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航空航天领域应用的通信系统由于发射功率和频谱利用率较高,需要考虑功率放大器非线性失真的干扰.已进行的大量研究,主要围绕功放非线性失真的模型描述和线性化方法.从测试角度出发,设计一种用于测试无线通信中抗失真干扰的能力的功放非线性失真仿真器,测试自适应预失真系统的工作性能,以及在指定功放条件下开发通信系统.此仿真器基于现有功放非线性失真模型,在数字信号处理器件中采用CORDIC(Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer)流水线和LUT(Look-Up-Table)方式实现了失真模型的AM-AM和AM-PM变换.软件仿真及硬件输出结果显示,此仿真器实现了非线性模型描述的失真效果,验证了设计的可行性.   相似文献   

根据新型相机结构复杂、载荷多的特点,针对性地设计并实现了一种新型星载相机的电性能地面测试系统。分析并总结了地面测试系统的设计需求,并且针对新型相机测试的全面性要求,设计并实现了整星和多种载荷的模拟接口;针对新型相机测试的可靠性要求,提出了冗余网络切换的测试系统设计方法并解决了数据库访问冲突的问题;针对新型相机测试的安全性要求,提出了针对冗余链路的测试方法和错误注入的测试方法。该系统已经成功配合完成了某高轨型号星载相机的研制,并交付使用。试验证明测试系统功能全面稳定,连续测试72 h误码率为0,能够满足新型相机全面性、可靠性、安全性的测试需求。  相似文献   

This work focuses on the thermo-mechanical design of the microbalance used for the VISTA (Volatile In Situ Thermogravimetry Analyzer) sensor. VISTA has been designed to operate in situ in different space environments (asteroids, Mars, icy satellites). In this paper we focus on its application on Mars, where the expected environmental conditions are the most challenging for the thermo-mechanical design.  相似文献   

基于一类具有零扭转特性的并联机构原理并结合所设计的载荷解耦装置,设计了一种可对扭矩、弯矩、轴向力3种载荷进行复合模拟的负载模拟器;控制系统以可编程多轴运动控制器(PMAC,Programmable Multi-Axis motion Controller)为核心,通过力传感器测得的负载反馈值,采用力、位置、电流三闭环的控制策略,在有效避免系统电磁干扰噪声对传感器信号影响的同时,能够稳定地、较为准确地以正弦波的方式完成对扭矩、弯矩、轴向力等载荷的复合模拟.通过对静态加载对象复合负载模拟的现场试验,验证了本系统机构设计的合理性和控制策略的可行性.  相似文献   

A spacecraft with a passive thermal control system utilizes various thermal control materials to maintain temperatures within safe operating limits. Materials used for spacecraft applications are exposed to harsh space environments such as ultraviolet (UV) and particle (electron, proton) irradiation and atomic oxygen (AO), undergo physical damage and thermal degradation, which must be considered for spacecraft thermal design optimization and cost effectiveness. This paper describes the effect of synergistic radiation on some of the important thermal control materials to verify the assumptions of beginning-of-life (BOL) and end-of-life (EOL) properties. Studies on the degradation in the optical properties (solar absorptance and infrared emittance) of some important thermal control materials exposed to simulated radiative geostationary space environment are discussed. The current studies are purely related to the influence of radiation on the degradation of the materials; other environmental aspects (e.g., thermal cycling) are not discussed. The thermal control materials investigated herein include different kind of second-surface mirrors, white anodizing, white paints, black paints, multilayer insulation materials, varnish coated aluminized polyimide, germanium coated polyimide, polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE). For this purpose, a test in the constant vacuum was performed reproducing a three year radiative space environment exposure, including ultraviolet and charged particle effects on North/South panels of a geostationary three-axis stabilized spacecraft. Reflectance spectra were measured in situ in the solar range (250–2500 nm) and the corresponding solar absorptance values were calculated. The test methodology and the degradations of the materials are discussed. The most important degradations among the low solar absorptance materials were found in the white paints whereas the rigid optical solar reflectors remained quite stable. Among the high solar absorptance elements, as such the change in the solar absorptance was very low, in particular the germanium coated polyimide was found highly stable.  相似文献   

