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The presence of compact X-ray sources in globular clusters allows diagnostic studies of both the X-ray sources themselves and the globular clusters to be carried out. A review of much of this work, primarily based on Einstein X-ray observations and supporting studies of globular clusters at radio through UV wavelengths, is presented. The compact X-ray sources in globular clusters are found to be compact binaries containing neutron stars and - in a separate lower luminosity component of an apparently bimodal luminosity function - possibly white dwarfs. Implications for the formation and evolution of compact binary X-ray sources in globular clusters and in the galactic bulge are discussed. In particular, new evidence is presented that the galactic bulge sources may be compact binaries in the remnants of disrupted globular clusters.  相似文献   

We derive bias-corrected X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) of LMXBs detected in 14 E and S0 galaxies observed with Chandra. After correcting for incompleteness, the individual XLFs are statistically consistent with a single power-law. A break at or near LX,Eddington , as previously reported, is not required in any individual case. The combined XLF with a reduced error, however, suggests a possible break at LX = 5 × 1038 erg s−1, which may be consistent with the Eddington luminosity of neutron stars with the largest possible mass (3 M), or of He-enriched neutron star binaries. We confirm that the total X-ray luminosity of LMXBs is correlated with the the near-IR luminosities, but the scatter exceeds that expected from measurement errors. The scatter in LX(LMXB)/LK appears to be correlated with the specific frequency of globular clusters, as reported earlier.

We cross-correlate X-ray binaries with globular clusters determined by ground-based optical and HST observations in 6 giant elliptical galaxies. With the largest sample reported so far (300 GC LMXBs with a 5:2 ratio between red and blue GCs), we compare their X-ray properties, such as X-ray hardness, XLF and LX/LB and find no statistically significance difference between different groups of LMXBs. Regardless of their association with GCs, both GC and field LMXBs appear to follow the radial profile of the optical halo light, rather than that of more extended GCs. This suggests that while metallicity is a primary factor in the formation of LMXBs in GCs, there may be a secondary factor (e.g., encounter rate) playing a non-negligible role.  相似文献   

We review new Chandra and HST observations of the core collapsed cluster NGC 6397 as a guide to understanding the compact binary (CB) populations in core collapse globulars. New cataclysmic variables (CVs) and main sequence chromospherically active binaries (ABs) have been identified, enabling a larger sample for comparison of the Lx, Fx/FV and X-ray vs. optical color distributions. Comparison of the numbers of CBs with Lx  1031 erg s−1 in 4 core collapse vs. 12 King model clusters reveals that the specific frequency SX (number of CBs per unit cluster mass) is enhanced in core collapse clusters, even when normalized for their stellar encounter rate. Although core collapse is halted by the dynamical heating due to stellar (and binary) interaction with CBs in the core, we conclude that production of the hardest CBs – especially CVs – is enhanced during core collapse. NGC 6397 has its most luminous CVs nearest the cluster center, with two newly discovered very low luminosity (old, quiescent) CVs far from the core. The active binaries as well as neutron star systems (MSP and qLMXB) surround the central core. The overall CB population appears to be asymmetric about the cluster center, as in several other core collapse clusters observed with Chandra, suggesting still poorly understood scattering processes.  相似文献   

We review the first observations of globular clusters obtained with the X-ray telescope on board of the ROSAT satellite. In the All-Sky Survey, all known bright sources and two new transient sources were detected. In addition a super-soft source was found in NGC5272. Concerning the dim sources, the survey suggests that those outside the core of ω Cen are not related to the cluster. The survey further improved by one or two magnitudes on many upper limits previously obtained by the HEAO-1 satellite. Pointed observations have improved the positional accuracy of a number of sources, and added to the number of known dim sources. In 47 Tuc, the known central source is resolved into 4 separate sources, which we argue are all soft X-ray transients. A comparison with observations of the old open cluster M67 leads us to suggest that some of the dim sources may be conglomerates of a large number of RS Can Ven type binaries.  相似文献   

In the past three years, a new era of study of globular clusters has begun with multiwavelength observations from the current generation of astronomical telescopes in space. We review the recent results obtained from our studies of compact binaries and x-ray sources in globulars with ROSAT and HST as well as our balloon-borne hard x-ray telescope EXITE and ground-based observations (CTIO). With ROSAT, we have obtained the most sensitive high resolution soft x-ray images of clusters which show multiple low luminosity sources in cluster cores that are likely indicative of the long-sought population of cataclysmic variables (CVs). We have obtained deep H images of two clusters with HST and found CV candidates for 3 of the ROSAT sources in the core of NGC 6397. New CTIO imaging and spectroscopy of two ‘dim source’ fields in ω-Cen are also described. With EXITE we carried out the first hard x-ray imaging observations of the cluster 47 Tuc; such studies can ultimately limit the populations of millisecond pulsars and pulsar emission mechanisms. A long ROSAT exposure on 47 Tuc also shows probable cluster diffuse emission, possibly due to hot gas from ablating millisecond pulsars. Multiwavelength studies of globular clusters may provide new constraints on problems as diverse as the origin of CVs and LMXBs and the origin of hot gas in globulars.  相似文献   

