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The purpose of this work is to study the various -ray-production mechanisms in solar flares and to calculate the flux, the spectrum, and the decay curves of radiation. Using the continuity equation and taking into account the energy losses for solar-flare-accelerated particles, we obtain the time-dependent particle distribution and thus the time behavior of the resulting rays. The important processes for producing rays in solar flares are found to be nonthermal electron bremsstrahlung, decay of neutral mesons, positron annihilation, neutron capture, and decay of excited nuclei. The results are applied to several known solar flares. For a large flare such as the class 3+ on February 23, 1956, continuous rays with energies up to 100 MeV from electron bremsstrahlung and neutral meson decays are observable at the orbit of the Earth by existing -ray detectors. Line rays from positron annihilation (0.51 MeV), neutron capture (2.23 MeV), and deexcitation of excited nuclei O16 (6.14 and 7.12 MeV) and C12 (4.43 MeV) are particularly strong and well above the continuous -ray background due to electron bremsstrahlung. These lines can be detected at the Earth.NASA-NRC Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is excited by stirring a plasma at large scales, the cascade of energy from large to small scales is anisotropic, in the sense that small-scale fluctuations satisfy the inequality k k , where k and k are, respectively, the components of a fluctuations wave vector and to the background magnetic field. Such anisotropic fluctuations are very inefficient at scattering cosmic rays. Results based on the quasilinear approximation for scattering of cosmic rays by anisotropic MHD turbulence are presented and explained. The important role played by molecular-cloud magnetic mirrors in confining and isotropizing cosmic rays when scattering is weak is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss theoretical expressions, determining the difference of Doppler shifts of various coherent radiowave frequencies emitted by a radiator moving in the ionosphere or interplanetary medium. The rotating Doppler effect (Faraday effect) caused by the Doppler shifts ±H of the ordinary and extraordinary waves is also considered. In a three-dimensional inhomogeneous ionosphere, stationary in time (N/t = 0), is determined in the general case, by an equation with three variables. The equation for proper depends only on the local value of the electron concentration N c around the radiator and on integral values, determining, by means of additional calculations, the angle of refraction or its components, the horizontal gradients of electron concentration N/x and N/y, and in some cases, the integral electron concentration 0 zcN dz. We describe the analysis of the measurements, made with the satellites Cosmos I, II and partially XI, assuming that N/t = N/y = 0, with a two variables equation. The expected errors are considered. The results coincide well for different points (Moscow, The Crimea, Sverdlovsk) and thus agree with the measurements of H and with height-frequency ionospheric characteristics. The curve giving electron concentration versus height N (z) in the outer ionosphere (above the maximum of F2), shows a new maximum higher than the main maximum of the ionosphere N MF2 at 120–140 km. At this maximum the value of N (z) is (0.9–0.95) N MF2. The new data on the large-scale horizontal inhomogeneities of the ionosphere, exceed the previous ones by about a factor 10. By means of the irregular variations of the spectrum W() of the inhomogenous formation is determined. Three unknown constant maxima with values 16 to 18 km, 28 to 32 km and 100 to 120 km are found. The spectrum W () mainly characterizes the local properties of the ionosphere along the orbit of the satellite.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of the nonlinear stage of gravitational instability on the two-point correlation functions of gravitationally bound objects. Based on the theory of nonlinear gravitational contraction of a single density peak of dissipationless matter (Gurevich and Zybin, 1988a,b; 1990) we develop a method for calculating the two-point correlation functions of different objects of any mass. The method works good in the region of strong correlations and can be easily extended to calculate higher correlation functions. We show that the main contribution to the correlation function i in the region of strong correlations i 1 is made by pair systems located outside large clusters of objects. In this region the shape of i is determined only by the nonlinear dynamics of gravitational contraction of dissipationless matter and has the form i C , where 1.8 is a universal parameter.  相似文献   

