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Ultrastructural changes in osteocytes in microgravity conditions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined the histology and morphometry of biosamples (biopsies) of the iliac crest of monkeys, flown 14 days aboard the "Bion-11", using electron microscopy. We found, that some young osteocytes take part in the activation of collagen protein biosynthesis in the adaptive remodeling process of the bone tissue to microgravity conditions. Osteocyte lacunae filled with collagen fibrils; this correlates with fibrotic osteoblast reorganization in such zones. The osteolytic activity in mature osteocytes is intensified. As a result of osteocyte destruction, the quantity of empty osteocytic lacunae in the bone tissue increases.  相似文献   

Space and clinostatic experiments revealed that changes of plant cell wall structure and its function depend on type of tissue and duration of influence. It was shown that clinostat conditions reproduce the part of weightlessness biological effects. It is established that various responses of wall structural-metabolic organization occur at microgravity: changes of cell walls ultrastructure and organelles structure; decrease of synthesis of primary plant cell wall; rearrangements of polysaccharides content. It is shown that mechanisms of plant cell wall changes at microgravity are connected with decrease of cellulose crystallization, activation of pectolytic enzymes and rearrangement of calcium balance of apoplast and cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Cell metabolism, secretion and cell-cell interactions can be altered during space flight. Early radiobiology experiments have demonstrated synergistic effects of radiation and microgravity as indicated by increased mutagenesis, increased chromosome aberrations, inhibited development, and retarded growth. Microgravity-induced changes in immune cell functions include reduced blastogenesis and cell-mediated, delayed-type hypersensitivity responses, increased cytokine secretions, but inhibited cytotoxic effects and macrophage differentiation. These effects are important because of the high radiosensitivity of immune cells. It is difficult to compare ground studies with space radiation biology experiments because of the complexity of the space radiation environment, types of radiation damage and repair mechanisms. Altered intracellular functions and molecular mechanisms must be considered in the design and interpretation of space radiation experiments. Critical steps in radiocarcinogenesis could be affected. New cell systems and hardware are needed to determine the biological effectiveness of the low dose rate, isotropic, multispectral space radiation and the potential usefulness of radioprotectants during space flight.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of two ciliate species, Paramecium caudatum and Didinium nasutum was analyzed under microgravity and hypergravity. In Paramecium the differences between former upward and downward swimming rates disappeared under weightlessness. At microgravity the swimming rates equalled those of horizontally swimming cells at 1g. In contrast, the swimming rates of Didinium increased under microgravity conditions, being larger than horizontal swimming rates at 1g. These findings are in accordance with a hypothesis of gravireception in ciliates based on electrophysiological data, which considers the different topology of mechanoreceptor channels in theses species. The hypothesis received further support by data recorded under hypergravity conditions.  相似文献   

Results obtained from nine experiments performed onboard Russian biosatellites have shown that microgravity promotes tissue regeneration in the newt, Pleurodeles waltl. The effect has been reproduced in all flights and on a clinostat as well for eye tissues (lens and retina), limbs and tail. The effect was demonstrated in 1.5- to 2-fold increase in cell proliferation in the early stages of regeneration in space flight. Animals "flown" intact and operated after flight regenerated faster than control ones and showed long-lasting micro-"g" effect. The most recent experiment flew aboard the Bion-11 biosatellite. This test was performed for study on microgravity effect on neural retina regeneration after optic nerve lesioning in the newt. Obtained results confirmed our previous information about intensification of regenerative processes in detached neural retina in urodela exposed to simulated weightlessness (Grigoryan et al., 1998). In particular, we found the increase and activation of cell populations participating in neural retina restoration and maintenance of retinal structure. Our findings suggest that promoting effect of microgravity upon regeneration could be influenced by several factors, largely influenced by a response of the whole organism to changed gravity vector. We hypothesized the synthesis of the specific range of stress proteins induced by micro-"g" and their regulative role in cell proliferation. Such a hypothesis for the existence of "altered gravity stress proteins" is discussed.  相似文献   

To study the effects of weightlessness on mouse fetal long bone rudiment growth and mineralization we have developed a tissue culture system for the Biorack facility of Spacelab. The technique uses standard liquid tissue culture medium, supplemented with NA-beta-glycerophosphate, confined in gas permeable polyethylene bags mounted inside ESA Biorack Type I experiment containers. The containers can be flushed with an air/5% CO2 gas mixture necessary for the physiological bicarbonate buffer used. Small amounts of fluid can be introduced at the beginning (e.g. radioactive labels for incorporation studies) or at the end of the experiment (fixatives). A certain form of mechanical stimulation (continuous compression) can be used to counteract the, possibly, adverse effect of microgravity. Using 16 day old metatarsals the in vitro calcification process under microgravity conditions can be studied for a 4 day period.  相似文献   

