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Magnetic field data from a meridian chain of observatories and the recently developed computer codes constitute a powerful tool in studying substorm current systems in the polar region. In this paper, we summarize some of the results obtained from the IMS Alaska meridian chain of observatories. The basic data are the average daily magnetic field variations for 50 successive days (March 9–April 27, 28) which represent a moderately disturbed period. With the aid of the two computer codes, we obtained the distribution of the following quantities in the polar ionosphere in invariant-MLT coordinates: (1) the total ionospheric current; (2) the Pedersen current; (3) the Hall current; (4) the field-aligned currents; (5) the Pedersen-associated field-aligned currents; (6) the Hall-associated field-aligned currents; (7) the electric potential; (8) the Joule heat production rate; (9) the auroral particle energy injection rate; (10) the total energy dissipation rate. All these quantities are related to each other self-consistently at every point under the initial assumptions used in the computation. By using a model of the magnetosphere, the following quantities in the polar ionosphere are projected onto the equatorial plane and the Y — Z plane at X = -20 R E: (11) the Pedersen current counterpart; (12) the Hall current counterpart; (13) the electric potential; (14) the Pedersen-associated field-aligned currents; (15) the Hall-associated field-aligned currents. These distribution patterns serve as an important basis for studying the generation mechanisms of substorm current systems and the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling process.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel transmission protocol based on polar coding is proposed for the half-duplex degraded relay channel. In the proposed protocol, referred to as the partial message relaying, the relay only needs to forward a part of the decoded source message that the destination needs according to the exquisite nested structure of polar codes. Theoretically, it is proved that the scheme can achieve the capacity of the half-duplex relay channel under the decode-and-forward (DF) cooperation strategy while enjoying low encoding/decoding complexity. Practically, in order to minimize the global transmission power, the optimization of the power allocation is performed between the source and the relay by using information theoretic tools. Furthermore, a joint iterative soft parallel interference cancellation receiver structure is developed to suit to the proposed scheme. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional scheme designed by low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that specular or diffuse jammer multipath can be canceled to a desired level by using an adaptive array that combines bandwidth partitioning with tapped delay lines. Such hybrid systems are studied. In particular, the author studies an ideal two-element array that uses bandwidth partitioning in both the main and auxiliary channels, with an Mth-order adaptive finite impulse response filter in each subband of the auxiliary. The ability of this system to cancel specular moderately diffuse and diffuse multipath is studied. The combinations of bandwidth partitioning and filter order that can achieve a specified jammer cancellation level are discussed  相似文献   

A principle of onboard information-control system integration on the basis of the coordinating control synthesis is proposed; the synthesis provides for transfer of state variable vector in the specified set of information-computing and control subsystems into the required region in one control step.  相似文献   

风浪环境下对水面弱流场进行测量是波-流作用机理的重要研究手段,对内波、水下地形、漩涡等海洋现象的微波遥感探测有着十分重要的意义。传统的流场测量方法无法在风浪环境下工作,难以应用在对表面弱流场与风生波间相互作用机理的研究中。提出了一种基于线阵电荷耦合组件(Charge-Coupled Device,CCD)的表面弱流场光学测量方法,通过表面波相速度的变化测量表面弱流场速度,其最大优点是工作在风浪环境下不受波浪振动影响。文章用水槽实验中内波激发的表面弱流场来验证此方法的正确性,对实际光学数据进行处理表明表面弱流场速度的测量精度优于0.3 cm/s。所提出的方法可以用于测量风浪环境下表面弱流场并研究流场与风生波之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

The mathematical modeling of a brushless DC generator is described, as an illustration of the application of diakoptic techniques to the analysis of small-scale electrical power supply systems. Modeling of the generator and its output rectifier is accomplished using an established matrix technique that accounts for the continuously changing conduction pattern of the diode bridge network. The advantages of using diakoptics are discussed together with the main generator linked to its exciter and to the automatic voltage regulator and permanent magnet generator which are often included in a complete unit. A solution algorithm is presented for this overall arrangement and a comparison is made between theoretical and practical results for a typical 3-stage, 4000-rev/min, 10.3-kW, 28-V unit  相似文献   

An industry-based pragmatic review is provided of the economic and product-quality consequences of automatic test equipment (ATE) usage in printed circuit board testing. The company selection process, the nature of the industrial participants, and the data collection process are described. The benefits obtained by users are identified. It is demonstrated that the use of ATE systems does result in definable economic and quality-level benefits  相似文献   

