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Nonlinear propagation of fast and slow magnetosonic perturbation modes in an ultra-cold, degenerate (extremely dense) electron–positron (EP) plasma (containing non-relativistic, ultra-cold, degenerate electron and positron fluids) has been investigated by the reductive perturbation method. It is shown that due to the property of being equal mass of the plasma species (me=mpme=mp, where meme and mpmp are electron and positron mass, respectively), the degenerate EP plasma system supports the K-dV solitons which are associated with either fast or slow magnetosonic perturbation modes. It is also found that the basic features of the electromagnetic solitary structures, which are found to exist in such a degenerate EP plasma, are significantly modified by the effects of degenerate electron and positron pressures. The applications of the results in an EP plasma medium, which occurs in compact astrophysical objects, particularly in white dwarfs, have been briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The nonlinear propagation of ion–acoustic (IA) waves in a magneto–rotating plasma is studied by considering the Kappa-Cairns electron distribution. Employing the perturbation scheme, Korteweg–de Vries equation is derived. It is seen that both positive and negative potential solitons can be supported in the present plasma model. The numerical results reveal that the Kappa-Cairns distributed electrons modify features of the electrostatic waves significantly. The effects of non–thermal parameters, plasma rotation frequency, ion temperature, and the wave propagation angle on electrostatic solitary wave structures are also discussed here. It is found that the plasma parameters considerably influence the propagation of IA waves in rotating plasmas. Furthermore, using the bifurcation theory of planar dynamical systems to the K-dV equation, we have presented the existence of solitary and periodic traveling waves. Our study may be helpful to understand the behavior of ion–acoustic wave in the rotating plasma.  相似文献   

Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic wave (IAWs) solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) is explored for the first time in an electron-ion (e-i) magnetized solar wind plasma. The existence of ion-acoustic (IA) periodic, superperiodic, kink, antikink, compressive and rarefactive solitary wave solutions are revealed. Special values of Solar wind plasma parameters at a normalized distance from the Sun are considered for numerical simulation. The IA wave solutions are derived analytically. These solutions are analyzed numerically considering the influence of parameters, namely, wave number (k), velocity (V) of traveling wave and nonextensive parameter (q). Computational simulation reveals that only IA periodic wave grows in amplitude as waves moves from the Sun.  相似文献   

We study the Propagation and damping properties of Alfvén gravity waves in the presence of the vertical magnetic field in the viscous solar plasma under influence of the background flow by deriving a fourth order dispersion relation in terms of the Doppler shifted frequency. We derive the dispersion relation under WKB and Boussinesq approximation. We study the damping of Alfvén gravity waves for the wave frequencies less than and greater than the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. We find that the Brunt-Väisälä frequency divides the frequency ranges where the weakly or strongly damped oscillations occur. The background flow exhibits a strong effect on weakly damped oscillations and a weak effect on the strongly damped oscillations. We also notice that the damping of both the strong and weakly damped oscillations depend on the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. The effect of the background flow is also being governed by the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and wave number. We also study the properties of gravity wave mode after filtering the Alfvén wave mode by minimizing the magnetic field and noticed that the background flow shows a very strong effect on the gravity wave mode.  相似文献   

The non-linear theory of ion-acoustic waves in two-spesies isotropic collisionless plasma is developed. Both light electron and heavy ion species in the plasma are distributed with Kaniadakis’ statistics. Kaniadakis’ gas law is derived. The exact formula for the Sagdeev pseudopotential in parametric form is derived by the method based on the integration of the inverse function. The pseudopotential is analyzed. It is shown that periodic ion-acoustic waves and solitons are possible in the studied plasma. The differential equation describing the profile of the ion concentration in the wave is derived. The profiles of this concentration in the periodic ion-acoustic wave and soliton are calculated.  相似文献   

