along with a companion wind tunnel test. A multidisci-plinary coupled numerical calculation is developed to simulate the flexible model wing undergoing gust load in the time domain via discrete nonlinear finite element structural dynamic analysis and nonplanar unsteady vortex lattice aerodynamic computation. A dynamic perturbation analysis about a nonlinear static equilibrium is also used to determine the small perturbation flutter bound-ary. A novel noncontact 3-D camera measurement analysis system is firstly used in the wind tunnel test to obtain the spatial large deformation and responses. The responses of the flexible wing under different static equilibrium states and frequency gust loads are discussed. The fair to good quanti-tative agreements between the theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the presented analysis method is an acceptable way to predict the geometrically nonlinear gust response for flex-ible wings.  相似文献   

This paper calculated load carrying of isogrid and orthogrid of carbon epoxy composite trellis wound
structure (C/ E CTWS) using non linear finite element method. Based on the analysis, test cases were designed and
tests of axial compression were carried. Analysis result and test result fit well. In order to be used in the project, this
kind of structure cut out repairing was calculated. The method presented in this paper has been proved and can be used
to solve complicated engineering problems. According to calculations and experimental results combined with applica
tion, a principle of choosing wound structure is obtained and principle could be applied to engineering.

飞机大迎角非定常气动力建模研究进展   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
汪清  钱炜祺  丁娣 《航空学报》2016,37(8):2331-2347
准确建立非定常气动力数学模型,是飞机大迎角飞行控制律设计、飞行动力学分析和飞行仿真的基础与前提。鉴于此,对大迎角非定常气动力建模研究进展,包括数学建模方法和人工智能建模方法两类进行了系统综述。其中:数学类建模方法是以对非定常流动现象和机理认识为基础的,主要有气动导数模型、非线性阶跃响应模型、状态空间模型、微分方程模型、非线性阶跃响应与状态空间混合模型以及迎角速率模型等;人工智能方法回避了复杂流动机理,属于黑箱非线性系统建模,主要有神经网络模型、模糊逻辑模型和支持向量机模型等。对于每种气动力模型,阐述了其建模思路和方法,给出了典型应用情况,并对其特点和局限性作了简要评述。最后,指出了当前大迎角非定常气动力建模研究工作存在的问题和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Responding to a need for experimental data on a standard wind tunnel model at high angles of attack in the supersonic speed range, and in the absence of suitable reference data, a series of tests of two HB-2 standard models of different sizes was performed in the T-38 trisonic wind tunnel of Vojnotehnickˇi Institut(VTI), in the Mach number range 1.5–4.0, at angles of attack up to+30°. Tests were performed at relatively high Reynolds numbers of 2.2 millions to 4.5 millions(based on model forebody diameter). Results were compared with available low angle of attack data from other facilities, and, as a good agreement was found, it was assumed that, by implication, the obtained high angle of attack results were valid as well. Therefore, the results can be used as a reference database for the HB-2 model at high angles of attack in the supersonic speed range, which was not available before. The results are presented in comparison with available reference data, but also contain data for some Mach numbers not given in other publications.  相似文献   

Common, unsteady aerodynamic modeling methods usually use wind tunnel test data from forced vibration tests to predict stable hysteresis loop. However, these methods ignore the initial unstable process of entering the hysteresis loop that exists in the actual maneuvering process of the aircraft. Here, an excitation input suitable for nonlinear system identification is introduced to model unsteady aerodynamic forces with any motion in the amplitude and frequency ranges based on the Least Squares ...  相似文献   

采用某飞机大迎角大振幅运动风洞实验结果,分析了大迎角非定常空气动力的一些特性。结果表明,飞机机动飞行时多自由度运动的气动特性比单自由度运动复杂,耦合运动时的气动特性和两个单自由度运动的气动特性的叠加结果相比有一定差别。此外,旋转天平实验结果同本实验的结果相比差别较大。  相似文献   

