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ARTEMIS Mission Design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ARTEMIS mission takes two of the five THEMIS spacecraft beyond their prime mission objectives and reuses them to study the Moon and the lunar space environment. Although the spacecraft and fuel resources were tailored to space observations from Earth orbit, sufficient fuel margins, spacecraft capability, and operational flexibility were present that with a circuitous, ballistic, constrained-thrust trajectory, new scientific information could be gleaned from the instruments near the Moon and in lunar orbit. We discuss the challenges of ARTEMIS trajectory design and describe its current implementation to address both heliophysics and planetary science objectives. In particular, we explain the challenges imposed by the constraints of the orbiting hardware and describe the trajectory solutions found in prolonged ballistic flight paths that include multiple lunar approaches, lunar flybys, low-energy trajectory segments, lunar Lissajous orbits, and low-lunar-periapse orbits. We conclude with a discussion of the risks that we took to enable the development and implementation of ARTEMIS.  相似文献   

The ARTEMIS Mission   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon??s Interaction with the Sun (ARTEMIS) mission is a spin-off from NASA??s Medium-class Explorer (MIDEX) mission THEMIS, a five identical micro-satellite (hereafter termed ??probe??) constellation in high altitude Earth-orbit since 17 February 2007. By repositioning two of the five THEMIS probes (P1 and P2) in coordinated, lunar equatorial orbits, at distances of ??55?C65 R E geocentric (??1.1?C12 R L selenocentric), ARTEMIS will perform the first systematic, two-point observations of the distant magnetotail, the solar wind, and the lunar space and planetary environment. The primary heliophysics science objectives of the mission are to study from such unprecedented vantage points and inter-probe separations how particles are accelerated at reconnection sites and shocks, and how turbulence develops and evolves in Earth??s magnetotail and in the solar wind. Additionally, the mission will determine the structure, formation, refilling, and downstream evolution of the lunar wake and explore particle acceleration processes within it. ARTEMIS??s orbits and instrumentation will also address key lunar planetary science objectives: the evolution of lunar exospheric and sputtered ions, the origin of electric fields contributing to dust charging and circulation, the structure of the lunar interior as inferred by electromagnetic sounding, and the lunar surface properties as revealed by studies of crustal magnetism. ARTEMIS is synergistic with concurrent NASA missions LRO and LADEE and the anticipated deployment of the International Lunar Network. It is expected to be a key element in the NASA Heliophysics Great Observatory and to play an important role in international plans for lunar exploration.  相似文献   

ARTEMIS Science Objectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NASA??s two spacecraft ARTEMIS mission will address both heliospheric and planetary research questions, first while in orbit about the Earth with the Moon and subsequently while in orbit about the Moon. Heliospheric topics include the structure of the Earth??s magnetotail; reconnection, particle acceleration, and turbulence in the Earth??s magnetosphere, at the bow shock, and in the solar wind; and the formation and structure of the lunar wake. Planetary topics include the lunar exosphere and its relationship to the composition of the lunar surface, the effects of electric fields on dust in the exosphere, internal structure of the Moon, and the lunar crustal magnetic field. This paper describes the expected contributions of ARTEMIS to these baseline scientific objectives.  相似文献   

Protecting the global positioning system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the application of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to real-time integrated missile navigation. We present quantifiable measures of navigation accuracy as a function of GPS user segment parameters. These user segment parameters include antenna phase response accuracy, single versus dual frequency, and Kalman filter structure and size. We also formulate some new phase-locked loop (PLL) filter designs for application in GPS receivers, and demonstrate their superiority over more conventional filters  相似文献   

We present observations from the first passage through the lunar plasma wake by one of two spacecraft comprising ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon??s Interaction with the Sun), a new lunar mission that re-tasks two of five probes from the THEMIS magnetospheric mission. On Feb 13, 2010, ARTEMIS probe P1 passed through the wake at ??3.5 lunar radii downstream from the Moon, in a region between those explored by Wind and the Lunar Prospector, Kaguya, Chandrayaan, and Chang??E missions. ARTEMIS observed interpenetrating proton, alpha particle, and electron populations refilling the wake along magnetic field lines from both flanks. The characteristics of these distributions match expectations from self-similar models of plasma expansion into vacuum, with an asymmetric character likely driven by a combination of a tilted interplanetary magnetic field and an anisotropic incident solar wind electron population. On this flyby, ARTEMIS provided unprecedented measurements of the interpenetrating beams of both electrons and ions naturally produced by the filtration and acceleration effects of electric fields set up during the refilling process. ARTEMIS also measured electrostatic oscillations closely correlated with counter-streaming electron beams in the wake, as previously hypothesized but never before directly measured. These observations demonstrate the capability of the comprehensively instrumented ARTEMIS spacecraft and the potential for new lunar science from this unique two spacecraft constellation.  相似文献   

Navigation and positioning is an important and challenging problem in many control engineering applications. It provides feedback information to design controllers for systems. In this paper, a bibliographical review on factor graph based navigation and positioning is presented. More specifically, the sensor modeling, the factor graph optimization methods, and the topology factor based cooperative localization are reviewed. The navigation and positioning methods via factor graph are considered a...  相似文献   

