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Cool objects glow in the infrared. The gas and solid-state species that escape the stellar gravitational attraction of evolved late-type stars in the form of a stellar wind are cool, with temperatures typically ?1500 K, and can be ideally studied in the infrared. These stellar winds create huge extended circumstellar envelopes with extents approaching 10191019 cm. In these envelopes, a complex kinematical, thermodynamical and chemical interplay determines the global and local structural parameters. Unraveling the wind acceleration mechanisms and deriving the complicated structure of the envelopes is important to understand the late stages of evolution of ∼97% of stars in galaxies as our own Milky Way. That way, we can also assess the significant chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium by the mass loss of these evolved stars. The Herschel Space Observatory is uniquely placed to study evolved stars thanks to the excellent capabilities of the three infrared and sub-millimeter instruments on board: PACS, SPIRE and HIFI. In this review, I give an overview of a few important results obtained during the first two years of Herschel observations in the field of evolved low and intermediate mass stars, and I will show how the Herschel observations can solve some historical questions on these late stages of stellar evolution, but also add some new ones.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of high resolution spectra in the far-UV – UV range (∼905–2000 Å) with non-LTE, spherical, hydrodynamical, line-blanketed models, of three O-type Galactic stars, and derive their photospheric and wind parameters. These data extend previously analyzed samples and fill a gap in spectral type coverage. The combined sample confirms a revised (downward) Teff scale with respect to canonical calibrations, as found in our previous works from UV and optical spectra, and in recent works by other authors.  相似文献   

Recent observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton   have shown that the X-ray source 1WGA J1346.5–6255 is associated with the Be star HD 119682, a member of the open cluster NGC 5281, and displays all the characteristics of the new class of X-ray sources known as γγ-Cas analogues. We present a detailed spectroscopic study of this open cluster, finding an age of 40 Myr and a sequence of evolved stars. These results imply that HD 119682 is a blue straggler in NGC 5281, as it is much more massive than any other cluster member, and its membership is strongly suggested by proper motion analysis. This is the second γγ-Cas analogue found to be blue straggler in an open cluster, suggesting that evolution plays a role in the formation of these systems and that a supernova explosion has not occurred in them.  相似文献   

We present a review of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXT) Project, a systematic investigation of the properties of SFXTs with a strategy that combines Swift monitoring programs with outburst follow-up observations. This strategy has quickly tripled the available sets of broad-band data of SFXT outbursts, and gathered a wealth of out-of-outburst data, which have led us to a broad-band spectral characterization, an assessment of the fraction of the time these sources spend in each phase, and their duty cycle of inactivity. We present some new observational results obtained through our outburst follow-ups, as fitting examples of the exceptional capabilities of Swift in catching bright flares and monitor them panchromatically.  相似文献   

We discuss the relevance of UV data in the detection and characterization of hot massive stars and young stellar populations in galaxies. We show results from recent extensive surveys in M31 and M33 with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) multi-wavelength data including UV filters, which imaged several regions at a linear resolution (projected) of less than half a pc in these galaxies, and from GALEX far-UV and near-UV wide-field, low-resolution imaging of the entire galaxies. Both datasets allow us to study the hierarchical structure of star formation: the youngest stellar groups are the most compact, and are often arranged within broader, sparser structures. The derived recent star-formation rates are rather similar for the two galaxies, when scaled for the respective areas. We show how uncertainties in metallicity and type of selective extinction for the internal reddening may affect the results, and how an appropriate complement of UV filters could reduce such uncertainties, and significantly alleviate some parameter degeneracies.  相似文献   

Recent ultraviolet and X-ray observations pertaining to the outer atmospheric structure of intermediate mass (4–6 M0) stars and the evolution of their structure are presented. A distance-limited (d ≤ 200 pc) IUE ultraviolet survey of early K bright giants shows that C IV emission commonly is present. These stars are almost evenly split between stars showing hybrid-chromospheric and coronal outer atmospheric structures. EXOSAT observations have been obtained for three hybrid stars, of which only α TrA, the nearest, is detected. The temperature of the emitting plasma is likely to be ∼106K. Observations of six K II stars made with the Einstein satellite show no detections. The general conclusion from the available X-ray data is that early K bright giants are not strong X-ray sources.  相似文献   

