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Theoretical studies of the solar wind phenomenon   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper is a review of current theoretical topics concerning the solar wind. Broadly speaking the questions outstanding at the present time concern the loss of angular momentum to the sun, the origin of the fluctuations observed in the wind at the orbit of earth, conditions in the wind in regions yet unvisited by spacecraft (inside the orbit of Venus, beyond the orbit of Mars, and out of the plane of the ecliptic), conditions at the terminus of the wind, etc. The question of angular momentum loss is important in understanding the evolution of the sun to its present form with a slowly rotating surface. Evidence from both comet and spacecraft observations of the wind indicate that the rate at which angular momentum is being carried away by the solar wind is very large, of the order of 1031 dyne/cm in the gas flow and half as much by the interplanetary magnetic field. But theory cannot account for more than about 1030 dynes/cm in the gas without special assumptions.The fluctuations presently observed in the wind at the orbit of earth have scales ranging upward from 102 km. Their presence is puzzling because fluctuations with scales less than about 106 km are not expected to survive from the sun. Presumably, therefore, the fluctuations are generated by the velocity differences of more than 100 km/sec in the wind from different regions in the solar corona and by instabilities produced by the anisotropy of the electrons of the wind plasma.Conditions in the wind at places far removed from the orbit of earth can be inferred from the behavior of cosmic rays. The evidence is that the wind becomes relatively placid beyond about 5 AU, extending from there out to 30–300 AU without much small-scale turbulence. There are also some suggestions that the wind may perhaps be less turbulent toward the sun from 1 AU, and that the wind may be faster and more turbulent at higher solar latitudes. But the ambiguity of the situation does not permit a firm conclusion on this yet.  相似文献   

Data collected by the magnetometer onboard the Ulysses spacecraft are surveyed for the occurrence of waves generated during the pick-up of interstellar hydrogen. Thirty one wave events were found during a 640 day study period, between March 21, 1992 and December 20, 1993 (after the Ulysses encounter with Jupiter). It is found that observation of the waves does not depend on the magnitude of the background magnetic field, but is a strong function of the angle between the magnetic field and the solar wind flow direction, with small angles being favored.  相似文献   

The properties of the solar wind including magnetic fields, plasma, and plasma waves are briefly reviewed with emphasis on conditions near and beyond the orbit of Jupiter. An extrapolation of the steady-state wind to large distances, evolution of disturbances and structure, modulation of cosmic rays, interactions with planetary bodies (bow shocks and magnetosheaths), and interactions with interstellar neutral helium and hydrogen are briefly discussed. Some comments on instrumentation requirements to observationally define the above phenomena are also included.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The nonuniform emission of the solar wind from the sun means that conditions are established which favor the development of discontinuities in the plasma parameters. Since the solar wind is in rapid proper motion with respect to the sun and the earth, examination of these discontinuities requires that the wind velocity be transformed away. Then it is found that they satisfy the conditions of magnetohydrodynamics and can be treated as shock waves and the stationary contact surfaces consisting of either tangential or contact discontinuities. The collision-free structure of the solar wind suggests that the tangential discontinuity is the more likely contact surface as it is more capable of inhibiting diffusion which is required for a lifetime sufficient for the structure to be carried to the neighborhood of the earth.Either the shock wave or the contact surface can create signals that are detectable at the surface of the earth. The simplest surface signal to detect is the sudden impulse (SI) but other signals may be found. The existence of a field of MHD discontinuities in the solar wind should make possible the generation of ensembles of shocks and contact surfaces. Various possibilities are explored and these are discussed from the standpoint of combinations of sudden impulses at the earth's surface which are both positive and negative. Some of these are recurrent with a 27-day period; the interplanetary M region shock ensemble associated with this is discussed and the development of these structures in space is reviewed.Lastly observational evidence for interplanetary shock waves is given together with the analytic technique for establishing their geometry and comparing the derived and measured jump parameters. The applicability of the geometrical construction of the general class of MHD discontinuity to their analysis is indicated and shows the way in which the structural content of the solar wind can be classified by the use of magnetometers and plasma probes. A parametric study of the jump conditions through a shock wave can be used to verify the correctness of field measurements because of the redundancy in measurements. This also allows the details of shock structure to be examined including the intrinsic partitioning of the internal energy of the shocked plasma.  相似文献   

