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K. Anflo  R. Mllerberg 《Acta Astronautica》2009,65(9-10):1238-1249
The concept of a storable liquid monopropellant blend for space applications based on ammonium dinitramide (ADN) was invented in 1997, within a co-operation between the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI). The objective was to develop a propellant which has higher performance and is safer than hydrazine. The work has been performed under contract from the Swedish National Space Board and ESA. The progress of the development has been presented in several papers since 2000.ECAPS, a subsidiary of the Swedish Space Corporation was established in 2000 with the aim to develop and market the novel “high performance green propellant” (HPGP) technology for space applications. The new technology is based on several innovations and patents w.r.t. propellant formulation and thruster design, including a high temperature resistant catalyst and thrust chamber.The first flight demonstration of the HPGP propulsion system will be performed on PRISMA. PRISMA is an international technology demonstration program with Swedish Space Corporation as the Prime Contractor.This paper describes the performance, characteristics, design and verification of the HPGP propulsion system for PRISMA. Compatibility issues related to using a new propellant with COTS components is also discussed. The PRISMA mission includes two satellites in LEO orbit were the focus is on rendezvous and formation flying. One of the satellites will act as a “target” and the main spacecraft performs rendezvous and formation flying maneuvers, where the ECAPS HPGP propulsion system will provide delta-V capability.The PRISMA CDR was held in January 2007. Integration of the flight propulsion system is about to be finalized.The flight opportunity on PRISMA represents a unique opportunity to demonstrate the HPGP propulsion system in space, and thus take a significant step towards its use in future space applications. The launch of PRISMA scheduled to 2009.  相似文献   

A. Ingemar Skoog 《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(11-12):2130-2140
With a growing interest for rocket technology and space travel after WW II a number of new “space societies” were formed in the period 1948–1951 in addition to the ones already existing in Germany, the UK and the US since before WW II. Soon came the need for a common international platform for exchange of information and experience, and the concept of an international federation of astronautical societies emerged.Sweden was one of the 8 countries to sign the original declaration to create an International Astronautical Federation on October 2, 1950 in Paris at the 1st International Astronautical Congress. The Swedish Society for Space Research (Svenska Sällskapet för Rymdforskning) was formed a few days after the historical event in Paris. The name was soon to be changed to the Swedish Interplanetary Society (Svenska Interplanetariska Sällskapet, SIS). Sweden was one of the 10 countries to sign the IAF foundation in 1951 in London and in the following year the first Constitution of IAF in Stuttgart.The SIS quickly grow to a membership of several hundred persons and its membership in IAF promoted an intensive exchange of journals, and the annual participation at the IAC gave growth to start study projects on spacecraft and sounding rockets, and the publication of astronautical journals in Swedish. In 1957 the first Swede was elected vice-president of IAF.Not too long after the IAF foundation the idea of an international body of distinguished individuals emerged, in addition to the body of "member societies" (IAF). Upon the initiative of Theodor von Karman, Eugen Sänger and Andrew Haley the IAF council approval of an International Academy of Astronautical was given on August 15, 1960 during the 11th IAC in Stockholm. This IAC in Stockholm gave a large publicity to space research and astronautics in Sweden, and put the activities of the SIS in the focus of the general public.This paper presents the Swedish involvement in the foundation of IAF and IAA. It also gives an overview on the positive influence of these two organisations on the work and progress of the Swedish Interplanetary Society and the diffusion of astronautics to the general public in Sweden.  相似文献   

Basing his comments around a report on the Space Power Systems 1997 conference, ‘Energy and Space for Humanity’, held in Montreal, 24-28 August 1997, Richard Boudreault describes the progress made in getting the concept of power from space accepted by the terrestrial utilities. Increasing worries about the sustainability of current power sources together with deregulation of power distribution make space power more attractive. However, the high cost of access to space is a barrier, though this is starting to fall.  相似文献   

Kazuto Suzuki   《Space Policy》2007,23(2):73-80
Since its beginning the objective of Japanese space policy has been to ‘catch up’ with advanced spacefaring countries. However, this catching-up strategy is now facing several difficulties, because of the downturn in the economy and changing political and technological circumstances. In such circumstances the Japanese space community has realized the need to change its national space strategy. In 2005 a group of powerful Japanese politicians issued a report on constructing a national space strategy, which recommended that the government establish a new decision-making structure by creating a new Basic Law of Space Activities. These efforts underline the need for Japanese space to shift the focus of its policy from technological development to applications.  相似文献   