Based on the ISL data detected by DEMETER satellite, the solar cycle variation in electron density (Ne) and electron temperature (Te) were studied separately in local daytime 10:30 and nighttime 22:30 during 2005–2010 in the 23rd/24th solar cycles. The semi-annual, annual periods and decreasing trend with the descending solar activity were clearly revealed in Ne. At middle and high latitudes, there exhibited phase shift and even reversed annual variation over Southern and Northern hemisphere, and the annual variation amplitudes were asymmetrical at both hemispheres in local daytime. In local nighttime, the annual variations of Ne at south and north hemispheres were symmetrical at same latitudes, but the annual variation amplitudes at different latitudes differed largely, showing obviously zonal features. As for Te, the phase shift in annual variations was not as apparent as Ne with the increase of latitudes at Southern and Northern hemisphere in local daytime. While in local nighttime the reversed annual variations of Te were shown at low latitudinal areas, not at high latitudes as those in Ne. The correlation study on Ne and Te illustrated that, in local daytime, Ne and Te showed strong negative correlation at equator and low latitudes, but during the solar minimum years the correlation between Ne and Te changed to be positive at 25–30° latitudes in March 2009. The correlation coefficient R between Ne and Te also showed semi-annual periodical variations during 2005–2010. While in local nighttime, Ne and Te exhibited relatively weak positive correlation with R being about 0.6 at low latitudes, however no correlation beyond latitudes of 25° was obtained.  相似文献   

The structure of standing Alfvén waves with large azimuthal wave numbers (m ? 1) is studied in a dipole model of the magnetosphere with rotating plasma. In the direction across magnetic shells the structure of such waves is determined by their dispersion associated with curvature of geomagnetic field lines and corresponds to the travelling wave localized between toroidal and poloidal resonant surfaces. In projection into the ionosphere (along geomagnetic field lines) this structure is similar to the structure of a discrete auroral arc. The azimuthal structure of an auroral arc is similar to azimuthal structure of Alfvén waves with m ∼ 100. Possible interaction mechanisms between the Alfvén waves and energetic electron fluxes forming auroral arcs are discussed.  相似文献   

The ion density measured by the Ionospheric Plasma and Electrodynamics Instrument (IPEI) on board the ROCSAT -1 over the 75°E and 95°E meridian at 600km altitude has been utilized to examine the latitudinal and longitudinal distribution within the Indian sector, in particular, the north-south and east-west asymmetries of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). A longitudinal gradient in ion density at 600?km higher towards 95°E develops during the noontime and afternoon hours when the EIA is at its peak. The density gradient persists till evening hours when pre-reversal enhancements occur. The vertical E?×?B plasma drift velocity measured simultaneously by ROCSAT -1 for the same space-time configuration has also been studied. In addition to diurnal, seasonal and solar activity variations in E?×?B drift velocity, the longitudinal gradient is also observed. The EIA at the altitude of 600?km peaks at different latitudes and are mostly asymmetric about the magnetic equator. From midnight till 0800 LT, the ion density across the equator is nearly uniform in the equinoxes. But in the solstices, the density exhibits a north-south gradient. In the June solstice, density is higher in the northern hemisphere and decreases gradually towards south. The gradient in density reverses in December solstice. Normally, the EIA peaks within 1200 LT and 1600 LT while around 2000 LT, pre-reversal enhancement of ionization occurs affecting the EIA evening structure. The strength of the EIA also exhibits seasonal, year-to-year and hemispheric variations. The longitudinal asymmetry of drift velocity along 75°E and 95°E longitude sectors is the contributing factor behind the observed longitudinal asymmetry in ion density. Significant positive correlation between the strength of the EIA and E?×?B drift is observed in both longitudes.  相似文献   

This investigation uses simultaneous observations from all-sky imager system and an ionosonde collocated at Araguatins (5.65° S, 48.07° W and dip-latitude of 4.17° S), a near-equatorial region in Brazil. These simultaneous observations were used to investigate the occurrence of plasma bubbles and blobs in the field of the imaging system and their association with atypical range Spread-F signature in ionograms. Also, in-situ observation of plasma density from Swarm satellites were used to support the ground-based observations. Using a few cases, a methodology will be established to identify in the plasma blobs (atypical ESF) in the ionograms when there is the simultaneous observation of plasma bubbles and blobs in the field of view of the ionosonde. For this purpose, simultaneous sequence of OI 630.0 nm nightglow images and ionograms are presented for different case studies; 1. when there is the absence of a plasma bubble or blob, 2. when there is only the occurrence of plasma bubbles and 3. when there is the occurrence of plasma bubbles and blobs, in order to compare traces in the ionogram in all these case studies. With these we can cover all kinds of signatures in the ionograms corresponding to no irregularities, plasma bubbles only and plasma bubbles-blobs. These OI 630.0 nm nightglow and ionograms recorded simultaneously make it possible to establish a novel methodology to recognize in ionograms cases when there is the occurrence of Spread-F signature associated with bubble-blob in the FOV of the ionosonde.  相似文献   

