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The differences between coastal altimetry and sea level time series of tide gauges in between March 1993 and December 2009 are used to estimate the rates of vertical land motion at three tide gauge locations along the southwestern coasts of Turkey. The CTOH/LEGOS along-track coastal altimetry retrieves altimetric sea level anomalies closer to the coast than the standard along-track altimetry products. However, the use of altimetry very close to the coast is not found to improve the results. On the contrary, the gridded and interpolated AVISO merged product exhibits the best agreement with tide gauge data as it provides the smoothest variability both in space and time compared with along track altimetry data. The Antalya gauge to the south (in the Mediterranean Sea) and the Mentes/Izmir gauge to the west (in the Aegean Sea) both show subsidence while the Bodrum tide gauge to the south (in the Aegean Sea) shows no significant vertical land motion. The results are compared and assessed with three independent geophysical vertical land motion estimates like from GPS. The GIA effect in the region is negligible. The VLM estimates from altimetry and tide gauge data are in good agreement both with GPS derived vertical velocity estimates and those inferred from geological and archaeological investigations.  相似文献   

Slope correction is important to improve the accuracy of satellite radar elevation measurements by mitigating the slope-induced error (SE), especially over uneven ground surfaces. Although several slope correction methods have been proposed, guidance in the form of stepwise algorithm on how to implement these methods in processing radar altimetric data at the coding level, and the differences among these methods need to be presented and discussed systematically. In this paper, three existing types of slope correction methods—the direct method (DM), intermediate method (IM), and relocation method (RM, further divided into RM1 and RM2)—are described in detail. In addition, their main differences and features for various scientific applications are analyzed. We conduct a systematic experiment with CryoSat-2 Low Resolution Mode (LRM) data in a physically stable area around Dome Argus in East Antarctica, where in-situ measurements were available for comparison. The slope correction is implemented separately using the three methods, with the latest high-accuracy Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) as the a-priori topography model. The bias and precision of the slope-corrected CryoSat-2 data results from the RM2 is ?0.18 ± 0.86 m based on the comparison with the field Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data. The results from the RM2 indicate higher precision compared to those from the RM1. According to the correlation analysis of the slope-corrected CryoSat-2 data results (RM1 and RM2), the bias enlarges and the precision becomes worse when the surface slope increases from 0 to 0.85°. After a comprehensively comparative analysis, we find that the results from the RM1 and RM2 are superior in precision (0.93 m and 0.86 m) with respect to the GNSS data. The relatively low precision (1.22 m) from the IM is due to the potential error from the a-priori digital elevation model (DEM). The DM has the lowest precision (2.66 m). Another experiment over rough topography in West Antarctica is carried out for comparison, especially between the RM1 (precision of 15.27 m) and RM2 (precision of 16.25 m). In general, the RM is recommended for the SE elimination among the three methods. Moreover, the RM2 is firstly considered over smooth topography due to the superior performance in bias and precision, while the RM1 is more suggested over the rough topography because of the slightly smaller bias and better precision. The IM relies much on the accuracy of the a-prior DEM and is not usually recommended, because of the strict requirement in the sampling time between the radar altimetry data and the a-priori DEM to avoid any surface change over time.  相似文献   

In this paper, seasonal sea level variations have been determined at five locations in the Baltic Sea from satellite altimetry for the period 1993–2015. The results were compared to tide gauge water level data. Annual and semi-annual amplitudes have been investigated for both sea level anomalies and tide gauge water level. It was found that the two independent observations of sea level variations along the Polish coast are in good agreement both in terms of their annual and semi-annual amplitudes and their annual and semi-annual phases. The annual cycles in the sea level variations measured by altimetry and tide gauge reach maximum values at approximately the same month (November/December).Moreover, this article shows the differences between the annual and semi-annual amplitudes and phases in the sea level anomalies and water level data within the same time frame. The difference in the annual amplitudes between the satellite altimetry and the tide gauge results is between 0.33?cm and 1.53?cm. The maximum differences in the annual cycle of the sea level changes were found at the Swinoujscie station. The correlations between the original series and the calculated curves were determined, and the relationship between the amplitudes and the phases were investigated. The correlation between the annual variations observed from the two independent observation techniques is 0.92.To analyse the dynamics of the change in sea level, the linear trend was estimated from the satellite altimetry and tide gauge time series both in the original time series of the data and in the time series in which seasonal variations were removed. In addition, we calculated the estimated errors of regression and how many years’ worth of data are needed to obtain an accuracy of 0.1?mm per year. The estimated errors of regression showed that to get an accuracy of 0.1?mm per year, we need 100?years of data.  相似文献   

