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For estimating radiation risk in space flights it is necessary to determine radiation dose obtained by critical organs of a human body. For this purpose the experiments with human body models are carried out onboard spacecraft. These models represent phantoms equipped with passive and active radiation detectors which measure dose distributions at places of location of critical organs. The dosimetric Liulin-5 telescope is manufactured with using three silicon detectors for studying radiation conditions in the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the Russian segment of the International space station (ISS). The purpose of the experiment with Liulin-5 instrument is to study dynamics of the dose rate and particle flux in the phantom, as well as variations of radiation conditions on the ISS over long time intervals depending on a phase of the solar activity cycle, orbital parameters, and presence of solar energetic particles. The Liulin-5 dosimeter measures simultaneously the dose rate and fluxes of charged particles at three depths in the radial channel of the phantom, as well as the linear energy transfer. The paper presents the results of measurements of dose rate and particle fluxes caused by various radiation field components on the ISS during the period from June 2007 till December 2009.  相似文献   

The first European mission to Venus (Venus Express) is described. It is based on a repeated use of the Mars Express design with minor modifications dictated in the main by more severe thermal environment at Venus. The main scientific task of the mission is global exploration of the Venusian atmosphere, circumplanetary plasma, and the planet surface from an orbiting spacecraft. The Venus Express payload includes seven instruments, five of which are inherited from the missions Mars Express and Rosetta. Two instruments were specially designed for Venus Express. The advantages of Venus Express in comparison with previous missions are in using advanced instrumentation and methods of remote sounding, as well as a spacecraft with a broad spectrum of capabilities of orbital observations.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(5):247-250
In most of the modern on-ground data processing systems for remote sensing the digital signal conversions, on the analogy of the analog signal, are defined over a field of complex numbers, C, as the digital signal values (as well as those of the analog one) may be regarded as a subset of the field. Such an approach requires substantial computing and hardware expenses. For a signal defined in the finite range N (N = 0, 1, …, n − 1) most of the algorithms require the number of operations proportional to log N, N, N2 and even to greater powers of N. That is why the building up of the data processing system mathematical model with a minute number of computations, as well as the computations organization, is a problem of great importance. It is not always necessary to build up a model using transformations over the field C. These transformations may be also defined over some other (abstract) fields, e.g. over the finite field GF(p) or finite residue ring moduli M, ZM. This approach gives numerous advantages. They are discussed in the presented paper along with limitations of the approach. A series of the data processing system models are described. The design concepts for the on-ground images processing equipment are also discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a new database on positions of the auroral oval boundaries including measurements made by the IMAGE satellite in 2000–2002 with correct determination of the glow boundaries, statistical estimations of the latitudinal position of the polar cap boundary (PCB) are obtained depending on the IMF B y and B z , and the PCB evolution during a magnetic storm is analyzed. At zero IMF in the noon (midnight) sector, PCB is located approximately at 80° (76°) CGMLat. The PCB displacement along the noon-midnight meridian is controlled by the IMF B z , and in the noon (midnight) sector it is equal to 0.45° (0.15°) CGMLat when B z changes by 1 nT. The PCB displacement along the dawn-dusk meridian depends on the IMF B y , and it equals 0.1° CGMLat when B y changes by 1 nT. Accordingly, the north polar cap as a whole is shifted to the dawn (dusk) side at B y > 0 (B y <0). After northward turn of the IMF during the storm’s recovery phase, the PCB on the dayside is shifted to the north practically without time delay. The night boundary requires 25 h or more in order to be shifted to the pole to a latitude corresponding to B z > 0.  相似文献   