The chemically peculiar (CP) stars are classified into subgroups based on the type of peculiarities. A significant fraction of these are known to be binaries. The faster evolution of the massive component leads to a white dwarf or a neutron star. Further evolution of the binary is analysed taking into consideration, the orbital parameters, effect of magnetic field, spectroscopic peculiarities and finally the statistics of CP binaries and Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB).

The possible consequences of the evolution to lead to the formation of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables (MCV) and LMXB are discussed.  相似文献   

Three recent developments in the field of formation and evolution of neutron stars and black holes in binaries are addressed:
• The finding that there is a class of neutron stars, formed in interacting binaries, that do not receive kick velocities in their birth events. This finding is particularly important for our understanding of the formation – and formation rates – of double neutron stars. It is argued that these low-kick neutron stars, which tend to have low masses, are formed by a different physical mechanism than the neutron stars that receive large kick velocities at birth.

• The occurrence of velocity kicks in the formation events of stellar black holes.

• The nature of the companions of millisecond X-ray pulsars.

Keywords: Astrophysics; X-ray binaries; Neutron stars; Black holes  相似文献   

The X-ray evolution of the luminosity of normal galaxies is primarily driven by the evolution of their X-ray binary populations. The imprints left by a cosmological evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) will cause the average X-ray luminosity of galaxies to appear higher in the redshift range 1–3. As reported by White and Ghosh [ApJ, 504 (1998) L31] the profile of X-ray luminosity with redshift can both serve as a diagnostic probe of the SFR profile and constrain evolutionary models for X-ray binaries. In order to observe the high redshift (z>3) universe in the X-ray band, it is necessary to avoid confusion from foreground field galaxies. We report on the predictions of these models of the X-ray flux expected from galaxies and the implications for the telescope parameters of future deep universe X-ray observatories.  相似文献   

Recent pulsar surveys, especially those using the multibeam receiver on the Parkes radio telescope, have more than doubled the number of known pulsars, bringing the current total to about 1720. Of these, 171 have millisecond periods, 126 are members of binary systems and 99 are associated with globular clusters. Binary pulsars may be divided into several distinct groups depending on their observed properties such as pulsar period and age, binary period, eccentricity and companion mass. These groups all have different evolutionary histories. Correlations between the various properties are discussed using the increased samples now available. The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array is a project which has the goal of using timing observations of millisecond pulsars to make a direct detection of gravitational waves. The parameters and present status of the project are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

High-resolution Chandra observations have allowed the detection of populations of X-ray sources in galaxies of all morphological types. The X-ray Luminosity Functions (XLFs) of these X-ray source populations have been derived and studied to uncover the drivers for the formation and evolution of binaries in different stellar populations and environments. These XLFs also provide a tool for identifying the nature of the X-ray source population, since different XLFs characterize X-ray sources belonging to young and old stellar populations. Similarly, X-ray colors can be used for identifying different types of X-ray sources. Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources (ULXs, LX > 1039 ergs s−1) are found to be associated with star-forming stellar populations. The study of the ULX population of the Antennae galaxies points to compact accreting binaries.  相似文献   

Taking a wide range of the initial conditions, including spatial density distribution and mass function etc, the dynamical evolution of globular clusters in the Milky Way is investigated in detail by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Four dynamic mechanisms are considered: stellar evaporation, stellar evolution, tidal shocks due to both the disk and bulge, and dynamical friction. It is found that stellar evaporation dominates the evolution of low-mass clusters and all four are important for massive ones. For both the power-law and lognormal initial clusters mass functions, we can find the best-fit models which can match the present-day observations with their main features of the mass function almost unchanged after evolution of several Gyr. This implies that it is not possible to determine the initial mass function only based on the observed ones today. Moreover, the dispersion of the modelled mass functions mainly depends on the potential wells of host galaxies with the almost constant peaks, which is consistent with current observations.  相似文献   

