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在GPS 单点定位中, 参数解算的收敛时间和收敛稳定性是重要的研究内容之一, 影响收敛时间和收敛稳定性的因素很多, 本文主要就观测资料的不同采样间隔、卫星钟差资料的不同采样间隔、不同的定位精度要求对精密单点定位中参数收敛时间的影响进行了深入的分析探讨, 以中国上海GPS综合应用网中的12个测站资料为例, 分析了采样间隔、定位精度要求与收敛时间的关系, 并对不同采样间隔的收敛时间进行了统计分析, 得出一些初步结论.  相似文献   

Precise satellite orbit and clocks are essential for providing high accuracy real-time PPP (Precise Point Positioning) service. However, by treating the predicted orbits as fixed, the orbital errors may be partially assimilated by the estimated satellite clock and hence impact the positioning solutions. This paper presents the impact analysis of errors in radial and tangential orbital components on the estimation of satellite clocks and PPP through theoretical study and experimental evaluation. The relationship between the compensation of the orbital errors by the satellite clocks and the satellite-station geometry is discussed in details. Based on the satellite clocks estimated with regional station networks of different sizes (∼100, ∼300, ∼500 and ∼700 km in radius), results indicated that the orbital errors compensated by the satellite clock estimates reduce as the size of the network increases. An interesting regional PPP mode based on the broadcast ephemeris and the corresponding estimated satellite clocks is proposed and evaluated through the numerical study. The impact of orbital errors in the broadcast ephemeris has shown to be negligible for PPP users in a regional network of a radius of ∼300 km, with positioning RMS of about 1.4, 1.4 and 3.7 cm for east, north and up component in the post-mission kinematic mode, comparable with 1.3, 1.3 and 3.6 cm using the precise orbits and the corresponding estimated clocks. Compared with the DGPS and RTK positioning, only the estimated satellite clocks are needed to be disseminated to PPP users for this approach. It can significantly alleviate the communication burdens and therefore can be beneficial to the real time applications.  相似文献   

Eight new-generation BeiDou satellites (BeiDou-3) have been launched into Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), allowing for global coverage since March 2018, and they are equipped with new hydrogen atomic clocks and updated rubidium clocks. Firstly, we analyzed the signals for the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) and pseudorange multipath (MP) by using international GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) station data, and found that B1C has a lower C/N0, and B2a has the same level of C/N0 as the B1I and B3I signals. For pseudorange multipath, compared with the BeiDou-2 satellites, the obvious systematic variation of MP scatters related to the elevation angle is greatly improved for the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e satellites signals. For the signals of the BeiDou-3 satellites, the order of the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of multipath and noise is B3I?<?B1I?<?B2a?<?B1C. Then, the comparison of the precise orbit determination and clock offset determination for the BeiDou-2, BeiDou-3, and BeiDou-3 experimental (BeiDou-3e) satellites was done by using 10 stations from iGMAS. The 3D precision of the 24?h orbit overlap is 24.55, 25.61, and 23.35?cm for the BeiDou-3, BeiDou-3e, and BeiDou-2 satellites, respectively. BeiDou-3 satellite has a comparable precision to that of the BeiDou-2 satellite. For the precision of clock offset estimation, the Standard Deviation (STD) of the BeiDou-3 MEO satellite is 0.350?ns, which is an improvement of 0.042?ns over that of the BeiDou-2 MEO satellite. The stabilities of the BeiDou-3 and BeiDou-3e onboard clocks are better than those of BeiDou-2 by factors of 2.84 and 1.61 at an averaging time of 1000 and 10,000?s, respectively.  相似文献   