The dynamics of dust particles in the solar system is dominated by solar gravity, by solar radiation pressure, or by electromagnetic interaction of charged dust grains with the interplanetary magnetic field. For micron-sized or bigger dust particles solar gravity leads to speeds of about 30 to 40 km s–1 at the Earths distance. Smaller particles that are generated close to the Sun and for which radiation pressure is dominant (the ratio of radiation pressure force over gravity F rad/F grav is generally termed ) are driven out of the solar system on hyperbolic orbits. Such a flow of -meteoroids has been observed by the Pioneer 8, 9 and Ulysses spaceprobes. Dust particles in interplanetary space are electrically charged to typically +5 V by the photo effect from solar UV radiation. The dust detector on Cassini for the first time measured the dust charge directly. The dynamics of dust particles smaller than about 0.1 m is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction with the ambient magnetic field. Effects of the solar wind magnetic field on interstellar grains passing through the solar system have been observed. Nanometer sized dust stream particles have been found which were accelerated by Jupiters magnetic field to speeds of about 300 km s–1.  相似文献   

During a balloon flight of the MISO telescope on the 30th September 1979, the Seyfert galaxies NGC 4151 and MGC 8-11-11 were studied in the hard X-ray range (EX > 20 keV) and low-energy -ray range up to 19 MeV. An emission at the 4.5 level above 20 keV (4 above 260 keV) was detected in the direction of NGC 4151. -ray emission at the 3.9 level above 90 keV was also observed from the direction of MCG 8-11-11. The emission photon spectrum shows a high-energy cutoff at about 3 MeV. A large amount of the observed low-energy -ray diffuse background could be produced by a few percent of the X-ray emitting Seyfert galaxies having a -ray luminosity comparable to that observed from the regions of NGC 4151 or MCG 8-11-11.  相似文献   

If the path of the neutral line on the coronal source surface is expressible as a singlevalued function (colatitude vs longitude ), then Fourier analysis of ctn with respect to leads to a simple algorithm for realistically mapping the neutral line outward to model the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) at distancesr1 AU. To be compatible with MHD, the source surface used for this mapping should be prolate (aligned with dipole axis) rather than spherical. Orientation of the Sun's magnetic-dipole moment is indicated by them=1 Fourier amplitude (a 1 sin +b 1 cos ) of ctn on the source surface. Physical features (including the neutral line) on a prolate source surface intrinsically map to lower dipole latitudes atr1 AU in the heliosphere, and Ulysses observations of a unipolar field at latitudes beyond 30°S (when the neutral line on the source surface still reached 39°S) confirm the expected geometry.  相似文献   

The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft include instrumentation that makes comprehensive ion (E 28 keV) and electron (E 22 keV) measurements in several energy channels with good temporal, energy, and compositional resolution. Data collected over the past decade (1977–1988), including observations upstream and downstream of four planetary bow shocks (Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) and numerous interplanetary shocks to 30 AU, are reviewed and analyzed in the context of the Fermi and shock drift acceleration (SDA) models. Principal findings upstream of planetary bow shocks include the simultaneous presence of ions and electrons, detection of tracer ions characteristic of the parent magnetosphere (O, S, O+), power-law energy spectra extending to 5 MeV, and large (up to 100:1) anisotropies. Results from interplanetary shocks include observation of acceleration to the highest energies ever seen in a shock ( 22 MeV for protons, 220 MeV for oxygen), the saturation in energy gain to 300 keV at quasi-parallel shocks, the observation of shock-accelerated relativistic electrons, and separation of high-energy (upstream) from low-energy (downstream) populations to within 1 particle gyroradius in a near-perpendicular shock. The overall results suggest that ions and electrons observed upstream of planetary bow shocks have their source inside the parent magnetosphere, with first order Fermi acceleration playing a secondary role at best. Further, that quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks accelerate ions and electrons most efficiently to high energies through the shock-drift process. These findings suggest that great care must be exercised in the application of concepts developed for heliosphere shocks to cosmic ray acceleration through shocks at supernova remnants.  相似文献   

A model for the emission processes causing rapid variability (less than one day) in active galactic nuclei is developed. Relativistic electron beams escape from reconnection sheets in coronae of accretion disks and excite plasma turbulence with a typical frequency , which depends on the electron number densityn (see also the contribution by R. van Oss). The finite lengths of different beams emerging from different reconnection sheets allows that the waves arecoherently scattered to frequencies 2pe. For Lorentz factors 103 and densities typical for disk coronaen106 cm –3 (derived from iron line observations) one easily reaches the optical, frequency range. The time scale of the variability is then caused by the relaxation of the electron beams. Likewise, this model explains the very rapid variability in the X-ray (less than 10 minutes) by changing the parameters slightly. According to this scenario the higher the variable frequency is, the closer to the central black hole it should originate.  相似文献   