Acceleration of the solar wind   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this review, we discuss critically recent research on the acceleration of the solar wind, giving emphasis to high-speed solar wind streams emanating from solar coronal holes. We first explain why thermally driven wind models constrained by solar and interplanetary observations encounter substantial difficulties in explaining high speed streams. Then, through a general discussion of energy addition to the solar wind above the coronal base, we indicate a possible resolution of these difficulties. Finally, we consider the question of what role MHD waves might play in transporting energy through the solar atmosphere and depositing it in the solar wind, and we conclude by examining, in a simple way, the specific mechanism of solar wind acceleration by Alfvén waves and the related problem of accelerating massive stellar winds with Alfvén waves.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.On leave from the Auroral Observatory, Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Tromsø, N-9001 Tromsø, Norway.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of the basic theoretical dynamical properties of an atmosphere with an extended temperature strongly bound by gravity. The review begins with the historical developments leading up to the realization that the only dynamical equilibrium of an atmosphere with extended temperature is supersonic expansion. It is shown that sufficient conditions for supersonic expansion are T(r) declining asymptotically less rapidly than 1/r, or the density at the base of the corona being less than N b given by (40) if no energy is available except through thermal conductivity, or the temperature falling within the limits given by (18) if T N -1 throughout the corona. Less extended temperatures lead to equilibria which are subsonic or static. The hypothetical case of a corona with no energy supply other than thermal conduction from its base is considered at some length because the equations may be solved by analytical methods and illustrate the transition from subsonic to supersonic equilibrium as the temperature becomes more extended. Comparison with the actual corona shows that the solar corona is actively heated for some distance into space by wave dissipation.The dynamical stability of the expanding atmosphere is demonstrated, and in a later section the radial propagation of acoustic and Alfvén waves through the atmosphere and wind is worked out. The calculations show that the magnetometer will probably detect waves more easily than the plasma instrument, but that both are needed to determine the mode and direction of the wave. An observer in the wind at the orbit of Earth can listen to disturbances generated in the corona near the sun and in turbulent regions in interplanetary space.The possibility that the solar corona is composed of small-scale filaments near the sun is considered. It is shown that such filamentary structure would not be seen at the orbit of Earth. It is pointed out that the expansion of a non-filamentary corona seems to lead to too high a calculated wind density at the orbit of Earth to agree with the present observations, unless T(r) is constant or increases with r. A filamentary corona, on the other hand, would give the observed wind density for declining T(r).It is shown that viscosity plays no important role in the expansion of an atmosphere either with or without a weak magnetic field. The termination of the solar wind, presumably between 10–103 AU, is discussed briefly. The interesting development here is the interplanetary L recently observed, which may come from the interstellar neutral hydrogen drifting into the outer regions of the solar wind.Theory is at the present time concerned with the general dynamical principles which pertain to the expansion equilibrium of an atmosphere. It is to be expected that the rapid progress of direct observations of the corona and wind will soon permit more detailed studies to be carried out. It is important that the distinction between detailed empirical models and models intended to illustrate general principles be kept clearly in mind at all times.This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant NASA-NsG-96-60.  相似文献   

As the solar wind flows out from the coronal base the coulomb collision frequencies rapidly become small and particle-particle collisions can no longer maintain local statistical equilibrium. At 1 AU the particle distribution functions have important non-Maxwellian characteristics and the firehose instability, a cyclotron resonance whistler-mode instability, and several heat flux current instabilities should be operative. Superthermal particle populations also provide large wave levels, and other forms of enhanced plasma turbulence develop at shock fronts and discontinuities. This report contains a review of the theoretical concepts and a progress report on the experimental study of interplanetary wave-particle interactions.Prepared for Space Science Reviews.  相似文献   

