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The dynamics of linear and nonlinear electrostatic shock excitations is studied in homogeneous, unmagnetized, unbounded and dissipative quantum plasma consisting of electrons and ions. The dissipation in the system is taken into account by incorporating the ion kinematic viscosity. The system is modelled using the quantum hydrodynamic equations in which the electrons are significantly affected by the quantum forces, viz., the quantum statistical pressure, the quantum Bohm potential and electron exchange-correlations due to electron spin. In the weakly nonlinear limit, using reductive perturbation method deformed Korteweg-de Vries Burgers’s (KdVB) equation, which elegantly combines the effects of nonlinearity, dispersion and dissipation is derived. It is found that the present model predicts the existence of both nonlinear oscillatory and monotonic shock structures. The temporal evolution, stability and phase-space dynamics of nonlinear ion acoustic shocks are investigated numerically to elucidate the effects of quantum diffraction, electron exchange correlation and ion kinematic viscosity.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been made for electron acoustic waves propagating in a system of unmagnetized collisionless plasma consists of a cold electron fluid and ions with two different temperatures in which the hot ions obey the non-thermal distribution. The reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the Korteweg–de Vries equation for small but finite amplitude electrostatic waves. It is found that the presence of the energetic population of non-thermal hot ions δ, initial normalized equilibrium density of low temperature ions μ and the ratio of temperatures of low temperature ions to high temperature ions β do not only significantly modify the basic properties of solitary structure, but also change the polarity of the solitary profiles. At the critical hot ions density, the KdV equation is not appropriate for describing the system. Hence, a new set of stretched coordinates is considered to derive the modified KdV equation. In the vicinity of the critical hot ions density, neither KdV nor modified KdV equation is appropriate for describing the electron acoustic waves. Therefore, a further modified KdV equation is derived. An algebraic method with computerized symbolic computation, which greatly exceeds the applicability of the existing tanh, extended tanh methods in obtaining a series of exact solutions of the various KdV-type equations, is used here. Numerical studies have been reveals different solutions e.g., bell-shaped solitary pulses, singular solitary “blowup” solutions, Jacobi elliptic doubly periodic wave, Weierstrass elliptic doubly periodic type solutions, in addition to explosive pulses. The results of the present investigation may be applicable to some plasma environments, such as Earth’s magnetotail region.  相似文献   

Satellite observations have revealed solitary potential structures in the Earth’s magnetotail region. These structures have both positive (compressive) and negative (rarefactive) electrostatic potentials. In this paper we study the electron-acoustic solitary waves (EASWs) in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of cold plasma electrons and isothermal ions with two different temperatures. Using the reductive perturbation method, the nonlinear evolution of such structures is studied. The numerical computations are performed to study the role of two temperature ions in the generation of EASWs. In this case, the model supports the existence of both positive and negative electrostatic potentials with bipolar pulses. The electric field associated with these positive and negative solitary structures are numerically computed. The present study could be useful to construe the compressive and rarefactive electric field bipolar pulses associated with the BEN type emissions in the magnetospheric regions where the electron beams are not present.  相似文献   

The properties of nonlinear electron-acoustic rogue waves have been investigated in an unmagnetized collisionless four-component plasma system consisting of a cold electron fluid, non-thermal hot electrons obeying a non-thermal distribution, an electron beam and stationary ions. It is found that the basic set of fluid equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dependence of rogue wave profiles on the electron beam and energetic population parameter are discussed. The results of the present investigation may be applicable in auroral zone plasma.  相似文献   

We calculate the maximum energy that a particle can obtain at perpendicular interplanetary shock waves by the mechanism of diffusive shock acceleration. The influence of the energy range spectral index of the two-dimensional modes of the interplanetary turbulence is explored. We show that changes in this parameter lead to energies that differ in at least one order of magnitude. Therefore, the large scale structure of the turbulence is a key input if the maximum particle energy is calculated.  相似文献   

Compressional waves propagating in the partially ionised solar lower atmospheric plasmas can easily steepen into nonlinear waves, including shocks. Here we investigate the effect of weak dispersion generated by Hall currents perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field on the characteristics of shock waves. Our study will also focus on the interplay between weak dispersion and partial ionisation of the plasma. Using a multiple scale technique we derive the governing equation in the form of a Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation. The effect of weak dispersion on shock waves is obtained using a perturbation technique. The secular behaviour of second order terms is addressed with the help of a renormalization technique. Our results show that dispersion modifies the characteristics of shock waves and this change is dependent also on the ionisation degree of the plasma. Dispersion can create short lived oscillations in the shocked plasma. The shock fronts become wider with the increase in the number of neutrals in the plasma.  相似文献   

We investigate the form and dynamics of shock acoustic waves (SAW) generated during the launching of rockets Proton and Soyuz from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 1998–2000. In spite of the difference of geophysical conditions, the ionospheric response for all launchings had the character of an N-wave with a period of about 300 s and with an amplitude far exceeding background fluctuations. The angle of elevation of the SAW wave vector varies from 30° to 65°, and the SAW phase velocity (800–1200 m/s) approaches the sound velocity at heights of the ionospheric F region maximum. The position of the SAW source, inferred by neglecting refraction corrections, corresponds to the segment of the rocket path at a distance no less than 700–900 km from the launch pad, which is consistent with the estimated delay time of SAW source triggering (250–300 s).  相似文献   

