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受扰挠性卫星角动量反馈控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将动量轮角的动量测量信息引入反馈控制系统,给出角动量反馈控制器的具体形式,证明了挠性卫星闭环系统稳定性,并分析控制系统对周期性干扰的抑制特性以及系统稳态精度,最后给出数学仿真结果.  相似文献   

本文研究一颗带固定的对称挠性帆板的太阳同步极轨道三轴稳定卫星的姿态动力学问题。首先给出考虑太阳帆板挠性影响时,卫星姿态动力学方程的一般形式。然后,在计入太阳帆板弯曲振动和扭转振动的情况下,导出了经线性化处理后的姿态动力学模型,并给出了所忽略的非线性项的计算公式。最后得到便于分析和设计卫星姿态控制系统的解耦形式的无量纲姿态动力学方程。  相似文献   

带挠性附件卫星的模型化及截断   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文给出了具有中心刚体和P个挠性附件的空间飞行器姿态动力学方程式,并用约束和非约束两种模态展开,得到时域求解的状态方程式和频域中的增广姿态角对控制力矩的逆传递函数阵。推导中考虑了挠性附件对中心刚体的相对运动。本文还给出了两种模态恒等式,其中之一可用来做控制系统分析时截断高阶方程式的截断准则。  相似文献   

挠性卫星的变结构控制方案研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文以具有挠性太阳帆板的卫星为工程背景,在考虑了诸多实际因素的情况下着重研究了挠性空间结构的低阶模型变结构控制方案。基于卫星上常见的“飞轮—喷气”执行机构模式设计了算法简单的控制律,并对相应的控制系统进行了稳定性和鲁棒性分析,最后给出了数字仿真结果  相似文献   

为改善多挠性体卫星的姿态控制系统,研究了一种基于模糊神经网络的控制器设计.根据某卫星的姿态和挠性动力学模型,给出了模糊神经网络控制器(FNNC)结构及其简化的带动量学习算法.仿真结果表明:FNNC能较好地适应卫星本体参数变化,对外界干扰的抑制能力良好,可满足高精度、高稳定度卫星的姿控要求.  相似文献   

基于RBF网络辨识的挠性卫星姿态自适应控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为满足挠性卫星姿态控制的更高要求,提出了一种基于径向基函数(RBF)网络辨识的模糊自适应控制方法。根据卫星姿态动力学方程,将RBF辨识网络引入模糊神经网络的T-S模型,以辨识卫星,在线修改模糊神经控制器(FNC)参数,使卫星的姿态角度达到设定值。仿真结果表明:该法能有效克服卫星的不确定性,提高卫星姿态的控制精度。  相似文献   

挠性卫星的自适应模糊滑模控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
管萍  陈家斌 《航天控制》2004,22(4):62-67
将自适应模糊滑模控制应用于挠性卫星的姿态稳定控制中 ,给出了详尽的实现方法。用一个自适应模糊控制器逼近滑模控制中的等效控制 ,推导了规则参数调整的自适应率 ,确定不连续控制以保证闭环控制系统的稳定性 ,用另一个模糊控制器光滑不连续控制以抑制抖振。仿真结果表明 ,该方法实现了较高精度的卫星姿态控制。  相似文献   

张云  王培垣 《上海航天》2004,21(6):42-45
将模糊控制理论用于有大型挠性附件三轴稳定卫星的姿态控制,设计了一种常规模糊控制器。为减小常规模糊控制的稳态误差,采用模糊控制插值法和多次修正法改进模糊化处理,并运用因子动态加权,对所设计的模糊控制器进行了改进。仿真结果表明,采用改进模糊控制方案的系统响应快,稳态精度高,并保持了较强的鲁棒性,控制效果较为理想。  相似文献   

航天器姿态机动的拟欧拉角反馈控制   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文采用四元数法给出了航天器姿态机动的动力学模型,通过引入一种拟欧拉角,根据最优控制理论建立了一种姿态反馈开关控制逻辑,并对闭环系统的稳定性进行了分析。仿真结果验证了所述方法的有效性。  相似文献   

