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In this paper, we present the results of Monte-Carlo simulations of the flux and energy spectra of neutrons generated as a result of galactic cosmic ray proton interactions with the material of International Space Station (ISS) inside Zvezda Service Module, the Airlock between Russian and USA segments and one of Russian Research Modules for a full configuration of ISS. Calculations were made for ISS orbit for the energy ranges <10 and >10 MeV for both maximum and minimum of solar activity. To test the accuracy of the calculations the same simulations were made for MIR orbital station and for CORONAS-I satellite and compared with the results of measurements. Calculated and measured fluxes are in reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

An extensive model analysis of plastic track detector measurements of high-LET particles on the Space Shuttle has been performed. Three shuttle flights: STS-51F (low-altitude, high-inclination), STS-51J (high-altitude, low-inclination), and STS-61C (low-altitude, low-inclination) are considered. The model includes contributions from trapped protons and galactic cosmic radiation, as well as target secondary particles. Target secondaries, expected to be of importance in thickly shielded space environments, are found to be a significant component of the measured LET (linear energy transfer) spectra.  相似文献   

<正>美国东部时间5月14日14时20分(北京时间15日2时20分),"阿特兰蒂斯"号航天飞机载着6名航天员从美国佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心发射升空,8分半钟之后进入预定轨道,这是它第32次执行太空飞行任务。如果"发现"号和"奋进"号航天飞机能够顺利地完成接下来的太空飞行任务,那么这次飞行将成为"阿特兰蒂斯"号航天飞机的谢幕之旅。  相似文献   

挑战者号航天飞机失事的直接原因,是1986年1月28日肯尼迪航天中心的低温天气,使固体火箭助推器的氟橡胶密封圈失去弹性导致泄漏,挑战者号航天飞机发射升空73秒发生爆炸。哥伦比亚号航天飞机失事的直接原因,是升空过程中外贮箱脱落的绝热用聚氨酯泡  相似文献   

航天飞机将于今年完成最后的告别飞行后正式退役。回顾航天飞机的传奇历程,极具两重性是航天飞机的真实写照。一方面主要依托上世纪七十年代的技术打造的航天飞机,集运载火箭、人货两用飞船、在轨航天器和飞机等技术  相似文献   

智浩 《太空探索》2011,(4):48-51
虽然美国航天飞机铸就了巨大的辉煌,但是它将在2011年发射3架次后退役,这是为什么呢?千方百计难圆满为了极大提高运输能力,航天飞机当初被设计得很复杂。它里面有3500个  相似文献   

National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) has developed aquatic animal experiment facilities for NASA Space Shuttle use. Vestibular Function Experiment Unit (VFEU) was firstly designed and developed for physiological research using carp in Spacelab-J (SL-J, STS-47) mission. It was modified as Aquatic Animal Experiment Unit (AAEU) to accommodate small aquatic animals, such as medaka and newt, for second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2, STS-65) mission. Then, VFEU was improved to accommodate marine fish and to perform neurobiological experiment for Neurolab (STS-90) and STS-95 missions. We have also developed and used water purification system which was adapted to each facility. Based on these experiences of Space Shuttle missions, we are studying to develop advanced aquatic animal experiment facility for both Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS).  相似文献   

The National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) has more than 20 years of experience developing aquatic animal experiment facilities. We are now studying the next-generation aquatic animal experiment facility or the Aquatic Habitat (AQH) for both Space Shuttle and International Space Station use. A prototype breeding system was designed and tested. Medaka adult fish were able to mate and spawn in this closed circulatory breeding system, and the larvae grew to adult fish and spawned on the 45th day after hatching. The water quality-control system using nitrifying bacteria worked well throughout the medaka breeding test. For amphibians, we also conducted the African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) breeding test with the same specimen chambers, although a part of circulation loop was opened to air. Xenopus larvae grew and completed metamorphosis successfully in the small specimen chamber. The first metamorphic climax started on the 30th day and was completed on the 38th day.  相似文献   

Cultured human embryonic kidney cells were separated into electrophoretic subpopulations in laboratory experiments and in two separation experiments on the STS-8 (Challenger) Space Shuttle flight using the mid-deck Continuous Flow Electrophoretic Separator (CFES). Populations of cells from each fraction were cultured for the lifetime of the cells, and supernatant medium was withdrawn and replaced at 4-day intervals. Withdrawn medium was frozen at -120 degrees C for subsequent analysis. Enzyme assays, antibodies and gel electrophoresis were used as analytical tools for the detection and quantitation of plasminogen activators in these samples. These assays of frozen culture supernatant fluids confirmed the electrophoretic separation of plasminogen-activator producing cells from non-producing cells, the isolation of cells capable of sustained production, and the separation of cells that produce different plasminogen activators from one another.  相似文献   

美国东部时间5月16日8时56分(北京时间20时56分),美国"奋进"号航天飞机从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射基地肯尼迪航天中心升空,进行最后一次飞行。这是"奋进"号航天飞机第25次飞行,也是航天飞机第134飞行。主要任务"奋进"号的此次飞行代号为STS-134,其主要任务是为国际空间站送去阿尔法磁谱仪-2高能粒子探测器,以及快  相似文献   

Long-term analysis of data from two radiation detection instruments on the International Space Station (ISS) shows that the docking of the Space Shuttle drops down the measured dose rates in the region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) by a factor of 1.5–3. Measurements either by the R3DE detector, which is outside the ISS at the EuTEF facility on the Columbus module behind a shielding of less than 0.45 g cm−2, and by the three detectors of the Liulin-5 particle telescope, which is inside the Russian PEARS module in the spherical tissue equivalent phantom behind much heavier shielding demonstrate that effect. Simultaneously the estimated averaged incident energies of the incoming protons rise up from about 30 to 45 MeV. The effect is explained by the additional shielding against the SAA 30–150 MeV protons, provided by the 78 tons Shuttle to the instruments inside and outside of the ISS. An additional reason is the ISS attitude change (performed for the Shuttle docking) leading to decreasing of dose rates in two of Liulin-5 detectors because of the East–West proton fluxes asymmetry in SAA. The Galactic Cosmic Rays dose rates are practically not affected.  相似文献   