Lots of ambiguities in un-differenced (UD) model lead to lower calculation efficiency, which isn’t appropriate for the high-frequency real-time GNSS clock estimation, like 1 Hz. Mixed differenced model fusing UD pseudo-range and epoch-differenced (ED) phase observations has been introduced into real-time clock estimation. In this contribution, we extend the mixed differenced model for realizing multi-GNSS real-time clock high-frequency updating and a rigorous comparison and analysis on same conditions are performed to achieve the best real-time clock estimation performance taking the efficiency, accuracy, consistency and reliability into consideration. Based on the multi-GNSS real-time data streams provided by multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and Wuhan University, GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning prototype system is designed and constructed, including real-time precise orbit determination, real-time precise clock estimation, real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) and real-time Standard Point Positioning (RT-SPP). The statistical analysis of the 6 h-predicted real-time orbits shows that the root mean square (RMS) in radial direction is about 1–5 cm for GPS, Beidou MEO and Galileo satellites and about 10 cm for Beidou GEO and IGSO satellites. Using the mixed differenced estimation model, the prototype system can realize high-efficient real-time satellite absolute clock estimation with no constant clock-bias and can be used for high-frequency augmentation message updating (such as 1 Hz). The real-time augmentation message signal-in-space ranging error (SISRE), a comprehensive accuracy of orbit and clock and effecting the users’ actual positioning performance, is introduced to evaluate and analyze the performance of GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning system. The statistical analysis of real-time augmentation message SISRE is about 4–7 cm for GPS, whlile 10 cm for Beidou IGSO/MEO, Galileo and about 30 cm for BeiDou GEO satellites. The real-time positioning results prove that the GPS + BeiDou + Galileo RT-PPP comparing to GPS-only can effectively accelerate convergence time by about 60%, improve the positioning accuracy by about 30% and obtain averaged RMS 4 cm in horizontal and 6 cm in vertical; additionally RT-SPP accuracy in the prototype system can realize positioning accuracy with about averaged RMS 1 m in horizontal and 1.5–2 m in vertical, which are improved by 60% and 70% to SPP based on broadcast ephemeris, respectively.  相似文献   

Precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR) is a useful tool for high-precision geodetic and geophysical applications, while phase bias products are the prerequisite to implement PPP-AR. Wuhan University has been providing the final (the best operationally post-processing solution based) phase clock/bias products with a latency of two weeks since March of 2019, while a dedicated open-source software package PRIDE PPP-AR is released to leverage these products for high-precision positioning. In order to satisfy some both time and precision critical applications, such as rapid earthquake response, Wuhan University also released rapid (with comparable quality but with much shorter delivery latency) phase clock/bias products with a latency of less than 24 h and updated PRIDE PPP-AR in July 2019. We first introduce the phase clock/bias generation and validation schemes and the maintenance of routine products provision. Then, with 14 days (July 2 to July 15 in 2019) of GPS data collected from 146 globally distributed IGS (International GNSS Service) stations, we evaluated the positioning performance of the rapid products with respect to their final counterparts. It is found that positioning precision of PPP-AR using rapid products is comparable to that using final products, especially in kinematic positioning mode. When rapid products are used, the RMS of PPP-AR in static mode with respect to IGS weekly solutions can reach 1.7 mm, 1.8 mm and 5.5 mm in the east, north and up components, respectively. Furthermore, the RMS of epoch-wise positions with respect to daily solutions for the east, north and up components are 0.51 cm, 0.57 cm and 1.51 cm for PPP-AR with rapid products in kinematic mode. It demonstrates that the rapid phase clock/bias products can sufficiently meet the precision requirement of most geodetic and geophysical applications yet with much shorter time delay. Finally, we study the July 6th M7.1 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake using the rapid phase clock/bias products and demonstrate their comparable performance against the final products.  相似文献   