王钦  何星星  文援兰 《上海航天》2011,28(2):12-16,49
用Lagrange方程建立了基于混合坐标法的带挠性附件航天器结构-姿态动力学模型,对挠性附件结构的振动特性及其与航天器的耦合关系进行了理论分析,提出了航天器结构-姿态联合仿真分析的方法,并以某卫星天线为挠性附件结构,仿真分析了天线结构的振动特性及其对姿态控制系统的影响.结果表明:提出的航天器结构-姿态联合仿真方法能有效...  相似文献   

Momentum management of spacecraft aims to avoid the angular momentum accumulation of control momentum gyros through real-time attitude adjustment. An attitude control/momentum management controller based on state-dependent Riccati equation is developed for attitude-stabilized spacecraft. The governing equations of the system are formulated as three-axis coupled with full moment of inertia, which fully capture the nonlinearity of the system and are valid for systems with significant products of inertia or strong pitch to roll/yaw coupling. The state-dependent Riccati equation algorithm brings the nonlinear system to a linear structure having state dependent coefficients matrices and minimizing a quadratic-like performance index. The system equations are nondimensionalized, which avoid numerical problems at the same time make the weighting matrix more predictable. To guarantee closed-loop system stability, the state-dependent Riccati equation algorithm is also modified based on pole placement technique. The state-dependent Riccati equation is online calculated through the computational-efficient θ-D technique which reaches a tradeoff between control optimality and computation load. The dynamic characteristics of the system at torque equilibrium attitude are analyzed. Constraints on moment of inertia for successful momentum management are provided. Simulations demonstrate the excellent performance of the controller.  相似文献   

Space vehicles are often characterized by highly flexible appendages, with low natural frequencies which can generate coupling phenomena during orbital maneuvering. The stability and delay margins of the controlled system are deeply affected by the presence of bodies with different elastic properties, assembled to form a complex multibody system. As a consequence, unstable behavior can arise. In this paper the problem is first faced from a numerical point of view, developing accurate multibody mathematical models, as well as relevant navigation and control algorithms. One of the main causes of instability is identified with the unavoidable presence of time delays in the GNC loop. A strategy to compensate for these delays is elaborated and tested using the simulation tool, and finally validated by means of a free floating platform, replicating the flexible spacecraft attitude dynamics (single axis rotation). The platform is equipped with thrusters commanded according to the on–off modulation of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control law. The LQR is based on the estimate of the full state vector, i.e. including both rigid – attitude – and elastic variables, that is possible thanks to the on line measurement of the flexible displacements, realized by processing the images acquired by a dedicated camera. The accurate mathematical model of the system and the rigid and elastic measurements enable a prediction of the state, so that the control is evaluated taking the predicted state relevant to a delayed time into account. Both the simulations and the experimental campaign demonstrate that by compensating in this way the time delay, the instability is eliminated, and the maneuver is performed accurately.  相似文献   

整星零动量小卫星偏置飞行姿态解耦控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了采用反作用飞轮为执行机构的整星零动量卫星绕X轴大角度偏置飞行模式的姿态解耦控制问题。首先给出卫星姿态运动学和动力学模型,然后在控制作用中引入非线性项对姿态动力学模型线性化,进一步对线性模型进行状态反馈解耦和极点配置。最后,给出了数学仿真算例和仿真结果。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(1):333-343
This paper examines attitude synchronization and tracking problems with model uncertainties, external disturbances, actuator failures and control torque saturation. Two decentralized sliding mode control laws are proposed and analyzed based on algebraic graph theory. Using Barbalat׳s Lemma, it is shown that the control laws guarantee each spacecraft approaches the desired time-varying attitude and angular velocity while maintaining attitude synchronization among the other spacecraft in the formation. The first controller is designed in the presence of model uncertainties, external disturbances, and actuator failures. The results are extended to the case with control input saturation in the second controller. Both control laws do not require online identification of failures. Numerical simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed attitude synchronization and tracking approaches.  相似文献   

