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马援 《国际航空》2006,(11):83-84
在过去的21个月中,"机遇"号火星车在火星表面以非常缓慢的速度走完了约9千米的路程,最终于9月27日到达了火星上"维多利亚"陨石坑的边缘,开始执行整个耗资8亿美元的火星表面双火星车探索计划中最为复杂、危险,同时也是最有价值的任务.三个美国火星轨道器也将相继在火星上继续它们的探险历程.  相似文献   

<正>10月底,"好奇"号首次用自带的化学矿物仪器对摄人的土壤样本进行了矿物学鉴定,结果显示,火星部分土壤与夏威夷火山周围土壤相似,这一发现或许将成为探寻火星是否有支持微生物存活条件的重要线索。同时,这也是X射线衍射技术第1次用于分析地外星体的土壤。11月初,"好奇"号火星车又首次分析了火星大气的成分,未发现其中含有甲烷。由于地球大气中90%  相似文献   

阳光 《国际航空》2001,(9):66-68
近几年美国和欧洲对火星探测工作给予了高度重视,并将实施多项研究计划,其目标是通过找水源来探索火星是否存在生命。据美国NASA估计,今后 10年各参加国在火星取样回送工作上将花约20亿美元  相似文献   

去年是掀起火星探测热潮的一年。先是美国航空航天局宣布在火星的一块陨石中发现了生命的证据,此事在全球引起很大的争议;接着英国科学家宣布了同样的发现,更是掀起轩然大波。于是人们都把目光集中在1996年11~12月美、俄两国发射的三个火星探测器上,希望它们能有助于解决这个世纪之谜。打头阵的“火星环球勘探者”11月7日,美国率先用德尔它-2火箭一举把“火星环球勘探者”送上太空。它将经10个月的飞行于1997年9月12日到达火星轨  相似文献   

加拿大航天局近日宣布,将对加拿大研制火星探测器的可行性进行研究。探测器必须完全由加拿大研发,虽然加拿大没有运载火箭或发射台,但可以付费给其他国家发射自己的火星探测器。加拿大航天局表示,将授出为期6个月、价值25万美元的着陆或绕轨火星探测技术研发合同。加拿大航天局  相似文献   

火星探测着陆器气动布局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星探测活动是当前深空探测领域发展的热点,火星探测着陆器进入过程的气动布局问题是火星探测器设计的关键之一。根据国外火星探测器气动布局及地球轨道再入返回舱气动布局,从大气环境和布局形式两个方面出发研究火星探测器的主要气动特点,基于工程算法讨论了探测器所处大气环境及其布局形式对其高超声速升阻特性、配平特性及静稳定性的影响规律。大气环境分析表明,在高超声速进入条件下,火星大气热力学性质的改变,会改变高超声速气动力的大小和分布,会增加探测器的升阻力系数,对探测器的升阻比和配平特性影响很小,略提高飞行静稳定性。布局形式分析认为,球锥布局的防热大底较球冠布局具有更大的气动阻力,有利于着陆器减速,且较小的法向偏移量可实现足够的配平需求;球锥布局俯仰静稳定度对轴向的敏感度较低,也是探测器从气动考虑选用球锥布局的原因。相关研究结论可为火星探测着陆器的气动布局设计提供理论参考和技术支持。  相似文献   

士元 《国际航空》2002,(2):60-61
美国NASA于去年成功发射了“奥德塞”火星探测器。该探测器此行的目的是探测火星表层上水的现状和其深度、火星表面地质构造等,以便帮助科学家们分析火星上是否有生命存在  相似文献   

飞往火星是人类多年的愿望。经过几十年努力,人类对火星有了初步的了解。进入21世纪,各航天大国都制定了新的火星探测计划,又一次掀起了火星探测热潮。目前,俄罗斯、美国和欧空局正在协商合作,并计划在2014~2015年实现载人火星登陆  相似文献   

Panning  Mark P.  Lognonné  Philippe  Bruce Banerdt  W.  Garcia  Raphaël  Golombek  Matthew  Kedar  Sharon  Knapmeyer-Endrun  Brigitte  Mocquet  Antoine  Teanby  Nick A.  Tromp  Jeroen  Weber  Renee  Beucler  Eric  Blanchette-Guertin  Jean-Francois  Bozdağ  Ebru  Drilleau  Mélanie  Gudkova  Tamara  Hempel  Stefanie  Khan  Amir  Lekić  Vedran  Murdoch  Naomi  Plesa  Ana-Catalina  Rivoldini  Atillio  Schmerr  Nicholas  Ruan  Youyi  Verhoeven  Olivier  Gao  Chao  Christensen  Ulrich  Clinton  John  Dehant  Veronique  Giardini  Domenico  Mimoun  David  Thomas Pike  W.  Smrekar  Sue  Wieczorek  Mark  Knapmeyer  Martin  Wookey  James 《Space Science Reviews》2017,211(1-4):611-650
Space Science Reviews - The InSight lander will deliver geophysical instruments to Mars in 2018, including seismometers installed directly on the surface (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure,...  相似文献   

