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In aircraft wing design, engineers aim to provide the best possible aerodynamic performance under cruise flight conditions in terms of lift-to-drag ratio. Conventional control sur-faces such as flaps, ailerons, variable wing sweep and spoilers are used to trim the aircraft for other flight conditions. The appearance of the morphing wing concept launched a new challenge in the area of overall wing and aircraft performance improvement during different flight segments by locally altering the flow over the aircraft's wings. This paper describes the development and appli-cation of a control system for an actuation mechanism integrated in a new morphing wing structure. The controlled actuation system includes four similar miniature electromechanical actuators dis-posed in two parallel actuation lines. The experimental model of the morphing wing is based on a full-scale portion of an aircraft wing, which is equipped with an aileron. The upper surface of the wing is a flexible one, being closed to the wing tip; the flexible skin is made of light composite materials. The four actuators are controlled in unison to change the flexible upper surface to improve the flow quality on the upper surface by delaying or advancing the transition point from laminar to turbulent regime. The actuators transform the torque into vertical forces. Their bases are fixed on the wing ribs and their top link arms are attached to supporting plates fixed onto the flex-ible skin with screws. The actuators push or pull the flexible skin using the necessary torque until the desired vertical displacement of each actuator is achieved. The four vertical displacements of the actuators, correlated with the new shape of the wing, are provided by a database obtained through a preliminary aerodynamic optimization for specific flight conditions. The control system is designed to control the positions of the actuators in real time in order to obtain and to maintain the desired shape of the wing for a specified flight condition. The feasibility and effectiveness of the developed control system by use of a proportional fuzzy feed-forward methodology are demon-strated experimentally through bench and wind tunnel tests of the morphing wing model.  相似文献   

An active control technique utilizing piezoelectric actuators to alleviate gust-response loads of a large-aspect-ratio flexible wing is investigated. Piezoelectric materials have been exten-sively used for active vibration control of engineering structures. In this paper, piezoelectric mate-rials further attempt to suppress the vibration of the aeroelastic wing caused by gust. The motion equation of the flexible wing with piezoelectric patches is obtained by Hamilton's principle with the modal approach, and then numerical gust responses are analyzed, based on which a gust load alle-viation (GLA) control system is proposed. The gust load alleviation system employs classic propor tional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers which treat piezoelectric patches as control actuators and acceleration as the feedback signal. By a numerical method, the control mechanism that piezo-electric actuators can be used to alleviate gust-response loads is also analyzed qualitatively. Further-more, through low-speed wind tunnel tests, the effectiveness of the gust load alleviation active control technology is validated. The test results agree well with the numerical results. Test results show that at a certain frequency range, the control scheme can effectively alleviate the z and x wing-tip accelerations and the root bending moment of the wing to a certain extent. The control system gives satisfying gust load alleviation efficacy with the reduction rate being generally over 20%.  相似文献   

牛中国  胡秋琦  梁华  刘捷  许相辉  蒋甲利 《推进技术》2019,40(12):2821-2831
为改善飞翼模型低速、大迎角气动特性,在试验段截面为4.5m×3.5m的低速生产型风洞中开展了大展弦比飞翼模型微秒脉冲等离子体流动控制的试验研究,所用的飞翼模型展长为2.4m,展弦比为5.79,试验研究采用了测力和PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)两种试验方法。通过测力试验研究了等离子体激励位置和激励频率对飞翼模型失速特性的影响,通过PIV流动显示试验给出了等离子体对翼面流场结构的影响。试验研究表明:等离子体控制能显著改善大展弦比飞翼模型低速大迎角下的气动特性,激励位置和激励频率对流动控制效果具有较大影响;等离子体激励位置在机翼前缘驻点附近、激励频率为100Hz时控制效果最好;试验风速V=70m/s (Re=2.61×106),等离子体激励的峰峰值电压为10kV时飞翼模型的最大升力系数提高20.51%,失速迎角推迟6°。  相似文献   

提出了一种将柔性翼和刚性翼相结合的柔性-刚性混合翼微型飞行器新概念布局型式,通过与刚性翼微型飞行器的风洞对比试验研究了该新概念布局的气动特性。在此基础上,进行了柔性-刚性混合翼微型飞行器试验原理样机的飞行试验验证。风洞试验和飞行试验研究结果表明:柔性-刚性混合翼微型飞行器的新概念布局是可行的;与刚性翼微型飞行器相比而言,柔性-刚性混合翼微型飞行器具有更好的气动特性,对解决微型飞行器抗风稳定飞行问题是有效的。  相似文献   

王浩  钟敏  华俊  钟海  杨体浩  王猛  雷国东 《航空学报》2022,43(11):526785-526785
绿色航空的发展逐步受到重视,通过扩大层流区域进行减阻是实现节能减排的一个重要途径。采用考虑转捩判定的数值模拟方法对某自然层流翼套的风洞和飞行试验进行了仿真分析。数值仿真与风洞试验的压力系数分布一致性较好,在常压时仿真和风洞试验中转捩位置随攻角的变化规律基本一致。相较于机头处静压和机身最大截面处静压,采用大气数据系统测量的飞行高度换算的静压作为参考压力时,飞行试验获得的压力系数分布与仿真结果一致性更好;在设计状态和典型非设计状态数值仿真得到的翼套转捩位置与飞行试验结果十分吻合;采用动量法计算翼套截面阻力系数,数值仿真和飞行试验得到的自然层流减阻量差距在0.0002以内。  相似文献   