A 1,200-W solar AMTEC (alkali metal thermal-to-electric conversion) power system concept was developed and integrated with an advanced global positioning system (GPS) satellite. The critical integration issues for the SAMTEC with the GPS subsystems included: (1) packaging within the Delta II launch vehicle envelope; (2) deployment and start-up operations for the SAMTEC; (3) SAMTEC operation during all mission phases; (4) satellite field of view restrictions with satellite operations; and (5) effect of the SAMTEC requirements on other satellite subsystems. The SAMTEC power system was compared with a conventional planar solar array/battery power system to assess the differences in system weight, size, and operations, Features of the design include the use of an advanced multitube, vapor anode AMTEC cell design with 24% conversion efficiency, and a direct solar insolation receiver design with integral LiF salt canisters for energy storage to generate power during the maximum solar eclipse cycle, The modular generator design consists of an array of multitube AMTEC cells arranged into a parallel/series electrical network with built-in cell redundancy. Our preliminary assessment indicates that the solar generator design is scaleable over a 500 to 2,500-W range. No battery power is required during the operational phase of the GPS mission. SAMTEC specific power levels greater than 5 We/kg and 160 We/m2 are anticipated for a mission duration of 10 to 12 years in orbits with high natural radiation backgrounds  相似文献   

定位导航与授时(positioning, navigation and timing, PNT)体系是支撑人类社会发展的基础设施。当前以卫星为核心的天基PNT应用广泛,但在卫星拒止环境下面临严峻挑战。通过总结天基PNT在国民经济发展与国防建设中的重大作用,分析天基PNT的脆弱性与依赖风险,明确了对不依赖卫星的PNT体系的迫切需求。提出了不依赖卫星的PNT体系概念与特征,即以“惯导+时钟”为核心增强基础PNT能力,利用外源传感器多源融合提高精度保持能力,在卫星拒止条件下为用户提供可承载的高性能PNT服务。基于现有技术基础重点发展微小型、高精度、低成本惯导技术,微时钟技术以及智能融合技术是有效途径,能够实现不依赖卫星的PNT覆盖性、精确性与可承载性的全面提升。  相似文献   

针对近地航天器量子导航定位系统,为了进一步提高其定位精度,利用滤波技术将QPS测量值结合航天器的运动模型进行状态量的滤波估计.给出了基于基线干涉原理的量子定位系统观测方程和以二体运动为主的航天器轨道运动模型,在此基础上详细推导了扩展卡尔曼滤波处理过程,并针对该模型进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,基于EKF的量子导航定位精度有明显提高.  相似文献   

基于卫星导航的车载自主化列车控制是智能铁路技术体系的关键组成部分。对中国列车控制系统体系架构进行了梳理,分析了列控专用列车自主定位基本结构及与列控系统的接口模式。结合列车运行控制对安全性的特定需求,探讨了列车自主定位性能需求体系,介绍了国内外基于卫星导航的新型列车控制系统的发展情况,阐述了列车自主定位技术内涵及主要研究进展,从多源感知融合无缝定位、列车卫星定位主动增强、定位专用轨道地图数据库、自主定位性能测试评估等多个方面进行了全面系统的梳理和分析,介绍了伪卫星增强列车定位、轨旁卫星定位增强网络、地理分布式零现场虚拟测试设施等典型成果,并对前沿技术运用演进、关键场景融合优化、复杂环境安全防护、跨层协同全息感知、专用标准规范体系等未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

胡真坚  鲜勇  冯杰  雷刚 《飞行力学》2012,30(1):71-73,78
基于双目视觉原理,建立了空间目标的三维坐标计算模型,利用安装在捕获端的摄像头对主星进行观测,建立了捕获端定姿方法.仿真算例验证了所提方法能够以较高的测量精度实现定位和测姿,可以满足绳系卫星捕获端的姿态确定精度需求.  相似文献   

目标定位技术广泛应用于航空领域的侦察机、无人机等各类侦察打击任务中,目标定位精度的高低及效率对作战效果具有重要影响。针对仿射尺度不变的特征变换(ASIFT)算法对远距离大视角目标定位精度较低、速度较慢的问题,提出了一种基于惯性信息辅助的大视角目标快速精确定位方法。该方法首先对目标实测序列图像构造尺度空间,结合FAST特征检测与FREAK特征描述的方式进行匹配,实现对待定位目标的快速提取;然后利用机载惯性信息求解目标实测图与参考图之间的透视变换矩阵,利用该矩阵对实测图进行变换以减小图像间视角差异,克服了ASIFT算法盲目匹配计算的弊端,并通过FAST特征检测与FREAK特征描述相结合的方式提升了大视角图像的匹配速度;最后通过单应性矩阵映射关系实现对目标的精确定位。实验结果表明,大视角目标快速精确定位方法匹配耗时比ASIFT算法的减小了1个数量级,定位精度比目标平均值定位算法精度提高了1个数量级,有效提高了图像匹配定位在航空领域的应用效率。  相似文献   