The Drake equation, first proposed by Frank D. Drake in 1961, is the foundational equation of SETI. It yields an estimate of the number N of extraterrestrial communicating civilizations in the Galaxy given by the product N=Ns×fp×ne×fl×fi×fc×fL, where: Ns is the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy; fp is the fraction of stars that have planetary systems; ne is the number of planets in a given system that are ecologically suitable for life; fl is the fraction of otherwise suitable planets on which life actually arises; fi is the fraction of inhabited planets on which an intelligent form of life evolves; fc is the fraction of planets inhabited by intelligent beings on which a communicative technical civilization develops; and fL is the fraction of planetary lifetime graced by a technical civilization.The first three terms may be called “the astrophysical terms” in the Drake equation since their numerical value is provided by astrophysical considerations. The fourth term, fl, may be called “the origin-of-life term” and entails biology. The last three terms may be called “the societal terms” inasmuch as their respective numerical values are provided by anthropology, telecommunication science and “futuristic science”, respectively.In this paper, we seek to provide a statistical estimate of the three societal terms in the Drake equation basing our calculations on the Statistical Drake Equation first proposed by this author at the 2008 IAC. In that paper the author extended the simple 7-factor product so as to embody Statistics. He proved that, no matter which probability distribution may be assigned to each factor, if the number of factors tends to infinity, then the random variable N follows the lognormal distribution (central limit theorem of Statistics). This author also proved at the 2009 IAC that the Dole (1964) [7] equation, yielding the number of Habitable Planets for Man in the Galaxy, has the same mathematical structure as the Drake equation. So the number of Habitable Planets follows the lognormal distribution as well. But the Dole equation is described by the first FOUR factors of the Drake equation. Thus, we may “divide” the 7-factor Drake equation by the 4-factor Dole equation getting the probability distribution of the last-3-factor Drake equation, i.e. the probability distribution of the SOCIETAL TERMS ONLY. These we study in detail in this paper, achieving new statistical results about the SOCIETAL ASPECTS OF SETI.  相似文献   

Equatorial radial distributions of plasma density in the 3 < L < 9 region of Saturn’s magnetosphere, obtained from measurements on the Cassini spacecraft, are considered on the basis of diffusion theory. The concentration of particles in the magnetic tubes is found to grow with L. The external source is located at L ? 9. The particles diffuse to Saturn. In the 5 < L < 9 interval the distribution is close to equilibrium. A relation between the diffusion coefficient and the densities of internal sources and losses is obtained in this interval. Prevalence of losses over sources is very probable. Estimates of the diffusion flux and its derivative are given. If the diffusion coefficient is expressed as D LL = D o L 3 and the contencentration of particles depends on L according to a power law, the diffusion rate is constant.  相似文献   

The Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE) program consists of three satellites which were launched on 16th August 1984. The scientific aim of the mission is to inject lithium and barium tracer ions inside and outside the Earth's magnetosphere and to detect and monitor these ions as they diffuse through the inner magnetosphere. The first of these three satellites, the U.S. Charge Composition Explorer (CCE) was launched into an elliptical orbit of apogee 8 Re. The other two satellites are the West German Ion Release Module (IRM) and the U.K. Subsatellite (UKS), both of which were launched on the same vehicle into a highly elliptical orbit of apogee 18 Re. At discreet intervals during the mission the IRM will release ions into the solar wind, and the movement of these ions will be monitored by the UKS. Depending on the particular scientific requirement, the UKS has to be positioned accurately at a given distance behind the IRM. Initially the UKS has to be located 100 km behind the IRM, and held there for ~9 months. It will then be moved a distance of ~1 Re behind the IRM. In order to manoeuvre the UKS around its orbit, a cold gas jet system is incorporated on the satellite, allowing impulses to be applied both along and perpendicular to the orbit velocity vector. The orbit control system also has to cater for relative orbit changes due to air drag at perigee, as the IRM and the UKS have different areamass ratios. This paper presents an account of the orbit control system implemented on the UKS, together with the mathematical approach adopted, and results from manoeuvres made in the first weeks of the mission.  相似文献   

The existence of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) and extraterrestrial scientific-technical civilization (STC) is of principal importance for CETI (communication with extraterrestrial intelligence) and SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence). According to Kardashev and Bracewell, the Earth-like STC in their farther development can expand to the nearby planetary systems of the Galaxy, creating galactic community (Bracewell's galactic club).In a previous paper the possibilities of the one-step relativistic rocket interstellar flight during the proper time of life of one-two generations of astronauts were analysed. The realization of such interstellar flights is very improbable, even to the nearest stars. These results could be true for the case of the comparatively short proper time of astronauts, i.e. large acceleration. But flights to the nearest stars could be realized with small and very small accelerations. In the present paper are calculated the proper times t in the reference systems connected with the astronauts (S2), as well as the times T in the reference systems (S1)-inertial, velocities v in S1, mass ratios, powers and energies for various flights, exhaust velocities u and accelerations a. Results are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The threshold values of the annual fluence of atomic oxygen (F AO ≈ 1020 cm?2), as well as the ratios of the energy-flux density of vacuum ultraviolet radiation of the solar spectrum to the flux density of atomic oxygen (Φ ν AO ≈ 8 × 10?15 mJ) were determined, which are characterized the influence of the synergistic effect on the mass loss of Kapton-H, PM-A, and PM-1E polyimide films, which are spacecraft materials.  相似文献   

