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Optimal Data Fusion in Multiple Sensor Detection Systems 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
There is an increasing interest in employing multiple sensors for surveillance and communications. Some of the motivating factors are reliability, survivability, increase in the number of targets under consideration, and increase in required coverage. Tenney and Sandell have recently treated the Bayesian detection problem with distributed sensors. They did not consider the design of data fusion algorithms. We present an optimum data fusion structure given the detectors. Individual decisions are weighted according to the reliability of the detector and then a threshold comparison is performed to obtain the global decision. 相似文献
Qi Cheng Varshney P.K. Belcastro C.M. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2008,44(1):227-242
Due to the growing demands for system reliability and availability of large amounts of data, efficient fault detection techniques for dynamic systems are desired. In this paper, we consider fault detection in dynamic systems monitored by multiple sensors. Normal and faulty behaviors can be modeled as two hypotheses. Due to communication constraints, it is assumed that sensors can only send binary data to the fusion center. Under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (1ID) observations, we propose a distributed fault detection algorithm, including local detector design and decision fusion rule design, based on state estimation via particle filtering. Illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. 相似文献
Optimal Detection and Performance of Distributed Sensor Systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Global optimization of a distributed sensor detection system withfusion is considered, where the fusion rule and local detectors aresolved to obtain overall optimal performance. This yields coupledequations for the local detectors and the fusion center.The detection performance of the distributed system with fusionis developed. The globally optimal system performance is comparedwith two suboptimal systems. Receiver operating characteristics(ROCs) are computed numerically for the problem of detecting aknown signal embedded in non-Gaussian noise. 相似文献
The likelihood functional for estimating parameter differences in coherent multiple-sensor receivers is developed assuming Gaussian statistics on both signal and noise. The development relies on a matrix formulation and a subsequent factorization of a parameter constraint matrix from the signal matrix. A two-antenna phase-difference radar example is presented for cases of uncorrelated and antenna-correlated noise. 相似文献
Rich B.A. Lehnerd P.J. Gracia J.A. 《Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE》1995,10(9):11-17
Projection of avionics system costs shows unacceptable escalation as a percentage of flyaway cost. Time sharing of RF modules between Radar, EW and CNI offers savings. The Air Forces' PAVE PACE program defined the benefits and initial architecture approaches. From this, an optimum Integrated Sensor System (ISS) design was defined that reduces the life cycle cost of the fleet of vehicles using the common modules. The ISS program will design, build and test modules to prove the approach. Challenges to overcome include system complexity, real time control, test and calibration, and diagnostics. The most stressing requirements were determined by analyzing requirements for Radar, EW and CNI. Open interface specifications and module partitioning were developed that can meet all the requirements 相似文献
Farrell Edward J. Kau Peter S. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1968,(4):615-619
Beam splitting for a radar beacon system that scans in azimuth is investigated from a theoretical viewpoint. The video output is quantized into two levels corresponding to a detection and no detection. Further, the antenna sensitivity profile is described by sin ?/?. For this system, a digital method of beam splitting that minimizes angular error is developed. Prior information about the probable location of targets can be included. Both Bayesian and minimax approaches are developed. The minimax estimate of the target azimuth is the average of the angles at which beacon signals are detected. The antenna beam can be interpolated by a factor of 10 when the signal power is 3 dB above the noise and without prior azimuth information The interaction of beam splitting and detection is discussed. 相似文献
A methodology for determining priorities in allocating test resources among the various subsystems within a large system is described. The methodology is based on concepts from applied decision theory. Two versions of the methodology are presented: a complete version, called the extensive form, and an approximate version, called the diminutive form. 相似文献
Clemens J.R. Allan D.S. Ratner E.Z. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1970,(2):165-172
Users of satellite communication systems being designed are charcterized by diversity. System designers now have the capability of serving thousands of simultaneous users; the users need not all follow the same system parameters. Diversity and characteristics are shown, and an attempt is made to list all the parameters desired by users. Usage of satellite communications systems is projected to serve a maximum of 200 000 users by means of 10 multipurpose satellites. It is shown that a supervisory control system is necessary to achieve optimal utilization of the existing resources. 相似文献
针对多目标决策中的最优问题,提出了一种实用的模糊决策方法。最后应用该决策方法分析解决了一个实际问题。 相似文献
文章从传感器的重要性及"经济上可承受性"引出了"综合传感器系统(ISS)概念"并对其定义、实现方法和验证结果及目前存在问题进行了分析.特别是对孔径综合、射频综合和ISS管理做了图示说明.指出传感器综合技术是本世纪初航空电子的关键技术,对未来作战飞机有致关重要的影响,并就我国开展这项关键技术研究提出了有益建议. 相似文献
This correspondence considers the problem of optimal regulator design for discrete time linear systems subjected to white state-dependent and control-dependent noise in addition to additive white noise in the input and the observations. A pseudo-deterministic problem is first defined in which multiplicative and additive input disturbances are present, but noise-free measurements of the complete state vector are available. This problem is solved via discrete dynamic programing. Next is formulated the problem in which the number of measurements is less than that of the state variables and the measurements are contaminated with state-dependent noise. The inseparability of control and estimation is brought into focus, and an "enforced separation" solution is obtained via heuristic reasoning in which the control gains are shown to be the same as those in the pseudo-deterministic problem. An optimal linear state estimator is given in order to implement the controller. 相似文献
Fowler's Seventh Law for military systems [1] states: "Be wary of proposals for synergistic systems. Most of the time when you try to make 2 + 2 = 5, you end up with 3-and sometimes 1.9." We attempt to approach the broad issues of IFFN (identification, friend, foe, neutral) of military targets via the techniques of NCTR (noncooperative target recognition), coupled with the systems approach called "sensor fusion." Although the overall style of the paper is that of a tutorial, many of the results presented are original. In all cases where we make political obsrvations, they represent our personal opinions. 相似文献
基于组合拍卖的协同多目标攻击空战决策算法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
针对多战机通过数据链共享信息、协同作战中的多目标分配问题,提出一种基于组合拍卖的协同多目标分配算法。改进并扩展了组合拍卖CABOB算法,重新设计了投标元组格式,增设了投标底价和任务上限对投标人的任务完成能力进行预审核,完善了算法的实用性;采用动态价格进行投标排序将算法扩展为非0-1投标,解决因不能共享投标而无法协同攻击的问题;在此基础上,设计了新的期望贡献值上界的计算方法,改进了启发式剪枝规则,加快算法计算过程。仿真实验表明,所提算法与现有的几种算法相比在求解质量、稳定性和可扩展性上都有明显提高。 相似文献