传统的加速退化试验(ADT)评估方法基于精确退化数据进行可靠性和寿命评估,然而考虑到测量中人的不确定因素,试验数据可能是区间型而非精确数据.针对此类问题,基于维纳过程提出一种采用区间分析的加速退化试验寿命评估方法,区间分析方法包括可能性模型和必要性模型.首先基于区间回归将各加速应力条件下的区间退化数据的建模分析问题转化为二次规划问题,利用可能性模型获取各应力条件下的漂移系数区间和扩散系数.然后利用必要性模型结合加速模型,外推得到正常工作应力条件下的漂移系数区间,进而分析测量不确定性与可靠性和寿命评估结果的关系.最后通过数值案例对提出的方法进行阐述和验证,并进行不确定性敏感性分析.结果表明,可靠性和寿命评估结果受测量中认知不确定性的影响,降低该不确定性水平能够保证评估结果的合理性.  相似文献   

In absence of forces, any object moves along the straightest possible path in space–time, called geodesic. The presence of a gravity field generates a space–time distortion that reflects on a curvature of the geodesics. Outer space yields a privileged environment to achieve high levels of geodesic purity, thanks to the absence of many non-gravitational force disturbances typical of the Earth, mainly due to the atmosphere, micro-seismic activity, stray electro-magnetic fields, etc. Many experiments in the field of Fundamental Physics, General Relativity and Earth Observation are performed through space missions, in which objects are either set in geodesic conditions or their deviation from a geodesic is measured. In both cases, stray non-gravitational forces acting on them must be reduced to a negligible level.  相似文献   

为了解决传统应力-强度干涉模型(SSI,Stress-Strength Interference)不能对加速应力试验(AST,Accelerated Stress Testing)进行可靠性指标随时间变化的定量评估问题,针对应力和强度均引入了随机过程进行描述.首先假设了产品强度退化过程和应力变化分别为漂移布朗运动和对称布朗运动.其次,为了解决Basu的布朗运动SSI模型在零时刻可靠度为1的问题,从工程角度,假设产品设计制造过程与试验或使用过程相互独立,提出了产品可靠性是设计生产决定的固有可靠性以及试验使用过程确定的使用可靠性的串联结果.通过将传统应力强度干涉模型结合Basu的布朗运动SSI模型,建立了与时间相关的应力强度干涉模型IMSDⅠ,并给出了相关评估方法.基于将加速应力试验与加速退化试验相结合,改进了已有的AST试验方法,扩大了试验数据量,最后,通过仿真算例验证了本文模型和评估方法的理论正确性和工程可实施性.   相似文献   

介绍了国内航空仿真试验假人的功能要求和研制状况,将研制工作分为人体参数测量、机械结构、信号采集与处理和可靠性验证4个部分进行.重点阐述了仿真试验假人的骨架、关节和皮肤肌肉的材料选择及结构设计特点.传感测试能力可输出记录64路生理信号,整体性能接近美国军用假人ADAM的水平,为高危的载人航空航天装备动态性能试验测试提供了有效工具.  相似文献   

弹用电磁继电器(EMR)是国防武器系统中重要的机电元件,负责信号传递、电路保护与控制、负载切换等功能,对弹用EMR贮存可靠性的可靠评估已成为亟待解决的问题。以装备应用普遍的某型弹用EMR为例,提出一种考虑性能退化的贮存可靠性试验和评价方法。通过研制的弹用EMR贮存退化试验综合系统,获得了其贮存退化敏感参数的变化情况,对弹用EMR的贮存可靠性建模方法进行了探索性研究。提出了基于时间序列分析和小波变换方法的实测参数预处理方法,提高了预测精度。通过回归理论估计了贮存退化模型的参数,并用所建模型对弹用EMR正常温度应力下的贮存寿命进行了预测。   相似文献   