This study examines how political activists are framing the space weaponization debate in Canada and whether their arguments can influence public attitudes and perceptions about the issue. Eighty university students from two undergraduate courses were recruited as participants in a quasi-experiment. One class (n = 38) was exposed to the documentary Masters of Space, an episode of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's program The Nature of Things, and another class (n = 42) served as the control group. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires were used to measure the effects of viewing anti-weaponization arguments in the media, while also controlling for the influence of prior beliefs and background characteristics of participants. Results suggest that visually depicting the use of satellite technology in society can convince viewers that satellites are important to their way of life, but not necessarily to the defense of North America. Framing missile defense as a ‘space weapon in disguise’ also seemed to raise opposition to Canada's participation in continental missile defense. The findings, meanwhile, indicate that viewers respond strongly to the issue of space debris and that mobilizing support for joint military space projects may best be achieved by emphasizing the usefulness of these projects for locating and tracking such debris. In the end, media exposure seemed to help legitimize anti-weaponization arguments based more on rational self-interests than on idealistic beliefs. These findings can have implications for the way space policies are communicated to the public.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to summarize the experimental data on the atmosphere of Venus obtained after 1985, when the VIRA (Venus International Reference Atmosphere) or COSPAR model was published. Among the most important results that have appeared since then are the following: measurements of the vertical temperature profile by the VEGA spacecraft with high precision and high altitude resolution; measurements made with balloons of the VEGA spacecraft; radio occultation measurements of Magellan, Venera-15, and Venera-16; and temperature profiles derived from the data of infrared spectrometry obtained by Venera-15. The new result as compared to VIRA is the creation of a model of the atmosphere in the altitude range 55 to 100 km dependent on local time. This model is presented in our paper in tabulated form.  相似文献   

Three opportunities for missions to rendezvous ballistically with the Earth-crossing asteroid Anteros are studied to illustrate the requirements for a trip to a near-Earth minor planet. The rationale, sample payload, spacecraft requirements and trajectory characteristics of these opportunities are typical of a rendezvous mission to an accessible near-Earth object. Round trip ballistic trajectories to return small samples of the asteroid with launch dates between 1985 and 2000 are also presented. Contours of minimum total ΔV drawn in the space of launch and arrival true anomalies, given the designation Prime Rib curves, are introduced as a useful tool for mission design.  相似文献   

The Sun mission of the German-US-sunprobe HELIOS-A, the first man-made satellite which approaches the Sun as close as 0.3 AU, covers now more than half a sun-cycle.Therefore the long term behaviour of surface materials which usually are applied on spacecraft as aluminized Teflon, Second-Surface-Mirrors (SSM) made from fused silica and Solar Cells (SC), under extreme stresses and combined loads, shall be evaluated.Based upon the temperature readings of the house-keeping data from HELIOS, a semi-quantitative relationship between the different loads (e.g. radiation, solar wind) and the spacecraft response was established using the results of the first four orbits.From these temperatures, α(t, T)-values were calculated. The related changes of the absorptance values are interpreted in terms of degradation and contamination of the surface materials concerned. Here, not only physico-chemical considerations and models but also the results from thorough ground tests are used to describe the experienced effects by a semi-theoretical function.Taking the derived α(t, T)-values, temperatures are calculated and a long term prediction for 20 orbits is made. The predicted temperature values are compared with the housekeeping data of 15 orbits, i.e. until 1982; the deviations are explained and the validity of the chosen model discussed.  相似文献   

Five hot flow anomalies (HFA) recorded by the Tail Probe of the INTERBALL satellite in 1996 are analyzed in present work. For the five chosen events the authors determined the characteristics of current sheets whose interaction with the bow shock front led to formation of an HFA, as well as the directions of external electric fields and the directions of motion of these HFAs over a shock front. The analysis of plasma convection in an HFA body is carried out; the average velocities of plasma motion in the HFA are determined in a coordinate system linked with the normal to a current layer and with the normal to the bow shock. According to the character of plasma convection in an HFA body, these five events may be divided into two types, which also differ in the direction of the motion over the front of the bow shock. In the first-type HFAs, the convection of plasma has a component directed from the intermediate region confirming its identification as a source of energy for the formation of an HFA. In the second-type HFAs, plasma motion from the intermediate region in leading and trailing parts is less expressed. This fact, as well as the great variation of peculiar velocities in the body of anomalies, allowed the assumption that second-type anomalies are nonstationary. Evidence is presented that the anomalies considered in the paper are bordered with shocks formed in solar wind passing a large-scale, decelerated body of heated plasma.  相似文献   