Observations made with the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed that the solar wind decelerates to form the heliospheric termination shock. Voyager 1 crossed this termination shock at ∼94 AU in 2004, while Voyager 2 crossed it in 2007 at a different heliolatitude, about 10 AU closer to the Sun. These different positions of the termination shock confirm the dynamic and cyclic nature of the shock’s position. Observations from the two Voyager spacecraft inside the heliosheath indicate significant differences between them, suggesting that apart from the dynamic nature caused by changing solar activity there also may exist a global asymmetry in the north–south (polar) dimensions of the heliosphere, in addition to the expected nose–tail asymmetry. This relates to the direction in which the heliosphere is moving in interstellar space and its orientation with respect to the interstellar magnetic field. In this paper we focus on illustrating the effects of this north–south asymmetry on modulation of galactic cosmic ray Carbon, between polar angles of 55° and 125°, using a numerical model which includes all four major modulation processes, the termination shock and the heliosheath. This asymmetry is incorporated in the model by assuming a significant dependence on heliolatitude of the thickness of the heliosheath. When comparing the computed spectra between the two polar angles, we find that at energies E < ∼1.0 GeV the effects of the assumed asymmetry on the modulated spectra are insignificant up to 60 AU from the Sun but become increasingly more significant with larger radial distances to reach a maximum inside the heliosheath. In contrast, with E > ∼1.0 GeV, these effects remain insignificant throughout the heliosphere even very close to the heliopause. Furthermore, we find that a higher local interstellar spectrum for Carbon enhances the effects of asymmetric modulation between the two polar angles at lower energies (E < ∼300 MeV). In conclusion, it is found that north–south asymmetrical effects on the modulation of cosmic ray Carbon depend strongly on the extent of the geometrical asymmetry of the heliosheath together with the assumed value of the local interstellar spectrum.  相似文献   

In this report we summarize the research results by Chinese scientists in 2012–2014. The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere, specifically the researches related to ground-based observation capability development, dynamical processes, the property of circulation and chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

We have used the radio occultation (RO) satellite data CHAMP/GPS (Challenging Minisatellite Payload/Global Positioning System) for studying the ionosphere of the Earth. A method for deriving the parameters of ionospheric structures is based upon an analysis of the RO signal variations in the phase path and intensity. This method allows one to estimate the spatial displacement of a plasma layer with respect to the ray perigee, and to determine the layer inclination and height correction values. In this paper, we focus on the case study of inclined sporadic E (Es) layers in the high-latitude ionosphere based on available CHAMP RO data. Assuming that the internal gravity waves (IGWs) with the phase-fronts parallel to the ionization layer surfaces are responsible for the tilt angles of sporadic plasma layers, we have developed a new technique for determining the parameters of IGWs linked with the inclined Es structures. A small-scale internal wave may be modulating initially horizontal Es layer in height and causing a direction of the plasma density gradient to be rotated and aligned with that of the wave propagation vector k. The results of determination of the intrinsic wave frequency and period, vertical and horizontal wavelengths, intrinsic vertical and horizontal phase speeds, and other characteristics of IGWs under study are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

ISEE-1 and 2 observations from about 20 Re down the near-Earth magnetotail indicate the presence of magnetic flux ropes in the neutral sheet. Magnetic and electric field and fast plasma data show that these structures convect across the spacecraft at speeds of 200–600-km/s, and have scale sizes of roughly 3–5-Re. The rope axis orientation is approximately cross-tail. Their magnetic structure is similar to Venus ionospheric flux ropes, and to flux transfer events at the dayside magnetopause. These structures may arise from patchy reconnection or tearing mode reconnection within the plasma sheet.  相似文献   