New ultraviolet (1300 A, 3400 A),HST FOC observations have been used to derive the UV color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of R136, with the main scientific goal of studying the upper end of the stellar mass function at ultraviolet wavelengths where the color degeneracy encountered in visual CMDs is less severe. The CMD has been compared to a set of theoretical isochrones, which have been computed using the latest generation of evolutionary models and model atmospheres for early type stars. Wolf-Rayet stars are included. Comparison of theTheoretical andobserved CMD suggests that there are no stars brighter than M130–11. We use the observed main sequence turn-off and the known spectroscopic properties of the stellar population to derive constraints on the most probable age of R136. The presence of WNL stars and the lack of red supergiants suggests a most likely age of 3±1 Myr. A theoretical isochrone of 3±1 Myr is consistent with the observed stellar content of R136 if the most massive stars have initial masses around 50 M.Bases on Observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, ESA  相似文献   

For five years, theEdison program has had the goal of developing new designs for infrared space observatories which will break the cost curve by permitting more capable missions at lower cost. Most notably, this has produced a series of models for purely radiative and radiative/mechanical (hybrid) cooling which do not use cryogens and optical designs which are not constrained by the coolant tanks. Purely radiatively-cooled models achieve equilibrium temperatures as low as about 20 K at a distance of 1 AU from the sun. More advancedEdison designs include mechanical cooling systems attached to the telescope assembly which lower the optical system temperature to 5 K or less. Via these designs, near-cryogenic temperatures appear achievable without the limitations of cryogenic cooling. OneEdison model has been proposed to the European Space Agency as the next generation infrared space observatory and is presently under consideration as a candidate ESA Cornerstone mission. The basic design is also the starting point for elements of future infrared space interferometers.  相似文献   

Since the baryon-to-photon ratio 10 is in some doubt at present, we ignore the constraints on 10 from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and fit the three key cosmological parameters (h, M, 10) to four other observational constraints: Hubble parameter (ho), age of the universe (to), cluster gas (baryon) fraction (fo fGh3/2), and effective shape parameter (o). We consider open and flat CDM models and flat CDM models, testing goodness of fit and drawing confidence regions by the 2 method. CDM models with M = 1 (SCDM models) are accepted only because we allow a large error on ho, permitting h < 0.5. Open CDM models are accepted only for M 0.4. CDM models give similar results. In all of these models, large 10 ( 6) is favored strongly over small 10 ( 2), supporting reports of low deuterium abundances on some QSO lines of sight, and suggesting that observational determinations of primordial 4He may be contaminated by systematic errors. Only if we drop the crucial o constraint are much lower values of M and 10 permitted.  相似文献   

We present helium and CNO isotopic yields for massive mass-losing stars in the initial mass range 15M M i 50M . We investigate their dependence on assumptions about mass loss rates, internal mixing processes, and metallicity, and specify the contributions from stellar winds and from supernova ejecta.  相似文献   

Collective radiation processes operating in laboratory and space plasmas are reviewed with an emphasis towards astrophysical applications. Particular stress is placed on the physics involved in the various processes rather than in the detailed derivation of the formulas. Radiation processes from stable non-thermal, weakly turbulent and strongly turbulent magnetized and unmagnetized plasmas are discussed. The general theoretical ideas involved in amplification processes such as stimulated scattering are presented along with their application to free electron and plasma lasers. Direct radio-emission of electromagnetic waves by linear instabilities driven by beams or velocity anisotropies are shown to be of relevance in space applications. Finally, as an example of the computational state of the art pertaining to plasma radiation, a study of the type III solar radio bursts is presented.