Although rotating neutron stars (NSs) have been regarded as being textbook examples of astrophysical particle acceleration sites for decades, details of the acceleration mechanism remain a mystery; for example, we cannot yet observationally distinguish “polar cap” models from “outer gap” models. To solve the model degeneracy, it is useful to study similar systems with much different physical parameters. Strongly magnetized white dwarfs (WDs) are ideal for this purpose, because they have essentially the same system geometry as NSs, but differ largely from NSs in the system parameters, including the size, magnetic field, and the rotation velocity, with the induced electric field expected to reach 1013–1014 eV. Based on this idea, the best candidate among WDs, AE Aquarii, was observed with the fifth Japaneses X-ray satellite, Suzaku. The hard X-ray detector (HXD) on-board Suzaku has the highest sensitivity in the hard X-ray band over 10 keV. A marginal detection in the hard X-ray band was achieved with the HXD, and was separated from the thermal emission. The flux corresponds to about 0.02% of its spin-down energy. If the signal is real, this observation must be a first case of the detection of non-thermal emission from WDs.  相似文献   

This paper contains a summary of the results from the first years of observations with the HIFI instrument onboard ESA’s Herschel space observatory. The paper starts by outlining the goals and possibilities of far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy, the limitations of the Earth’s atmosphere, and the scientific scope of the Herschel-HIFI mission. The presentation of science results from the mission follows the life cycle of gas in galaxies as grouped into five themes: Structure of the interstellar medium, First steps in interstellar chemistry, Formation of stars and planets, Solar system results and Evolved stellar envelopes. The HIFI observations paint a picture where the interstellar medium in galaxies has a mixed, rather than a layered structure; the same conclusion may hold for protoplanetary disks. In addition, the HIFI data show that exchange of matter between comets and asteroids with planets and moons plays a large role. The paper concludes with an outlook to future instrumentation in the far-infrared and submillimeter wavelength ranges.  相似文献   

Observations using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) have discovered dozens of accreting neutron stars with millisecond spin periods in low-mass binary star systems. Eighteen are millisecond X-ray pulsars powered by accretion or nuclear burning or both. These stars have magnetic fields strong enough for them to become millisecond rotation-powered (radio) pulsars when accretion ceases. Few, if any, accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars have spin rates higher than 750 Hz. There is strong evidence that the spin-up of some accreting neutron stars is limited by magnetic spin-equilibrium whereas the spin-up of others is halted when accretion ends. Further study will show whether the spin rates of some accretion- or rotation-powered pulsars are or were limited by emission of gravitational radiation.  相似文献   

With its ability to look at bright galactic X-ray sources with sub-millisecond time resolution, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) discovered that the X-ray emission from accreting compact stars shows quasi-periodic oscillations on the dynamical timescales of the strong field region. RXTE showed also that waveform fitting of the oscillations resulting from hot spots at the surface of rapidly rotating neutron stars constrain their masses and radii. These two breakthroughs suddenly opened up a new window on fundamental physics, by providing new insights on strong gravity and dense matter. Building upon the RXTE legacy, in the Cosmic Vision exercise, testing General Relativity in the strong field limit and constraining the equation of state of dense matter were recognized recently as key goals to be pursued in the ESA science program for the years 2015–2025. This in turn identified the need for a large (10 m2 class) aperture X-ray observatory. In recognition of this need, the XEUS mission concept which has evolved into a single launch L2 formation flying mission will have a fast timing instrument in the focal plane. In this paper, I will outline the unique science that will be addressed with fast X-ray timing on XEUS.  相似文献   

