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deepgreen 《飞碟探索》2010,(10):43-43
<正>为什么冥王星不再是行星?这肯定是我被问到的最令人无奈的问题之一。我被问到过很多次了。我曾经希望在国际天文协会做出有争议性决定的几年之后,相关的争论将会平息,而且人们最终会接受这个现实。但事实并非如此,冥王星不是行星仍然令许多人难以接受。  相似文献   

在世界月球会议开幕式的午宴后,我们有幸采访了欧空局局长让·雅克·多尔丹.让·雅克·多尔丹局长的健谈和对国际合作的丰富经验及热切渴望让我们印象深刻.这已经是他第十次来中国了,问及他对中国的印象,他说: "中国给我留下了极深的印象,中国的太空计划令人记忆深刻!"同时他对中国航天界的工作成果也给予了很高的评价:中国在太空领域是一个大国,在太空发展计划、地球探测及定位、航空航天、载人飞行等方面做得很好,并且努力地拓展项目的外延.  相似文献   

"大家好,欢迎来到2128年的国际太空家园,我是向导:NINGZEHAN,你们可以叫我N先生。现在,请让我带你们去太空家园看看吧。""我们现在来到的是中国建设的"红  相似文献   

<正>特殊航天员瓦列里·波利亚科夫:在太空连续生活与工作时间最长的航天员至今为止,在太空连续生活与工作时间最长的是俄罗斯航天员波利亚科夫,他于1994年1月8日乘坐"联盟"TM-18飞船进入"和平"号空间站,一直到1995年3月22日才返回地面,在太空连续飞行了437天17小时58分17秒。之前他还于1988年在"和平"号空间站上工作了241天。  相似文献   

从小,我就对太空产生了浓厚的兴趣,对于我来说,没有任何事情比航天更具有吸引力,也没有任何一本书比《太空探索》更好看。因此每期我都仔细阅读,细心地珍藏,爱不释手。 我希望贵刊开办一个“读者俱乐部”,让《太空探索》的读者在一起探索太空。 最后,我想通过贵刊的一角向为中国航天奋斗的专家表示衷心地感激和敬意,没有他们的努力,就不会有中国航天的辉煌成就。也许,在不久的将来,飞向太空对于人类来说,就像今天坐汽车那样方便,到那时我们就一起飞向宇宙吧!  相似文献   

<正>美国航宇局(NASA)局长查尔斯·博尔登11月17日宣布,NASA愿意与中国在太空探索方面展开合作。博尔登在访问东京时对有关记者说:"我非常愿意在任何太空探索中与中国人合作,我想他们是一个非常有能  相似文献   

我是一名《太空探索》的忠实读者,刚接触《太空探索》,就被其丰富充实的内容、深入浅出的理论阐述以及精美的图片所吸引。“太空”本身是一个内容很广泛的领域,整个宇宙包括地球部包含于其中。而《太空探索》能够全面地把人们普遍关注的这方面的研究理论、最新进  相似文献   

<正>11月2日,NASA发布资料图,纪念人类使用国际空间站15周年。国际空间站指令长、美国资深航天员斯科特·凯利在空间站庆祝15周年,与地面站举行的连线记者会上说:"我们在这里做了很多试验,但我想其中最重要的还是国际空间站作为在轨平台,让人类在太空长时间生存。"凯利是在太空中连续逗留最长时间的美国人,他和俄罗斯航天员科尔尼延科将在国际空间站停留一年,以研究长期太空飞  相似文献   

<正>《太空探索》由中国宇航学会主办,以引导广大公众树立科学意识和科学精神为办刊宗旨,以用生动的故事情节演绎科普知识和以精美的视觉画面打动读者为己任,力争成为"国内一流、国际知名"的科普月刊。订阅方式:全国各地邮局征订邮局汇款邮购:邮编:100048地址:北京市83:8邮箱收款人:《太空探索》杂志社欢迎订阅2019年《太空探索》杂志  相似文献   

笔者仅在此撷取陈泓主任的一席话作为编者按。你问钱学森空间技术实验室(以下简称钱室)做了什么事情?我们试图去做的事情很困难,尤其是在航天企业里,成功文化对我们的影响很大,也许我们的思维经常会这样问:你做的工作对型号到底有什么用?我们就是在类似"你们到底做出了啥东西"的质疑声中不断地孤独前行。钱室想走的是一条探索之路,需要足够的时间和耐心,希望通过你们的采访,把钱室真实地反映给读者:它不是完美无缺的,是一项仍需有很多改进的探索,现在需要的就是假以时日,留一些时间来完成这项探索,这是我最大的愿望。钱室作为创新的一个特区,需要来自方方面面的支持,包括像《国际太空》这样具有独立观点的媒体。我想,钱室就是来解决并践行"钱学森之问"的:我们为什么不能创新?我们该如何创新?  相似文献   

