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NASA's newly restructured Mars Exploration Program (MEP) is finally on the way to Mars with the successful April 7 launch of the 2001 Mars Odyssey Orbiter. In addition, the announcement by the Bush Administration that the exploration of Mars will be a priority within NASA's Office of Space Science further cements the first decade of the new millennium as one of the major thrusts to understand the "new" Mars. Over the course of the past year and a half, an integrated team of managers, scientists, and engineers has crafted a revamped MEP to respond to the scientific as well as management and resource challenges associated with deep space exploration of the Red Planet. This article describes the new program from the perspective of its guiding philosophies, major events, and scientific strategy. It is intended to serve as a roadmap to the next 10-15 years of Mars exploration from the NASA viewpoint. [For further details, see the Mars Exploration Program web site (URL): http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov]. The new MEP will certainly evolve in response to discoveries, to successes, and potentially to setbacks as well. However, the design of the restructured strategy is attentive to risks, and a major attempt to instill resiliency in the program has been adopted. Mars beckons, and the next decade of exploration should provide the impetus for a follow-on decade in which multiple sample returns and other major program directions are executed. Ultimately the vision to consider the first human scientific expeditions to the Red Planet will be enabled. By the end of the first decade of this program, we may know where and how to look for the elusive clues associated with a possible martian biological record, if any was every preserved, even if only as "chemical fossils."  相似文献   

The scientific objectives of neutron mapping of the Moon are presented as 3 investigation tasks of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. Two tasks focus on mapping hydrogen content over the entire Moon and on testing the presence of water-ice deposits at the bottom of permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles. The third task corresponds to the determination of neutron contribution to the total radiation dose at an altitude of 50 km above the Moon. We show that the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) will be capable of carrying out all 3 investigations. The design concept of LEND is presented together with results of numerical simulations of the instrument's sensitivity for hydrogen detection. The sensitivity of LEND is shown to be characterized by a hydrogen detection limit of about 100 ppm for a polar reference area with a radius of 5 km. If the presence of ice deposits in polar "cold traps" is confirmed, a unique record of many millions of years of lunar history would be obtained, by which the history of lunar impacts could be discerned from the layers of water ice and dust. Future applications of a LEND-type instrument for Mars orbital observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of converting solar energy in orbital space stations and transmitting electrical power to Earth at radio frequency, is receiving increasing attention both in paper studies and experimental and development work. The projects conceived are large in scale and implications and will demand major resources in their development and deployment. In addition to the technological requirements, the problem of reaching international decisions at political levels to fund and operate such systems will be immense. It will therefore be essential to establish as accurately as possible the basic parameters which will lead to a viable project, particularly with regard to economics.

This paper, therefore, examines the requirements which together will determine the appropriate levels of cost effectiveness of space power stations and should assist in establishing critical or sensitive areas which will influence the operational validity of the concepts. The r.f. transmission of electric power to and from, or between, spacecraft may itself have wider implications and is another aspect considered in the paper.

In summary, the paper does not seek to introduce new design concepts, but appraises the situation and exposes indicators concerning cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

A technique for computationally determining the thermophysical properties of high-energy-density matter (HEDM) propellants is presented. HEDM compounds are of interest in the liquid rocket engine industry due to their high density and high energy content relative to existing industry-standard propellants. In order to accurately model rocket engine performance, cost and weight in a conceptual design environment, several thermodynamic and physical properties are required over a range of temperatures and pressures. The approach presented here combines quantum mechanical and molecular dynamic (MD) calculations and group additivity methods. A method for improving the force field model coefficients used in the MD is included. This approach is used to determine thermophysical properties for two HEDM compounds of interest: quadricyclane and 2-azido-N,N-dimethylethanamine (DMAZ). The modified force field approach provides results that more accurately match experimental data than the unmodified approach. Launch vehicle and Lunar lander case studies are presented to quantify the system level impact of employing quadricyclane and DMAZ rather than industry standard propellants. In both cases, the use of HEDM propellants provides reductions in vehicle mass compared to industry standard propellants. The results demonstrate that HEDM propellants can be an attractive technology for future launch vehicle and Lunar lander applications.  相似文献   

嫦娥二号卫星技术特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫦娥二号卫星是我国的第二颗月球探测器,作为探月工程二期的先导星进行飞行试验,并试验探月工程二期的部分关键技术,以深化月球科学探测。文章介绍了嫦娥二号卫星在轨道设计、高灵敏度X频段深空应答机等6方面的技术特点及解决措施。  相似文献   