The RF SRC—Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, developed Biorisk hardware to study the effects of long-term exposure of dormant forms of various organisms to outer space and used it to complete a series of experiments on the Russian Module (RM) of the International Space Station (ISS).The experiments were performed using prokaryotes (Bacillus bacteria) and eukaryotes (Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium fungi), as well as spores, dormant forms of higher plants, insects, lower crustaceans, and vertebrates. The biological samples were housed in two containers that were exposed to outer space for 13 or 18 months. The results of the 18-month experiment showed that, in spite of harsher temperature than in the first study, most specimens remained viable.These experiments provided evidence that not only bacterial and fungal spores but also dormant forms of organisms that reached higher levels of evolutionary development had the capability to survive a long-term exposure to outer space. This observation suggests that they can be transferred on outer walls of space platforms during interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

The results of simultaneous analysis of plasma and magnetic field characteristics measured on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe, WIND and Geotail satellites on March 2, 1996, are presented. During these observations the INTERBALL/Tail Probe crossed the low-latitude boundary layer, and the WIND and Geotail satellites measured the solar wind’s and magnetosheath’s parameters, respectively. The plasma and magnetic field characteristics in these regions have been compared. The data of the Corall, Electron, and MIF instruments on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe satellite are analyzed. Fluctuations of the magnetic field components and plasma velocity in the solar wind and magnetosheath, measured onboard the WIND and Geotail satellites, are compared. The causes resulting in appearance of plasma jet flows in the low-latitude boundary layer are analyzed. The amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations in the magnetosheath for a studied magnetosphere boundary crossing is shown to exceed the magnetic field value below the magnetopause near the cusp. The possibility of local violation of pressure balance on the magnetopause is discussed, as well as penetration of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere, as a result of magnetic field and plasma flux fluctuations in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

Reduction of flight duration after insertion till docking to the ISS is considered. In the beginning of the human flight era both the USSR and the USA used short mission profiles due to limited life support resources. A rendezvous during these missions was usually achieved in 1–5 revolutions. The short-term rendezvous were made possible by the coordinated launch profiles of both rendezvousing spacecraft, which provided specific relative position of the spacecraft or phase angle conditions. After the beginning of regular flights to the orbital stations these requirements became difficult to fulfill. That is why it was decided to transfer to 1- or 2-day rendezvous profile. The long stay of a crew in a limited habitation volume of the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft before docking to the ISS is one of the most strained parts of the flight and naturally cosmonauts wish to dock to the ISS as soon as possible. As a result of previous studies the short four-burn rendezvous mission profile with docking in a few orbits was developed. It is shown that the current capabilities of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle and the Soyuz-TMA spacecraft are sufficient to provide for that. The first test of the short rendezvous mission during Progress cargo vehicle flight to the ISS is planned for 2012. Possible contingencies pertinent to this profile are described. In particular, in the majority of the emergency cases there is a possibility of an urgent transfer to the present 2-day rendezvous profile. Thus, the short mission will be very flexible and will not influence the ISS mission plan. Fuel consumption for the nominal and emergency cases is defined by statistical simulation of the rendezvous mission. The qualitative analysis of the short-term and current 2-day rendezvous missions is performed.  相似文献   

We consider the results of measurements of density and temperature of cold plasma in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere. The measurements were made by Interball-1 (Tail Probe) in November 1995, by Interball-2 (Auroral Probe) in August 1996 (the periods close to the solar cycle minimum), and by the Magion-5 satellite in June 2000 (this period is close to the solar cycle maximum). It was shown by the measurements in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere that, contrary to expectations of model distributions of temperature in the plasmasphere [1, 2], under quiet geomagnetic conditions the temperature of hydrogen ions of the cold plasma filling the plasmasphere was observed to increase at altitudes 5000 km < H < 10000 km. Its altitude gradient was equal to ~0.5 deg/km, the geomagnetic latitude being variable within the limits 10° < λ < 40°. The maximum values of temperature of protons, as measured by Tail Probe and Auroral Probe deep in the plasma-sphere, were equal to ~4000–6000 K. According to the data obtained by the Magion-5 satellite in the depth of the plasmasphere, these temperatures varied within the limits 7500–8500 K. These results can be considered as some indication of a dependence of the plasmasphere thermal structure on the phase of the solar cycle. In the region 2.5 < L < 5 and at geomagnetic latitudes λ < 40°, drops of the ion temperature were regularly observed with values reaching ~2000 K.  相似文献   

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