We investigated properties of four isolated giant elliptical galaxies with extended X-ray halo using ASCA data. The derived size of X-ray halo, X-ray luminosity, and gravitational mass of the dark halo are unusually large those of X-ray halo of a single galaxy, but are typical for X-ray halos of groups and poor clusters of galaxies. The measured temperatures and abundances of the X-ray halo gas in these galaxies are also similar to those of the groups and poor clusters. Based on these results we identified these galaxies as “isolated X-ray overluminous elliptical galaxy” (IOLEG). The radial profiles of dark halo in these objects were derived from X-ray data. It is found that some are similar to those of compact groups while others are the same as those of normal ellipticals. The dark halos of lOLEGs are thus indistinguishable from those of groups (and poor clusters), which appears to be consistent with a widely believed idea that lOLEGs are a product of dynamical evolution of a compact group. However, mass-to-light ratios of IOLEGs (M200/LB  100–1000) are far greater than those of Hickson compact groups M200/LB  40–60). Since it is hard to consider that total optical luminosity of a compact group decreases by an order of magnitude in the course of dynamical evolution, such difference in the observed mass-to-light ratio between IOLEGs and Hickson compact groups strongly suggests that most IOLEGs have not evolved from compact groups which are observed at present.  相似文献   

Kilohertz QPOs have been detected from more than 20 neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries. Several different ideas have been proposed for their generation, involving resonances, magnetic interactions, and sharp transitions in the accretion flow. We show that although details are uncertain at this time, it is clear that the stellar magnetic field has a dynamic influence on the accretion flow. We also discuss the inferences about dense matter and strong gravity that can be drawn from all models, and the qualitative advances expected with a future X-ray timing mission.  相似文献   

Outer radius variations play an important role in the disc structure and evolution. We consider theoretical and observational consequences of such variations in cataclysmic binaries and low-mass X-ray binaries. We find that the action of tidal torques must be important well inside the tidal radius. We also conclude that it is doubtful that the tidal–thermal instability is responsible for the superoutburst/superhump phenomena.  相似文献   

In recent times, X-ray flares have been observed in several flare stars and RS CVn binaries. From an analysis of the X-ray flare observations we find a correlation between the average energy emitted in the X-ray band in flares and the bolometric luminosity of the stars. This relation is similar to the relation obtained in the optical band specifically for the flare stars and hence we suggest a similarity in the flaring nature of the flare stars and the RS CVn binaries. Further, a correlation is also found between the X-ray flare decay time and the peak X-ray luminosity for the flare stars and the RS CVn binaries. We show that this relation can be explained by the solar flare loop models.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the discovery of a new class of Galactic transients with fast and bright flaring X-ray activity, the supergiant fast X-ray transients, has completely changed our view and comprehension of massive X-ray binaries. These objects display X-ray outbursts which are difficult to be explained in the framework of standard theories for the accretion of matter onto compact objects, and could represent a dominant population of X-ray binaries. I will review their main observational properties (neutron star magnetic field, orbital and spin period, long term behavior, duty cycle, quiescence and outburst emission), which pose serious problems to the main mechanisms recently proposed to explain their X-ray behavior. I will discuss both present results and future perspectives with the next generation of X-ray telescopes.  相似文献   

The contribution of UV spectroscopy to the understanding of massive X-ray binaries, is reviewed. Results are given in the context of normal stars and binaries. The IUE results have enabled a greater understanding of the effects of accretion disks and X-ray heating in the systems, and provide absolute fluxes and luminosities. High-dispersion data reveal the effects of X-rays on the structure of hot star winds. Some current problems are indicated, and the future roles of IUE and ST discussed in their resolution.  相似文献   

We present the results of low frequency radio observations of the X-ray binaries, Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3, during different X-ray states. The low frequency observations were made for the first time for these sources at 0.61 and 1.28 GHz using the Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) between 2003 and 2004. Both Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3 are highly variable at low radio frequencies. We also compare our data with the observations at 15 GHz conducted by the Ryle telescope. Spectral turnover is seen for both the sources below 2 GHz. The data suggest that the change in the radio flux density in both the sources is correlated to the X-ray hardness ratio and follows a similar behavior pattern.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the pulse and orbital periods in high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), in order to find the candidates of magnetar descendants in HMXBs. We suggest that magnetar descendants can be found among the HMXBs with relatively shorter orbital periods and longer pulse periods.  相似文献   

In the last decade, high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revolutionized our understanding of the role of accretion disk winds in black hole X-ray binaries. Here I present a brief review of the state of wind studies in black hole X-ray binaries, focusing on recent arguments that disk winds are not only extremely massive, but also highly variable. I show how new and archival observations at high timing and spectral resolution continue to highlight the intricate links between the inner accretion flow, relativistic jets, and accretion disk winds. Finally, I discuss methods to infer the driving mechanisms of observed disk winds and their implications for connections between mass accretion and ejection processes.  相似文献   

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