As economic pressure and competition for budget among federal agencies has increased, there has been an increasing need for more granular data and robust management information systems. This is especially true for the execution of major civilian space programs. This need has resulted in new program management requirements being implemented in an attempt to limit cost and schedule growth. In particular, NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 7120.5D requires the implementation of an Earned Value Management System (EVMS) compliant with the requirements of American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748-B. The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) program management team at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) made a decision to implement an EVMS on RBSP during Phase B—a year earlier than specified in the contractual Phase C reporting requirement as defined in the NPR. This decision was made so that the project would have the benefit of 12 months of training and hands-on implementation during Phase B. Although there were a number of technical and process hurdles encountered during Phase B and into Phase C, the system was working well when the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) was held in August 2009. The IBR was a success because it met the review requirements. It was also clear to all IBR participants that the EVMS was providing value to the project management team. Although the IBR pointed out some areas of concern regarding process and ANSI compliance, the system had markedly improved the project's ability to monitor cost and schedule. This, in turn, allowed the project team to foresee problems in advance, formulate corrective actions, and implement course corrections without causing significant adverse impact to the project. Opponents of EVMS systems often communicate the unfavorable opinion that EVMS systems create unnecessary cost and administration. Although it is undeniable that EVMS implementation does not occur without cost, the cost is minimal in comparison to the benefits of successful implementation. This paper will focus on the implementation of EVMS on the RBSP project, explain EV processes and the implementation's cost, and analyze the benefits of EVMS to provide insight into cost/benefit considerations for other projects considering EVMS implementation. This paper will do this by focusing on the following points: (1) RBSP is the first full-up implementation of earned value management (EVM) at JHU/APL; (2) RBSP EVM started in Phase B; (3) RBSP EVM implementation has been working well in Phase C/D; (4) RBSP EVM implementation has been recognized by Goddard Space Flight Center and NASA Headquarters as successful; and (5) an assessment of the benefits of EVMS to the project management team and sponsor shows that the system's benefits outweigh the cost of implementation.  相似文献   

Space Phoenix     
《Space Policy》1988,4(2):143-150
The US federal government is collaborating with a non-profit university consortium and its commercial project managers to develop the Space Shuttle fleet's expended external fuel tanks for scientific and commercial uses in space. Nearly a half dozen years in evolution, the Space Phoenix Program is a private-sector civil space programme with the long-term goal of opening the Earth's space to as many people, organizations and activities as possible, as soon as possible, and at the lowest cost to them as possible. In time it is expected to be a major focus for private-sector activities in space. This report describes how it will work.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(4):185-196
As a result of studies undertaken during 1981 and 1982, in support of NASA's Solar System Exploration Committee activities, several new approaches have been identified for development of flight hardware as well as ground systems for the execution of U.S. planetary missions through the close of the century. This paper will summarize these new approaches for achieving lower cost in planetary exploration in three different ways:
  • •• Use of modified “production line” spacecraft developed by aerospace companies for scientific and commercial use in earth orbit—study results will be discussed which demonstrate that with only modest modifications to existing earth orbiting spacecraft, excellent results can be expected at planetary targets in the inner solar system ranging from Venus to the inner portions of the asteroid belt. Use of both communications satellites typical of those used in geosynchronous applications, as well as low earth orbiting scientific and meteorological satellites will be discussed. The range of changes and the rationale for these changes required to perform planetary missions will be displayed in detail.
  • •• The development of a multi-mission modular type spacecraft for planetary missions—a new approach and new flexible spacecraft design proposed for development for planetary missions to comets, main-belt asteroids, and the outer planets will be identified. This Mariner Mark II spacecraft will enable reconfiguration at low cost for adaptation to a wide range of missions. Design concepts which draw heavily on early planetary missions as well as technology developments that are expected to be available in the late 80's and early 90's will be described in detail.
  • •• Development of low-cost multi-mission end-to-end information system—a system design including spacecraft command and data handling system requirements, as well as an architecture for a cost effective multi-mission operations system will be described. This system is intended to be applied to both classes of spacecraft/missions described above.