Cylindrical and spherical dust-electron-acoustic (DEA) shock waves propagating in a dusty plasma (containing cold inertial electrons, hot Maxwellian electrons, stationary and streaming ions, and charge fluctuating stationary dust) are theoretically investigated by reductive perturbation method. It is shown that the effect of the dust charge fluctuation introduces some new features in the nonlinear propagation of the DEA waves, particularly the dust charge fluctuation provides a source of dissipation, and is responsible for the formation of the DEA shock structures. It is also found that the basic features of the DEA nonlinear structures are significantly modified by the non-planar (viz. cylindrical and spherical) geometry, and that the height of the cylindrical DEA shock structures are larger than that of the planar DEA shock structures, but smaller than that of the spherical ones. The implications of these results in laboratory dusty plasmas are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the investigation of wave-particle interaction during simultaneous injection of electron and xenon ion beams from the satellite Intercosmos-25 (IK-25) carried out using the data of the double satellite system with subsatellite Magion-3 (APEX). Results of active space experiment devoted to the beam-plasma instability are partially presented in the paper Baranets et al. (2007). A specific feature of the experiment carried out in orbits 201, 202 was that charged particle flows were injected in the same direction along the magnetic field lines B0 so the oblique beam-into-beam injection have been produced. Results of the beam-plasma interaction for this configuration were registered by scientific instruments mounted on the station IK-25 and Magion-3 subsatellite. Main attention is paid to study the electromagnetic and longitudinal waves excitation in different frequency ranges and the energetic electron fluxes disturbed due to wave-particle interaction with whistler waves. The whistler wave excitation on the 1st electron cyclotron harmonic via normal Doppler effect during electron beam injection in ionospheric plasma are considered.  相似文献   

Intense (n + 1/2) fce emissions are a common phenomenon observed in the terrestrial inner magnetosphere. One of their interests is their possible effect in the pitch angle scattering of plasmasheet keV-electron, leading to diffuse auroras. In this paper, we present CLUSTER’s point of view about this topic, in the equatorial region of the plasmasphere, via a statistical study using 3 years of data. Spectral characteristics of these waves, which represent an important clue concerning their generation mechanism, are obtained using WHISPER data near perigee. Details on the wave spectral signature are shown in an event study, in particular their splitting in fine frequency bands. The orbit configuration of the four spacecraft offers a complete sampling on all MLT sectors. A higher occurrence rate of the emissions in the dawn sector and their confinement to the geomagnetic equator, pointed out in previous studies, are confirmed and described with additional details. The proximity of emission sites, both to the plasmapause layer and to the geomagnetic equator surface, seems to be of great importance in the behaviour of the (n + 1/2) fce wave characteristics. Our study indicates for the first time, that both the intensity of (n + 1/2) fce emissions, and the number of harmonic bands they cover, are increasing as the observation point is located further away outside from the plasmapause layer. Moreover, a study of the wave intensity in the first harmonic band (near 3/2 fce) shows higher amplitude for these emissions than previous published values, these emissions can play a role in the scattering of hot electrons. Finally, geomagnetic activity influence, studied via time series of the Dst index preceding observations, indicates that (n + 1/2) fce emission events are observed at CLUSTER position under moderate geomagnetic activity conditions, no specific Dst time variation being required.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dust acoustic dressed soliton are studied in a four component dusty plasma. Nonthermal distributions for electrons are considered. The Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation is derived by using reductive perturbation technique. A higher order inhomogeneous differential equation is obtained for the higher order correction. The expression for dressed soliton is obtained by the renormalization method. The expressions for higher order correction are determined using a series solution technique.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been made for adiabatic positive and negative dust charge fluctuations on the propagation of dust-ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) in a weakly inhomogeneous, collisionless, unmagnetized dusty plasmas consisting of cold positive ions, stationary positively and negatively charged dust particles and isothermal electrons. The reductive perturbation method is employed to reduce the basic set of fluid equations to the variable coefficients Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. Either compressive or rarefactive solitons are shown to exist depending on the critical value of the ion density, which in turn, depends on the inhomogeneous distribution of the ion. The dissipative effects of non-adiabatic dust charge variation has been studied which cause generation of dust ion acoustic shock waves governed by KdV-Burger (KdVB) equation. The results of the present investigation may be applicable to some dusty plasma environments, such as dusty plasma existing in polar mesosphere region.  相似文献   

