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Long-wave radio bursts recorded on the Interball-1 satellite in the frequency band 100–1500 kHz are analyzed. The events distinguished by large amplitude radio emission fluxes were selected. These bursts were identified with powerful solar flares, during which time fluxes of hard X-ray radiation, meter-wave radio bursts (types II and IV), and coronal transients were observed. Temporal profiles of the bursts are characterized by a quick drift in frequency and are typical for bursts of III and SA types. The instant of long-wave radio burst generation seems to correspond to the expansion phase of a flare.  相似文献   

Nose structures are objects formed by H+ particles penetrating into the inner magnetosphere [1, 2]. We present the results of experimental studies and numerical modeling of the nose structures. Statistical processing of the observations of nose structures in 1997 by the ION instrument onboard the Interball-2 satellite at heights of 10000–15000 km demonstrates that the probability of formation of the nose structures under quiet magnetic conditions (with current values K p = 0–1) in the nighttime sector of the magnetosphere is 90%. The probability of observation of the nose structures in the daytime sector equals 50% at the current value K p = 0–1, and the correlation between the observations of nose structures and K p can be improved (up to 75%) if the K p index is taken 6 h before the observed events. It is shown that nose structures are a characteristic feature not only of the substorm processes but also of quasi-stationary phenomena in the quiet magnetosphere. The nose structures observed in magnetically quiet periods are called stationary nose structures in this work. By modeling drift trajectories for protons, it is shown that the stationary nose structures are formed in all sectors of the MLT. The stationary nose structures observed by the ION instrument are modeled in the night, morning, and daytime sectors of the MLT. The relation between the stationary nose structures and ion spectral gaps is considered.  相似文献   

董瑶海 《上海航天》2024,41(3):37-46
风云卫星是我国民用遥感卫星中应用范围最广泛、成效最为显著的卫星系列之一,在推动国民经济发展和加强装备自主建设等方面发挥了重要作用。面向气象高质量发展、防灾减灾、应对气候变化、生态文明建设和国家安全等多重挑战,风云卫星将坚持创新驱动发展战略,以体系化、智能化为主要发展方向,突破平台和载荷关键技术,构建智慧协同观测体系。本文探讨了风云卫星智慧协同观测体系在气象综合观测效能提升、体系化智能化网络赋能及全方位环境保障等方面的必要性,在分析国内外气象卫星发展历程的基础上,提出了新一代风云气象卫星构建智慧协同观测体系的建设思路和初步方案,并对体系构建中的关键技术进行了分析。最后,展望了风云卫星智慧协同观测体系的应用前景。  相似文献   

One-dimensional MHD simulations of solitary sharp and strong disturbances (impulses) of the interplanetary magnetic field and plasma of the homogeneous solar wind were performed. The characteristics of a disturbance of this type, recorded onboard the WIND spacecraft (SC) rather far from the Earth, were taken as initial conditions. The results of numerical experiments simulating the evolution of this disturbance in the moving interplanetary plasma, whose parameters correspond to observations of the WIND and INTERBALL-1 SC, show the efficiency of the computer code developed with the special purpose of investigating low-frequency wave events in the space environment. The calculated characteristics of the impulse resulting from the evolution are in good agreement with parameters of the disturbance recorded by the INTERBALL-1 SC closer to the Earth. In particular, the impulse expands due to imbalance of thermal and magnetic pressures, but keeps its abrupt boundaries. It was demonstrated that stable plasma objects, corresponding to stationary MHD solutions, could really exist in the solar wind plasma for a long time.  相似文献   

In order to fulfil the microgravity requirements for space experiments,improved technology for the microgravity environment is proposed,including that for raising the orbital altitude,optimizing the layout of the disturbance source,using 1 N-thrusters instead of 5 N-thrusters,etc.In addition,evaluation of the microgravity environment of the recoverable satellite was also conducted using on-orbit micro-vibration measurement,on-orbit experiment and data analysis technologies.The microgravity level of the SJ-10 recoverable satellite in China is compared with the spacecraft used for carrying out space science experiments internationally.This paper describes the microgravity environment of the SJ-10 recoverable satellite,and its importance for analysing space experimental results.  相似文献   

邓卫华 《航天器工程》2009,18(6):106-109
针对HJ-1A卫星发射状态的特殊性,使用有限元计算和相似性类比推算的方法,详细分析了正样状态HJ-1A卫星对于运载力学环境的适应性,得出HJ-1A卫星正样状态能够满足运载的力学条件的结论,并根据分析结果,改进了试验条件,最终通过试验验证,并顺利发射成功.  相似文献   

武新 《中国航天》2007,(6):6-10
2007年5月14日0时01分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭成功地将尼日利亚通信卫星一号送上太空。  相似文献   

The bursts of long-wave radio emission in the 100–1500 kHz frequency band detected onboard the INTERBALL-1 satellite during strong chromosphere solar flares in 2000 are analyzed. The bursts exhibit large amplitude and duration. A comparison of the bursts with phenomena in the optical, x-ray, and radio bands is carried out.  相似文献   

CBERS-1卫星02星图像数据质量评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
CBERS - 1卫星 0 1星发射升空投入运行以来 ,已在中巴两国国民经济建设众多领域中发挥出重要作用。 2 0 0 3年 10月 2 1日成功发射的CBERS - 1卫星 0 2星旨在接替已超期服役两年的 0 1星。文章对比分析了由中国资源卫星应用中心提供的CBERS - 1卫星 0 1星与 0 2星的CCD图像数据 ,并从图像工程角度进行定量评价。研究结果表明 ,0 2星在图像质量方面比 0 1星有较大提高 ,将能继续更好地为中巴两国国民经济建设服务  相似文献   

