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大型水洞中螺旋桨尾流场PIV测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以标准桨DTMB-P4119为试验对象,开展了螺旋桨尾流场测试分析。试验捕捉到了清晰的螺旋桨梢涡和尾涡的流动结构以及梢涡、尾涡片在尾流中的演化。分析比较了三种载况下的尾流特征,利用捕捉到的梢涡涡心坐标计算了部分涡线的螺距角。文章将测试结果与LDV测试数据进行了比较分析,结果表明,PIV与LDV对微观流动结构的测量取得了比较一致的结果。  相似文献   

OA212翼型主动流动控制的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数值模拟的方法,探讨了基于零质量射流的主动流动控制技术对OA212旋翼翼型动态失速的控制效果和控制特性.以积分形式雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程为控制方程,采用格心有限体积法进行求解.空间离散采用AUSM~+-up格式,时间推进采用含牛顿型LU-SGS子迭代的全隐式双时间法,且引入了预处理方法和多重网格方法加速收敛.通过在喷口上施加非定常边界条件来模拟射流对翼型绕流的影响.研究了不同类型射流、不同位置射流以及不同控制参数(频率、相位、偏角、动量系数等)对动态失速控制效果的影响.研究表明:零质量射流和传统的定常射流均可减小动态失速迟滞环的回线面积,但在提高最大升力方面零质量射流明显优于定常射流;在12%c和62%c处施加组合零质量射流的控制效果最为明显.  相似文献   

设计研制了一种适于机翼分离流动控制的八字形出口合成射流激励器,对其出口射流与主流的相互作用特性进行了研究,粒子图像测速仪(PIV)流场测试和边界层速度型测试结果揭示了其控制机制为促进边界层与主流的诱导掺混,提升边界层底层能量。利用该激励器阵列对NACA633-421三维直机翼模型开展了针对射流能量比Cμ和阵列位置两个参数的分离流控制研究,天平测力及翼型表面测压结果显示该激励器可有效抑制翼面流动分离、推迟失速迎角。在设计范围内,射流能量比Cμ值越大,控制效果越好,当Cμ=0.00168时,机翼最大升力系数提升了5.92%,失速迎角推迟了2.5°(激励器阵列位于0.3c处)。激励器阵列的弦向布置位置是一个重要控制参数,阵列位于0.3c处时最大升力系数提升量大于位于0.55c时。  相似文献   

Very limited attention has already been paid to the velocity behavior in the wake region in unsteady aerodynamic problems.A series of tests has been performed on a flapping airfoil in a subsonic wind tunnel to study the wake structure for different sets of mean angle of attack,plunging amplitude and reduced frequency.In this study,the velocity profiles in the wake for various oscillation parameters have been measured using a wide shoulder rake,especially designed for the present experiments.The airfoil under consideration was a critical section of a 660 kW wind turbine.The results show that for a flapping airfoil the wake structure can be of drag producing type,thrust producing or neutral,depending on the mean angle of attack,oscillation amplitude and reduced frequency.In a thrust producing wake,a high-momentum high-velocity jet flow is formed in the core region of the wake instead of the conventional low-momentum flow.As a result,the drag force normally experienced by the body due to the momentum deficit would be replaced by a thrust force.According to the results,the momentum loss in the wake decreases as the reduced frequency increases.The thrust producing wake pattern for the flapping airfoil has been observed for suffi ciently low angles of attack in the absence of the viscous effects.This phenomenon has also been observed for either high oscillation amplitudes or high reduced frequencies.According to the results,for different reduced frequencies and plunging amplitudes,such that the product of them be a constant,the velocity profiles exhibit similar behavior and coalesce on each other.This simi larity parameter works excellently at small angles of attack.However,at near stall boundaries,the similarity is not as evident as before.  相似文献   

Using the method of quasisolutions for inverse boundary-value problems of aerohydrodynamics, a problem of constructing an airfoil was solved by the specified velocity distribution along the sought airfoil contour when there is an irregularity in the flow such as a vorticity source. The cases of a source (sink) and vortex are obtained as particular ones. The airfoils are constructed numerically and analytically and conclusions are made about an influence of the irregularity position and type on the shape and aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil.  相似文献   

设计制作了两种布局形式的压电式合成射流致动器, 采用热线风速仪在静止环境下对长方形喷口的速度场进行了测量, 结果表明致动器喷口法向喷出最大速度可达到21.32 m/s.开展了基于合成射流技术的翼型分离流动主动控制实验, 致动器采用倾斜喷出时速度为10 m/s量级, 有效推迟了翼型表面流动的分离, 改善了翼型的失速特性, 最大升力系数提高11.36%, 失速迎角增加3°.与此同时发现动量系数达到10-3量级时分离流动主动控制效果显著, 动量系数小于10-4量级分离流动控制将几乎没有效果.   相似文献   