Pneuman  G. W. 《Space Science Reviews》1986,43(1-2):105-138
In this review, we consider the central physical aspects pertinent to the acceleration of the solar wind. Special importance is placed on the high-speed streams since the properties of these structures seem to strain the various theoretical explanations the most. Heavy emphasis is also given to the observations — particularly as to what constraints they place on the theories. We also discuss certain sporadic events such as spicules, macrospicules, X-ray bright points, and outflows seen in the EUV associated with the explosive events, jets, and coronal bullets which could be of relevance to this problem.Three theoretical concepts pertaining to the solar wind acceleration process are examined — purely thermal acceleration with and without extended heating, acceleration due to Alfvén wave pressure, and diamagnetic acceleration. Emphasis is given to how well these theories meet the constraints imposed by the observations. Diamagnetism is argued to be a powerful ingredient in solar wind theory, both in the light of observed sporatic outflows seen in the chromosphere and transition region and also because of its effectiveness in increasing the flow speed and producing strong acceleration near the Sun in line with coronal hole observations.  相似文献   

An account is given of the observations and theoretical ideas concerning the role of kinetic processes in the solar wind. This includes, first of all, the measurements on distribution functions of plasma electrons and protons, the relation of the observed non-thermal electron features with the concept of an exospheric expansion of the solar corona, and the connection of non-thermal proton distributions with bulk flow inhomogeneities of the wind. A discussion is given of the present understanding of the connection between observed features of the particle distributions and anomalous values of some plasma transport coefficients, which in turn determine the actual values of macroscopic plasma parameters.A further topic of the review is that of possible kinetic processes occurring within small scale structures in the solar wind, like collisionless shocks, various types of discontinuities and D-sheets.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes space probe observations relevant to the determination of the large-scale, three-dimensional structure of the solar wind and its solar cycle variations. Observations between 0.6 and 5 AU reveal very little change in the average solar-wind velocity, but a pronounced decrease in the spread of velocities about the average. The velocity changes may be accompanied by a transfer of energy from the electrons to the protons. The mass flux falls off approximately as the inverse square of distance as expected for spherically symmetric flow. Measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field show that the spiral angle is well defined over this entire range of distances, but there is some evidence that the spiral may wind up more slowly with distance from the Sun than predicted by Parker's model. The variances or noise in the field and plasma have also been measured as a function of radial distance.During the rising portion of the solar-activity cycle, the solar-wind velocity showed a pronounced positive correlation with solar latitude over the range ±7°. Several other plasma parameters which have been found generally to correlate (or anticorrelate) with velocity also showed a latitude variation; these parameters include the density, percent helium, and azimuthal flow direction. The average polarity and the north-south component of the magnetic field depend on the solar hemisphere in which the measurements are made.Dependence on the phase of the solar-activity cycle can be found in the data on the number of high speed streams, the proton density, the percent helium, and the magnetic-field strength and polarity.  相似文献   

Interplanetary measurements of the speeds, densities, abundances, and charge states of solar wind ions are diagnostic of conditions in the source region of the solar wind. The absolute values of the mass, momentum, and energy fluxes in the solar wind are not known to an accuracy of 20%. The principal limitations on the absolute accuracies of observations of solar wind protons and alpha particles arise from uncertain instrument calibrations, from the methods used to reduce the data, and from sampling biases. Sampling biases are very important in studies of alpha particles. Instrumental resolution and measurement ambiguities are additional major problems for the observation of ions heavier than helium. Progress in overcoming some of these measurement inadequacies is reviewed.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.  相似文献   