火星探测器飞行轨道设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一些基本假设的基础上,初步设计了从地球停泊轨道发射探测器到达火星的飞行轨道。运用圆锥曲线拼接法,设计了采用双共切和单共切两种不同的日心段转移方式时,探测器日心段、地心段和火星中心段的飞行轨道,并分析比较了这两种设计方法的特点。根据限制性二体问题动力学模型,仿真计算了探测器在不同轨道段的飞行轨迹,结果表明,探测器可以按照所设计的轨道飞行到达火星,并被其捕获,成为环绕火星飞行的卫星。  相似文献   

A central purpose of Viking was to search for evidence that life exists on Mars or may have existed in the past. The missions carried three biology experiments the prime purpose of which was to seek for existing microbial life. In addition the results of a number of the other experiments have biological implications: (1) The elemental analyses of the atmosphere and the regolith showed or implied that the elements generally considered essential to terrestrial biology are present. (2) But unexpectedly, no organic compounds were detected in Martian samples by an instrument that easily detected organic materials in the most barren of terrestrial soils. (3) Liquid water is believed to be an absolute requisite for life. Viking obtained direct evidence for the presence of water vapor and water ice, and it obtained strong inferential evidence for the existence of large amounts of subsurface permafrost now and in the Martain past. However it obtained no evidence for the current existence of liquid water possessing the high chemical potential required for at least terrestrial life, a result that is consistent with the known pressure-temperature relations on the planet's surface. On the other hand, the mission did obtain strong indications from both atmospheric analyses and orbital photographs that large quantities of liquid water flowed episodically on the Martian surface 0.5 to 2.5 G years ago.The three biology experiments produced clear evidence of chemical reactivity in soil samples, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the chemical reactions were nonbiological in origin. The unexpected release of oxygen by soil moistened with water vapor in the Gas Exchange experiment together with the negative findings of the organic analysis experiment lead to the conclusion that the surface contains powerful oxidants. This conclusion is consistent with models of the atmosphere. The oxidants appear also to have been responsible for the decarboxylation of the organic nutrients that were introduced in the Label Release experiment. The major results of the GEX and LR experiments have been simulated at least qualitatively on Earth. The third, Pyrolytic Release, experiment obtained evidence for organic synthesis by soil samples. Although the mechanism of the synthesis is obscure, the thermal stability of the reaction makes a biological explanation most unlikely. Furthermore, the response of soil samples in all three experiments to the addition of water is not consistent with a biological interpretation.The conditions now known to exist at and below the Martian surface are such that no known terrestrial organism could grow and function. Although the evidence does not absolutely rule out the existence of favourable oases, it renders their existence extremely unlikely. The limiting conditions for the functioning of terrestrial organisms are not the limits for conceivable life elsewhere, and accordingly one cannot exclude the possibility that indigenous life forms may currently exist somewhere on Mars or may have existed sometime in the past. Nevertheless, the available information about the present Martian environment puts severe constraints and presents formidable challenges to any putative Martian organisms. The Martian environment in the past, on the other hand, appears to have been considerably less hostile biologically, and it might possibly have permitted the origin and transient establishment of a biota.  相似文献   

Rita  雲未识 《航空港》2016,(4):16-23
很喜欢海,深邃湛蓝,像美丽矢车菊的花瓣。赤脚漫步在洁白细软的沙滩上,眺望着大海的那边,想着人鱼公主美丽的传说,心里就有了浪花的低语轻吟,快乐就像展翅翱翔的海鸥,轻盈起落。  相似文献   

在简述火星与地球大气飞行环境差异的基础上,分析研究了火星飞机主要布局特征和动力推进问题;阐述了国外开展火星飞机研究发展的地面模拟设备--火星风洞的情况,意在跟踪国外新技术走向,为国内航空航天未来发展提供参考.  相似文献   

介绍了美国在飞机、涡轮发动机制造以及维修上所用的热喷涂法代替硬镀铬的必要性、可行性和一些应用情况。  相似文献   

The SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structures) instrument on board the InSight mission to Mars is the critical instrument for determining the interior structure of Mars, the current level of tectonic activity and the meteorite flux. Meeting the performance requirements of the SEIS instrument is vital to successfully achieve these mission objectives. The InSight noise model is a key tool for the InSight mission and SEIS instrument requirement setup. It will also be used for future operation planning. This paper presents the analyses made to build a model of the Martian seismic noise as measured by the SEIS seismometer, around the seismic bandwidth of the instrument (from 0.01 Hz to 1 Hz). It includes the instrument self-noise, but also the environment parameters that impact the measurements. We present the general approach for the model determination, the environment assumptions, and we analyze the major and minor contributors to the noise model.  相似文献   

The Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) on-board the InSight mission will use the lander’s X-band (8 GHz) radio system in combination with tracking stations of the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) to determine the rotation of Mars. RISE will measure the nutation of the Martian spin axis, detecting for the first time the effect of the liquid core of Mars and providing in turn new constraints on the core radius and density. RISE will also measure changes in the rotation rate of Mars on seasonal time-scales thereby constraining the atmospheric angular momentum budget. Finally, RISE will provide a superb tie between the cartographic and inertial reference frames. This paper describes the RISE scientific objectives and measurements, and provides the expected results of the experiment.  相似文献   

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