During the August 25, 2018 geomagnetic storm, the new borne CSES-01 satellite and the Swarm A satellite detected a really large equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) in the post-midnight sector over western Africa. We investigated the features of this deep ionospheric plasma depletion using data from the Langmuir probes on-board CSES-01 and Swarm A satellites, and data from the high-precision magnetometer and the electric field detector instruments on-board CSES-01. Using also plasma and magnetic field data from THEMIS-E satellite we found that, during the passage of the magnetic cloud that drove the geomagnetic storm, an impulsive variation lasting about ten minutes characterized the solar wind (SW) pressure. The analysis of the delay time, between the occurrence of such impulsive variation and the detection of the plasma bubble, suggests a possible link between the SW pressure impulsive variation as identified by THEMIS-E and the generation of the EPB as detected by CSES-01 and Swarm A. We put forward the hypothesis that the SW pressure impulsive variation might have triggered an eastward prompt penetrating electric field that propagated from high to equatorial latitudes, overlapping in the nightside region to the zonal westward electric field, causing either a reduction or an inversion, at the base of the EPB triggering.  相似文献   

We analyze the Greenwich catalog data on areas of sunspot groups of last thirteen solar cycles. Various parameters of sunspots are considered, namely: average monthly smoothed areas, maximum area for each year and equivalent diameters of groups of sunspots. The first parameter shows an exceptional power of the 19th cycle of solar activity, which appears here more contrastively than in the numbers of spots (that is, in Wolf’s numbers). It was found that in the maximum areas of sunspot groups for a year there is a unique phenomenon: a short and high jump in the 18th cycle (in 1946–1947) that has no analogues in other cycles. We also studied the integral distributions for equivalent diameters and found the following: (a) the average value of the index of power-law approximation is 5.4 for the last 13 cycles and (b) there is reliable evidence of Hale's double cycle (about 44?years). Since this indicator reflects the dispersion of sunspot group diameters, the results obtained show that the convective zone of the Sun generates embryos of active regions in different statistical regimes which change with a cycle of about 44?years.  相似文献   

Solar transients and their related interplanetary counterparts have severe effects on the space environments of the Earth. Therefore, the research of solar corona and interplanetary physics has become the focus of study for both solar and space scientists. Considerable progress has been achieved in these aspects by the solar and space physics community of China during 2012–2014, which will be given in this report. The brief report summarizes the research advances of solar corona and interplanetary physics into the following parts: solar wind origin and turbulence, coronal waves and seismology, solar eruptions, solar energetic particle and galactic cosmic ray, magnetic reconnection,Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) models and their applications, waves and structures in solar wind,propagation of ICMEs/shocks and their arrival time predictions. These research achievements have been achieved by Chinese solar and space scientists independently or via international collaborations.  相似文献   

The Galactic transient black hole candidate H 1743–322 exhibited a long duration outburst in 2003 after more than two and a half decades of inactivity. The 2003 event was extensively studied in multi-wavelength bands by many groups. The striking feature is that the total energy released is extremely high as compared to that in tens of outbursts which followed. In this paper, we look at this event and study both the spectral and temporal properties of the source using two component advective flow (TCAF) paradigm. We extract accretion flow parameters for each observation from spectral properties of the decay phase and determine the mass of the black hole. We computed the energy released during all the known outbursts since 2003 and showed that on an average, the energy release in an outburst is proportional to the duration of the quiescent state just prior to it, with the exception of the 2004 outburst. A constant rate of supply of matter from the companion cannot explain the energy release in 2004 outburst. However, if the energy release of 2003 is incomplete and the leftover is released in 2004, then the companion’s rate of matter supply can be constant since 1977 till date. We believe that erratic behaviour of viscosity at the accumulation radius Xp of matter as well as location the Xp itself, rather than the random variation of mass transfer rate from the companion, could be responsible for non-uniformity in outburst pattern. We discuss several factors on which the waiting time and duration of the next outburst could depend.  相似文献   

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