二维翼型抽吸气层流控制技术的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数值模拟了表面开孔吸气控制下的翼型绕流流场。主要研究了孔径、孔间距、吸气区大小和位置等吸气参数对二维翼型气动性能的影响。计算选用SSTk-ω湍流模型,并对标准的Wilcox转捩模式进行了修正。计算结果表明:修正的转捩模式能较好地模拟表面吸气引起的转捩位置的变化;在不同孔径、孔间距和吸气区位置的吸气控制下,翼型总阻力随吸气系数的增加均呈先减小后增大的变化规律;采用较大的孔径、孔间距以及较小的吸气区域进行吸气控制,具有较大的翼型阻力恢复吸气系数和较低的相对阻力最小值。  相似文献   

采用计算流体力学方法对降雨条件下翼型的气动特性进行了研究.通过求解定常可压的Navier-Stokes方程来计算流场,采用拉格朗日法对流场中的雨滴轨迹进行了模拟跟踪,得到了翼型表面的雨滴收集率;建立了水膜层数学模型,并假定水膜层沿着翼型表面的法向方向增长,预测了降雨引起的翼型外形的变化,并得到了水膜层表面的粗糙度高度;采用k-ωSST(shear-stress transport)两方程湍流模型结合增强的壁面函数,研究了降雨对翼型气动特性的影响.结果表明,在低迎角范围内,降雨对翼型的升力系数和阻力系数影响很小;当达到失速迎角后,降雨会引起上翼面边界层气流的提前分离,造成翼型气动性能的严重损失.   相似文献   

在西北工业大学NF-3低速风洞运用翼型气动力直接测量的方法对软质翼型进行风洞试验研究,对比了软、硬质翼型模型的试验结果。结果表明:软质翼型模型与硬质翼型模型在相同风速下具有不同的气动力特性。在一定风速下,软质翼型模型的表面会发生变化,从而影响了气动力。由于该影响非常复杂,因此在研究软质翼型模型的气动特性时进行风洞试验是必要的。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法研究了旋转圆柱对NACA0015翼型气动特性的影响,着重分析了前缘旋转圆柱转速比和缝隙大小对翼型升阻特性的作用规律以及不同安装位置的高速旋转圆柱结合简单襟翼偏转下的翼型气动力特性。结果表明,高速旋转的圆柱代替翼型前缘可以有效地抑制翼型背风区的流动分离,延缓边界层的发展从而改善翼型气动特性。前缘旋转圆柱理想的转速比在4附近,缝隙在2.5mm至1.5mm之间可以满足使用要求。简单襟翼结合前、后缘高速旋转圆柱情况下翼型的气动力特性可以比拟精心设计的多段翼型。旋转圆柱具有增升减阻效果显著,需要主动输入的能量极少等优点,是一种具有良好应用前景的边界层流动控制技术。  相似文献   

The use of steady and unsteady tangential blowing to suppress the dynamic stall on an oscillating airfoil was studied by numerically solving the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Pitching oscillations with amplitude of 10° about a mean angle of attack of 15° and with reduced frequencies of 0.15 and 0.25 were examined. The blowing location is near the airfoil leading edge, and for unsteady blowing, the jet strength was varied periodically at the same frequency as that of airfoil oscillation with some phase difference. In case of steady blowing, with a Cμ of 0.07, the large pitching moment, massive drop in CL and increase in CD due to dynamic stall were eliminated. The unsteady blowing was found more effective than the steady blowing.  相似文献   

Abstract The aerodynamic characteristics of elliptic airfoil are quite different from the case of conventional airfoil for Reynolds number varying from about 10~4to 10~6.In order to reveal the fundamental mechanism,the unsteady flow around a stationary two-dimensional elliptic airfoil with 16%relative thickness has been simulated using unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations and the γ-Reθt transition turbulence model at different angles of attack for flow Reynolds number of 5×10~5.The aerodynamic coefficients and the pressure distribution obtained by computation are in good agreement with experimental data,which indicates that the numerical method works well.Through this study,the mechanism of the unconventional aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil is analyzed and discussed based on the computational predictions coupled with the wind tunnel results.It is considered that the boundary layer transition at the leading edge and the unsteady flow separation vortices at the trailing edge are the causes of the case.Furthermore,a valuable insight into the physics of how the flow behavior affects the elliptic airfoil’s aerodynamics is provided.  相似文献   

提出一种翼型表面明冰的数值模拟方法.基于欧拉两相流理论,建立空气、水滴两相流控制方程;提出一种可穿透型壁面边界模拟水滴对翼型表面的撞击;采用考虑了粗糙度影响的边界层积分法求解结冰表面的对流换热特性,基于经典Messinger模型提出明冰数值模拟的热力学模型;利用冰层时间推进法模拟积冰过程,采用积冰法向生长假设生成积冰外形.对NACA 0012翼型在不同环境温度下的明冰冰形进行了预测,并与实验结果进行了对比.   相似文献   

