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本文主要解决在计算机实验室中安装多种操作系统的具体方法。每种操作系统平台独立运行,在一个平台上的误操作及故障不会引起其他平台的无法启动及运行。同时,能在计算机实验室中给学习者和研究者提供在多种操作系统平台的操作和学习机会,并对每一种操作系统平台提供不同保护措施。也能减轻计算机实验室管理人员的工作强度。  相似文献   

刘晓冬  张岩  李莲治 《宇航学报》2000,21(2):105-110
现代小卫星的重要特点之一是要实现卫星的自主运行。作为其控制核心的星载自主计算机操作系统的性能至关重要。当今 操作系统的发展趋势是采用微内核体系结构。它具有微型化,模块化,可移植性可扩充性等优点。CPU调度是影响操作系统性能的关键因素。当前的微内核操作系统基本上只提供几种简单的调度策略,如FIFO,循环反馈等。这些都难以满足卫星系统在特定的时间内对外界作出响应的实时要求。为此,本文设计了一个新的CP  相似文献   

一种星载计算机操作系统容错引导算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将软件冗余备份与SPARC V8构架芯片EDAC相结合,提出了一种新型星载计算机操作系统容错引导算法。该算法首先在EEPROM中备份三份操作系统文件,星载机上电或复位后,利用硬件EDAC功能对引导的操作系统文件进行错误检测及纠错,当检测主操作系统文件错误并且无法纠错时,则屏蔽错误操作系统文件自动引导备份操作系统文件,星载机仍可正常启动。与目前采用的硬件编码容错技术及软件冗余容错算法相比,该算法在有效降低硬件成本和软件消耗的同时,实现了对操作系统文件的检错纠错及错误屏蔽功能,提高了操作系统数据的可靠性。该算法可以为星载机容错设计提供参考。  相似文献   

国内软件研发平台的国产化趋势,使提高国产操作系统平台下软件的质量已经成为软件测试领域所面临问题的重中之重。通过对中标麒麟操作系统(Kylin)和锐华嵌入式实时操作系统(ReWorks)的发展现状与使用特点的介绍,结合雷达实际人机软件及数据处理软件的开发环境,对基于国产操作系统的软件测试方法进行研究,分析测试结果,总结软件测试方法设计、应用及实践的过程。  相似文献   

针对星载处理器由单核向多核发展的趋势和当前没有针对航天应用的星载多核操作系统、卫星无法发挥多核处理器性能优势的问题,文章研究了适用于航天任务的星载多核分区操作系统。设计了一种支持多核处理器的星载操作系统结构,采用多核处理器动态调度和静态调度相结合的方法,实现了星载多核处理器高效实时调度与确定性调度。通过分区管理设计,实现分区间隔离与保护,避免软件问题扩散影响其他功能。该系统还具有支持星载应用(APP)动态加载、通过软件构件技术实现星载应用快速组装与集成的特点,可为航天任务应用多核处理器提供安全可靠的软件运行平台,满足未来航天新型任务和多核处理器的需求。  相似文献   

一种星载操作系统进程安全监控设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太空网络环境具有开放性、随遇接入等特性,处于这种环境下的星载操作系统将面临来自网络的干扰和攻击等安全威胁。为此,文章提出了一种星载操作系统进程安全监控设计。通过插桩技术对星载操作系统的进程控制块数据和控制流数据进行采集,并结合可信计算芯片的保密存储和哈希(HASH)计算能力,对上述数据进行校验,可实现基于进程控制块和控制流的星载操作系统进程安全监控。该设计能够对星载操作系统的运行状态进行安全监控,及时发现恶意代码等的攻击,保证星载操作系统运行时的安全。  相似文献   

面向高可靠、高性能、生态优良、自主可控的星载操作系统需求,文章基于英伟达人工智能升级版(Jetson TX2)处理器对Linux操作系统进行了空间环境下可靠启动、高速数据传输、智能应用框架的改进设计。在可靠启动方面,设计了Linux内核和文件系统4份冗余结构,实现了操作系统的可靠启动和数据自主恢复策略。在高速数据传输方面,开展了高速串行传输接口(PCIE)数据传输的双缓冲区设计,改进了高速接口数据的传输性能。在好用易用方面,设计了智能应用管理框架,实现了App上注及App全生命周期管理模式。经过在Jetson TX2硬件平台测试验证,结果表明:改进后的星载操作系统支持内核、文件系统故障情况的可靠启动及主动恢复,PCIE高速数据传输速率大幅提升,智能应用管理支持128种不同功能App上注及加载运行,可为天基高速计算系统应用设计提供参考。  相似文献   