The whistler-mode waves and electron temperature anisotropy play a key role prior to and during magnetic reconnection. On August 21, 2002, the Cluster spacecrafts encountered a quasi-collisionless magnetic reconnection event when they crossed the plasma sheet. Prior to the southward turning of magnetospheric magnetic field and high speed ion flow, the whistler-mode waves and positive electron temperature anisotropy are simultaneously observed. Theoretic analysis shows that the electrons with positive temperature anisotropy can excite the whistler-mode waves via cyclotron resonances. Using the data of particles and magnetic field, we estimated the whistler-mode wave growth rate and the ratio of whistler-mode growth rate to wave frequency. They are 0.0016fce (Electron cyclotron frequency) and 0.0086fce, respectively. Therefore the whistler-mode waves can grow quickly in the current sheet. The combined observations of energetic electron beams and waves show that after the southward turning of magnetic field, energetic electrons in the reconnection process are accelerated by the whistler-mode waves.  相似文献   

A rocketborne R.F. resonance cone technique is discussed in this paper. The technique is ideal over the geomagnetic equator where the earth's magnetic field is horizontal. The R.F. exciter is fixed along the axis of the rocket. By measuring the semi-angle of this cone various plasma parameters can be derived, such as electron density and temperature.  相似文献   

Propagation of dustion acoustic solitary waves (DIASWs) and double layers is discussed in earth atmosphere, using the Sagdeev potential method. The best model for distribution function of electrons in earth atmosphere is found by fitting available data on different distribution functions. The nonextensive function with parameter q=0.58 provides the best fit on observations. Thus we analyze the propagation of localized waves in an unmagnetized plasma containing nonextensive electrons, inertial ions, and negatively/positively charged stationary dust. It is found that both compressive and rarefactive solitons as well as double layers exist depending on the sign (and the value) of dust polarity. Characters of propagated waves are described using the presented model.  相似文献   

声表面波型传感器已有十多年的开发历史。本文简明地阐述了它的基本原理,综述了国外的一些研究成果,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

A Brazilian SONDA III rocket carrying plasma diagnostic experiments was launched from the Brazilian rocket launching stations in Alcântara (2.31°S, 44.4°W Geog. Lat.) to measure the height profiles of electron density, electron temperature and the ambient electric field. High frequency capacitance probe was used to measure the height profile of the electron density and the Langmuir probe was used to measure the electron density and the spatial structures of plasma irregularities. An electric field double probe was used to measure the electric field fluctuations associated with the F-region plasma irregularities. Spectral analysis of the fluctuations in electron density and electric field indicated the presence of propagating waves in the night time F-region over a large height range. The electron temperatures estimated from the LP data showed abnormally high values in the base of the F-region during the upleg of the rocket and practically normal values in the same height region during the downleg. A brief study of the characteristic features of the spectra of electron density and electric field fluctuations and the associated electron temperature variations are presented and discussed here.  相似文献   

Parameterization of dynamical and thermal effects of stationary orographic gravity waves (OGWs) generated by the Earth’s surface topography is incorporated into a numerical model of general circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere. Responses of atmospheric general circulation and characteristics of planetary waves at altitudes from the troposphere up to the thermosphere to the effects of OGWs propagating from the earth surface are studied. Changes in atmospheric circulation and amplitudes of planetary waves due to variations of OGW generation and propagation in different seasons are considered. It is shown that during solstices the main OGW dynamical and heat effects occur in the middle atmosphere of winter hemispheres, where changes in planetary wave amplitudes due to OGWs may reach up to 50%. During equinoxes OGW effects are distributed more homogeneously between northern and southern hemispheres.  相似文献   

With the advent of modern global networks of dual-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS), total electron content (TEC) measurements along slant paths connecting GPS receivers and satellites at 22,000 km have become the largest data set available to ionospheric scientists. The TEC can be calculated from the time and phase delay in the GPS signal using the GPS Toolkit, but an unknown bias will remain. In addition, UHF/VHF radio beacons on board low-Earth-orbiting satellites can also be used to measure the electron content. However, the TEC measurements are obtained by integrating TEC differences between slant paths, but also contain biases. It is often necessary to use data assimilative algorithms like the Ionospheric Data Assimilation Three-Dimensional (IDA3D), and to treat both GPS- and LEO-beacon TEC measurements as relative data in order to conduct ionospheric studies.  相似文献   

We continue to analyze the distribution of electron fluxes with energy 30–500 keV under the radiation belts at low and middle latitudes (L = 1.2–1.9) using experimental data obtained onboard ACTIVE satellite. Special attention is given to altitudinal distribution of electron fluxes and detailed analysis of these electron formations. We observe three main regions of electron flux registration that seem to exist constantly under the radiation belts. These regions are: magneto-conjugated to SAA region (in the north hemisphere), local zone of low intense electron flux accumulation to the west of SAA, and extensive region in the north hemisphere to the east. The analysis of experimental data obtained from ACTIVE satellite (orbit height 500–2500 km) shows that electron fluxes are registered in the wide altitude range up to 1100 km. It is shown that these formations have complicated initial structure with two regions of flux maximums: at L = 1.3 and L = 1.6–1.8. We compare particle data with low frequency (LF) data (ARIEL-4 satellite) and high frequency (HF) data (CORONAS-I satellite). Also we discuss the possible mechanisms of the appearance of these formations under the radiation belts.  相似文献   

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