用角动量超曲面仿真分析了控制力矩陀螺构型奇异的产生机理。基于控制力矩陀螺群动力学总角动量和输出控制力矩,讨论了典型构型奇异存在的状况,并确定了奇异点存在的判断依据,对五棱锥构型的显奇异和隐奇异进行了角动量超曲面仿真,发现能通过零运动脱离奇异状态的隐奇异点,为控制力矩陀螺群的操纵律设计提供了重要依据。控制系统数学仿真结果表明该分析法有效。  相似文献   

基于角动量守恒的空间机器人动力学参数辩识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘宇  夏丹  李瑰贤  徐文福 《宇航学报》2010,31(3):695-700
空间机器人由于加工、装配误差以及在轨燃料消耗等因素使其名义公称参数与实际 动力学参数相比存在一定的误差。空间机器人路径规划和地面机器人不同,其广义雅克比 矩阵包含动力学参数,使计算的轨迹偏离实际要求的路径,引起末端位姿误差。本文根 据自由飘浮空间机器人的角动量守恒方程式,对一种两自由度空间机器人的基座以及机械臂 的各个关节分别单独做三次多项式轨迹激励,利用基于偏差模型的最小二乘法和遗传算 法对动力学参数进行辨识。仿真结果表明,遗传算法的计算稳定性和对动力学参数辩识精 度优于最小二乘法。〖JP〗  相似文献   

曹喜滨  吴凡  王峰 《宇航学报》2019,40(3):327-333
针对一种新型采用双自旋设计进行对地遥感任务的航天器,提出了一种使用磁力矩器对旋转载荷角动量进行管理的方法。使用旋转载荷固连正交安装的三只磁力矩器,在旋转过程中连续输出周期性变化的磁矩,使自转一周过程中产生的合角动量方向仅沿自转轴方向,避免在其他两轴方向产生角动量累积。该方法在工程上可行性好,仿真结果表明旋转载荷角动量持续保持在期望值附近,不随时间累加。  相似文献   

Impulsive control for angular momentum management of tumbling spacecraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):810-819
We discuss an angular momentum control of a tumbling spacecraft. The proposed control method is to apply an impulse by a space robot arm, to measure and control the relative position and attitude between the target spacecraft, and then to apply another impulse until the rotational motion of the target spacecraft is well damped. A discrete controller is designed using the simplified equations of rotational motion through appropriate coordinate transformation. The stationary response under contact model uncertainty is investigated and stability condition is analytically derived. Numerical simulations are given to validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

One of the most important problems for performing a good design of the spacecraft attitude control law is connected to its robustness when some uncertainty parameters are present on the inertial and/or on the elastic characteristics of a satellite. These uncertainties are generally intrinsic on the modeling of complex structures and in the case of large flexible structures they can be also attributed to secondary effects associated to the elasticity. One of the most interesting issues in modeling large flexible space structures is associated to the evaluation of the inertia tensor which in general depends not only on the geometric ‘fixed’ characteristic of the satellite but also on its elastic displacements which of course in turn modify the ‘shape’ of the satellite. Usually these terms can be considered of a second order of magnitude if compared with the ones associated to the rigid part of a structure. However the increasing demand on the dimension of satellites due to the presence for instance of very large solar arrays (necessary to generate power) and/or large antennas has the necessity to investigate their effects on their global dynamic behavior in more details as a consequence. In the present paper a methodology based on classical Lagrangian approach coupled with a standard Finite Element tool has been used to derive the full dynamic equations of an orbiting flexible satellite under the actions of gravity, gravity gradient forces and attitude control. A particular attention has been paid to the study of the effects of flexibility on the inertial terms of the spacecraft which, as well known, influence its attitude dynamic behavior. Furthermore the effects of the attitude control authority and its robustness to the uncertainties on inertial and elastic parameters has been investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

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