Precise point positioning (PPP) usually takes about 30?min to obtain centimetre-level accuracy, which greatly limits its application. To address the drawbacks of convergence speed and positioning accuracy, we develop a PPP model with integrated GPS and BDS observations. Based on the method, stations with global coverage are selected to estimate the fractional cycle bias (FCB) of GPS and BDS. The short-term and long-term time series of wide-lane (WL) FCB, and the single day change of narrow-lane (NL) FCB are analysed. It is found that the range of GPS and BDS non-GEO (IGSO and MEO) WL FCB is stable at up to a 30-day-time frame. At times frame of up to 60?days, the stability is reduced a lot. Whether for short-term or long-term, the changes in the BDS GEO WL FCB are large. Moreover, BDS FCB sometimes undergoes a sudden jump. Besides, 17 and 10 stations were used respectively to investigate the convergence speed and positioning errors with six strategies: BDS ambiguity-float PPP (Bfloat), GPS ambiguity-float PPP (Gfloat), BDS/GPS ambiguity-float PPP (BGfloat), BDS ambiguity-fixed PPP (Bfix), GPS ambiguity-fixed (Gfix), and BDS/GPS ambiguity-fixed (BGfix). The average convergence speed of the ambiguity-fixed solution is greatly improved compared with the ambiguity-float solution. In terms of the average convergence time, the Bfloat is the longest and the BGfix is the shortest among these six strategies. Whether for ambiguity-float PPP or ambiguity-fixed PPP, the convergence reduction time in three directions for the combined system is the largest compared with the single BDS. The average RMS value of the Bfix in three directions (easting (E), northing (N), and up (U)) are 2.0?cm, 1.5?cm, and 5.9?cm respectively, while those of the Gfix are 0.8?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.7?cm. Compared with single system, the BDS/GPS combined ambiguity-fixed system (BGfix) has the fastest convergence speed and the highest accuracy, with average RMS as 0.7?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.9?cm for the E, N, U components, respectively.  相似文献   

The main challenge in real-time precise point positioning (PPP) is that the data outages or large time lags in receiving precise orbit and clock corrections greatly degrade the continuity and real-time performance of PPP positioning. To solve this problem, instead of directly predicting orbit and clock corrections in previous researches, this paper presents an alternative approach of generating combined corrections including orbit error, satellite clock and receiver-related error with broadcast ephemeris. Using ambiguities and satellite fractional-cycle biases (FCBs) of previous epoch and the short-term predicted tropospheric delay through linear extrapolation model (LEM), combined corrections at current epoch are retrieved and weighted with multiple reference stations, and further broadcast to user for continuous enhanced positioning during outages of orbit and clock corrections. To validate the proposed method, two reference station network with different inter-station distance from National Geodetic Survey (NGS) network are used for experiments with six different time lags (i.e., 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 30 s, 45 s and 60 s), and one set of data collected by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is also used. The performance of LEM is investigated, and the troposphere prediction accuracy of low elevation (e.g., 10–20degrees) satellites has been improved by 44.1% to 79.0%. The average accuracy of combined corrections before and after LEM is used is improved by 12.5% to 77.3%. Without LEM, an accuracy of 2–3 cm can be maintained only in case of small time lags, while the accuracies with LEM are all better than 2 cm in case of different time lags. The performance of simulated kinematic PPP at user end is assessed in terms of positioning accuracy and epoch fix rate. In case of different time lags, after LEM is used, the average accuracy in horizontal direction is better than 3 cm, and the accuracy in up direction is better than 5 cm. At the same time, the epoch fix rate has also increased to varying degrees. The results of the UAV data show that in real kinematic environment, the proposed method can still maintain a positioning accuracy of several centimeters in case of 20 s time lag.  相似文献   

具体分析了NTSC和LORAN-C的两套时频基准系统。结果表明,NTSC时频基准系统可以产生高精度的时间频率信号,但是没有主标备份,不利于连续性的保持;而LORAN-C的时频基准系统产生控制高精度时频信号,同时主标发生故障时自动切换到副标,不停止信号的输出,而且切换主标时不会发生信号瞬间中断或相位突变,这些又保证了信号的瞬间连续性。它可广泛应用于守时、授时及导航系统中。  相似文献   