The Hidden Costs of Reliability and Failure in Launch Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In comparing the costs of different launch vehicles, the possibility of the risk of failure is assumed to be accounted for by the cost of insurance. The satellite may be insured against loss during launch, and the launch services provider may offer a free relaunch. However, actual costs of reliability and failure extend beyond this. Each failure necessitates an investigation and a get well programme by the operating agency, while putting the operations team on hold until services can resume. A commercial operator may also lose customer revenue and actual customers through loss of confidence or unavailability. Such costs tend to be hidden, and not evaluated in assessing the effectiveness of a system, but count towards total costs. Failure investigations help to improve system reliability, but this could equally have been achieved by expenditure in development and qualification. Reusable launch vehicles will have different costs associated with reliability and failure. The relationship between reliability and cost, properly assessed, ought to influence the design of both expendable and reusable launch systems.  相似文献   

In comparing the costs of different launch vehicles, the possibility of the risk of failure is assumed to be accounted for by the cost of insurance. The satellite may be insured against loss during launch, and the launch services provider may offer a “free relaunch.” However, actual costs of reliability and failure extend beyond this. Each failure necessitates an investigation and a “get well” programme by the operating agency, while putting the operations team “on hold” until services can resume. A commercial operator may also lose customer revenue and actual customers through loss of confidence or unavailability. Such costs tend to be hidden, and not evaluated in assessing the effectiveness of a system, but count towards total costs. Failure investigations help to improve system reliability, but this could equally have been achieved by expenditure in development and qualification. Reusable launch vehicles will have different costs associated with reliability and failure. The relationship between reliability and cost, properly assessed, ought to influence the design of both expendable and reusable launch systems.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, the Lunar Laser Ranging Program (LLRP) to the Apollo Cube Corner (CCR) Retroreflector Arrays (ALLRRA) [1] has supplied almost all of the significant tests of General Relativity. The LLRP has evaluated the PPN parameters, addressed the possible changes in the gravitational constant and the properties of the self-energy of the gravitational field. In addition, the LLRP has provided significant information on the composition and origin of the moon. This is the only Apollo experiment that is still in operation. Initially the ALLRRAs contributed a negligible fraction of the ranging error budget. Over the decades, the ranging capabilities of the ground stations have improved by more than two orders of magnitude. Now, because of the lunar librations, the existing Apollo retroreflector arrays contribute a significant fraction of the limiting errors in the range measurements.The University of Maryland, as the Principal Investigator for the original Apollo arrays, is now proposing a new approach to the Lunar Laser Array technology [2]. The investigation of this new technology, with Professor Currie as Principal Investigator, is currently being supported by two NASA programs and by the INFN-LNF in Frascati, Italy. Thus after the proposed installation during the next lunar landing, the new arrays will support ranging observations that are a factor 100 more accurate than the current ALLRRAs.The new fundamental cosmological physics and the lunar physics [3] that this new Lunar Laser Ranging Retroreflector Array for the 21st Century (LLRRA-21) can provide will be described. In the design of the new array, there are three major challenges: (1) validate the ability to fabricate a CCR of the required specifications, which is significantly beyond the properties of current CCRs, (2) address the thermal and optical effects of the absorption of solar radiation within the CCR, reduce the transfer of heat from the CCR housing and (3) validate an accurate emplacement technique to install the CCR package on the lunar surface. The latter requires a long-term stable relation between the optical center of the array and the deep regolith, that is, below the thermally driven expansion and contraction of the regolith during the lunar day/night cycle.  相似文献   

This article reports about the results of the latest computer runs of a lunar base simulation model. The lunar base consists of 20 facilities for lunar mining, processing and fabrication. The infrastructure includes solar and nuclear power plants, a central workshop, habitat and farm. Lunar products can be used for construction of solar power systems (SPS) or other spacecraft at several space locations. The simulation model evaluates the mass, energy and manpower flows between the elements of the system as well as system cost and cost of products on an annual basis for a given operational period. The 1983 standard model run over a fifty-years life cycle (beginning about the year 2000) was accomplished for a mean annual production volume of 78 180 Mg of hardware products for export resulting in average specific manufacturing cost of 8.4 $/kg and total annual cost of 1.25 billion dollars during the life cycle. The reference space transportation system uses LOX/LH2 propulsion for which at the average 210 500 Mg LOX per year is produced on the moon. The sensitivity analysis indicates the importance of bootstrapping as well as the influence of market size, space transportation cost and specific resources demand on the mean lunar manufacturing cost. The option using lunar resources turns out to be quite attractive from the economical viewpoint. Systems analysis by this lunar base model and further trade-offs will be a useful tool to confirm this.  相似文献   