Extensive measurements of dose exposure of aircrew have been carried out in recent years using passive detectors on subsonic and supersonic air routes by DIAS (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies). Studies were based on measurement of LET spectra using nuclear recoils produced in CR-39 nuclear track detectors by high energy neutrons and protons. The detectors were calibrated using energetic heavy ions. Data obtained were compared with the predictions of the EPCARD and CARI-6 codes. Good agreement has been found between the experimental and theoretical values.  相似文献   

安慧 《太空探索》2011,(5):36-39
在纪念人类首次进入太空50周年的时候,回顾美国载人航天近30年的历程,不仅让我们看到了载人航天取得的辉煌成就,也让我们为载人航天发展的曲折和艰辛而感叹!  相似文献   

美国东部时间2月24日16点50分,带着广大航天爱好者选定的"叫醒曲",6位航天员乘坐发现号航天飞机开始执行STS-133任务。此次航天任务是发现号最后一次飞行,航天飞机第35次  相似文献   

201 1年3月9日,石家庄的天气异常晴朗,我们青少年宫天文馆提前从相关网站上得到了国际空间站将要经过石家庄地区上空的消息,于是组织了十几名"星友"与报社记者,分乘四辆车,在当天傍晚一起来到了位于石家庄市郊的滹沱河东边。我们一共携带了三台大口径望远镜和五架单反数码相机。大家在18:40左右准备好了各自的器材,跃跃欲试,只待国际空间站的出现。就在天刚  相似文献   

Suspensions of cultured primary human embryonic kidney cells were subjected to continuous flow electrophoresis on Space Shuttle flight STS-8. The objectives of the experiments were to obtain electrophoretically separated fractions of the original cell populations and to test these fractions for the amount and kind of urokinase (a kidney plasminogen activator that is used medically for digesting blood clots), the morphologies of cells in the individual fractions, and their cellular electrophoretic mobilities after separation and subsequent proliferation. Individual fractions were successfully cultured after return from orbit, and they were found to differ substantially from one another and from the starting sample with respect to all of these properties.  相似文献   

随着太空探索活动的逐年增多,人类对空间碎片的探测显得越发重要。文章首先介绍了探测空间碎片的意义及其常规的光电探测方法,并分析了探测空间碎片的主要难点;在此基础上,结合空间碎片的具体特征,提出一种对空间碎片进行探测与识别的新方法,即将成像、光谱、偏振三个光学基本量同时使用,通过多元特征融合等识别技术,实现对空间暗、弱、小碎片的高效探测,并对新方法中的关键技术进行了分解和可行性分析。  相似文献   

We have flown two new charged particle detectors in five recent Shuttle flights. In this paper we report on the dose rate, equivalent dose rate, and radiation quality factor for trapped protons and cosmic radiation separately. A comparison of the integral linear energy transfer (LET) spectra with recent transport code calculations show significant disagreement. Using the calculated dose rate from the omni-directional AP8MAX model with IGRF reference magnetic field epoch 1970, and observed dose rate as a function of (averaged over all geographic latitude) and longitude, we have determined the westward drift of the South Atlantic anomaly. We have also studied the east-west effect, and observed a 'second' radiation belt. A comparison of the galactic cosmic radiation lineal energy transfer spectra with model calculations shows disagreement comparable to those of the trapped protons.  相似文献   

The assessment of exposure to cosmic radiation on board aircraft is one of the preoccupations of organizations responsible for radiation protection. The cosmic radiation particle flux increases with altitude and latitude and depends on the solar activity. The radiation exposure has been estimated on several airlines using transatlantic, Siberian and transequatorial routes on board subsonic and supersonic aircraft, to illustrate the effect of these parameters. Measurements have been obtained with a tissue equivalent proportional counter using the microdosimetric technique. Data have been collected at maximum solar activity in 1991-92 and at minimum in 1996-98. The lowest mean dose rate measured was 3 microSv/h during a Paris-Buenos Aires flight in 1991; the highest was 6.6 microSv/h during a Paris-Tokyo flight using a Siberian route and 9.7 microSv/h on Concorde in 1996-97. The mean quality factor is around 1.8. The corresponding annual effective dose, based on 700 hours of flight for subsonic aircraft and 300 hours for Concorde, can be estimated between 2 mSv for least-exposed routes and 5 mSv for more exposed routes.  相似文献   

Since STS-26, three large solar events have occurred during Shuttle missions; a geomagnetic storm during STS-29 and solar particle events (SPEs) during STS-28 and -34. The maximum dose to a crew attributed to an SPE was estimated to be 30 microGy (70 microSv). Time-resolved dosimetry measurements of the SPE dose during STS-28 were made using the Air Force Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME)-III. Comparison of calculated and measured dose demonstrated a discrepancy, possibly a result of deficiencies in the geomagnetic cutoff model used. This experience demonstrates that dose from an SPE is strongly dependent on numerous factors such as orbit inclination, SPE start time, spectral parameters and geomagnetic field conditions; the exact combination of these factors is fortuitous. New sources of data and procedures are being investigated, including real-time tracking of auroral oval positions or determination of particle cutoff latitudes, for incorporation into operational Shuttle radiation support practices.  相似文献   

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