Frequently used Symbols

Latin Symbols teB 0 ambient magnetic field - B 1 perturbed magnetic field - c speed of light - E 1 perturbed electric field - H Heaviside function - I unit dyadic - k wavevector of radiation fields - K D inverse Debye length - m, M electron and ion mass - T e , T i electron and ion temperature - u relativistic velocity - V e , V i electron and ion thermal speeds - V P , V g wave phase and group velocities - W wave spectral energy density Greek Symbols relativistic factor - plasma dielectric tensor - L , T longitudinal and transverse components of in isotropic media (i.e., =kk L /k 2+(lkk/k 2) T ) - index of refraction - angle between k and B 0 - plasma dispersion tensor (i.e. =(c 2/ 2)(kkk 2 l)+) - determinant of - D Debye length - e electron cyclotron frequency - u upper hybrid frequency - wave frequency - e electron plasma frequency Proceedings of the NASA/JPL Workshop on the Physics of Planetary and Astrophysical Magnetospheres.National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory Research Associate.  相似文献   

3C 273 is the most extensively studied quasar both from the ground and from space. Recent satellite observations have given important information on the overall electromagnetic spectrum of 3C 273 in the -ray, X-ray, and UV ranges. The most salient results are: (i) the energy per decade of frequency emitted by 3C 273 is nearly constant between 6000 Å and 500 MeV and is 20 × 1046 erg s-1 for H = 50 km s-1 Mpc-1; (ii) there is no absorption in the soft X-ray range in contrast to the X-ray spectrum of Seyfert nuclei; (iii) the optical and UV spectra cannot be fitted by power-law spectra only, and the energy distribution in this range suggests that a substantial fraction of the energy in the UV is emitted as back-body radiation at 20 000 K. If the peculiar shape of the UV spectrum is indeed caused by black-body radiation, then an estimate of the energy emitted under this form is 2.5 × 1046erg s-1, corresponding to an optically thick disk of 1016 cm in diameter.The UV spectrum of 3C 273 shows absorption lines at zero redshift caused by interstellar matter in the disk and halo of our Galaxy. The strength of C iv 1550 in absorption indicates the presence of a hot outer region in the halo. Extragalactic objects with mostly continuous UV spectra, such as 3C 273, are very promising UV sources which allow us to observe the absorbing material over the entire line of sight throughout the galactic halo.  相似文献   

The object H0323+022 (Doxsey et al. 1983) has been shown to be a BL Lac object by virtue of a diversity of observational characteristics at radio, optical, and x-ray wavelengths, in agreement with the conclusion of Margon and Jacoby (1984). Multi-frequency coordinated observations of this highly variable object with EXOSAT in September 1984 found it to be in a faint quiescent state (1/3; Jy at 5 keV and V=16.55). Preliminary results from the latter observations are presented.  相似文献   

We present optical spectroscopy and photometry and IUE spectroscopy of the counterpart of the LMC recurrent X-ray transient A0538-66 during an outburst at the end of December 1980 which was consistent with the 16.6 day X-ray period (Skinner, 1980). The optical spectra show steadily increasing Balmer and HeI emission (indicative of a shell phase) superposed on a B2 IV spectrum with a substantial brightness increase of 2m and the sharp turn-on of HeII 686 at the peak. Significant radial velocity changes have been detected but they show no correlation with the 16.6 day period. IUE spectra during a subsequent outburst show very strong and broad (5000 km s–1) emission from C IV 1550 and HeII 1640. This behaviour is compared with other galactic transients and shell/Be stars.  相似文献   

Conclusion For wavelengths < 50m fast and sensitive detectors are available. For wavelengths > 50m the available detectors are far from ideal. Research and development of far infrared detectors for the mixing purpose are highly recommended.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the methods of probing for the geometry, and strength of intergalactic magnetic fields. Recent results are briefly surveyed for galaxy halos, galaxy clusters, and the intergalactic medium on various scales, and some rele vant physical processes and radiation processes are mentioned, as well as the coupling between intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays.The general trend of recent results indicates that, wherever we detect intergalactic hot gas and galaxies, we also find magnetic fields at levels of 10–7 G, or higher. The hitherto undetected, weaker fields in the ratified i.g.m. and in large intergalactic voids could be probed by both Faraday rotation, and possibly using very energetic CR nuclei (> 1020eV), and/or transient extragalactic ray bursts.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the conditions for -ray line production in the most interesting astronomical objects, in light of the planned experiments: Gamma-1, GRO, Sigma, GRASP, and others. Among these objects are the Sun, the galactic center region, molecular and dust clouds, accreting and exploding stars.  相似文献   

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