Three months before the first V-2 rocket attack on London a test vehicle crashed in southern Sweden on June 13, 1944. At this time the Allied only had limited knowledge about the rocket (A4/V-2) from agent reports and information from the Polish resistance investigating some remains from a crashed test vehicle in Poland. London was confronted with a new weapon supposedly able to carry an explosive warhead of several tons some 250 km.The A4/V-2 rocket test vehicle number V89 broke apart shortly before impacting ground. In a short time 2 t of metal parts and electrical equipment was collected and transported to Stockholm for investigations. A first Swedish report was ready by July 21, 1944 and the rocket parts were then transported to England for further investigations. By August 18, 1944 the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) had its preliminary report ready. But how close to reality can a complex vehicle be reconstructed and the performance calculated from a pile of scrap by investigators dealing with a technology not seen before?In the early 1940s the state of art of liquid propellant rocket technology outside Germany was limited and the size of a liquid rocket engine for the likely performance hardly imaginable. The Swedish and British reports, at that time classified as top secret, have since been released and permit a very detailed analysis of the task to reconstruct the rocket vehicle, the engine itself and its performance. An assessment of the occurrence at Peenemünde and how the rocket became astray and fell in southern Sweden, together with the analyses by Swedish and British military investigators give a unique insight into the true nature of the V89. It shows the real capabilities of early aeronautical accident investigation methods in combination with solid engineering knowledge to unmask a new high technology.  相似文献   

This is the text of a report prepared by the UN Secretary-General, International Cooperation in Space Activities for Enhancing Security in the Post-Cold War Era. It discusses what can be done in this field - both by states acting cooperatively and by the relevant specialized agencies of the UN - in areas such as arms control and conversion of military technologies, commercialization and proliferation, environmental protection and scientific and technical cooperation. Various confidence-building measures to increase global security are discussed and the need to improve developing countries' access to space technology via the establishment of regional education centres and an international space information centre is emphasized.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):13-16
This article is a summary of a report on space transportation policy by the US Congress's Congressional Budget Office published in October 1986. The report was written as a contribution to the discussions in the USA on national space policy after the Challenger accident.  相似文献   

European space activities began in the 1960's. The development of what was initially scientific research and which later spread to the enthusiastic involvement of Europe's most advanced industry is by now familiar history. The organization of ELDO and ESRO, which eventually gave way to today's ESA, occured in a span of less than a decade. Many major European countries also commenced their national space programmes during this period. This report examines the space initiatives taken by Italian industry.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):921-950
Government space agencies have the statutory responsibility to suport the commercialisation of space activities. NASA's 1998 report “General Public Space Travel and Tourism” concluded that passenger space travel can start using already existing technology, and is likely to grow into the largest commercial activity in space: it is therefore greatly in taxpayers' economic interest that passenger space travel and accommodation industries should be developed. However, space agencies are doing nothing to help realise this — indeed, they are actively delaying it. This behaviour is predicted by ‘public choice’ economics, pioneered by Professors George Stigler and James Buchanan who received the 1982 and 1986 Nobel prizes for Economics, which views government organisations as primarily self-interested. The paper uses this viewpoint to discuss public and private roles in the coming development of a space tourism industry.  相似文献   

Pr Edin 《Space Policy》1995,11(4):275-281
This report represents the results of a survey of young space professionals, conducted on the Internet, with a view to giving them an opportunity to influence long-term space policy. The most important goals of space activity were considered to be achieving scientific progress, providing beneficial Earth applications and exploring the universe, but it was felt that these would not come about without efforts to lower the cost of access to space and regain political and public support. In terms of the latter, it was recommended that projects be pursued which bring space closer to people's everyday lives and examples of these are given.  相似文献   

This report on the commercial benefits of space does not seek to cover in depth all user sectors, but rather to establish an overview of what can be expected by users from the use of space. The growth of applications of technology to projects in the space field has been so rapid and broad, that it has overtaken the level of awareness by many sectors of the community of the benefits that space applications can offer. There is therefore a great need to broaden and deepen the level of awareness by many in the world community of what space is all about. These opportunities apply as much to the developing countries of the world as the developed ones.  相似文献   

Consideration is being given to use the known long and short forecasts of development of rocket engines in past - at the beginning of development of a missile engineering (K. Tsiolkovsky etc. pioneers of rocket propulsion); on the eve of launching of the artificial satellite of Earth (A. Blagonravov); after manned flight of Yu. Gagarin (V. Gluchko); after manned flight on Moon (“ The Forecasts on 2001 ” on materials of readings R. Goddard in USA); in middle of 70-s' years (D. Sevruk, V. Prisniakov) and at the end of 20 centure. Last years under the initiative R. Beichel and M. Pouliquen IAA. Advanced Propulsion Working Group carries out large researches on definition of the tendencies of development of rocket propulsion for the next forty years, the outcomes which one will be used in the report. The comparison of development of rocket propulsion expected to the end of 20 century and real-life is given. The report analyses the errors of the forecasts of the past - the absence reliable prognostic procedure; the euphoria of the maiden successes of conquest of space; dominance of military and political- propaganda motives of implementation of the space programs before economical; to keep developments secret; competition of two super-powers USSR and USA etc.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1997,41(4-10):493-505
Strategies, policies and methods by which technologies can he cross-fertilized between the space and non-space sectors were examined by students of the design project "Technology Transfer--Bridging Space and Society". This project was undertaken by students attending the 1997 10th Anniversary Summer Session Program of the International Space University. General issues relating to transfer of technology were discussed including definitions and mechanisms (push, pull, interactive and pro-active). As well as looking at case studies and the impact of national policies on space agencies, the design project also sought to look at technology transfer on a country-by-country basis, selecting various countries for scrutiny and reporting on their technology transfer status. The project report shows how transfer of technology varies between nations and when analyzed with the case studies identifies the general strategies, policies and methods in use and how they can he improved. Finally, the report seeks to recommend certain issues to governments, space agencies and industrial organizations to facilitate the transfer of technology. These include the development of a generic metrics system and the implementation of better appropriate procedures and mechanisms for a positive diffusion process between space and non-space sectors.  相似文献   