通用ATE开关资源测试路径模型及应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对自动测试设备(ATE)测试程序开发中的开关资源测试路径搜索复杂、冲突判断困难、管理难度大等问题,提出了通用ATE开关资源测试路径模型,给出了模型的构造方法和多开关资源级联的级联算法,介绍了模型的具体应用.模型实现了ATE测试过程中开关资源测试路径冲突判断、最佳测试路径自动搜索、测试路径故障隔离、测试程序与具体测试路径硬件资源无关.提高了测试程序(TP)的通用性和可移植性,降低了TP开发的工作量.   相似文献   

针对脉宽调制式舵系统放大器电性能高效测试的问题,提出了一种基于移相脉冲计数的舵机模拟器设计方法。该模拟器硬件由电平转换单元、PWM占空比采集单元、数字PID控制单元和DAC单元四部分组成,软件主要采用移相脉冲计数法和数字PID控制算法,实现了对真实舵机电性能的替代。同时,由单通道扩展的多通道模拟器的应用,能够大幅节约舵机放置空间,缩短研制周期,在短时间内实现PWM放大器电性能大批量测试的目的。试验结果表明,该舵机模拟器能够模拟真实电动舵机的电性能特性,具有实时性好、测试效率高、操作性好的优点,且具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

GNSS模拟器中频调制卡设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)信号模拟器能够根据用户所设置的GNSS系统和信号形式、载体动态和环境参数,精确模拟出载体收到的卫星信号,这为GNSS系统级仿真试验和接收机的测试提供一种高效的工具.主要研究兼容多系统多频点的卫星信号模拟器中频信号发生器和数字信号处理技术,提出了数字合路与功率控制的方法和信号相位精确模拟的途径;在基于PCIE+DSP+FPGA+DAC架构的中频板卡上完成了与PC通信、波形控制参数计算和更新、基带信号调制以及模拟中频信号的产生;最后给出了与相应的GNSS接收机的对接结果,验证了所产生中频信号的正确性和信号质量.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs are generally considered as most suitable animal models for studying fertilization processes and embryonic development. In the present study, they are used for determining a possible role of gravity in fertilization and the establishment of egg polarity and the embryonic axis. For this purpose, eggs of the particularly well known and suitable species Paracentrotus lividus have been automatically fertilized under microgravity conditions during the Swedish sounding rocket flights MASER IV and MASER V. It turns out, that fertilization "in Space" occurs normally and that subsequent embryonic and larval development of such eggs, continued on the ground, is normal, leading to advanced pluteus stages.  相似文献   

对设计的负载模拟器采用复数矢量法与虚位移原理建立其机构动力学与多余力矩数学模型.在此基础上针对传统遗传算法优化解不一致的情况,提出了基于参数灵敏度分层的遗传算法优化方法并对设计中各参数进行了优化.根据优化结果设计虚拟样机,并利用ADAMS进行多种加载信号的仿真,结果表明样机各项指标均达到设计要求,依此设计出一套可同时进行环境试验与多种负载加载的反操作负载模拟器.   相似文献   

基于伪寿命的加速退化机理一致性边界检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据寿命型随机变量的加速机理一致性条件,提出一种基于伪寿命的加速退化机理一致性边界检验方法,通过由低到高逐一对各个加速应力水平下的退化机理一致性进行检验,来确定加速退化机理一致性的边界应力水平.针对工程常用的两类寿命型分布——对数正态分布和Weibull分布,分别以对数标准差和形状参数为退化机理表征量,在产品伪寿命估计的基础上建立了退化机理表征量齐性检验的F统计量,导出了退化机理一致性检验拒绝域的解析式,给出了退化机理一致性边界检验的具体步骤.该方法能够充分利用多个应力水平下表征产品退化机理一致的横向信息,有效提高了检验的精度.以某镀膜平板玻璃热退化机理一致性边界温度的确定为例,分析说明了该方法的合理性与有效性.  相似文献   

