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Taking into chief consideration the features of aviation nodes in satellite networks, such as high moving speed, long communication distance, and high connection frequency, this article proposes an aviation-oriented mobility management method for IP/low earth orbit (LEO) satellite networks. By introducing the concept of ground station real-time coverage area, the proposed method uses ground-station-based IP addressing method and cell paging scheme to decrease the frequency of IP binding update requests as well as the paging cost. In comparison with the paging mobile IP (P-MIP) method and the handover-independent IP mobility management method, as is verified by the mathematical analysis and simulation, the proposed method could decrease the management cost. It also possesses better ability to support the aviation nodes because it is subjected to fewer influences from increased node speeds and newly coming connection rates.  相似文献   

安全改进活动是整个网络系统风险评估流程中至关重要的一个环节。为了使评估结果更加有效地支持安全措施的改进,在逻辑渗透图模型LEG的基础上提出了一种基于贪婪算法的最小成本关键措施集合计算方法,该方法通过求解MCCSM问题来寻找解决目标网络安全风险的最小成本关键措施集合,在消除了所有已识别威胁的前提下,使得整个投入成本最小。最后,对该算法进行了分析。  相似文献   

在系统分析故障树最小割集各种求解算法的基础上,提出了一种故障树事件序列的数据结构,并针对该数据结构,设计了一种高效的故障树最小割集求解算法,并对其替换子算法、复制子算法和消减子算法进行了形式化描述。算法可有效降低最小割集生成中的“组合爆炸”问题,实验结果表明算法具有较好的计算性能。  相似文献   

张涛  张军 《航空学报》2007,28(4):922-929
 星间链路切换将严重影响卫星网络的通信性能,需要对切换链路加以保护,这方面的研究目前还很欠缺。为此,给出一种新颖的星间链路切换保护(ISLHP)算法,该算法可同时生成业务路径和备份路径,且具有最小的综合费用(包括备份费用和业务费用)。算法采用本地链路保护,为星间链路切换提供快速恢复,并利用星间链路切换的可预测性和备份资源的可共用性,通过降低需要保护的链路数,减少闲置的备份资源,来提高网络资源的利用率。仿真结果表明:该算法具有切换恢复时间短,网络资源利用率高等优点。  相似文献   

王聪  王海鹏  熊伟  何友 《航空学报》2016,37(5):1603-1613
针对点航关联在多目标跟踪中精度与实时性难兼顾的问题,提出了一种基于最小二乘拟合的点航关联算法。首先采用滑窗将历史航迹截断,采用最小二乘法在不同维度分别拟合、外推融合航迹历史信息条件下的航迹点,增加外推点的多样性及信息量。同时定义了5种全概率关联事件,提取传统滤波方法的预测点,将拟合外推点与滤波预测点融合,使归属判决更加准确。最后分别推导了不同事件发生时的状态更新方程与误差协方差更新方程,给出了其中参数的确定方法。经仿真数据验证,与经典的最近邻域法和联合概率数据互联算法相比,所提算法能够更好地兼顾精度与实时性,且计算复杂度较低,易于工程实现。  相似文献   

在建立雷达目标的单频多极化幅度响应方程的基础上,提出了运用极化分集技术和线性化最小二乘法提取目标极化本征系数的方法,此组系数是与目标的姿态角无关的绝对极化不变量,亦即目标的极点。最后以哑铃型目标为模型进行计算机仿真研究,结果表明这种极化雷达极点特征抽取算法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

发动机性能仿真需要对压气机等部件特性进行离散和插值计算,通常低转速范围的特性还需要外推。对此提出改进,用三维曲面代替转速线表达压气机特性。从某小流量发动机起动加速实验数据中提取压气机低转速特性数据。以这些数据和已知特性数据为依据,利用滑动最小二乘法拟合计算获得压气机特性曲面。该方法能够获得全部转速范围内的压气机特性,精度高,且不需插值计算,非常适用于发动机起动加速过程的仿真计算。  相似文献   

基于自适应连续蚁群算法的卫星星座设计(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺泉  韩潮 《中国航空学报》2007,20(4):297-303
蚁群算法是一种解决多变量问题的新型启发式仿生算法。本文分析了卫星对地面的覆盖条件,提出用——/(n 1)重覆盖率来评价星座的覆盖性能,建立了以覆盖性能为目标函数的卫星星座参数优化模型。采用蚁群算法对卫星星座参数进行优化,为星座优化问题提供了一种新方法。在连续蚁群算法的基础上对算法进行改进,提出蚂蚁种群数量的自适应准则,有效的提高了搜索范围与收敛速度。通过仿真表明,与其他方法相比,蚁群算法在星座参数优化有着明显的效率。  相似文献   

一种针对冗余执行机构配置的修正直接分配算法(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
控制分配考虑期望控制量在冗余执行机构配置间的指令分配问题。本文基于执行机构的可达集提出一种修正直接分配新算法,重点解决该类算法的分配效率问题,并与修正伪逆再分配法、基于单纯形法求解的直接分配法线性规划模型以及次梯度优化算法进行对比分析。为减少原始直接分配法的离线计算时间,提出基于执行机构安装矩阵的零空间构建可达集信息,使离线计算时间在执行机构数目小于10时优于传统基于行空间的构建方法。在线计算中,提出基于单位可达集顶点信息寻找与期望控制量射线方向临近的可达集表面,从而缩小搜索范围、降低在线计算时间。仿真结果表明:修正算法不显著增加离线数据存储量,并将在执行机构数目小于10时至少降低32.22%的离线计算时间;在线计算中,其平均在线时间较对比算法均有大幅提高;在高度冗余控制分配问题中,修正算法将具有更大优势。  相似文献   