Rise in sea levels is one of the disastrous effects of climate change. A relatively small increase in sea level could affect natural coastal systems. In a study of long-term changes in sea level and measurements of postglacial rebound, monitoring vertical land motion (VLM) is of crucial interest. This study presents an approach to estimate precise sea level trends based on a combination of multi-sensor techniques in the Malaysian region over 19?years. In this study, satellite altimeters (SALT) were used to derive absolute sea levels (ASLs). Tide gauge (TG) stations along the coast of Malaysia were utilised to derive the rate of relative sea levels using sea level changes and VLMs. To obtain ASL at TGs, VLM at these stations were computed using Global Positioning System (GPS), Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS InSAR), and SALT minus TG. The computed VLMs mostly show similarities in signs rather than magnitude. The findings from the multi-sensor techniques showed that regional sea level trends ranged from 2.65?±?0.86?mm/yr to 6.03?±?0.79?mm/yr for chosen sub-areas, with an overall mean of 4.47?±?0.71?mm/yr and overall subsidence. This information is expected to be valuable for a wide variety of climatic applications and for studying environmental issues related to flooding and global warming in Malaysia.  相似文献   

An accurate and continuous monitoring of lakes and inland seas is available since 1993 thanks to the satellite altimetry missions (Topex–Poseidon, GFO, ERS-2, Jason-1, Jason-2 and Envisat). Global data processing of these satellites provides temporal and spatial time series of lakes surface height with a decimetre precision on the whole Earth. The response of water level to regional hydrology is particularly marked for lakes and inland seas in semi-arid regions. A lake data centre is under development at by LEGOS (Laboratoire d’Etude en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale) in Toulouse, in coordination with the HYDROLARE project (Headed by SHI: State Hydrological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science). It already provides level variations for about 150 lakes and reservoirs, freely available on the web site (HYDROWEB: http://www.LEGOS.obs-mip.fr/soa/hydrologie/HYDROWEB), and surface-volume variations of about 50 big lakes are also calculated through a combination of various satellite images (Modis, Asar, Landsat, Cbers) and radar altimetry. The final objective is to achieve in 2011 a fully operating data centre based on remote sensing technique and controlled by the in situ infrastructure for the Global Terrestrial Network for Lakes (GTN-L) under the supervision of WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and GCOS (Global Climate Observing System).  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry has been widely used to study the variability of the ocean currents such as the Azores Current (AzC) in the North Atlantic. Most analyses are performed over the region that encloses the current, thus being somehow affected by other oceanographic signals, e.g., eddies. In this study, a new approach for extracting the axis of a zonal current solely based on satellite altimetry is presented. This is a semi-automatic procedure that searches for the maximum values of the gradient of absolute dynamic topography (ADT), using the geostrophic velocity as auxiliary information. The advantage of this approach is to allow the analyses to be performed over a buffer centered on the current axis instead of using a wider region. It is here applied to the AzC for the period June 1995–October 2006.  相似文献   

Tropospheric correction is one of the most important corrections in satellite altimetry measurements. Tropospheric wet and dry path delays have strong dependence on temperature, pressure and humidity. Tropospheric layer has particularly high variability over coastal regions due to humidity, wind and temperature gradients. Depending on the extent of water body and wind conditions over an inland water, Wet Tropospheric Correction (WTC) is within the ranges from a few centimeters to tens of centimeters. Therefore, an extra care is needed to estimate tropospheric corrections on the altimetric measurements over inland waters. This study assesses the role of tropospheric correction on the altimetric measurements over the Urmia Lake in Iran. For this purpose, four types of tropospheric corrections have been used: (i) microwave radiometer (MWR) observations, (ii) tropospheric corrections computed from meteorological models, (iii) GPS observations and (iv) synoptic station data. They have been applied to Jason-2 track no. 133 and SARAL/AltiKa track no. 741 and 356 corresponding to 117–153 and the 23–34 cycles, respectively. In addition, the corresponding measurements of PISTACH and PEACHI, include new retracking method and an innovative wet tropospheric correction, have also been used. Our results show that GPS observation leads to the most accurate tropospheric correction. The results obtained from the PISTACH and PEACHI projects confirm those obtained with the standard SGDR, i.e., the role of GPS in improving the tropospheric corrections. It is inferred that the MWR data from Jason-2 mission is appropriate for the tropospheric corrections, however the SARAL/AltiKa one is not proper because Jason-2 possesses an enhanced WTC near the coast. Furthermore, virtual stations are defined for assessment of the results in terms of time series of Water Level Height (WLH). The results show that GPS tropospheric corrections lead to the most accurate WLH estimation for the selected virtual stations, which improves the accuracy of the obtained WLH time series by about 5%.  相似文献   