The asymmetric shape of the nebula around η-Carinae (Homunculus) can be explained by a spherical expansion in a non-homogeneous medium. Two models are analyzed: an exponential and an inverse power law dependence for the density as a function of distance from the equatorial plane. The presence of a medium with variable density along the polar direction progressively converts the original spherical shell into a bipolar nebula. In the case of the nebula around η-Carinae, we know the time elapsed since the great outburst in 1840. An exact match between observed radii and velocities can be obtained by fine tuning the parameters involved, such as initial radius, initial velocity and the typical scale that characterizes the gradient in density. The observed radius and velocity of the Homunculus as a function of the polar angle in spherical coordinates can be compared with the corresponding simulated data by introducing the efficiency in a single or multiple directions. Once the 3D spatial structure of the Homunculus is obtained, we can compose the image by integrating along the line of sight. In order to simulate the observed image, we have considered a bipolar nebula with constant thickness and an optically thin emitting layer. Some simulated cuts of the relative intensity are reported and may represent a useful reference for the astronomical cuts.  相似文献   

The Einstein Observatory and the IUE satellite have provided the observational basis for a major restructuring in theories of coronal formation for late-type stars. For the first time, coronal and transition region emission from a large sample of low mass (1 Mo) dwarf stars has been directly observed, with the unexpected result that essentially all such stars are x-ray emitters. The Sun, which was previously assumed to be typical, is now known to be at the low end of the x-ray luminosity function for solar-type stars. K- and M-dwarfs are observed to have nearly the same luminosity distributions as G-dwarfs and all of these spectral types have a large spread in x-ray luminosity.Observationally, there is a strong correlation between the strength of coronal emission in stars with outer convective zones and the rotation rates of these stars. At the present time we have only the beginnings of a satisfactory theoretical explanation for this correlation; although we are beginning to understand the connection between coronal emission strength and the magnetic field, we do not yet understand the stellar dynamo which generates the magnetic field. Studies of the coronal emission of stars may lead to a better understanding of stellar dynamos.  相似文献   

The dwarf M stars YZ Canis Minoris and AD Leonis exhibit narrow-band, slowly varying (hours) microwave emission that cannot be explained by conventional thermal radiation mechanisms. The dwarf M stars AD Leonis and Wolf 424 emit rapid spikes whose high brightness temperatures similarly require a nonthermal radiation process. We attribute them to coherent mechanisms such as an electron-cyclotron maser or coherent plasma radiation. If the electron-cyclotron maser emits at the second or third harmonic of the gyrofrequency, the coronal magnetic field strength H = 250 G or 167 G and constraints on the plasma frequency imply an electron density of Ne = 6 × 109cm−3. Coherent plasma radiation requires similar values of electron density but much weaker magnetic fields. Radio spikes from AD Leonis and Wolf 424 have rise times τR ⩽ 5 ms, indicating a linear size of L ⩽ 1.5 × 108cm, or less than 0.005 of the stellar radius. Although Ap magnetic stars have strong dipole magnetic fields, they exhibit no detectable gyroresonant radiation, suggesting that these stars do not have hot, dense coronae. The binary RS CVn star UX Arietis exhibits variable emission at 6 cm wavelength on time scales ranging from 30 s to more than one hour. The shortest variation implies a linear size much less than that of the halo observed by VLBI techniques, and most probably sizes smaller than those of the component stars. The observed variations might be due to absorption by a thermal plasma located between the stars.  相似文献   

The RS CVn stars Capella and σ2 CrB have been measured with EXOSAT in soft and medium X-rays for about 24 hours each and the less active late-type star Procyon for about 6.5 hours. In addition, the RS CVn star γ. And was twice observed about one month apart for a total of about 7 hours, with the ME and the LE in the photometer mode only. All three RS CVn stars were detected with the ME-detector. The star σ2 CrB showed a flare both in LE and ME with a rise time of about twelve minutes and a decay time of three hours. The active late-type stars σ2 CrB and Capella show in the spectral region between 90 and 140 A lines from Fe XVIII to Fe XXIII, which can be resolved with the moderate resolution (Δγ ≈ 5 A) of the spectrometer. These lines are indicative of the presence of hot (≈ 10 MK) plasma like that in a Solar flare. In contrast, the spectrum of the cooler corona of the star Procyon does not show the hot Fe XXII and Fe XXIII lines but instead a blend at 175 A of Fe IX, X and XI lines that are formed in a typically quiet corona of a temperature around 1.5 MK. From the spectral intensities and the additional results of the simultaneous multi-color photometry coronal temperatures and emission measures are derived. There are indications in the spectra that the emission should be interpreted in terms of differential emission measure distribution models.  相似文献   