Utilizing ACE satellite observations from 1998 to 2009, we performed the elaborate study on the properties of the clock angle θCA (arctan(By/Bz) (?90° to 90°) of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the solar wind at 1?AU. The solar wind with northward IMF (NW-IMF) and southward IMF (SW-IMF) are analyzed, independently. Statistical analysis shows that the solar wind with SW-IMF and NW-IMF has similar properties in general, including their durations, the IMF Bz and By components, and the IMF θCA. Then, the solar wind with NW-IMF (SW-IMF) is classified into five different temporal scales according to the duration of the NW-IMF (SW-IMF), i.e., very-short wind of 10–30?min, short-scale wind of 0.5–1?h, moderate-scale wind of 1–3?h, long-scale wind of 3–5?h, and super-long wind >5?h. Our analysis reveals that the IMF θCA has a distinct decrease with increase of the temporal scale of the solar wind. Next, the solar wind is classified into two groups, i.e., the high-speed solar wind (>450?km/s) and the low-speed solar wind (<450?km/s). Our analysis indicates that the IMF θCA depends highly on the solar wind speed. Statistically, high-speed solar wind tends to have larger IMF θCA than low-speed solar wind. The evolutions of the solar wind and IMF with the solar activity are further studied, revealing no clear solar variation of the IMF θCA. Finally, we analyze the monthly variation of the IMF θCA. Superposed epoch result strongly suggests the seasonal variation of the IMF θCA.  相似文献   

纳卫星热系统是在复杂空间热环境下实现纳卫星被动热控制任务的基本技术途径,对其进行在轨动态特性分析与建模对纳卫星的热控方法与效果研究及评价具有重要意义.通过详尽的机理分析建立了描述纳卫星热系统在轨飞行过程中瞬态温度变化的3维非线性动态特性模型,阐述了与之配套的外热流分析与轨道运动计算方法,并以一太阳同步轨道纳卫星为例,对其飞行过程中的外热流变化、在轨温度变化响应等动态特性进行了详细的分析和讨论,为进一步深入研究纳卫星热控制、热管理理论及技术提供了简便的分析计算模型与方法.  相似文献   

The overlapping-frequency signals from different GNSS constellations are interoperable and can be integrated as one constellation in multi-GNSS positioning when inter-system bias (ISB) is properly disposed. The look-up table method for ISB calibration can enhance the model strength, maximize the number of integer-estimable ambiguities, and thus is preferred. However, the characteristics and magnitudes of the receiver code ISB and phase fractional ISB (F-ISB) are not well known and the wrong values of the biases can seriously degrade the positioning results. In this contribution, we first estimate the between-receiver code ISB and phase F-ISB of hundreds of the baselines up to around 25km in the European Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) and the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) for the overlapping frequencies L1-E1 (L1), L5-E5a (L5) and E5b-B2b (L7). The data collected from 1st January 2016 to 1st January 2019. Second, the receiver-type and firmware-version combinations for the receivers of Trimble, Leica, Javad, Septentrio and NovAtel are carefully classified. Results show that the Septentrio receivers have consistent code and phase ISB values for the three overlapping frequencies i.e. only one value for each frequency and no receivers are different. The Leica, Trimble and Javad receivers have two or more ISB values for at least one of the three frequencies. A few receivers with biases to the groups are also found and listed. Third, the code ISB and phase F-ISB of the groups are adjusted by the least-squares method. The root mean square errors (RMSE) of the least square adjustment are 0.240 m, 0.250 m and 0.200 m for code of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively, and are 0.0009 m, 0.0015 m and 0.0031 m for phase of L1, L5 and L7 frequencies, respectively. Finally, the effects of code ISB errors on code positing are investigated with the zero-baseline MAT1_MATZ. The distance root mean square error (DRMS) of L1-E1 code positioning can be reduced by 48.2% with 5 GPS and Galileo satellites and the DRMS degrades quickly when the code ISB error is larger.  相似文献   

SINS快速传递对准建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对空间武器捷联惯性导航系统SINS(Strapdown Inertial Navigation System)动基座快速、精确初始对准问题,建立了空间环境下武器SINS的动基座误差模型,并考虑武器SINS的惯性器件误差.根据姿态传递对准原理,推导了姿态匹配方式下卫星与武器SINS姿态角之差的量测方程.在此基础上,建立了空间武器SINS传递对准的数学模型,设计一种快速对准卡尔曼滤波器.计算机仿真结果验证了该模型的有效性.在10s时间内,可获得与卫星姿态测量系统姿态精度相当的对准精度,同时还能实现武器SINS惯性器件误差的准确标定.   相似文献   