We examined the peculiarities of the structure of the blood-vascular bed and perivascular cells in zones of osteogenesis in the epiphyses and metaphises of femoral bones of rats, flown aboard the US laboratory SLS-2 for two weeks by electron microscopy and histochemistry. In zones of bone remodeling, there was a tendency for a reduction of sinusoid capillary specific volume. Endotheliocytes preserve the typical structure. In the population of perivascular cells, we discovered differentiating osteogenic cells that contained alkaline phosphomonoesterase as well as cells that don't contain this enzyme and differentiate into fibroblasts. The fibroblasts genesis in zones of adaptive remodeling of spongy bones leads to a further development of fibrous tissue that is not subject to mineralization.  相似文献   

Gravity and radiation are undoubtedly the two major environmental factors altered in space. Gravity is a weak force, which creates a permanent potential field acting on the mass of biological systems and their cellular components, strongly reduced in space flights. Developmental systems, particularly at very early stages, provide the larger cellular compartments known, where the effects of alterations in the size of the gravity vector on living organisms can be more effectively tested. The insects, one of the more highly evolved classes of animals in which early development occurs in a syncytial embryo, are systems particularly well suited to test these effects and the specific developmental mechanisms affected. Furthermore, they share some basic features such as small size, short life cycles, relatively high radio-resistance, etc. and show a diversity of developmental strategies and tempos advantageous in experiments of this type in space. Drosophila melanogaster, the current biological paradigm to study development, with so much genetic and evolutionary background available, is clearly the reference organism for these studies. The current evidence on the effects of the physical parameters altered in space flights on insect development indicate a surprising correlation between effects seen on the fast developing and relatively small Drosophila embryo and the more slowly developing and large Carausius morosus system. In relation to the issue of the importance of developmental and environmental constraints in biological evolution, still the missing link in current evolutionary thinking, insects and space facilities for long-term experiments could provide useful experimental settings where to critically assess how development and evolution may be interconnected. Finally, it has to be pointed out that since there are experimental data indicating a possible synergism between microgravity and space radiation, possible effects of space radiation should be taken into account in the planning and evaluation of experiments designed to test the potential role of microgravity on biological developmental and evolution.  相似文献   

Dilute solutions of CaCl2 and KH2PO4 + K2HPO4 were diffusing from either side into a mixing chamber with KCl solution. The microgravity experiment yielded aggregates of large crystals of OCP (Ca8H2(PO4)3,5H2O) and spherolites of smaller, but still visible crystals of HAP (Ca5OH(PO4)3), the stable final phase. Ground-based experiments yielded submicroscopic HAP crystals. Results of calculations of diffusion and crystal growth on the basis of previous knowledge agree well with observations.  相似文献   

To test whether gravity is required for normal amphibian development, Xenopus laevis females were induced to ovulate aboard the orbiting Space Shuttle. Eggs were fertilized in vitro, and although early embryonic stages showed some abnormalities, the embryos were able to regulate and produce nearly normal larvae. These results demonstrate for the first time that a vertebrate can ovulate in the virtual absence of gravity, and that the eggs can develop to a free-living stage.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted as part of a risk mitigation payload aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis on STS-101. The objectives were to test a newly developed water delivery system, and to determine the optimal combination of water volume and substrate for the imbibition and germination of flax (Linum usitatissimum) seeds in space. Two different combinations of germination paper were tested for their ability to absorb, distribute, and retain water in microgravity. A single layer of thick germination paper was compared with one layer of thin germination paper under a layer of thick paper. Paper strips were cut to fit snugly into seed cassettes, and seeds were glued to them with the micropyle ends pointing outward. Water was delivered in small increments that traveled through the paper via capillary action. Three water delivery volumes were tested, with the largest (480 microliters) outperforming the 400 microliters and 320 microliters volumes for percent germination (90.6%) and root growth (mean=4.1 mm) during the 34-hour spaceflight experiment. The ground control experiment yielded similar results, but with lower rates of germination (84.4%) and shorter root lengths (mean=2.8 mm). It is not clear if the roots emerged more quickly in microgravity and/or grew faster than the ground controls. The single layer of thick germination paper generally exhibited better overall growth than the two layered option. Significant seed position effects were observed in both the flight and ground control experiments. Overall, the design of the water delivery system, seed cassettes and the germination paper strip concept was validated as an effective method for promoting seed germination and root growth under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