不同振动形式下的翼型失速特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过求解雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程,研究了翼型在强迫振动和自然结构振动下的大迎角流场特性,尤其是失速迎角附近的流场和气动特性.研究结果表明:在接近颤振临界速度情况下结构自然振动可以引起翼型大尺度的分离,导致失速分离涡提前出现;强迫性的沉浮运动和俯仰运动在一定幅度下也可以引起失速性质的大分离,而且沉浮和俯仰振动的频率和振幅都是影响翼型大尺度分离的重要因素.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations based on the three-dimensional Euler equations are used to investigate the predictive capability of an Euler code for calculations of the nearfield wake of a narrow-body airliner wind tunnel model in take-off configuration up to a half span behind the wing tip trailing edge. Simulation results on both structured and unstructured grids are presented. The results on the block-structured grid were obtained within the scope of the EU-project EUROWAKE. The simulation quality of the vortex formation and spatial development is analysed by comparison to wind tunnel measurements of the spanwise lift distribution available from the EU-project DUPRIN II and to experimental PIV data available from the EU-project EUROWAKE.  相似文献   

众所周知,风洞试验中的飞机模型,尤其是带有大展弦比机翼的模型有时会出现翼梢振动现象,振动模式主要表现为翼梢沉浮和俯仰形式,以致影响实验结果的精度和可靠性。选取相对厚度较小的NACA0008翼型,在求解非定常Navier-Stokes方程的基础上,采用改进的无限插值理论和绕翼型的C型网格,模拟风洞实验中模型振动条件下的流场,研究振动模式及其不同耦合对流场、尤其是大迎角流场的影响,并考虑了模型弹性轴不同位置对结果的影响。研究结果表明:在临近传统定常失速迎角的大迎角条件下,翼型的振动可以引起翼型大尺度的分离,导致翼型失速的提前发生;振动在不同的相位滞后条件下,对翼型流场的分离程度不尽相同。  相似文献   

由于受到流动环境中的不确定因素影响,针对流动系统设计的闭环控制律需要考虑这些不确定因素,自动适应随机扰动和突发扰动.基于流动模型所设计的闭环最优控制,虽然可以以较小的控制量获得满足目标函数的最优控制效果,但随着流动模型的引入,随之而来的建模精度、未建模动态等问题也会出现,固定的流动模型也会限制控制系统的自适应能力.针对翼型在跨声速流动中遇到的激波抖振问题,为了消除不同来流状态的激波抖振带来的脉动载荷,开展了基于数据驱动方法的无模型自适应控制.流场数值仿真采用URANS方法,作动机构采用尾缘舵面,以升力系数作为反馈信号.当流动状态变化时,无模型自适应控制利用输入输出数据在线将流动系统等价转化为动态线性化数据模型,最小化性能指标得到控制律,使系统自动地工作于最优或接近最优的状态.时域仿真结果显示,无模型自适应控制效果优于开环控制和比例控制,并且当来流状态随时间发生变化时,无模型自适应控制也能够完全消除抖振脉动载荷.  相似文献   

The flutter of a two-dimensional airfoil in a supersonic flow field, with cubic structural and aerodynamic non-linearities, is investigated using an efficient algorithm of normal form, which combines the normal form theory and the center manifold theory together. First, the stability of the linearized system is analyzed in the neighborhood of an equilibrium point, which shows that the flutter instability is resulted by the Hopf bifurcation. Then the normal form of Hopf bifurcation is deduced by applying the symbolic procedure of the new normal form algorithm to the perturbation equations. Analyzing the obtained coefficients of normal form shows that for a given system, the Hopf bifurcation can change from super-critical type to sub-critical type, consequently the flutter instability changes from “benign” type to “catastrophic” type, as the flight Mach number increases. Numerical simulations verify the dependence of response on initial conditions. Finally, the effects of the structural and aerodynamic parameters on the character of flutter instability are analyzed.  相似文献   

A new skill of modulating driving signals of a synthetic jet with low frequency is introduced to enhance the control authority. Based on dynamic mesh technique, the effect of flow control over a NACA0015 airfoil with a Synthetic Jet Actuator(SJA) has been investigated. The SJA is located at x/c = 10%, and two jet injection angles of 90° and 30° have been considered. Flow structures indicate that modulation with low frequency can reduce the dissipation rate of vortices after they shed off the sur...  相似文献   

低雷诺数下翼型层流分离泡及吹吸气控制数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在低雷诺数下Eppler387翼型表面会出现层流分离泡现象,因此本文使用Fluent求解器开展吹/吸气控制翼型表面层流分离泡的数值研究,主要探究了射流位置、射流角度、射流速度比三个控制参数对层流分离泡控制的影响规律.研究结果表明,采用与SSTκ-ω湍流模型耦合的γ~(Reθt)转捩模型可以准确预测层流分离泡的位置;吹/吸气可以有效抑制低雷诺数下层流分离泡的发展,明显提高低雷诺数下翼型升阻比.固定射流位置,较大吸气速度比和较小吹气速度比可分别获得较好的流动控制效果,且吸气控制比吹气控制对层流分离泡的抑制作用更加有效.  相似文献   

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