ESA’s Space Debris Office provides an operational service for the assessment of collision risks of ESA satellites. Currently, the ENVISAT and ERS-2 missions in low Earth orbits are covered by this service. If an upcoming high-risk conjunction event is predicted based on analysis of Two-Line Element (TLE) data from the US Space Surveillance Network, then independent tracking data of the potential high-risk conjunction object are acquired to improve the knowledge of its orbit. This improved knowledge and the associated small error covariances derived from the orbit determination process scale down the position error ellipsoid at the conjunction epoch. Hence, for the same miss-distance, in most cases an avoidance manoeuvre can be suppressed with an acceptable residual risk.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results for the global elastic parameters: Love number h2 and Shida number l2 derived from the analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data. SLR data for the two low satellites STELLA (H = 800 km) and STARLETTE (H = 810 km) observed during 2.5 years from January 3, 2005 until July 1, 2007 with 18 globally distributed ground stations were analyzed. The analysis was done separately for the two satellites. We do a sequential analysis and study the stability and convergence of the estimates as a function of length of the data set used.  相似文献   

电位计以其结构简单,性能稳定,能适应恶劣环境等特点,广泛应用于伺服系统中。然而在使用过程中时常出现输出信号异常或中断,使伺服系统性能下降或无法正常工作,严重影响伺服系统的使用。根据多年来伺服系统用反馈电位计的应用情况得知,引起电位计输出信号异常的故障原因主要有电刷断裂、铆钉松动、垫片断裂、引出线断裂、电刷与中心抽头银带接触以及电阻膜或导电条表面有异物或瑕疵点等。通过故障模式机理分析确定了故障的原因,给出了控制和消除故障的方法与建议,并应用于反馈电位计产品整个研制生产过程中,从而提高了伺服系统的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

分析了太阳系探测的发展趋势,认为从月球到火星是未来太阳系探测的主线,太阳系探测将从普查性探测向重点天体探测转变,从技术实现为主向科学牵引转变,国际合作成为太阳系探测的必然趋势。归纳了太阳系探测的关键科学问题,认为太阳系与行星系统的起源和演化是探测的终极科学目标,寻找地外生命和宜居环境是探测的主要驱动力,预防太阳活动和小天体撞击对地球的灾害性影响是探测的现实意义。在探月工程取得进展之后,中国应以月球和火星探测为主线,以火星探测为切入点,有序开展火星、小行星、太阳、金星、木星系统等太阳系探测任务,牵引航天技术进步,推动行星科学发展。  相似文献   

Identification of the appropriate combination of classifier and dimensionality reduction method has been a recurring task for various hyperspectral image classification scenarios. Image classification by multiple classifier system has been evolving as a promising method for enhancing accuracy and reliability of image classification. Because of the diversity in generalization capabilities of various dimensionality reduction methods, the classifier optimal to the problem and hence the accuracy of image classification varies considerably. The impact of including multiple dimensionality reduction methods in the MCS architecture for the supervised classification of a hyperspectral image for land cover classification has been assessed in this study. Multi-source airborne hyperspectral images acquired over five different sites covering a range of land cover categories have been classified by a multiple classifier system and compared against the classification results obtained from support vector machines (SVM). The MCS offers acceptable classification results across the images or sites when there are multiple dimensionality reduction methods in addition to different classifiers. Apart from offering acceptable classification results, the MCS indicates about 5% increase in the overall accuracy when compared to the SVM classifier across the hyperspectral images and sites. Results indicate the presence of dimensionality reduction method specific empirical preferences by land cover categories for certain classifiers thereby demanding the design of MCS to support adaptive selection of classifiers and dimensionality reduction methods for hyperspectral image classification.  相似文献   

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