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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed near the Sun via LASCO coronographic imaging are the most important solar drivers of geomagnetic storms. ICMEs, their interplanetary, near-Earth counterparts, can be detected in situ, for example, by the Wind and ACE spacecraft. An ICME usually exhibits a complex structure that very often includes a magnetic cloud (MC). They can be commonly modelled as magnetic flux ropes and there is observational evidence to expect that the orientation of a halo CME elongation corresponds to the orientation of the flux rope. In this study, we compare orientations of elongated CME halos and the corresponding MCs, measured by Wind and ACE spacecraft. We characterize the MC structures by using the Grad–Shafranov reconstruction technique and three MC fitting methods to obtain their axis directions. The CME tilt angles and MC fitted axis angles were compared without taking into account handedness of the underlying flux rope field and the polarity of its axial field. We report that for about 64% of CME–MC events, we found a good correspondence between the orientation angles implying that for the majority of interplanetary ejecta their orientations do not change significantly (less than 45 deg rotation) while travelling from the Sun to the near-Earth environment.  相似文献   

We study the short-term topological changes of equatorial and polar coronal hole (CH) boundaries, such as a variation of their area and disintegration, associated to reconnection with nearby (within 15° distance) quiescent prominence magnetic fields leading to eruptions and subsequent Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). The examples presented here correspond to the recent solar minimum years 2008 and 2009. We consider a temporal window of one day between the CH topological changes and the start and end times of prominence eruptions and onset of CMEs. To establish this association we took into account observational conditions related to the instability of prominence/filaments, the occurrence of a CME, as well as the subsequent evolution after the CME. We found an association between short-term local topological changes in CH boundaries and the formation/disappearance of bright points near them, as well as, between short-term topological changes within the whole CH and eruptions of nearby quiescent prominences followed by the appearance of one or more CMEs.  相似文献   

We studied the cyclic evolution of the latitudinal distribution of solar coronal active regions based on daily images from SOHO EIT for the period 1995–2017. Fully automated software was used, which included the following steps: initial preparation of images in the data series, normalization of histograms and correction of limb brightening, segmentation of images using threshold intensity values obtained from their histograms, scanning of segmented images in heliographic coordinates and obtaining profiles of latitudinal distribution of coronal active regions for each image of the data series. From the output data, we obtained a temporary change in the latitudinal distribution profiles and the migration of activity centers on the solar disk. From the period of minimum activity to the next minimum in both hemispheres, activity centers begin to migrate from high latitudes towards the equator. At the same time, the general center of activity repeatedly changes the direction of migration. The latitudinal distribution of the so-called presence factor of coronal active regions closely resembles the magnetic butterfly diagram, which proves their direct causal relationships. Variations in the presence factor of coronal active regions are correlated with cyclic variations in the sunspot daily numbers.  相似文献   

Space weather is significantly controlled by halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) originating close to the central meridian and directing toward the Earth. Unfortunately, coronagraphic observations (especially for HCMEs) are subject to a projection effect which makes it impossible to determine the true radial velocity and width of CMEs. However, these parameters can be estimated by correcting for the projection effect using the asymmetric cone model (Michalek, 2006). A set of 20 CMEs, observed as halo events in the LASCO field of view and simultaneously as limb events in the STEREO/SECCHI field of view, are used to check the accuracy of the asymmetric cone model. For this purpose, characteristics of the considered CMEs (angular widths and radial speeds) measured in STEREO/SECCHI images are compared with those obtained by the asymmetric cone model. We demonstrate that the widths and speeds determined by both methods are very similar. Correlation coefficients for speeds and angular widths are 0.99 and 0.96, respectively. We have also shown that the projection effect is unpredictable and could sometimes be very significant (up to 100% of the velocity measured in the LASCO field of view). On average, the SOHO/LASCO projected speeds for the HCMEs are 23% smaller than the radial velocities obtained from the STEREO/SECCHI images.  相似文献   