张坚 《上海航天》1990,(6):56-64
从实际应用角度出发,系统地分析了计算机辅助时域建模和频域建模的方法、特点及相互关系.介绍了在工程中如何选择试验方法和试验参数,给出了计算机辅助建模的实用算法及程序.已形成的计算机辅助建模CAI软件包全部用FOR-TRAN 77语言编写汉字人机对话.软件包运行环境:任何能编译FORTRAN77的操作系统.  相似文献   

参照欧空局的软件工程规范,研制了为星上数据管理任务服务的实时多任务操作系统RT86,它的硬件环境是两个互为冷备份的主控单元(MCU),通过1553B串行数据总线与多个远置单元(RTU)联接,完成星上遥测、遥控及星上多项数据库管理任务。本文介绍了其设计要点,做到了系统设计思路简单清晰,程序易于修改维护,可靠性高,它为星上应用软件开发提供了通用设计平台。  相似文献   

当今,遥测技术的应用需要越来越多的计算功能。低档次和中档次的 RISC 和CISC 计算机正迅速地采用 UNIX 操作系统。在这里,讨论的重点集中于“一个完整的 UNIX 操作系统是否能在一个高速数据传输速率及实时环境中运行?”这个长期存在的问题。  相似文献   

在对临近空间预警平台生存环境和生存弱点进行全面分析的基础上,从地面配套设施、空间装备和信息网络三方面入手探讨了临近空间预警平台综合防护的对策,对提高临近空间预警平台的生存能力具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

基于卫星公用平台的卫星设计、制造理念,以卫星公用平台目录作为重要的采办工具,在当今许多国家的卫星采办项目中得以应用。本文在整理美国卫星公用平台目录建设、管理与应用领域的进展情况基础上,特别是研究分析了美国国家航空航天局下属航天器快速发展办公室(RSDO)的运作情况,探讨了我国航天领域卫星公用平台型谱管理与应用的前景和方向,以及专业咨询机构在采办过程中的作用,为进一步深入实践航天产品工程理论提供了新方法、新模式。  相似文献   

In order to meet the growing global requirement for affordable missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, two types of platform are under design at the Surrey Space Centre. The first platform is a derivative of Surrey's UoSAT-12 minisatellite, launched in April 1999 and operating successfully in-orbit. The minisatellite has been modified to accommodate a propulsion system capable of delivering up to 1700 m/s delta-V, enabling it to support a wide range of very low cost missions to LaGrange points, Near-Earth Objects, and the Moon. A mission to the Moon - dubbed “MoonShine” - is proposed as the first demonstration of the modified minisatellite beyond LEO. The second platform - Surrey's Interplanetary Platform - has been designed to support missions with delta-V requirements up to 3200 m/s, making it ideal for low cost missions to Mars and Venus, as well as Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and other interplanetary trajectories. Analysis has proved mission feasibility, identifying key challenges in both missions for developing cost-effective techniques for: spacecraft propulsion; navigation; autonomous operations; and a reliable safe mode strategy. To reduce mission risk, inherently failure resistant lunar and interplanetary trajectories are under study. In order to significantly reduce cost and increase reliability, both platforms can communicate with low-cost ground stations and exploit Surrey's experience in autonomous operations. The lunar minisatellite can provide up to 70 kg payload margin in lunar orbit for a total mission cost US$16–25 M. The interplanetary platform can deliver 20 kg of scientific payload to Mars or Venus orbit for a mission cost US$25–50 M. Together, the platforms will enable regular flight of payloads to the Moon and interplanetary space at unprecedented low cost. This paper outlines key systems engineering issues for the proposed Lunar Minisatellite and interplanetary Platform Missions, and describes the accommodation and performance offered to planetary payloads.  相似文献   