钟海 《飞行力学》2020,(3):82-86
针对层流机翼飞行试验需求,开展飞行条件下的层流翼套迎角精确控制试飞技术研究.首先,通过影响迎角的飞行参数变量分析,实施滚转角控制和飞行重量控制措施,以试飞方法、评判准则和机载监控设备构建了一套层流飞行试验迎角精确控制试飞应用技术;然后,在飞行高度6 km和7 km,飞行马赫数0.45~0.65,翼套测试迎角2.0°~4...  相似文献   

翼身融合布局(BWB)综合性能突出,是未来民用航空领域飞行器发展的必然趋势,研究BWB布局的气动特点及流动机理,对开展BWB布局设计具有重要的支撑作用。采用测力、丝线流动显示的风洞试验方法并辅以CFD方法,开展300座级BWB布局(BWB-1)低速气动特性、流动机理及通气发动机短舱影响研究。结果表明:与Early BWB、N2A布局相比,BWB-1具有更好的低速纵向气动性能,具有横向静稳定、航向静不稳定量值较小,航向增稳与控制难度较小等优点;揭示了布局的流动发展过程及具有和缓失速特性的物理原因;通气发动机短舱对提高最大升力及增加航向静稳定性有利,对横向静稳定性影响较小,但使得阻力和低头力矩增加;CFD纵向计算结果与试验基本一致,验证了CFD方法的有效性。  相似文献   

对连接气动布局实现直接力控制的可能性进行了初步的探索。通过前、后机翼的长降舵面的不同偏转角组合,分别产生直接升力,侧力和阻力,提高了飞机的气动性能,并改善了控制的响应品质,给飞机提供了独立的姿态或轨迹控制的非同寻常的运动模态。增加头部鸭翼可进一步提高和改善了连接翼布局的直接升力特性。  相似文献   

针对试飞资源复杂多样的特点,阐述了在民用飞机试飞规划与管理软件和飞行试验协同平台间建立接口交联的必要。飞行试验协同平台接口应用计算机技术,借助民用飞机试飞规划与管理软件前端试验信息处理和管理功能,依托试飞任务单和试飞试验点,实现民用飞机试飞规划与管理软件对飞行试验协同平台试飞数据的读取和调用。经应用分析,通过开发接口能便捷地获取完整、准确的试飞数据,降低试飞成本,减少试飞工作量,提高试飞效率,有助于型号试飞工作的更顺利进行。  相似文献   

国内某民机型号的飞行试验工作者们根据数年的工作经验,开发了基于民机飞行试验的规划与管理系统(Flight Test Control System,简称FTCS),以利于民机各项试飞工作的开展。相比于一般的信息管理系统,FTCS系统具有更多行业本身的特质,在对本系统的一些重要功能进行体验后,从定性与定量的角度对系统进行评估,建立一套适用于民机试飞优化系统的评估方法,利于后续类似系统延续其优秀的设计长处,改进本系统存在的不足,为未来民机试飞系统的开发提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

柔性翼小型无人飞行器试验样机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新哲  李锋 《飞行力学》2007,25(3):71-74,78
通过对柔性翼小型无人飞行器试验样机的研制试飞和相关气动分析与试验,研究了解决柔性翼小型无人飞行器的气动性能、飞行性能和操纵稳定性的思路和方法。试验样机试飞与相关风洞试验结果表明,可折叠柔性翼小型无人飞行器飞行稳定,操纵反应适当,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

采用柔性翼面的小型飞行器在通用航空器和特种飞行器领域得到了较广泛的应用.由于此类飞行器往往采用蒙皮为可变形柔性织物的高置上单翼以及推进式螺旋桨,其特殊的升阻特性、总体布局和动力影响使得其飞行动力学具有很大特殊性.结合气动力估算、风洞实验和飞行实验结果,在此类飞机的纵、横航向操纵性与稳定性方面得出了有别于传统飞机的一些结论,并给出了有关物理解释;提供了适合此类飞机的飞行动力学建模方法和一系列有别于传统飞机的设计参数取值范围.  相似文献   

Vibrations impose negative impacts on the effectiveness and public acceptance of helicopters. Active rotors with trailing-edge flaps have been proved to be an effective way to actively eliminate helicopter vibrations. For the existing control algorithm based on offline system identification, the transfer functions of an active rotor under different flight conditions are pre-requisites to implement closed-loop vibration control. In this study, a three-bladed active rotor with improved trailing-edge flaps is designed, and wind-tunnel tests are conducted to identify the transfer functions of this active rotor using frequency sweep and phase sweep methods. The experimental results demonstrate that these transfer functions are insensitive to the variation of flight speeds: the amplitude of the transfer function varies slightly, while the phase delay almost remains unchanged. In addition, this finding is validated through closed-loop vibration control tests with the active rotor. The transfer function obtained from the hover test results is also applicable to closed-loop vibration control tests under the forward flight conditions. This will dramatically simplify the implementation and operation of an active rotor.  相似文献   