今年6月11日是《E.T.外星人》公映20周年,看过这部电影的人一定对其中的外星人记忆犹深,因为至今,它仍是“外星人”的经典形象。 3月19 日,《E.T.外星人》的20周年纪念活动在佛罗里达州的奥克兰大学演播厅中举行,国际空间站上的3名航天员也在大屏幕上凑热闹,他们除了对此片的导演斯皮尔伯格表示敬意外,还参与了学生们的讨论。其中一名中学生问:“人类什么时候可以去拜访E.T.的家?”  相似文献   

In the present work, we analyzed the daytime vertical E × B drift velocities obtained from Jicamarca Unattended Long-term Ionosphere Atmosphere (JULIA) radar and ΔH component of geomagnetic field measured as the difference between the magnitudes of the horizontal (H) components between two magnetometers deployed at two different locations Jicamarca, and Piura in Peru for 22 geomagnetically disturbed events in which either SC has occurred or Dstmax < ?50 nT during the period 2006–2011. The ΔH component of geomagnetic field is measured as the differences in the magnitudes of horizontal H component between magnetometer placed directly on the magnetic equator and one displaced 6–9° away. It will provide a direct measure of the daytime electrojet current, due to the eastward electric field. This will in turn gives the magnitude of vertical E × B drift velocity in the F region. A positive correlation exists between peak values of daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and peak value of ΔH for the three consecutive days of the events. It was observed that 45% of the events have daytime vertical E × B drift velocity peak in the magnitude range 10–20 m/s and 20–30 m/s and 20% have peak ΔH in the magnitude range 50–60 nT and 80–90 nT. It was observed that the time of occurrence of the peak value of both the vertical E × B drift velocity and the ΔH have a maximum (40%) probability in the same time range 11:00–13:00 LT. We also investigated the correlation between E × B drift velocity and Dst index and the correlation between delta H and Dst index. A strong positive correlation is found between E × B drift and Dst index as well as between delta H and Dst Index. Three different techniques of data analysis – linear, polynomial (order 2), and polynomial (order 3) regression analysis were considered. The regression parameters in all the three cases were calculated using the Least Square Method (LSM), using the daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and ΔH. A formula was developed which indicates the relationship between daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and ΔH, for the disturbed periods. The E × B drift velocity was then evaluated using the formulae thus found for the three regression analysis and validated for the ‘disturbed periods’ of 3 selected events. The E × B drift velocities estimated by the three regression analysis have a fairly good agreement with JULIA radar observed values under different seasons and solar activity conditions. Root Mean Square (RMS) errors calculated for each case suggest that polynomial (order 3) regression analysis provides a better agreement with the observations from among the three.  相似文献   

晓夏 《太空探索》2010,(4):59-59
2010年3月19日,一部由奥斯卡获奖者莱昂那多·迪卡普里奥解说的3D影片<哈勃3D>与公众见面了,这部影片由美国航宇局、IMAX公司和华纳兄弟电影公司共同制作.  相似文献   

A model of optically thin, advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) has made rapid progress recently and attracted much attention now. It can nicely reproduce the observed spectra of Sgr A1 and other low-luminosity AGNs. We here review the unique properties of ADAFs, focusing on their emission properties and time-dependent behavior. The issues involved with ADAFs are also discussed.  相似文献   

After DEMETER satellite mission (2004–2010), the launch of the Swarm satellites (Alpha (A), Bravo (B) and Charlie (C)) has created a new opportunity in the study of earthquake ionospheric precursors. Nowadays, there is no doubt that multi precursors analysis is a necessary phase to better understand the LAIC (Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling) mechanism before large earthquakes. In this study, using absolute scalar magnetometer, vector field magnetometer and electric field instrument on board Swarm satellites, GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements, MODIS-Aqua satellite and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) data, the variations of the electron density and temperature, magnetic field, TEC (Total Electron Content), LST (Land Surface Temperature), AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) and SKT (SKin Temperature) have been surveyed to find the potential seismic anomalies around the strong Ecuador (Mw = 7.8) earthquake of 16 April 2016. The four solar and geomagnetic indices: F10.7, Dst, Kp and ap were investigated to distinguish whether the preliminary detected anomalies might be associated with the solar-geomagnetic activities instead of the seismo-ionospheric anomalies. The Swarm satellites (A, B and C) data analysis indicate the anomalies in time series of electron density variations on 7, 11 and 12 days before the event; the unusual variations in time series of electron temperature on 8 days preceding the earthquake; the analysis of the magnetic field scalar and vectors data show the considerable anomalies 52, 48, 23, 16, 11, 9 and 7 days before the main shock. A striking anomaly is detected in TEC variations on 1 day before earthquake at 9:00 UTC. The analysis of MODIS-Aqua night-time images shows that LST increase unusually on 11 days prior to main shock. In addition, the AOD variations obtained from MODIS measurements reach the maximum value on 10 days before the earthquake. The SKT around epicentral region presents anomalous higher value about 40 days before the earthquake. It should be noted that the different lead times of the observed anomalies could be acknowledged based on a reasonable LAIC earthquake mechanism. Our results emphasize that the Swarm satellites measurements play an undeniable role in progress the studies of the ionospheric precursors.  相似文献   

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