Choosing the “right” satellite platform for a given market and mission requirements is a major investment decision for a satellite operator. With a variety of platforms available on the market from different manufacturers, and multiple offerings from the same manufacturer, the down-selection process can be quite involved. In addition, because data for on-obit failures and anomalies per platform is unavailable, incomplete, or fragmented, it is difficult to compare options and make an informed choice with respect to the critical attribute of field reliability of different platforms. In this work, we first survey a large number of geosynchronous satellite platforms by the major satellite manufacturers, and we provide a brief overview of their technical characteristics, timeline of introduction, and number of units launched. We then analyze an extensive database of satellite failures and anomalies, and develop for each platform a “health scorecard” that includes all the minor and major anomalies, and complete failures—that is failure events of different severities—observed on-orbit for each platform. We identify the subsystems that drive these failure events and how much each subsystem contributes to these events for each platform. In addition, we provide the percentage of units in each platform which have experienced failure events, and, after calculating the total number of years logged on-orbit by each platform, we compute its corresponding average failure and anomaly rate. We conclude this work with a preliminary comparative analysis of the health scorecards of different platforms.The concept of a “health scorecard” here introduced provides a useful snapshot of the failure and anomaly track record of a spacecraft platform on orbit. As such, it constitutes a useful and transparent benchmark that can be used by satellite operators to inform their acquisition choices (“inform” not “base” as other considerations are factored in when comparing different spacecraft platforms), and by satellite manufacturers to guide their testing and reliability improvement programs. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that these health scorecards should be considered dynamic documents to be updated on a regular basis if they are to remain accurate and relevant for comparative analysis purposes, as new information will impact their content.  相似文献   

Among the principal objectives of the Phase 1 NASA/Mir program were for the United States to gain experience working with an international partner, to gain working experience in long-duration space flight, and to gain working experience in planning for and executing research on a long-duration space platform. The Phase 1 program was to provide the US early experience prior to the construction and operation of the International Space Station (Phase 2 and 3). While it can be argued that Mir and ISS are different platforms and that programmatically Phase 1 and ISS are organized differently, it is also clear that many aspects of operating a long-duration research program are platform independent. This can be demonstrated by a review of lessons learned from Skylab, a US space station program of the mid-1970s, many of which were again “learned” on Mir and are being “learned” on ISS. Among these are optimum crew training strategies, on-orbit crew operations, ground support, medical operations and crew psychological support, and safety certification processes.  相似文献   

本文介绍了低温推进剂的性能优势与空间管理挑战,梳理了低温流体空间管理(CFM)技术特征及其研究现状,建议按照重力依赖型与重力无关型分类开展技术成熟度提升研究。调研了美国逾半个世纪的CFM技术搭载实验研究历程,分析了各类平台的工作特性与性能优势。基于我国航天发展现状与未来需求,探析了我国开展CFM技术攻关、飞行搭载实验的可行方案。建议在我国载人空间站规划舱内低温技术实验柜与舱外暴露平台实验模块,加速我国CFM技术向工程应用的转化。  相似文献   

基于ACIS几何造型平台的固体火箭发动机装药设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以三维几何造型内核软件ACIS为平台,采用实体造型法进行装药设计,提出了偏移操作复杂燃面和分段控制燃面退移过程的方法,从而解决了装药燃面退移时商业软件无法克服的自相交和特征形体消失等问题。同时,总结了在该平台上进行装药设计的基本原则和方法,即消除几何尖锐点,确保几何形体间相对独立和间接构造复杂结构的装药等。另外,还提出了一个以图形系统为核心,综合装药药形设计、内弹道计算、结构完整性分析和报表输出功能的装药集成设计方案。最后,给出了一个星槽管形装药算例。  相似文献   

小卫星大角度姿态机动控制研究及半实物仿真验证   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大角度姿态机动控制技术是高分辨率遥感小卫星的关键技术之一。本文采用瞬时欧拉轴控制算法,在星载计算机原理样机的基础上,考虑反作用飞轮的饱和特性,根据所选择的反作用飞轮和光纤陀螺,在单轴气浮转台上进行半实物仿真验证。仿真结果表明,所设计的定姿与控制算法简单、有效;星载计算机满足控制算法对计算速度的要求。  相似文献   

公共计算机实验室管理探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,搞好实验室管理,保证系统安全,为实验教学创造良好的教学环境,已经成为保证公共计算机基础课程教学质量关键所在。  相似文献   

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