A stability analysis for a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) scheme based on extremum-seeking control is developed for a photovoltaic (PV) array supplying a dc-to-dc switching converter. The global stability of the extremum-seeking algorithm is demonstrated by means of Lyapunov's approach. Subsequently, the algorithm is applied to an MPPT system based on the "perturb and observe" method. The steady-state behavior of the PV system with MPPT control is characterized by a stable oscillation around the maximum power point. The tracking algorithm leads the array coordinates to the maximum power point by increasing or decreasing linearly with time the array voltage. Off-line measurements are not required by the control law, which is implemented by means of an analog multiplier, standard operational amplifiers, a flip-flop circuit and a pulsewidth modulator. The effectiveness of the proposed MPPT scheme is demonstrated experimentally under different operating conditions.  相似文献   

A study is presented on the design and testing of spacecraft power systems using the virtual test bed (VTB). The interdisciplinary components such as solar array and battery systems were first modeled in native VTB format and validated by experiment data. The shunt regulator and battery charge controller were designed in Simulink according to the system requirements and imported to VTB. Two spacecraft power systems were then designed and tested together with the control systems.  相似文献   

Spartan 201 is a shuttle deployed spacecraft that is scheduled to perform ultraviolet spectroscopy and white light polarimetry of the extended solar corona during two 40 hour missions to occur in September 1994 and August 1995. The spectroscopy is done with an ultraviolet coronal spectrometer which measures the intensity and spectral line profile of HI Ly up to heliocentric heights of 3.5 solar radii. It also measures the intensities of the OVI doublet at 1032 and 1037 Å and of Fe XII at 1242 Å. The HI Ly line profile measurements are used to determine the random velocity distribution of coronal protons along the line-of-sight. The absolute HI Ly intensities can be used together with electron densities from the white light coronagraph to estimate electron temperatures from hydrogen ionization balance calculations, and bulk outflow velocities from models of Doppler dimmed resonant scattering. Intensities of minor ion lines are used to determine coronal abundances and outflow velocities of O5+. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of extended coronal regions from the 11 April 1993 mission of Spartan 201 are discussed.  相似文献   

The Global Geospace Science (GGS) WIND and POLAR spacecraft employ unique configuration and design features driven by the requirements of the science instruments which they host. The WIND and POLAR spacecraft are cylindrically shaped spinners (WIND 20 rpm, POLAR 10 rpm) approximately 2.4 m in diameter and 1.8 m high. Each spacecraft has a pair of lanyard booms, which hold magnetometers, four radial wire antennas and two spin-axis antennas. While satisfying different mission requirements, both share a common basic design. The WIND laboratory contains 8 instruments, designed to optimize measurements of waves, fields and particle distributions. The POLAR laboratory contains 12 instruments, with a similar design emphasis on waves, fields and particle measurements, as well as on auroral imaging. The main difference between the two spacecraft is a despun platform on POLAR which provides a stable environment for the auroral imager instruments. Both laboratories are designed to be launched on Delta II model 7925 launch vehicle and have total masses of approximately 1150 g (WIND) and 1240 kg (POLAR).  相似文献   

基于多体动力学的旋翼模型与气弹稳定性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
针对无轴承等先进旋翼结构特点,建立了基于柔性多体系统动力学方法的旋翼气弹分析模型.旋翼各构件建模相互独立,便于组成不同构型旋翼,适合于新构型旋翼气弹分析.分析模型集成了适合于旋翼气弹分析的隐式大变形桨叶模型,构件动力学方程增加了铰链动力学方程,统一约束方程形式,改进了角运动约束方程,避免连续旋转引起的奇点问题.应用分析模型计算无铰式旋翼和无轴承旋翼的气弹稳定性,分析结构参数对旋翼气弹稳定性的影响.分析结果表明模型能准确计算结构弹性变形的耦合及非线性,提高旋翼气弹稳定性分析精度.   相似文献   

We present observations of energetic ions from the Ulysses COSPIN Low Energy Telescope in the mid and high-latitude regions of the heliosphere prior to and during the first polar pass of the Ulysses spacecraft. After the encounter with Jupiter, Ulysses started on its journey out-of-the-ecliptic. Between 13°S and 29°S the spacecraft sampled the solar wind from both the streamer belt and the polar coronal hole. Here, co-rotating magnetic structures with forward and reverse shocks and containing accelerated energetic ions were observed.At latitudes greater than 29°S, Ulysses was completely immersed in the solar wind from the polar coronal hole. Here the co-rotating magnetic structures were weaker, and in general had only reverse shocks, but were still capable of accelerating the energetic ions, albeit with reduced intensity. The most recent results show that beyond 50°S, very few if any, reverse shocks are observed. However, accelerated ions from magnetic interaction regions are still observed. We report also on an intensity enhancement at 50°S due to the passage of a high-latitude CME.  相似文献   