Early development of fern gametophytes in microgravity.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Dormant spores of the fern Ceratopteris richardii were flown on Shuttle mission STS-93 to evaluate the effects of micro-g on their development and on their pattern of gene expression. Prior to flight the spores were sterilized and sown into one of two environments: (1) Microscope slides in a video-microscopy module; and (2) Petri dishes. All spores were then stored in darkness until use. Spore germination was initiated on orbit after exposure to light. For the spores on microscope slides, cell level changes were recorded through the clear spore coat of the spores by video microscopy. After their exposure to light, spores in petri dishes were frozen in orbit at four different time points during which on earth gravity fixes the polarity of their development. Spores were then stored frozen in Biological Research in Canister units until recovery on earth. The RNAs from these cells and from 1-g control cells were extracted and analyzed on earth after flight to assay changes in gene expression. Video microscopy results revealed that the germinated spores developed normally in microgravity, although the polarity of their development, which is guided by gravity on earth, was random in space. Differential Display-PCR analyses of RNA extracted from space-flown cells showed that there was about a 5% change in the pattern of gene expression between cells developing in micro-g compared to those developing on earth.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-based system for non-invasive monitoring of cardiovascular system in simulated microgravity is described. The system evaluates automatically, accurately and interactively heart beat intervals, beat-to-beat non-invasive finger arterial blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, mean and pulse pressure) using a Finapres device and beat-to-beat changes of thoracic blood volume using impedance changes. In addition, beat-to-beat evaluation of cardiac mechanical function including left ventricular ejection time, diastolic time, systolic time intervals, left ventricular ejection fraction estimate and several other contractility parameters, left ventricular volume, stroke volume and cardiac output estimates are performed with high degree of automaticity.  相似文献   

A potato explant consisting of a leaf, its axillary bud, and a small segment of stem will develop a tuber in 10-14 days when grown on earth. The tubers develop from the axillary buds and accumulate starch derived from sugars produced through photosynthesis and/or mobilized from leaf tissue. Potato explants were harvested and maintained in the Astroculture (TM) unit, a plant growth chamber designed for spaceflight. The unit provides an environment with controlled temperature, humidity, CO2 level, light intensity, and a nutrient delivery system. The hardware was loaded onto the space shuttle Columbia 24 hours prior to the launch of the STS-73 mission. Explant leaf tissue appeared turgid and green for the first 11 days of flight, but then became chlorotic and eventually necrotic by the end of the mission. The same events occurred to ground control explants with approximately the same timing. At the end of the 16-day mission, tubers were present on each explant. The size and shape of the space-grown tubers were similar to the ground-control tubers. The arrangement of cells in the tuber interior and at the exterior in the periderm was similar in both environments. Starch and protein were present in the tubers grown in space and on the ground. The range in starch grain size was similar in tubers from both environments, but the distribution of grains into size classes differed somewhat, with the space-grown tubers having more small grains than the ground control tubers. Proteinaceous crystals were found in tubers formed in each condition.  相似文献   

In order to achieve perfect positioning of their lamellae for spore dispersal, fruiting bodies of higher fungi rely on the omnipresent force gravity. Only accurate negatively gravitropic orientation of the fruiting body cap will guarantee successful reproduction. A spaceflight experiment during the STS-55 Spacelab mission in 1993 confirmed that the factor gravity is employed for spatial orientation. Most likely every hypha in the transition zone between the stipe and the cap region is capable of sensing gravity. Sensing presumably involves slight sedimentation of nuclei which subsequently causes deformation of the net-like arrangement of F-actin filament strands. Hyphal elongation is probably driven by hormone-controlled activation and redistribution of vesicle traffic and vesicle incorporation into the vacuoles and cell walls to subsequently cause increased water uptake and turgor pressure. Stipe bending is achieved by way of differential growth of the flanks of the upper-most stipe region. After reorientation to a horizontal position, elongation of the upper flank hyphae decreases 40% while elongation of the lower flank slightly increases. On the cellular level gravity-stimulated vesicle accumulation was observed in hyphae of the lower flank.  相似文献   

Gravitropic tip growth of Chara rhizoids is dependent on the presence and functional interaction between statoliths, cytoskeleton and the tip-growth-organizing complex, the Spitzenkorper. Microtubules are essential for the polar cytoplasmic zonation but are excluded from the apex and do not play a crucial role in the primary steps of gravisensing and graviresponse. Actin filaments form a dense meshwork in the subapical zone and converge into a prominent apical actin patch which is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) aggregate representing the structural center of the Spitzenkorper. The position of the statoliths is regulated by gravity and a counteracting force mediated by actomyosin. Reducing the acceleration forces in microgravity experiments causes a basipetal displacement of the statoliths. Rhizoids grow randomly in all directions. However, they express the same cell shape and cytoplasmic zonation as ground controls. The ultrastructure of the Spitzenkorper, including the aggregation of ER, the assembly of vesicles in the apex, the polar distribution of proplastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes and ER cisternae in the subapical zone is maintained. The unaltered cytoskeletal organization, growth rates and gravitropic responsiveness indicate that microgravity has no major effect on gravitropic tip-growing Chara rhizoids. However, the threshold value of gravisensitivity might be different from ground controls due to the altered position of statoliths, a possibly reduced amount of BaSO4 in statoliths and a possible adaptation of the actin cytoskeleton to microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