通过对0°W-39°W,40°W-70°W,71°W-90°W经度范围内太阳质子事件与太阳耀斑的相关性计算分析,发现太阳质子事件与太阳耀斑的相关系数依赖于经度.太阳耀斑积分与地球磁链接区域(40°W-70°W)太阳质子事件强度的相关系数最大.相关系数的这种特点与耀斑加速粒子的最大流量只出现在磁链接区域的特征相吻合.计算结果表明,太阳耀斑对太阳质子事件具有贡献,即耀斑对E ≥ 10MeV的质子加速有贡献.耀斑和CME在磁链接区域对太阳质子事件的贡献相同,这说明太阳质子事件是混合型事件.  相似文献   

We present here a study of Solar Energetic Particle Events (SEPs) associated with solar flares during 2010–2014 in solar cycle 24. We have selected the flare events (≥GOES M-class), which produced SEPs. The SEPs are classified into three categories i.e. weak (proton intensity?≤?1?pfu), minor (1?pfu?<?proton intensity?<?10?pfu) and major (proton intensity?≥?10?pfu). We used the GOES data for the SEP events which have intensity greater than one pfu and SOHO/ERNE data for the SEP event less than one pfu intensity. In addition to the flare and SEP properties, we have also discussed different properties of associated CMEs.  相似文献   

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) cause immediate and adverse effects on the interplanetary space and geospace. In an era of space-based technical civilization, the deeper understanding of the mechanisms that produce them and the construction of efficient prediction schemes are of paramount importance. The source regions of flares and CMEs exhibit some common morphological characteristics, such as δ-spots, filaments and sigmoids, which are associated with strongly sheared magnetic polarity inversion lines, indicative of the complex magnetic configurations that store huge amounts of free magnetic energy and helicity. The challenge is to transform this empirical knowledge into parameters/predictors that can help us distinguish efficiently between quiet, flare-, and CME-productive (eruptive) active regions. This paper reviews these efforts to parameterize the characteristics of eruptive active regions as well as the importance of transforming new knowledge into more efficient predictors and including new types of data. Magnetic properties of active regions were first introduced when systematic ground-based observations of the photospheric magnetic field became possible and the relevant research was boosted by the provision of near real time, uninterrupted, high-quality observations from space, which allowed the study of large, statistically significant samples. Nonetheless, flare and CME prediction still faces a number of challenges. The magnetic field information is still constrained at the photospheric level and accessed only from one vantage point of observation, thus there is always need for better predictors; the dynamic behavior of active regions is still not fully incorporated into predictions; the inherent stochasticity of flares and CMEs renders their prediction probabilistic, thus benchmark sets are necessary to optimize and validate predictions. To meet these challenges, researchers have put forward new magnetic properties, which describe different aspects of magnetic energy storage mechanisms in active regions and offer the opportunity of parametric studies for over an entire solar cycle. This inventory of features/predictors is now expanded to include information from flow fields, transition region and coronal spectroscopy, data-driven modeling of the coronal magnetic field, as well as parameterizations of dynamic effects from time series. Further work towards these directions may help alleviate the current limitations in observing the magnetic field of higher atmospheric layers. In this task, fundamental and operational research converge, with promising results which could stimulate the development of new missions and lay the ground for future exploratory studies, also profiting from and utilizing the long anticipated observations of the new generation of instruments.  相似文献   

CME在产生和发展过程中与日冕和行星际介质相互作用并发出不同波长的射电辐射.在研究了无CME时空间等离子体的各种辐射机制基础上,统计分析了1999年2月至1999年8月期间有较大的CME发生情况下,在CME影响下L1拉格朗日点附近等离子体参数发生变化后的射电辐射机制.分析结果表明,其射电辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、微量的回旋辐射和更加微弱的复合辐射.此外,分析讨论了1999年2月至1999年8月期间与CME共生的太阳微波爆发.分析结果表明,与CME共生的是微波逐渐型爆发、尖峰爆发,其辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、回旋共振辐射、等离子体辐射及电子回旋脉泽辐射.  相似文献   

It remains an open question how magnetic energy is rapidly released in the solar corona so as to create solar explosions such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Recent studies have confirmed that a system consisting of a flux rope embedded in a background field exhibits a catastrophic behavior, and the energy threshold at the catastrophic point may exceed the associated open field energy. The accumulated free energy in the corona is abruptly released when the catastrophe takes place, and it probably serves as the main means of energy release for CMEs at least in the initial phase. Such a release proceeds via an ideal MHD process in contrast with nonideal ones such as magnetic reconnection. The catastrophe results in a sudden formation of electric current sheets, which naturally provide proper sites for fast magnetic reconnection. The reconnection may be identified with a solar flare associated with the CME on one hand, and produces a further acceleration of the CME on the other. On this basis, several preliminary suggestions are made for future observational investigations, especially with the proposed Kuafa satellites, on the roles of the MHD catastrophe and magnetic reconnection in the magnetic energy release associated with CMEs and flares.  相似文献   