基于分布估计算法的翼型稳健设计(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transonic airfoil designed by means of classical point-optimization may result in its dramatically inferior performance under off-design conditions. To overcome this shortcoming, robust design is proposed to find out the optimal profile of an airfoil to maintain its performance in an uncertain environment. The robust airfoil optimization is aimed to minimize mean values and variances of drag coefficients while satisfying the lift and thickness constraints over a range of Mach numbers. A multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithm is applied to the robust airfoil optimization on the base of the RAE2822 benchmark airfoil. The shape of the airfoil is obtained through superposing ten Hick-Henne shape functions upon the benchmark airfoil. A set of design points is selected according to a uniform design table for aerodynamic evaluation. A Kriging model of drag coefficient is constructed with those points to reduce computing costs. Over the Mach range from 0.7 to 0.8, the airfoil generated by the robust optimization has a configuration characterized by supercritical airfoil with low drag coefficients. The small fluctuation in its drag coefficients means that the performance of the robust airfoil is insensitive to variation of Mach number.  相似文献   

在世界范围内实现新的通信、导航和监视/空中交通管理,能改善空中交通服务,减少运营费用和提高飞行安全等。中国民航学院建成航空卫星移动通信实验地球站,为研究新航行系统、试验自动相关监视等,创造了良好条件  相似文献   

A new core-based shared tree algorithm, viz core-cluster combination-based shared tree (CCST) algorithm and the weighted version (i.e. w-CCST algorithm) are proposed in order to resolve the channel resources waste problem in typical source-based multicast routing algorithms in low earth orbit (LEO) satellite IP networks. The CCST algorithm includes the dynamic approximate center (DAC) core selection method and the core-cluster combination multicast route construction scheme. Without complicated onboard computation, the DAC method is uniquely developed for highly dynamic networks of periodical and regular movement. The core-cluster combination method takes core node as the initial core-cluster, and expands it stepwise to construct an entire multicast tree at the lowest tree cost by a shortest path scheme between the newly-generated core-cluster and surplus group members, which results in great bandwidth utilization. Moreover, the w-CCST algorithm is able to strike a balance between performance of tree cost and that of end-to-end propagation delay by adjusting the weighted factor to meet strict end-to-end delay requirements of some real-time multicast services at the expense of a slight increase in tree cost. Finally, performance comparison is conducted between the proposed algorithms and typical algorithms in LEO satellite IP networks. Simulation results show that the CCST algorithm significantly decreases the average tree cost against to the others, and also the average end-to-end propagation delay ofw-CCST algorithm is lower than that of the CCST algorithm.  相似文献   

基于MLR的机动平台传感器误差配准算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔亚奇  熊伟  何友 《航空学报》2012,33(1):118-128
 基于固定平台传感器误差极大似然配准(MLR)算法,针对机动平台存在姿态角系统误差的问题,提出了对机动平台传感器系统误差和目标状态进行批处理离线估计的机动极大似然配准(MLRM)算法.该算法利用所有传感器对目标的量测值,通过把传感器量测向目标状态进行投影、对传感器系统误差和目标状态进行期望最大化迭代以及对目标的状态进行融合估计,最终实现量测、姿态角系统误差和目标状态的有效估计.仿真结果表明,该算法迭代收敛速度快,对系统误差估计精度高,对系统误差可观测性较低的配准环境的适应性强并且对传感器姿态角的相关性不敏感,具有很强的工程实用性.  相似文献   

移动自组网是一种新型的由移动节点为了某种特定目的而彼此进行连结的网络。由于其网络具有无中心性、自组性、拓扑的动态性及控制的分布性等特性,该网络的信任模型的建立面临很大的挑战,是目前研究的一个热点。本文主要针对自安全(Self-Securing)证书管理模型和自颁发(Self-Organized)证书管理模型进行了深入的分析研究,并提出了自己的理解和建议。  相似文献   

介绍了基于捷联惯导SINS/GPS组合导航系统的用于车载移动卫星通讯的卫星跟踪系统,在导航计算上采用自适应卡尔曼滤波技术。实验结果表明天线跟踪卫星的误差小于0 .2°。所研制的车载移动卫星通讯系统已在军事指挥和电视转播中得到成功应用  相似文献   

提出了一种观测量组合算法对完好性风险进行了监测;并针对多接收机单统计量的线性组合进行了讨论;最后利用实际数据对该统计方法进行验证。研究结果表明:在发生失效的情况下,观测量组合算法能够更快地监测故障的发生,提高了对故障的检测速度,同时可检测出小偏差故障,降低系统的漏检率。  相似文献   

基于最小成本的飞机着陆规划算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在以往着陆规划中,较少考虑公司的成本。利用航班的成本函数,建立了满足着陆间隔、着陆时间段等约束的着陆规划模型,提出了一种使用局部搜索和线性规划的启发式算法。实例验算表明,所给模型及算法可以在合理的时间内求解大规模规划问题,有效地降低公司成本。  相似文献   

The IP-based networks on aircraft serve to support Internet services via satellites. However, in aeronautical satellite hybrid net- works,the TCP protocol performance often deteriorates due to improper decreases and slow recovery of the congestion window. This paper proposes a window size determination and notification mechanism, onboard-gateway-based mechanism (OGBM), which is based on the onboard gateway in the networks on aircraft. A cross-layer approach is adopted by the onboard gateway to obtain the satellite link bandwidth information. And then, by the gateway, through changing the receiver’s advertised window field in ACK packets, TCP sources are notified of the window size of each TCP source calculated on the ground of bandwidth delay product and flow numbers. The mechanism is able to avoid improper changes of TCP window and serve multiple users. Simulation results show that the mechanism with the fairness index close to 1 improves TCP performance in aeronautical satellite networks.  相似文献   

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