李安寿  张东来  杨炀  张亚春  张玥 《宇航学报》2013,34(10):1403-1409
针对航天器太阳电池阵电设计和热设计中需要准确考虑阴影影响的问题,提出了一种可以精确计算太阳电池阵阴影的方法。首先使用三角网格来建立3D模型,其次考虑了航天器本体构件间的相对运动,然后用一个“包围盒”去截取模型上的三角网格点,再把这些点投射到太阳电池阵上,最后把太阳电池阵分成小方格,分别使用逐点比较法和最小矩形法来生成阴影图形。给出了月球车遮挡计算的实例,仿真分析表明生成阴影图形时,最小矩形法具有更高的速度。使用本文所述的方法,可计算结构复杂、构件间有相对运动的航天器本体对太阳电池阵造成的遮挡,能生成精确的阴影图形,为后续计算受遮挡的太阳电池阵的输出特性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

郑亲波 《上海航天》2004,21(4):20-22
介绍了风云一号(FY-1)C,D极轨气象卫星10通道扫描辐射计的总体构成。给出了扫描辐射计性能的在轨测试结果,概述了研制中的技术创新点。与国内外同类仪器比较的结果表明,两星扫描辐射计寿命期初和期末的性能均满足任务书要求,其主要性能指标与美国NOAA卫星相当,甚至更佳。  相似文献   

航天器空间碎片超高速撞击防护的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空间碎片对航天器的超高速撞击损伤已受到国内外的普遍重视,如何使在轨航天器对空间碎片进行有效防护是航天器长寿命、高可靠安全运行的重要保障。文章概述了空间碎片环境现状、空间碎片超高速撞击危害以及国内外空间碎片防护的研究现状和趋势。重点介绍了航天器常用的Whipple防护结构及其各种衍生结构的防护性能和弹道极限方程(BLE),评述了这些防护结构防护性能的优缺点。  相似文献   

Shuvalov  V. A.  Kochubei  G. S.  Priimak  A. I.  Gubin  V. V.  Tokmak  N. A. 《Cosmic Research》2003,41(4):413-423
A methodology of the physical modeling of radiation electrification of the leeward surfaces of the materials used to construct space vehicles by auroral electrons, when the vehicles are flown supersonically around by the ionospheric plasma at low and middle heights, is developed. Based on laboratory modeling, numerical experiments, and in situ observations, the dependencies of charging levels and equilibrium potentials on the ratio of the auroral electron density to the positive ions in the near wake behind the body and in the undisturbed plasma are determined.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了航天清华一号 (HT - 1)微小卫星及其图像质量状况 ,并以HT - 1扬州景图像为例 ,用ENVI软件对图像进行噪声消除、波段间错位纠正与假彩色合成、地面分辨率求算 ,探讨了其在国土资源调查中的应用。结果表明 :HT - 1图像信息量丰富 ,但噪声明显 ,可通过中值滤波基本消除 ;各波段图像间像元错位较大 ,仍可以通过波段配准来消除 ;地面分辨率为 :4 1 6 989m ,基本达到了设计的要求 ;能满足中比例尺的国土资源调查领域的应用要求  相似文献   

星地链路时间窗口计算是卫星系统任务调度必须解决的重要问题之一。分析J2项摄动的LEO卫星和地面站的空间位置关系,提出一种通过偏近点角的超越方程计算时间窗口的新方法,采用以大圆近似星下点轨迹的方法求解此方程。仿真表明,时间窗口起始时刻误差小于1s,时间窗口长度误差小于1.2s,计算时间减少了99.7%。算法在保证精度的同时大幅度降低时间窗口的计算量,为卫星系统任务调度提供有效支持。  相似文献   

The Small Explorer (SMEX) Project at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) has accumulated nearly a decade of experience building missions with the underlying philosophy of “Faster, Better, Cheaper” (FBC). Five satellites are now successfully operating on-orbit with only one serious instrument anomaly. Together this Project has accumulated 14.6 years of on-orbit experience without a spacecraft bus failure. Additionally, this project, under the Explorer Technology Infusion effort, has developed a protoflight version of a 21st Century FBC spacecraft bus that has just completed environmental qualification and has been selected at the base spacecraft for NASA's Triana mission. Design and production of these six high performance spacecraft, in just ten years time, has provided a unique base of experience from which to draw lessons learned. This paper will discuss the fundamental practices that have been used by the SMEX Project in achieving this record of success.  相似文献   

Yahnina  T. A.  Yahnin  A. G.  Kangas  J.  Manninen  J. 《Cosmic Research》2002,40(3):213-223
A special kind of variation of energetic proton fluxes inside the anisotropic precipitation zone is considered using the data from the low-altitude satellites NOAA/TIROS. The variation is characterized by a localized (within 1° of latitude) enhancement of >30 keV protons, both trapped at the spacecraft altitude and precipitating. A close correlation is shown between the morphological characteristics of the proton precipitation and the Pc1 pulsations observed by the ground-based geophysical observatory Sodankylä. The probability of observation of the Pc1 pulsation by a ground-based station decreases with increasing MLT distance between this station and the projection of the satellite detecting the precipitating protons. The Pc1 pulsation frequency decreases as the proton burst latitude increases. These findings support the ion-cyclotron mechanism of the Pc1 production suggesting that both wave generation and particle scattering occur in the source region.  相似文献   

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