An M7.6 flare was well observed on October 24, 2003 in active region 10486 by a few instruments and satellites, including GOES, TRACE, SOHO, RHESSI and NoRH. Multi-wavelength study shows that this flare underwent two episodes. During the first episode, only a looptop source of <40 keV was observed in reconstructed RHESSI images, which showed shrinkage with a velocity of 12–14 km s−1 in a period of about 12 min. During the second process, in addition to the looptop source, two footpoint sources were observed in energy channel of as high as ∼200 keV. One of them showed fast propagation along one of the two TRACE 1600 Å flare ribbons and the 195 Å loop footpoints, which could be explained by successive magnetic reconnection. The associated CME showed a mass pickup process with decreasing center-of-mass velocity. The decrease of the CME kinetic energy and the increase of its potential energy lead to an almost constant total energy during the CME propagation. Our results reveal that the flare and its associated CME have comparable energy content, and the flare is of non-thermal property.  相似文献   

The Solar Polar ORbit Telescope (SPORT) project for space weather mission has been under intensive scientific and engineering background studies since it was incorporated into the Chinese Space Science Strategic Pioneer Project in 2011.SPORT is designed to carry a suite of remote-sensing and in-situ instruments to observe Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs),energetic particles,solar high-latitude magnetism,and the fast solar wind from a polar orbit around the Sun. The first extended view of the polar regions of the Sun and the ecliptic enabled by SPORT will provide a unique opportunity to study CME propagation through the inner heliosphere,and the solar high-latitude magnetism giving rise to eruptions and the fast solar wind.Coordinated observations between SPORT and other spaceborne/ground-based facilities within the International Living With a Star (ILWS) framework can significantly enhance scientific output.SPORT is now competing for official selection and implementation during China's 13th Five-Year Plan period of 2016-2020.  相似文献   

Frequency fluctuations of the Galileo S-band radio signal were recorded nearly continuously during the spacecraft’s solar conjunction from December 1996 to February 1997. A strong propagating disturbance, most probably associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME), was detected on 7 February when the radio ray path proximate point was on the west solar limb at about 54 solar radii from the Sun. The CME passage through the line of sight is characterized by a significant increase in the fluctuation intensity of the recorded frequency and by an increase in the plasma speed from about 234 km s−1 up to about 755 km s−1. These velocity estimates are obtained from a correlation analysis of frequency fluctuations recorded simultaneously at two widely-separated ground stations. The density turbulence power spectrum is found to steepen behind the CME front. The Galileo radio-sounding data are compared with SOHO/LASCO observations of the CME in the corona and with WIND spacecraft data near the Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   

We first briefly review the current trend in the studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), then summarize some recent efforts in understanding the CME initiation. Emphasis has been put on the studies of Earth-directed CMEs whose associated surface activity and large scale magnetic source have been well identified. The data analysis by combining the MDI full disc magnetograms, vector magnetograms of active regions, EUV waves and dimmings, non-thermal radio sources, and the SOHO LASCO observations has shed new light in understanding the CME magnetism. However, the current studies seem to invoke new observations in a few aspects: (1) The observations which enable us to trace CMEs from the earliest associated surface activity to its initial acceleration and key development in the low corona in the height of 1–3 R; (2) The imaging spectroscopic observations which can be used to diagnose the early plasma outflow and the line-of-sight velocity in understanding the kinematics of CMEs; (3) The accurate timing from primary magnetic energy release, manifested by chromospheric activity, non-thermal radio bursts, and EUV, X-ray and γ-ray emissions, to the CME initiation, early acceleration and propagation, and the consequences in the interplanetary space and magnetosphere. The Kuafu Mission will meet the basic requirement for the new observations in CME initiation studies and serve as a monitor of space weather of the Sun–Earth system.  相似文献   