对飞翼布局无人机变形机翼和变形机翼传动机构进行了设计,根据设计结果制作验证模型进行风洞实验和外场飞行试验,以此研究伸缩段机翼对飞行器机翼整体气动性能的影响。结果表明:采用变形机翼技术,可以通过实时控制机翼的气动外形保持较高的气动效率,提高飞机在巡航状态下的升力和高速飞行状态下的机动性,满足飞机在各种任务剖面的战术性能要求。  相似文献   

雷鹏轩  余立  陈德华  吕彬彬 《航空学报》2021,42(6):124378-124378
飞翼飞机易发生刚体短周期模态与机翼低阶弯曲模态耦合所致的体自由度颤振。飞行控制系统对飞机的短周期模态特性影响很大,因此考虑飞行控制系统的闭环体自由度颤振特性值得进一步研究。针对自主设计的颤振模型开发了相应的俯仰姿态保持控制律,综合运用风洞试验和仿真计算开展了相关研究,获得了不同刚体自由边界条件下的开环/闭环体自由度颤振特性,研究了闭环增益对体自由度颤振特性的影响规律,简要分析了影响机理。试验和仿真计算结果共同表明:俯仰姿态保持控制律明显地改变了俯仰模态阻尼的原有走势,闭环后的体自由度颤振特性变化明显。以开环颤振速度为基准,采用较小的比例回路增益KP或较大的微分回路增益KD,飞行控制律能增加飞行器俯仰阻尼,提高体自由度颤振速度,反之飞行控制律将导致颤振速度降低。就本文控制律而言,当KP<0.07或KD>0.2时俯仰姿态保持控制律能起到抑制体自由度颤振的作用。  相似文献   

超临界机翼介质阻挡放电等离子体流动控制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
张鑫  黄勇  王勋年  王万波  唐坤  李华星 《航空学报》2016,37(6):1733-1742
为了进一步提高等离子体激励器可控雷诺数,采用测力以及粒子图像测速(PIV)等研究方法,从二维机翼到三维半模,从低雷诺数到高雷诺数,开展了对称布局式介质阻挡放电(DBD)等离子体激励器控制超临界机翼气动特性的试验研究,分析了控制机理,实现了等离子体\"虚拟舵面\"的功能。结果表明:在雷诺数为2×106的情况下,对称布局式等离子体气动激励能较好地抑制超临界机翼绕流流场分离,使失速迎角推迟2°,最大升力系数提高8.98%。  相似文献   

The paper deals with the design and experimental validation of the actuation mechanism control system for a morphing wing model. The experimental morphable wing model manufactured in this project is a full-size scale wing tip for a real aircraft equipped with an aileron. The morphing actuation of the model is based on a mechanism with four similar in house designed and manufactured actuators, positioned inside the wing on two parallel lines. Each of the four actuators used a BrushLess Direct Cur...  相似文献   

通过在临界雷诺数范围内的翼身组合体自由摇滚试验,开展了前体涡扰动对机翼摇滚的流动控制研究。实验结果表明,通过对前体涡的控制可以有效消除翼身组合体摇滚的发生,添加头尖扰动的位置对控制效果具有明显影响,扰动在正侧向控制效果最佳,这种摇滚控制方式在较宽的迎角范围及马赫数范围内均有效。对前体涡诱导机翼摇滚的扰动控制机理做了简要分析。  相似文献   

非均匀流等压比变后掠角高超侧压式进气道研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过理论分析和风洞实验,对工作在前体附面层内的侧压式进气道,研究了等激波压比和等溢流角前提下侧压缩面的设计方法,分析了6种不同的侧压缩型面在4种来流附面层中,波后压力沿高度的变化规律和溢流角的变化规律。研究发现,采用部分圆弧加直线为前缘。四次曲线为斜面后缘型线的侧压缩面,在4种非均匀来流下的特性较好。马赫5.3的非均匀流风洞实验结果表明,等压比和等溢流角设计的侧压式进气道较通常的直前缘侧压式进气道,在非均匀来流中喉道截面马赫数分布均匀度好,总压恢复略高  相似文献   

邓一菊  段卓毅  艾梦琪 《航空学报》2022,43(11):526778-526778
通过对绿色航空提出的飞机减排目标进行分析,指出飞机减阻设计的重要性和必要性,分析了层流机翼技术是飞机减阻的重要途径。在回顾了层流机翼设计、研究、验证相关技术的发展现状后,指出了层流机翼技术相对飞机设计工业应用的差距与存在的技术问题。同时,分析了层流机翼技术的潜力与发展方向,评价了该项技术在未来飞机设计中的可行性。  相似文献   

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