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<正>一、引言把军民融合发展上升为国家战略,是我国长期探索经济建设和国防建设协调发展规律的重大成果,是从国家安全和发展战略全局出发做出的重大决策。军民融合深度发展是军民融合发展的新阶段,从组织管理、工作运行和政策制度等体系建设上提出了更高的要求。空间科技信息研究是服从和服务于我国空间科技发展的技术基础保障,涉及空间信息资源、空间科技情报、空间技术标准、航天科  相似文献   

美国航空航天局(NASA)的科技信息工作是在NASA科技信息纲领(STIP)的指导和规范下组织实施的。NASA科技信息纲领的制定始于1958年NASA成立之时,是NASA科技信息工作宗旨、任务、目标、制度和发展战略的集中体现,也是美国联邦政府科技信息纲领的重要组成部分,其组织与实施是NASA四大主要任务之一。经过近50年的发展,NASA在工程和研发活动中取得了大量成果并积累了许多科技信息产品和文献。这些科技信息产品和文献在NASA的各项任务中发挥了不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

本文以企业科技信息工作为题,从当前企业科技信息工作的实现出发,讨论了企业科技信息工作所具有的特点。服务性,时间性,政策性,社会性,依存性,准确性,共享性和预测性,讨论的目的在于充分利用其特点,搞好科技信息工作。  相似文献   

《世界航天发展年度报告》是中国空间技术研究院所属北京空间科技信息研究所精心打造的年度性咨询报告产品。作为国内空间技术领域高端智库,北京空间科技信息研究所以空间技术领域决策咨询为专业发展方向,对国内外发展进行分析和评估,为加速我国空间技术发展、提高航天器研制水平、增强主导产业竞争力,提供准确可靠的信息保障和决策支持。《世界航天发展年度报告(2016)》旨在融合长期以来对全球航天发展的跟踪研究,对截至2015年底的最新发展进行概括、分析及评述。报告紧  相似文献   

主题:促进导航与新兴产业深度融合推动卫星导航应用产业化发展由中国卫星导航定位协会导航应用专业委员会和卫星导航应用国家工程研究中心联合主办的"第十一届中国导航应用科技大会",将于2013年下半年(时间、地点另行通知)召开。本届科技大会的主题是"促进导航与新兴产业深度融合,推动卫星导航应用产业化发展"。航天技术应用产业发展将不断地促进卫星遥感、卫星通信、导航定位、数字地球等相关产业以及信息产业的发展。  相似文献   

加强高校科技档案管理的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章指出,新经济的发展对高校科技档案的管理和服务方式提出了更高的要求,高校应当充分利用计算机和校园网,建立起全面的科技档案信息资源库,及时地为教学和科研服务,以利于学校人才的培养和科研水平的提高;同时为区域经济建设和社会发展提供科研成果,开展科技咨询服务工作,适应经济社会对高校科技知识的需求。  相似文献   

<正>天津市森罗科技发展有限责任公司由原航天科工集团公司八三五八所与中船重工七零七研究所科技人员发起成立,是专业从事高压制氮设备与应用技术研究与生产的企业。公司已通过军品科研生产许可认证、装备承制单位认证、GJB9001 B-2009质量管理体系认证和保密资格单位认证。公司一直坚持军用和民用两条线产品的设计生产。产品曾获国家重点新产品称号,是天津市重大高新技术产业化项目。从1 993年起,公司开始进行高压制氮系统的研究、生产和应用工  相似文献   

正航天事业是维护我国国家主权、安全和发展利益的重要力量,是国防实力的综合体现,为国民经济建设、社会发展和科技进步作出了突出贡献。"国以才立,政以才治,业以才兴。"新时代,中国航天事业的发展亟需借助新型航天科技专家智库开展决策咨询,服务中国航天发展。在此背景下,对新型航天科技专家智库开展研究具有十分重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

本文以航天科技组织中的知识型员工为研究对象,针对航天领域内知识型员工的群体特征、组织特征和工作特征,分析并对航天科技组织中知识型员工的满意度维度及其影响因素进行了实地测评,作出了改进满意度的系统建议。  相似文献   

本文以航天科技组织中的知识型员工为研究对象,针对航天领域内知识型员工的群体特征、组织特征和工作特征,分析并对航天科技组织中知识型员工的满意度维度及其影响因素进行了实地测评,作出了改进满意度的系统建议.  相似文献   

The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (Unispace 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Unispace Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing technology has contributed to the transformation of multiple earth science domains, putting space observations at the forefront of innovation in earth science. With new satellite missions being launched every year, new types of earth science data are being incorporated into science models and decision-making systems in a broad array of organizations. Policy guidance can influence the degree to which user needs influence mission design and when, and ensure that satellite missions serve both the scientific and user communities without becoming unfocused and overly expensive. By considering the needs of the user community early on in the mission-design process, agencies can ensure that satellites meet the needs of multiple constituencies. This paper describes the mission development process in NASA and ESA and compares and contrasts the successes and challenges faced by these agencies as they try to balance science and applications within their missions.  相似文献   