推力矢量对飞机大迎角动态气动特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
汤伟  黄勇  傅澔 《航空学报》2018,39(4):121648-121648
推力矢量是提高战斗机大迎角动态气动特性,提升其过失速机动能力和飞行品质的重要手段。新一代战斗机的高机动性要求也使气动和推力矢量的融合控制研究日益重要。针对中国空气动力研究与发展中心∅3.2 m开口低速风洞,研制了喷流模拟器和通气动态试验装置,建立了带推力矢量的大迎角动态试验技术。开展了不同减缩频率、不同落压比、不同喷管偏角时的大迎角俯仰振荡运动特性试验研究。结果表明:与无喷流试验相比,带喷流时模型的动态特性均随着落压比和喷管偏角的变化呈现规律性的变化;力和力矩系数形成的迟滞曲线面积随着落压比和偏角的增加而增加;减缩频率的变化对模型的动态特性影响小于无喷流时的影响。总的来说,推力矢量的影响未改变模型大迎角动态特性的基本规律,但是随着推力矢量角度和大小的变化,有规律地改变了模型动态气动力和力矩的变化幅度。  相似文献   

非稳定动态过程非定常气动力建模   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈森林  高正红  朱新奇  庞超  杜一鸣  陈树生 《航空学报》2020,41(8):123675-123675
现有的大迎角非定常气动力建模方法,通常是以一个或多个频率的稳定振动试验数据来预测稳定滞环。然而,飞机快速机动如过失速机动的过程,不可能是持续的稳定振动,而是一个非稳定的动态过程。因此,这个过程中的气动力不会达到稳定滞环,而是始终处于进入滞环的初始非稳定过程中。基于振动理论分析得出,非定常气动力的动态响应过程存在非稳定和稳定两个阶段,传统建模方法着眼于稳定阶段,而飞机的真实机动过程在非稳定阶段。设计了一种适于非线性系统辨识的激励输入,并以最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)方法为例,实现了在大迎角区幅值和频率范围内任意运动的非定常气动力建模。模型训练完成后,用来预测某机翼在不同基准状态下大迎角范围内做俯仰运动时的升力系数、阻力系数和俯仰力矩系数。结果表明,不仅稳定滞环实现了准确预测,进入滞环的初始非稳定过程也得到了准确预测;此外,基准状态对气动力在初始非稳定过程中的特性存在明显影响。进一步的验证还表明,基于稳定滞环数据只能预测到稳定滞环,无法预测进入滞环的非稳定过程。  相似文献   

大迎角非定常气动力建模方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以战斗机俯仰机动为例,建立了飞机大迎角非定常气动力模型,包括非线性代数模型、Fourier函数分析模型、状态空间模型、差分方程模型以及模糊逻辑模型.并用SDM标模大振幅俯仰振荡非定常气动力风洞试验数据对模型参数进行了辨识,验证了模型的有效性.从模型物理意义、参数辨识难易程度及模型通用性和精确度等方面对几种非定常气动力模型进行了比较研究.  相似文献   

魏中成  王海峰  袁兵  李盈盈 《航空学报》2020,41(12):124434-124434
针对单发鸭式布局飞机,通过低速风洞试验,研究了矢量喷流对飞机大迎角气动力的影响特性。研究结果表明:发动机喷口直径变大使得飞机大迎角升力和阻力系数增加,并产生低头力矩系数。喷流使得飞机大迎角升力和阻力系数明显增加,并产生低头力矩系数;大喷口状态喷流影响比小喷口状态高50%左右。发动机喷管上/下偏转时,矢量喷流对飞机上下表面气流诱导不对称,喷管上偏减小升力和阻力系数、产生抬头力矩系数,喷管下偏增加升力和阻力系数、产生低头力矩系数,且喷管下偏影响明显比上偏大。在此基础上,基于数值模拟结果对喷流与飞机主流的相互作用机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

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