The use of geoid heights has been one of the available methodologies utilized for the independent calibration/validation of altimeters on-board satellites. This methodology has been employed for long in the Gavdos dedicated cal/val facility (Crete, Greece), where calibration results for the Jason satellites have been estimated, both for ascending and descending passes. The present work gives a detailed overview of the methodology followed in order to estimate a high-resolution and accuracy gravimetric geoid model for the wider Gavdos area, in support of the on-going calibration work. To estimate the geoid model, the well-known remove-compute-restore method is used while residual geoid heights are estimated through least-squares collocation so that associated errors are determined as well. It is found that the estimated formal geoid errors from LSC along passes 018 and 109 of Jason satellites, used for the bias estimation, range between ±0.8–1.6 cm. The so-derived geoid heights are employed in the determination of the Jason-2 altimeter bias for all available cycles (cycles 1-114, spanning the period from July 2008 to August 2011) together with the RioMed DOT model. From the results acquired the Jason-2 bias has been estimated to be +196.1 ± 3.2 mm for pass 109 and +161.9 ± 5.1 mm for pass 018. Within the same frame, the GOCE/GRACE-based geopotential model GOCO02s has been used to estimate the mean dynamic ocean topography and the steady-state circulation in the area around Gavdos. The so-derived DOT model was used to estimate the Jason-2 bias in an effort to evaluate the performance of satellite-only geoid models and investigate whether their spatial resolution and accuracy provides some improvement w.r.t. traditional local gravimetric geoids. From the results acquired with geoid heights from GOCO02s, the estimated Jason-2 bias deviates significantly from that of the local gravimetric model, which can be attributed to a possible mean offset and the low resolution of GOCE-based GGMs. On the other hand, when the newly estimated GOCE-based DOT was employed with geoid heights from the local gravimetric geoid model, the Jason-2 bias has been estimated to be +185.1 ± 3.2 mm for pass 109 and +130.2 ± 5.1 mm for pass 018.  相似文献   

The surface layer of the Moon preserves vital evidences of lunar impact and cratering processes due to the absence of any Aeolian and fluvial erosion processes acting on it. By examining these evidences, which are recorded throughout the evolutionary history of the Moon, several basic aspects of lunar science can be understood, and this has direct relevance to the surfaces of other airless bodies within the solar system. In this study, rock abundance data obtained from Thermal Infrared (TIR) observations and radar Circular Polarization Ratio (CPR) data sets obtained from polarimetric SAR observations were correlated at some sample sites on the lunar surface. Preliminary results yielded qualitative and quantitative estimates for surface rock abundances. Except at distal ejecta deposits of young, bright craters a general correlation was observed between the two datasets. Mixed results were observed from the impact melt flows where the situation is complex due to the possible subsurface-volume and volume-subsurface interactions of the radar waves. But the flow features were clearly separated from the interior and ejecta regions of their parent craters in terms of CPR and rock abundances. The extent and distributions of pyroclastic deposits and dark haloed regions could not be distinctly identified at the resolution of datasets utilized. Near Gerasimovich D crater, the Diviner Radiometer has provided the first TIR observations of a newly discovered impact melt flow which was not visible in the optical imagery. This facilitated the first ever quantitative comparisons of the radar CPR and rock abundance values near such a region. Also, significant differences in spatial patterns between the radar and rock concentration data sets were observed, owing to the differences in the sensitivity of the two observations.  相似文献   

We examined two consecutive plasma sheet oscillation and dipolarization events observed by Cluster in the magnetotail, which are associated with a pseudo-breakup and a small substorm monitored by the IMAGE spacecraft. Energy input from the solar wind and an associated enhancement of the cross-tail current lead to current sheet thinning and plasma sheet oscillations of 3–5 min periods, while the pseudo-breakups occur during the loading phase within a spatially limited area, accompanied by a localized dipolarization observed by DSP TC1 or GOES 12. That is, the so-called “growth phase” is a preferable condition for both pseudo-breakup and plasma sheet oscillations in the near-Earth magnetotail. One of the plasma sheet oscillation events occurs before the pseudo-breakup, whereas the other takes place after pseudo-breakup. Thus there is no causal relationship between the plasma sheet oscillation events and pseudo-breakup. As for the contribution to the subsequent small substorm, the onset of the small substorm took place where the preceding plasma sheet oscillations can reach the region.  相似文献   

The Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ) is considered as an important region for gold exploration in the western sector of Iran. Its mountainous topography and unpaved routes make its study challenging for researchers and raise the costs for mining companies strating new exploration plans. Gold mineralization mainly occurs as irregular to lenticular sulfide-bearing quartz veins along shear zones in deformed mafic to intermediate metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. In this investigation, ASTER data are used for mapping hydrothermal alteration minerals and to better discriminate geological structural features associated with orogenic gold occurrences in the area. Image transformation techniques such as specialized band ratioing and Principal Component Analysis are used to delineate lithological units and alteration minerals. Supervised classification techniques, namely Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) are applied to detect subtle differences between indicator alteration minerals associated with ground-truth gold locations in the area. The directional filtering technique is applied to help in tracing along the strike the different linear structures. Results demonstrate that the integration of image transformation techniques and supervised classification of ASTER data with fieldwork and geochemical exploration studies has a great efficiency in targeting new prospects of gold mineralization in the SSZ. The approach used in this research provides a fast, cost-efficient means to start a comprehensive geological and geochemical exploration programs in the study area and elsewhere in similar regions.  相似文献   

Global maps of potential wave energy per unit mass, recently performed with the Global Positioning System (GPS) Radio Occultation (RO) technique and different satellite missions (CHAMP and SAC-C since 2001, GRACE and COSMIC since 2006) revealed in Argentina, at the eastern side of the highest Andes Mountains, a considerable wave activity (WA) in comparison with other extra-tropical regions. The main gravity wave (GW) sources in this natural laboratory are deep convection (mainly during late Spring and Summer), topographic forcing and geostrophic adjustment.  相似文献   

This study describes a methodology of recovery of the Earth’s gravity field from CHAMP and GRACE satellites data in Pakistan using least squares collocation (LSC) based downward continuation technique. The CHAMP height anomalies and GRACE gravity disturbances derived from the observed satellite data have been used in combination solution using LSC with observed gravity values at the Earth surface. The combined covariance functions of height anomalies and/or gravity disturbances at satellite altitudes and observed gravity anomalies at Earth surface have been used as the basis for combination and downward continuation solution. The variance of predicted gravity anomalies from GRACE gravity disturbances is relatively lower than the corresponding results of gravity anomalies from CHAMP height anomalies. This fact may be attributed partly to the amplification of noise and partly to the unstable inverse transformation process of height anomalies to gravity anomalies. The impact of data error variance has been studied in the context of smoothing and noise reduction in the final solution of downward continuation using least squares collocation. The raising of data error suppresses the noise and as a result a smooth final solution is obtained. The prediction results appear to be dependent on the quality of data and goodness of combined covariance function, which are fairly comparable for the CHAMP and GRACE data. The recovered gravity field from satellite data appears to contribute mainly to medium and long wavelength parts of total gravity field spectrum. Due to flexibility of data handling in least squares collocation, this procedure is applicable to any observable of gravity field being at different altitudes and with different data spacing.  相似文献   

Domes, an analog of the terrestrial shield volcanoes are one of the important volcanic features found on the lunar surface. Such volcanic features are windows to better understanding of the contrasting natures of lunar volcanism, giving an insight into the source and the nature of the basaltic magmas. Marius Hills Complex is one of the most important regions in the entire lunar surface for having a complex setting of volcanic constructs with an abundant number of volcanic features like domes, cones and rilles. As a part of initiation of the study of Marius Hills volcanism, an effusive dome located to the south of Rima Galilaei, near the contact of Imbrian and Eratosthenian geological units is taken for the present study. Inferring from the Terrain Mapping Camera-Digital Elevation Model (TMC-DEM), the morphometric parameters are estimated (350 m in height, 9.62 km in diameter), and accordingly the rheological parameters are also estimated. As the signatures of multiphase eruption are not clear geomorphologically and also in topography, the dome is assumed to evolved in monogenetic eruption. The causative dike parameters of the dome are estimated, which gives upper bounds of true values of the parameters. The estimated feeder dike length (150 km) and width (233 m) implies that the source region is lying most probably in the mantle portion of moon. The crater size frequency distribution (CSFD) is applied to determine the age of the particular dome and also the surrounding mare surface so as to better construct a stratigraphic correlation. It is found that dome belongs to oldest age unit of Marius Hills region while the surrounding units are relatively younger. Using Chandrayaan-I Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data, the surface composition for the study area is also analysed. Thus, the morphometry, rheology, dike parameters, age determination and mineralogy are found to be in good agreement with results of the earlier studies. Such a study, covering all the domes and other volcanic features in Marius Hills using high resolution data sets will provide a clear and better understanding of the volcanic history of the region and the Oceanus Procellarum Basin as well. In such a study, the application potential of high resolution Chandrayaan-I TMC image and its DEM generated from the stereo data has been useful.  相似文献   

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