Garshnek V 《Space Policy》1989,5(4):330-332
Over the years innovative technologies developed for space flight have found their way into a variety of useful terrestrial applications. Significant examples can be found in the area of space medicine, which has greatly influenced human health care delivery on Earth. This report discusses several US applications of space medicine to terrestrial health needs and services, stressing the importance of a ‘space applications mentality’ as a valuable national asset.  相似文献   

Kai-Uwe Schrogl   《Space Policy》1998,14(4):247-249
On 19-20 May 1998 the German Aerospace Center (DLR) hosted the Space Agency Forum (SAF) at Berlin. The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III), which will take place in July 1999. It was attended by 16 space agencies and international organisations from Europe, North- and South America as well as Asia. In this report, first UNISPACE III will be introduced and then the results of the SAF meeting will be reported.  相似文献   

The assess the impact of the current crisis in the US space programme on the commercial aspects of space technology development, consultant Allan Spitzer has compiled a report based on interviews with senior representatives of government, industry and academe. The report concentrates on policies specifically related to materials processing in space (MPS) and covers areas such as access to space, the role of NASA, subsidies and pricing.  相似文献   

The ISU held its 9th annual symposium in Strasbourg from 30 November to 2 December 2004, with the theme ‘Civil, Commercial and Security Space: What will drive the Next Decade?’ Speakers from industry, academe, space agencies, international organizations and the military presented a range of views on where the different sectors that make up space activity might be headed and, on the final day, sectoral discussion groups attempted to draw together some of the themes that had emerged. This report is an edited version of ISU President Michael Simpson's closing speech, in which he summed up the findings of the discussion groups. The growing importance of user demand was considered likely to present the biggest change to the way space activity is carried out.  相似文献   

This report by Harry Marshall Jr is based on a paper presented to the 27th International Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space of the International Institute of Space Law during the 35th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9 October 1984. It outlines US attitudes and legislation on the commercialization of space, in particular the space programme of President Reagan, LANDSAT commercialization, ELV commercialization and conflicts of space law.  相似文献   

This report summarises the presentations which took place at the ‘Space Traffic Control – Is the Space Debris Problem Solvable?’ conference hosted by the Royal Aeronautical Society on the 2nd July 2013. The conference sought to promote discussion over methods to deal with the issue of space debris in particular and speakers included representatives from the European Space Agency, the United Kingdom Space Agency, practitioners and academia. Themes which emerged during the conference included the urgency of the problem of space debris, the need for short-term and long-term solutions, the necessity for the development and implementation of space debris remediation technologies to complement existing mitigation efforts and, last but not least, the wider applications of space traffic control. Regarding the sub-title of the conference, ‘is the space debris problem solvable?’, it would appear from the presentations that while there is the potential for future management of the issue through debris remediation and harmonised mitigation efforts, no comprehensive solutions exist at the time of writing.  相似文献   

This is a slightly edited version of the Executive Summary of a joint report on cooperation in space science produced by the Space Studies Board of the USA National Research Council and the European Space Science Committee of the European Science Foundation. Using analysis of 13 case-study missions it reviews 30 years of joint missions and makes 14 recommendations based on its findings. These include the importance of setting a scientific rationale for each mission and of ensuring that objectives are shared by engineers and others involved in it, the need for independent periodic assessments and that all agreements should specify the scope, expectations and obligations of the respective agencies and relevant partners.The USA and Europe have been cooperating in space science for more than three decades. This history of cooperation has survived significant geopolitical, economic and technological changes, such as the end of the Cold War, the pressure of budget reductions and the increasing focus on economic competition and the global marketplace. Both Europe and the USA have learned from one another and acquired a knowledge base as well as an infrastructure to implement joint missions and research activities. More importantly, the decades of cooperative space research efforts between the USA and Europe have built a community of scientists whose joint scientific exchanges have established a heritage of cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic.The scientific fruits of this heritage are plainly evident in achievements such as a signature for supermassive black holes provided by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST); the first views of the solar atmosphere and corona illuminated by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO); the sharing of expensive research facilities on the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML); and the impressive data on ocean altimetry from the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX-POSEIDON) mission, which is significantly improving our understanding of global ocean circulation.There were no guideposts for the emergence of space science cooperation between Europe and the USA. In the process of introducing new procedures and improvements to facilitate cooperation, missteps occurred, and there were political, economic and scientific losses. This report takes stock of US–European history in cooperative space endeavors, the lessons it has demonstrated and the opportunities it suggests to enhance and improve future US–European cooperative efforts in the sciences conducted in space.  相似文献   

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