A more complete understanding of the dynamics of capillary flow through an unsaturated porous medium would be useful for the development of an effective water and nutrient delivery system for the growth of plants in space. An experiment was conducted on the Mir Space Station that used an experimental cuvette called "Capillary Test Bed" to compare fluid migration under terrestrial laboratory conditions by positioning the cuvette such that the hydrostatic force is negated and on Mir under microgravity conditions. Differences in fluid migration in the cuvette were observed with migration being slower in microgravity compared with some ground control experiments.  相似文献   

The typical response of plant organs to gravistimulation is differential growth that leads to organ bending. If the gravitropic stimulus is withdrawn, endogenous compensation of the graviresponse and subsequent straightening occur in some plants. For instance, autonomic straightening of Lepidium roots occurs when gravitropically-curved rootsare rotated on a clinostat (Stankovi et al., 1998a). To determine whether endogenous compensation of the graviresponse also occurs in space, microgravity-grown cress roots were laterally centrifuged in-flight and then returned to microgravity using Biorack hardware on a shuttle mission (STS-81). The cress roots were centrifuged at 4 different g-doses (0.1 x g and 1 x g for 15 or 75 min). All four treatments yielded varying degrees of root curvature. Upon removal from the centrifuge, roots in all four treatments underwent subsequent straightening in microgravity. This straightening resulted from a loss of gravitropic curvature in older regions of the root and the coordinated alignment of new growth. These results show that both microgravity and clinostat rotation on Earth are equivalent in stimulus withdrawal with respect to the induction of endogenous compensation of the curvature. Cress roots are the only plant organ shown to undergo compensation of the curvature in both microgravity and on a clinostat. The compensation of graviresponse in space rules out the hypothesis that the endogenous root straightening ("autotropism") represents a commitment to a pre-stimulus orientation with respect to gravity and instead suggests that there is a default tendency towards axiality following a withdrawal of a g-stimulus.  相似文献   

Cultures of human liver cells in simulated microgravity environment.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We used microgravity-simulated bioreactors that create the unique environment of low shear force and high-mass transfer to establish long-term cultures of primary human liver cells (HLC). To assess the feasibility of establishing HLC cultures, human liver cells obtained either from cells dissociated by collagenase perfusion or minced tissues were cultured in rotating vessels. Formation of multidimensional tissue-like spheroids (up to 1.0 cm) comprised of hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells that arranged as bile duct-like structures along newly formed vascular sprouts were observed. Electron microscopy revealed clusters of round hepatocytes and bile canaliculi with multiple microvilli and tight junctions. Scanning EM revealed rounded hepatocytes that were organized in tight clusters surrounded by a complex mesh of extracellular matrix. Also, we observed that co-culture of hepatocytes with endothelial cells stimulate albumin mRNA expression. In summary, a simulated microgravity environment is conducive for the establishment of long-term HLC cultures and allows the dissection of the mechanism of liver regeneration and cell-to-cell interactions that resembles in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora crassa is thought to be an endogenously derived circadian oscillation; however, several investigators have suggested that circadian rhythms may, instead, be driven by some geophysical time cue(s). An experiment was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-9 in order to test this hypothesis; during the first 7-8 cycles in space, there were several minor alterations observed in the conidiation rhythm, including an increase in the period of the oscillation, an increase in the variability of the growth rate and a diminished rhythm amplitude, which eventually damped out in 25% of the flight tubes. On day seven of flight, the tubes were exposed to light while their growth fronts were marked. Some aspect of the marking process reinstated a robust rhythm in all the tubes which continued throughout the remainder of the flight. These results from the last 86 hours of flight demonstrated that the rhythm can persist in space. Since the aberrant rhythmicity occurred prior to the marking procedure, but not after, it was hypothesized that the damping on STS-9 may have resulted from the hypergravity pulse of launch. To test this hypothesis, we conducted investigations into the effects of altered gravitational forces on conidiation. Exposure to hypergravity (via centrifugation), simulated microgravity (via the use of a clinostat) and altered orientations (via alterations in the vector of a 1 g force) were used to examine the effects of gravity upon the circadian rhythm of conidiation.  相似文献   

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