液晶瞬态技术测量带侧向流扰流柱通道端壁换热   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱惠人  郭涛  张丽  许都纯 《推进技术》2007,28(6):620-623
采用热色液晶瞬态测量技术测量带侧向流扰流柱通道端壁全表面换热系数的分布,研究了侧流比及雷诺数对换热的影响,其中,侧流比为0.25~1.0,雷诺数为3×104~9×104。结果表明:(1)侧流比对扰流柱通道的流动形态及端壁换热有重要影响;(2)存在一个临界侧流比,在临界侧流比以下,流动形态沿主流方向呈错排流状态;在临界侧流比以上,流动形态沿侧流方向呈错排流状态;在临界侧流比附近,流动为顺排流动状态,方向在主流和侧流方向之间;(3)侧流比较小或较大时,扰流柱通道端壁换热较强;在临界侧流比附近,换热相对较弱。  相似文献   

A feedforward maximum power (MP) point tracking scheme is developed for the interleaved dual boost (IDB) converter fed photovoltaic (PV) system using fuzzy controller. The tracking algorithm changes the duty ratio of the converter such that the solar cell array (SCA) voltage equals the voltage corresponding to the MP point at that solar insolation. This is done by the feedforward loop, which generates an error signal by comparing the instantaneous array voltage and reference voltage. The reference voltage for the feedforward loop, corresponding to the MP point, is obtained by an off-line trained neural network. Experimental data is used for off-line training of the neural network, which employs back-propagation algorithm. The proposed fuzzy feedforward peak power tracking effectiveness is demonstrated through the simulation and experimental results, and compared with the conventional proportional plus integral (PI) controller based system. Finally, a comparative study of interleaved boost and conventional boost converter for the PV applications is given and their suitability is discussed.  相似文献   

A problem on chaotic vibrations of the Bernoulli-Euler beams is formulated. The wavelet transform was first applied to investigate the complex beam vibrations. The validity of results was provided by using two methods of solution, namely, the finite element method and finite difference method.  相似文献   

The performance of a robust control strategy applied to a three-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) flap-wing aeroelastic system impacted by a pressure pulse in the subcritical flight speed regime is investigated. The goal of its implementation is to suppress flutter instability and reduce the vibrational level in the subcritical flight speed range. To this end, the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control methodology in conjunction with a sliding mode observer (SMO) are used. Comparisons with the counterpart results obtained via implementation of LQG controller with conventional Kalman filter (KF) are also provided and pertinent conclusions are outlined.  相似文献   

The composition of the modern aerospace system becomes more and more complex. The performance degradation of any device in the system may cause it difficult for the whole system to keep normal working states. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the performance of complex aerospace systems. In this paper, the performance evaluation of complex aerospace systems is regarded as a Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis (MADA) problem. Based on the structure and working principle of the system, a new Evidential Reasoning (ER) based approach with uncertain parameters is proposed to construct a nonlinear optimization model to evaluate the system performance. In the model, the interval form is used to express the uncertainty, such as error in testing data and inaccuracy in expert knowledge. In order to analyze the subsystems that have a great impact on the performance of the system, the sensitivity analysis of the evaluation result is carried out, and the corresponding maintenance strategy is proposed. For a type of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) used in a rocket, the proposed method is employed to evaluate its performance. Then, the parameter sensitivity of the evaluation result is analyzed, and the main factors affecting the performance of IMU are obtained. Finally, the comparative study shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

采用极坐标算法对某型飞机CCIP攻击模式进行弹道解算优化,该算法进行坐标变换和积分变量转换后,使弹道的积分变为一个具有确定积分上限的定积分,有效地简化了计算过程,节省了计算时间,提高了计算精度,能较好满足火控系统的精度和实时性要求。  相似文献   

The paper adduces the relators for algebraic operations on graphs using the numeric codes of the graphs. The special algebra of codes has been devised with consideration of the principles of graph transformation. This paper demonstrates the relevance of numeric coding of graphs for solving the problems of enumeration, systematization, and compact representation of the information about the structural and functional characteristics of the systems of flow distribution and conversion of rocket and space technology and for conducting the modeling transformations of given systems in the course of the structural and functional studies as well.  相似文献   

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