The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space ( 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

谭永华 《火箭推进》2010,36(1):1-7,24
从基础理论与设计准则创建、提高产品质量与可靠性、支撑关键技术攻关及引领技术创新发展等层面论述了液体动力技术基础研究的重要性。介绍了俄罗斯、美国、欧洲及日本等相关领域的发展概况,并与国内基础研究情况进行了比较。从优化整合资源、创新体制机制、强化队伍建设及增加研究经费等方面,提出了提升我国液体动力技术基础研究平台能力的对策。  相似文献   

Law is the oldest social science; in this condition it has a protagonic role in the development of other sciences, engineering and operations, because it allows them to aim for the desired goal in order and in a frame of legal possibility.The search for extraterrestrial intelligence implies the will of establishing a further relation. Relationships imply law.The role of law is not only participative as in multidisciplinary programs, but also interdisciplinary in the sense of harmonizing the several legal frameworks of the diverse sciences.SETI protocols I and II show, since their first draft, the harmonizing role of law. They are appropriated guidelines for a code of ethics and a code of conduct.The refinement of the concepts must be continued to reach finally the legal principles that shall govern these activities. Principles must be established before the production of facts, because law as a science, does not conceive the lacunae. Moreover, space law has always anticipated the technical facts hierarchizing its scientific condition.  相似文献   

阐述了液体动力技术基础研究的内涵,从液体动力装置的技术复杂性和严酷的工作环境两个层面对基础研究的重要性进行了论述.探讨了液体动力技术基础研究两大领域、6个技术分支和23个具体研究方向的主要研究内容.简要介绍了目前所拥有的研究能力和已取得的部分研究成果,提出了未来发展思路和措施建议.  相似文献   

Demonstrating performance of the applications of Earth observation satellite-based science data products and services is increasingly a requirement of government research agencies. We present efforts from the NASA-funded Earth Observing System Data and Information System's Synergy Project to measure performance in the development of applications from NASA research and development projects. We summarize challenges in monitoring performance and share our experience in evolving metrics over a 5-year project life. We demonstrate how to adapt project management processes and metrics from the information technology (IT) industry to Earth observation applications research and development. A roadmap for adapting IT processes and developing metrics and examples of quantitative and qualitative metrics are provided. Our findings suggest that designing and implementing these IT metrics will enhance project success, as defined by the degree of penetration of NASA products into the user community and level of non-NASA funding secured.  相似文献   

量子通信技术自20世纪80年代诞生以来,获得了突飞猛进的发展。文章将量子通信技术及应用研究划分为量子通信协议研究、量子通信工程技术研究以及量子通信应用研究等三方面。在对量子密钥分发、量子秘密共享、量子隐形传态和量子安全直接通信等量子通信协议的技术原理、应用领域和研究进展进行分析对比的基础上,对量子光源产生、量子随机数发生、量子纠缠编码和单光子探测等量子通信工程技术的研究现状进行了总结,并对当前世界各国在量子通信链路构建、量子通信网络构建和量子通信系统构建等方面的主要研究进展进行了介绍,指出了量子通信当前存在的通信速率低、传输距离近、制造成本高等问题,明确了未来的发展方向,可以为量子通信技术和应用相关研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

光谱探测技术在物质识别、材料科学、生化及医药研究中有着广泛的应用。太赫兹波作为频率介于毫米波和红外之间的电磁波,由于其独特的光谱性质,近年来在光谱探测领域扮演着重要的角色。相比其他频段的光谱探测,极性分子对太赫兹光谱的特性吸收和太赫兹波的强相干性,使得太赫兹光谱探测可以直接获得材料的物化性质。首先介绍太赫兹技术原理,然后介绍太赫兹光谱技术特点、发展历程与现状,最后给出太赫兹光谱技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

That basic scientific research often leads to new insights, concepts, and inventions that can have important practical applications and benefits is an established element of the rationale for federal government investment in research and technology. The way in which scientific studies of the Earth from space make their way into practical approaches to environmental measurements and management presents an enlightening case study of the research-to-applications transfer process. This article discusses how fundamental concepts of technology transfer and diffusion are illustrated in the process of transitioning Earth science research into operations at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), particularly as it is presented in the National Research Council study, Satellite Observations of the Earth's Environment: Accelerating the Transition of Research to Operations. The authors assert that successful and efficient transitions of this type require not only a detailed understanding of the technologies involved but an appropriately developed social structure to better facilitate those transitions.  相似文献   

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