Ten years after the first observation of large-scale wave-like coronal disturbances with the EIT instrument aboard SOHO, the most crucial questions concerning these “EIT waves” are still being debated controversially – what is their actual physical nature, and how are they launched? Possible explanations include MHD waves or shocks, launched by flares or driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), as well as models where coronal waves are not actually waves at all, but generated by successive “activation” of magnetic fieldlines in the framework of a CME. Here, we discuss recent observations that might help to discriminate between the different models. We focus on strong coronal wave events that do show chromospheric Moreton wave signatures. It is stressed that multiwavelength observations with high time cadence are particularly important, ideally when limb events with CME observations in the low corona are available. Such observations allow for a detailed comparison of the kinematics of the wave, the CME and the associated type II radio burst. For Moreton-associated coronal waves, we find strong evidence for the wave/shock scenario. Furthermore, we argue that EIT waves are actually generated by more than one physical process, which might explain some of the issues which have made the interpretation of these phenomena so controversial.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the analysis of the evolution of coronal holes (CHs) on the Sun during the period May 13, 2010 – March 20, 2022, covering Solar Cycle 24. Our study uses images in the extreme-ultraviolet iron line (Fe XII 193 Å) obtained with the Atmospheric Imager Assembly of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (AIA/SDO). To localize CHs and determine their areas, we used the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK). We separate the CHs into polar and non-polar and study the evolutionary features of each group. During this period, an asymmetry between the Northern (N) and Southern (S) Hemispheres (N-S or hemispheric asymmetry) is detected both in the solar activity (SA) indices and in the localization of the maximum areas of the polar and non-polar CHs. It is shown that the hemispheric asymmetry of the areas of polar and non-polar CHs varies significantly over time and that the nature of these changes is clearly related to the SA cycle. We find that for most of the period, the polar CHs were predominated generated in the S- hemisphere while the non-polar CHs were dominant in the N- hemisphere. It is found that the maximum and minimum of the hemispheric imbalance in the areas of non-polar CHs are close in time to the maximum and minimum of the asymmetry of the SA indices (the number and areas of sunspots). The maximum hemispheric imbalance of the polar CH areas is observed at the maximum of Cycle 24, and the minimum imbalance is found at the cycle minimum. These results confirm our assumption that these two types of CHs are of a different nature and that the non-polar CHs, like sunspots, are elements of the general magnetic activity.  相似文献   

We present the evolution of magnetic field and relationship with the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions from a series of photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station near Beijing, and also longitudinal magnetograms by MDI of SOHO, white light and 171 Å images by TRACE and soft X-ray images by Yohkoh.The conclusions in the analysis of the formation process of complex and delta magnetic configuration in some super active regions are the following: (1) The magnetic shear and gradient provide the non-potentiality of the magnetic field of active regions reflecting the existence of electric current. (2) Some of large-scale delta active regions could be due to the emergence of highly sheared non-potential magnetic flux bundles from the subatmosphere with amount of magnetic helicity, in addition to the emergence of twisted magnetic ropes. (3) We also present some results on the study of the magnetic (current) helicity in solar active regions.  相似文献   

This is an overview of progresses in heliospheric physics made in China in the period of June, 2000 to May, 2002. The report is focused on theoretical studies,modelling and observational analysis of interplanetary physical phenomena, and consists of five sections: the acceleration and heating of the solar wind, corona structures, coronal mass ejections, magnetic reconnection phenomena, and in terplanetary transient phenomena. The main achievements made recently by Chinese scientists in related areas are simply listed in corresponding sections without any priority, only certain editorial consideration.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of a box in a stellar corona can be modeled employing a 3D MHD model for different levels of magnetic activity. Depending on the magnetic flux through the surface the nature of the resulting coronal structures can be quite different. We investigate a model of an active region for two sunspots surrounded by magnetic field patches comparable in magnetic flux to the sunspots. The model results in emission from the model corona being concentrated in loop structures. In Gudiksen and Nordlund (2005) the loops seen in EUV and X-ray emission outline the magnetic field, following the general paradigm. However, in our model, where the magnetic field is far from a force-free state, the loops seen in X-ray emission do not follow the magnetic field lines. This result is of interest especially for loops as found in areas where the magnetic field emerging from active regions interacts with the surrounding network.  相似文献   

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