Variations of the ionospheric F2 region critical frequency (foF2) have been investigated statistically before earthquakes during 1980–2008 periods in Japan area. Ionosonde data was taken from Kokubunji station which is in the earthquake preparation zone for all earthquakes. Standard Deviations and Inter-Quartile Range methods are applied to the foF2 data. It is observed that there are anomalous variations in foF2 before earthquakes. These variations can be regarded as ionospheric precursors and may be used for earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

A recent detailed calibration of the uvby photometric system for late-type stars has opened the possibility to study photometric effects of stellar activity in the RS CVn grouup of binaries. In this communication, we present preliminary results for uvby Stromgren and Hβ photometry measurements of binary stars showing enhanced chromospheric activity and currently included among the RS CVn-like stars. It is shown that luminosity classes can be separated in terms of the uvby colours and that there is a general tendency for active stars to have smaller m1 values than expected from standard relations. This δm1 effect can be related to the degree of activity rather than to the actual metal content of their atmospheres.  相似文献   

As a result of the large body of data available from solar and stellar coronae, our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the heating of coronal plasmas to temperatures of the order of ~ 108 K has changed. The solar corona is highly structured by magnetic fields and the acoustic shocks which, according to early theories, should have acted as the coronal energy source have not been observed. Einstein Observatory data show moreover that coronae are present in most regions of the H-R diagram. The observed relationship between X-ray luminosity and rotational velocity in dwarf stars from spectral types F to M again suggests an active role for the magnetic fields.The basic picture which is emerging is that coronae in stellar types from F to M are produced because of the interaction of the magnetic field with the convective velocity fields generated in the photosphere resulting in MHD waves or currents which dissipate in the corona. X-ray emission in early type stars cannot be explained with this mechanism and the models which have been proposed for these stars are not yet completely satisfactory.  相似文献   

Seasonal-to-interannual variability of the winter-spring bloom in the Gulf of Cádiz, eastern North Atlantic, has been investigated using chlorophyll-a remote sensing (CHL). These data have been obtained from the GlobColour project; the temporal coverage extends from September 1997 to December 2010. In this study we develop a generic quantitative approach for describing the temporal variability in the shape of the winter-spring bloom within a region. Variability in both the timing and magnitude of the bloom in the basin has been evaluated as a function of physical properties in the water column such as Mixed Layer Depth (MLD, GODAS model), sea surface temperature (SST, from AVHRR radiometers), photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR, from ocean color data) and euphotic depth (Zeu, from ocean color data). The analysis indicated that the timing, size and duration of the phytoplankton bloom in this area are largely controlled by both meteorological and oceanographic conditions at different scales; this means that it is likely to vary widely from one year to another.  相似文献   

The GeV observations by Fermi-LAT give us the opportunity to characterize the high-energy emission (100 MeV–300 GeV) variability properties of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714. In this study, we performed flux and spectral analysis of more than 3 year long (August 2008 to April 2012) Fermi-LAT data of the source. During this period, the source exhibits two different modes of flux variability with characteristic timescales of ∼75 and ∼140 days, respectively. We also notice that the flux variations are characterized by a weak spectral hardening. The GeV spectrum of the source shows a clear deviation from a simple power law, and is better explained by a broken power law. Similar to other bright Fermi blazars, the break energy does not vary with the source flux during the different activity states. We discuss several possible scenarios to explain the observed spectral break.  相似文献   

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