不同飞行条件下反流控制矢量喷管的内流特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用数值模拟方法,分析了不同飞行条件下反流控制矢量喷管的内流特性.结果表明:在所研究的范围内,静态条件下,不发生主流附着的情况下,所研究的2种缝宽喷管模型产生反向二次流的抽吸压强范围分别为60 795~87 139.5 Pa,50 662.5~91 192.5 Pa;且矢量角随着抽吸压强的增大而减小,推力系数则随之增大.在外流马赫数为0.6和1.2时,对于较小缝宽的喷管模型,均有不同程度的主流附着现象发生,无法应用于实际的矢量流场控制.对于较大缝宽喷管模型,在马赫数为0.6时,不发生主流附着的情况下,产生反流的抽吸压强为40 530~87 139.5 Pa.而马赫数为1.2时在所研究的二次压强下都无反流产生.   相似文献   

高轨空间中全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)信号可用性严重变差,对GNSS接收机的跟踪性能提出更高要求。利用GNSS信号传播链路模型分析了高轨空间GNSS信号特点,对比了标量跟踪和矢量跟踪这2类典型跟踪环路在高轨空间的适用性,进而设计了一种适用于高轨空间的GNSS矢量跟踪方案。该方案通过估计载噪比确定量测噪声方差阵,以对各通道量测信息进行加权处理来获得高精度的导航参数;并根据高轨航天器的动态性能确定过程噪声方差阵,利用轨道动力学模型对导航参数进行一步预测,从而实现了对各通道信号跟踪参数的准确预测及联合跟踪。仿真验证表明:所设计的跟踪方案可实现高轨空间中强信号对弱信号的辅助跟踪,从而提高了高轨空间中弱信号的跟踪性能及可用性,并对中断信号具有一定的桥接能力。   相似文献   

Submicroscopic organization of Chlorella cells cultivated under space flight conditions in three-component aquatic system has been studied. Comparison of the experimental cells with that of the controls revealed certain rearrangements of cell organelles particularly, a reduction in the amount of reserve polysaccharides in chloroplasts, increase of cell vacuolization and mitochondrion volume, complication configuration of plasmalemma evaginations and invaginations, and also disturbances in the process of cytokinesis. More over an increase in the number of Chlorella cells infected by bacteria was shown in the experimental variant. No considerable differences were established in the growth characteristics of the experimental and control populations. A comparative cytological analysis revealed general regularities of organelles in Chlorella cells cultivated under space flight condition in the uni- and multicomponent systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a conceptual design of a spaceborne instrument for the in situ production of rock thin sections on planetary surfaces. The in situ Automated Rock Thin Section Instrument (IS-ARTS) conceptual design demonstrates that the in situ production of thin sections on a planetary body is a plausible new instrument capability for future planetary exploration. Thin section analysis would reduce much ambiguity in the geological history of a sampled site that is present with instruments currently flown. The technical challenge of producing a thin section device compatible with the spacecraft environment is formidable and has been thought too technically difficult to be practical. Terrestrial thin section preparation requires a skilled petrographist, several preparation instruments that individually exceed typical spacecraft mass and power limits, and consumable materials that are not easily compatible with spaceflight. In two companion papers we present research and development work used to constrain the capabilities of IS-ARTS in the technical space compatible with the spacecraft environment. For the design configuration shown we conclude that a device can be constructed that is capable of 50 sample preparations over a 2 year lifespan with mass, power, and volume constraints compatible with current landed Mars mission configurations. The technical requirements of IS-ARTS (mass, power and number of samples produced) depend strongly on the sample mechanical properties, sample processing rate, the sample size and number of samples to be produced.  相似文献   

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