The advantages of high resolution UV spectroscopy for the investigation of the solar atmosphere are stressed while the limitations in the areas of instrumentation and diagnosis are discussed. The recent achievements (made essentially by Skylab, OSO-8 and rocket instruments) are reviewed and discussed.It is shown that high resolution UV solar spectroscopy has improved our knowledge of the dynamics of the upper layers of the solar atmosphere. Within the present instrument capabilities the birth of coronal expansion is shown to take place at the top of the transition region. The existence of downward flows over the bright regions of the network is evidenced from redshifts or transition region and chromospheric optically thin lines: velocities as large as 22 km s-1 have been measured in O vi. Short period waves (95 s) have been detected in lines of Si ii at chromospheric levels in addition to the well known 300s and 180 s photospheric and chromospheric oscillations. There is strong evidence that optically thin chromospheric and transition region lines are broadened by a nonthermal velocity component which is maximum at 1.3 × 105 K and decreases at higher temperatures. This may indicate the presence of unresolved acoustic or magnetohydrodynamic waves so oftenly set fourth as the source of chromospheric and coronal heating.Contradictions between the various results are pointed out and discussed. They might be attributed to the different angular resolution of the instruments, a key parameter for future space observations. It is suggested that the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and the Grazing Incidence Solar Telescope (GRIST) which are presently under phase A studies at NASA and ESA be considered as a tandem of instruments to fly on Spacelab in the 1980's. Both their angular and spectral resolution appear sufficient to resolve most of the problems under discussion today.Review presented at the Vth Conference on UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, London, July 4–7, 1977.  相似文献   

Energy coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper describes in detail how we are led to the first approximation expression for the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function , which correlates well with the total energy consumption rate U T of the magnetosphere. It is shown that is the primary factor which controls the time development of magnetospheric substorms and storms. The finding of this particular expression indicates how the solar wind couples its energy to the magnetosphere; the solar wind and the magnetosphere constitute a dynamo. In fact, the power P generated by the dynamo can be identified as by using a dimensional analysis. Furthermore, the finding of indicates that the magnetosphere is closer to a directly driven system than to an unloading system which stores the generated energy before converting it to substorm and storm energies. Therefore, the finding of and its implications have considerably advanced and improved our understanding of magnetospheric processes. The finding of has also led us to a few specific future problems in understanding relationships between solar activity and magnetospheric disturbances, such as a study of distortion of the solar current disk and the accompanying changes of . It is also pointed out that one of the first tasks in the energy coupling study is an improvement of the total energy consumption rate U T of the magnetosphere. Specific steps to be taken in this study are suggested.  相似文献   

An overview of the solar wind termination shock is presented including: its place in the heliosphere and its origin; its structure including the role of interstellar pickup ions and galactic and anomalous cosmic rays; its inferred location based on Lyman- backscatter, Voyager radio signals, and anomalous cosmic rays; its shape and movement.  相似文献   

Data on composition in the solar wind are summarized and compared with best estimates of abundances in the outer convective zone of the Sun. Several mechanisms of element and isotope fractionation are discussed in relation to observed abundances and their variations.The evidence available so far indicates that in addition to ion fractionation in the corona there is a separation mechanism operating at low solar altitude that affects solar wind composition. It is suggested that the systematic depletion of helium observed in the solar wind is in part caused by ion-neutral separation in the chromosphere-transition zone. Conditions for this mechanism to be effective are discussed. It is shown that ion-neutral separation is much more pronounced than ion-ion separation under these conditions. Therefore, this mechanism should fractionate elements according to the rate at which first ionization occurs. This implies that isotope fractionation by this mechanism is minor.Ion-neutral separation may be responsible for the general depletion that is observed in the slow interstream solar wind as well as in the fast streams coming out of coronal holes. However, the occurrences of very low He/H ratios are probably caused in the corona.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.  相似文献   

A critical review of the interstellar hydrogen in the heliosphere will be presented. Recent Sun-interstellar matter interaction model improvements, a non-stationary flow and a flexible latitude dependence, will be discussed. We also consider the influence of heliospheric interface on neutral flow and the remaining refinements, which could help to better interpret the results of the SWAN experiment on board SOHO.  相似文献   

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