Intelligent UUVs: Some issues on ROV dynamic positioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intelligent unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) fall under two main group categories: the remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), which are characterized by remote operation and presence of a tether cable; and the autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), which are characterized by their autonomous behavior and absence of a tether cable. One fundamental issue of the UUV design is the dynamic position control system. This system plays a crucial role together with the sensor architecture in the degree of system autonomy that can be achieved. This paper is concerned with a few issues when dynamically positioning remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs). By restricting the operating regime of ROVs to slow velocity requirements the paper investigates the implementation of a few decentralized control strategies and compare their performance measures, which are assessed by simulating a nonlinear ROV system model for each control strategy. Issues concerning input tracking, disturbance rejection, and plant variations are discussed. The evaluations consider the use of linear PID feedback and feedforward variants, and a robust nonlinear control strategies applied to a full order, fully coupled, and nonlinear vehicle model. These evaluations consider a vehicle undertaking standard mission activities where the tether cable dynamics, with load estimates obtained from a lumped mass cable model, and the vehicle actuator system are present. The paper shows that much of the performance deterioration may be attributed mainly due to cable inertia. The authors also verify that the nonlinear robust control strategy does not necessarily allow for better performance over the linear feedback control strategies implemented when vehicle motions are confined to slow velocity profiles. These and other partial results will aid the design of the control system for an underwater vehicle currently under construction  相似文献   

采煤机是井下综采工作面的重要设备,采煤机精确定位技术是煤矿生产装备自动化的关键技术之一。为了实现高精度定位满足井下综采自动化作业需求,提出了基于惯性导航/无线传感器网络组合的采煤机定位方法。采用锚节点安置于液压支架上,移动节点与惯导固定安装于采煤机上的配置方案,利用位置已知的锚节点测距信息估计和修正惯导误差,同时实施对安置于推进过程中的液压支架上锚节点(未知节点)位置信息的实时校准,从而达到采煤机高精度定位、无线传感器网络节点动态自动调节的目的。通过试验对所提方法的有效性进行了验证,结果表明,所釆用方法对釆煤机轨迹具有良好跟踪性能,水平定位误差不超过1.57 cm/h。  相似文献   

A typical approach and landing operation is described. The microwave landing system (MLS) is then examined, its design characteristics and how it works are shown, and how the MLS design fulfils the user's operational requirements by protecting the guidance signal from reflected signal interference is highlighted. MLS angle system accuracy is discussed in great detail, and its reliability, integrity, and coverage volume are briefly considered. MLS availability at any runway to all aircraft types and their landing scenarios, which is accomplished using narrow scanning beam antennas, is examined  相似文献   

This paper will explore the different employment options for engineers. While the majority of engineers are employed directly by companies, the recent changes in corporations has resulted in an increase in the number of engineers pursuing contract engineering, consulting, and other forms of self-employment. In this paper the author looks at the pros and cons of each employment option, and pose several questions that engineers should consider as they plan their careers. Personal positioning is a key element of an engineer's career. In today's rapidly evolving workplace your career may take several different directions. Employment options are increasing and varying. Options include direct, contract consulting, and self-employment. This paper addresses each of these options and provides one with a series of questions that one should consider before exercising any of these options. The options of working for small companies versus large companies and the management track versus the technical track are also considered  相似文献   

In this paper a novel approach is developed for optimization of piezoelectric actuators in vibration suppression. A scaled model of a vertical tail of F/A-18 is developed in which piezoelectric actuators are bounded to the surface. The frequency response function (FRF) of the system is then recorded and maximization of the FRF peaks is considered as the objective function of the optimization algorithm to enhance the actuator authority on the mode, which assigns the optimal placement of the pair of piezoelectric actuators on the smart fin. Six multi-layer perceptron neural networks are employed to perform surface fitting to the discrete data generated by the finite element method (FEM). Invasive weed optimization (IWO), a novel numerical stochastic optimization algorithm, is then employed to maximize the FRF peak which in due reduces the vibration of the smart fin. Results indicated an accurate surface fitting for the FRF peak data as well as the optimal placement of the piezoelectric actuators for vibration suppression.  相似文献   

钟日进  陈琪锋 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723768-723768
当多个飞行器间相对位置测量精度显著高于飞行器绝对定位精度时,在飞行器间增加相对测量,对各飞行器的定位测量协同处理,能提高绝对定位精度。本文针对集群飞行器对非合作目标不能测距而仅能测向的情况,通过在集群飞行器间引入相互测距,来提高集群飞行器自身和对非合作目标的定位精度。对于这种不完整相对测量情况,给出了能提高定位精度的协同定位求解方法,包括非线性静态优化估计和线性化后最小二乘估计方法。这种协同定位方案,不需要进行完整的相对位置测量,对测距和测向在群体相对测量中进行合理分解,降低了飞行器测量设备配置的要求。通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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