This article will look at the origins of the Cospas-Sarsat International cooperative space program and its transition in the mid-1980s from a technical demonstration to an operational program. It will then attempt to identify some of the reasons for its success, with a view toward determining their applicability to other joint space applications projects.  相似文献   

R Kass  J Kass 《Acta Astronautica》1999,45(2):115-118
In preparation for the international manned space station various international and national space agencies are already participating with the Russian MIR programme with short, medium, and long term presence on the MIR station. Although selection criteria for all crew include careful psychological screening, with some effort also regarding team build-up, this has proved insufficient; moreover. little or no effort is expended in the area of psycho-social- or team training. This paper propounds the authors' thesis that, in addition to the steps already being taken, psycho-social training is essential for long-duration flight. A concrete proposal is made for such a training program, with an overview of how such a program will look like; examples of past applications are given.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(9):527-536
The planned construction of a permanently manned space station in low earth orbit has reopened the discussion about the establishment of a manned lunar base within the next 25 years for exploration of the Moon and space. Several studies demonstrate that a lunar base very modest in size may cost $50 to 90 billion spread over 25 years which would fit into the expected NASA budget for this period. Having these cost in mind the authors present a concept having a greater effectiveness based on the following operational characteristics: (1) The development of a low cost heavy-lift launch vehicle for cargo transportation and propellant supply reduces the specific transportation cost by one order of magnitude compared to the existing Space Shuttle system. (2) Orbital transfer vehicles with LOX/LH2 technology should be preferred over advanced propulsion systems because of proved technology and cost reduction by utilization of lunar produced LOX. (3) The evolution of the lunar base towards a lunar colony and manufacturing facility could only be initiated by a powerful transportation system allowing for cost-effective space construction projects and manned spaceflight to other planets.The lunar base program of this paper is based on a schedule considering a 8 years development, 5 years lunar base assembly and 20 years operational phase during which the lunar crew will increase from 60 to 180 people. Launch rates will be 10 shuttle launches and 10 HLLV launches p.a. at the average. Development costs of the transportation and lunar base system will amount to $29 billion. Adding hardware and operational costs for lunar base assembly results in the acquisition cost of $49 billion. Total life cycle costs are estimated to be in the order of $101 billion considering a 20 years operational phase which will cost $2.6 billion p.a. at the average. For the 2508 man-years spent in lunosphere the relative cost will be $40.2 million per man-year of which space transportation will cost $25.0 million per man-year.  相似文献   

基于SQP方法的常推力月球软着陆轨道优化方法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
孙军伟  乔栋  崔平远 《宇航学报》2006,27(1):99-102,112
月球软着陆是未来月球探测中的一项关键技术。针对这项技术,本文给出了一种基于SQP方法的常推力月球软着陆轨道优化方法。该方法通过将常推力月球软着陆轨道离散化,利用离散点处状态连续作为约束条件,把常推力月球软着陆轨道优化问题归结为一个非线性规划问题,对于此问题的求解,其初值均为有物理意义的状态和控制量,从而避免了采用传统优化方法在解决此优化问题时对没有物理意义变量初值的猜测。最后,利用SQP方法求解了此轨道优化问题。仿真计算结果表明这种离散化的方法应用于此轨道优化问题可以避免传统轨道优化方法对初值敏感的问题。  相似文献   

The development of a new process potentially useful for future manned Lunar and/or Martian space missions in the framework of the so-called ISRU (In-Situ Resource Utilization) and ISFR (In-Situ Fabrication and Repair) concepts is described and discussed in this work. This process involves the fabrication of physical assets by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) for construction applications in Lunar and Martian environments starting from different Lunar or Martian regolith simulants and aluminum, as reducing agent. In addition, although Moon and Mars already contain ilmenite (FeTiO3) and iron oxides, respectively, the latter ones are also added to the initial mixtures to promote suitable SHS reactions. A complete scheme for the fabrication of physical assets to be used as protection against solar rays, solar wind and meteoroids, where all required stages are indicated, is finally proposed in the framework of a recently filed patent.  相似文献   

The space sector has frequently been confronted with cost overruns, with a negative impact on its management reputation. There are many reasons for this effect, the main one being that space development contracts are unique and often do not allow proper cost benchmarking. On the other hand, tools have been developed to minimise this effect and it is important to train future space managers in applying such tools. In the International Space University, such methods are illustrated with workshops, which aim to be as close as possible to reality. This article will describe the different techniques, memo-technically called the 5C approach here, and develop the use of a computerised tool, PRICE, to support these techniques in the different phases of the projects.  相似文献   

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