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Matched subspace CFAR detection of hovering helicopters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) strategy for detecting a Gaussian distributed random signal against correlated non-Gaussian clutter is developed. The proposed algorithm is based on Scharf's matched subspace detector (MSD) and has the CFAR property with respect to the clutter amplitude probability density function (apdf), provided that the clutter distribution belongs to the compound-Gaussian family and the clutter covariance matrix is known to within a scale factor. Analytical expressions of false alarm and detection probabilities are derived. An application to the problem of detecting hovering helicopters against vegetated ground clutter is reported  相似文献   

Presented here is a large class of adaptive array detection algorithms with constant false alarm rate (CFAR), so that the false alarm rate can be set to any preassigned number without knowledge of the noise covariance matrix. This class map incorporate any usual method of cell averaging and any method for array weight vector synthesis. A sufficient condition for CFAR is derived, which is easy to satisfy in practice. Basic system parameters are discussed. An example of detection performance for a simple cell-averaging detector, in which the array weight vector is synthesized by the method of diagonal loading, is provided using Monte Carlo simulations  相似文献   

Time diversity transmission is often used to circumvent the high probability of a deep fade on a single transmission which may result in loss of the signal. One way to combat deep fades is to postdetection integrate the received observations from each range resolution cell. The false alarm rate of the postdetection integrator (PI) is extremely sensitive to randomly arriving impulse interference. Such interfering pulses may be unintentionally generated by nearby radars or intentionally generated by pulse jammers seeking to destroy the visibility of the radar. The binary integrator (PI) which uses an M-out-of-L decision rule is insensitive to at most M-1 interfering pulses. We consider the adaptive implementation of the PI and BI detectors for constant false alarm rate (CFAR) operation. We show that the CFAR BI detector when the “AND” (L-out-of-L) decision rule is used exhibits more robust false alarm control properties in the presence of impulse interference at the expense of severe detection loss when no interference is present. The CFAR adaptive PI (API) detector is proposed to alleviate this problem. The CFAR API detector implements an adaptive censoring algorithm which determines and censors with high probability the interference samples thereby achieving robust false alarm control in the presence of interference and optimum detection performance in the absence of interference  相似文献   

We develop a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) approach for detecting a random N-dimensional complex vector in the presence of clutter or interference modeled as a zero mean complex Gaussian vector whose correlation properties are not known to the receiver. It is assumed that estimates of the correlation properties of the clutter/interference may be obtained independently by processing the received vectors from a set of reference cells. We characterize the detection performance of this algorithm when the signal to be detected is modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random vector with unknown correlation matrix. Results show that for a prescribed false alarm probability and a given signal-to-clutter ratio (to be defined in the text), the detectability of Gaussian random signals depends on the eigenvalues of the matrix Rc-1Rs. The nonsingular matrix Rc and the matrix Rs are the correlation matrices of clutter-plus-noise and signal vectors respectively. It is shown that the “effective” fluctuation statistics of the signal to be detected is determined completely by the eigenvalues of the matrix Rc-1Rs. For example the signal to be detected has an effective Swerling II fluctuation statistics when all eigenvalues of the above matrix are equal. Swerling I fluctuation statistics results effectively when all eigenvalues except one are equal to zero. Eigenvalue distributions between these two limiting cases correspond to fluctuation statistics that lie between Swerling I and II models  相似文献   

The performance of distributed constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection with data fusion both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Gaussian backgrounds is analyzed. The ordered statistics (OS) CFAR detectors are employed as local detectors. With a Swerling type I target model, in the homogeneous background, the global probability of detection for a given fixed global probability of false alarm is maximized by optimizing both the threshold multipliers and the order numbers of the local OS-CFAR detectors. In the nonhomogeneous background with multiple targets or clutter edges, the performance of the detection system is analyzed and its performance is compared with the performance of the distributed cell-averaging (CA) CFAR detection system  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate data quantization effects in constant false alarm rate (CFAR) signal detection. Exponential distribution for the input data and uniform quantization are assumed for the CFAR detector analysis. Such assumptions are valid in the case of radar for a Swerling I target in Gaussian clutter plus noise and a receiver with analog square-law detection followed by analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. False alarm and detection probabilities of the cell averaging (CA) and order statistic (OS) CFAR detectors operating on quantized observations are analytically determined. In homogeneous backgrounds with 15 dB clutter power fluctuations, we show analytically that a 12-bit uniform quantizer is sufficient to achieve false alarm rate invariance. Detector performance characteristics in nonhomogeneous backgrounds, due to regions of clutter power transitions and multiple interfering targets, are also presented and detailed comparisons are given  相似文献   

By exploring the covariance structure information to reduce the uncertainty in adaptive processing, a persymmetric generalized likelihood ratio algorithm (PGLR) is developed together with the closed-form expressions of probabilities of detection and false alarm. This multiband algorithm, which requires less computation, can significantly outperform the corresponding unstructured multiband GLR algorithm, especially in a severely nonstationary and/or nonhomogeneous interference environment. Simulation shows that the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance of the new algorithm is as insensitive as that of the unstructured multiband GLR to the departure of interference distribution from Gaussian  相似文献   

The Siebert and the Dicke-fix CFAR radar detectors, used to maintain a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) in radar receivers under very similar circumstances, are considered. The Siebert detector represents the maximum-likelihood detection procedure for a signal in Gaussian noise of unknown power level, whereas the Dicke-fix makes use of a bandpass limiter to normalize the input and thus ensure a constant false alarm rate. The detection performance of the two detectors is determined and a comparison shows that over a wide range of parameters, the Dicke-fix introduces a loss which is approximately 1 B larger than for the Siebert detector.  相似文献   

Signal or target detection is sometimes complicated by the presence of strong interference. When this interference occurs mainly in the sidelobes of the antenna pattern, a solution to this problem is realized through a sidelobe canceler (SLC) implementation. Since the false-alarm probability is a system parameter of special importance in radar, an interference-canceling technique for radar application should maintain the false-alarm probability constant over a wide range of incident interference power. With the requirements of sidelobe interference cancellation and constant false alarm rate (CFAR), a new algorithm for radar detection in the presence of sidelobe interference is developed from the generalized likelihood ratio test of Neyman-Pearson. In this development, the received interference is modeled as a nonstationary but slowly varying Gaussian random process. Cancellation of the sidelobe interference is based upon a `synchronous' estimate of the spatial covariance of the interference for the range gate being tested. This algorithm provides a fixed false-alarm rate and a fixed threshold which depend only upon the parameters of the algorithm  相似文献   

This paper considers the detection of a sinusoidal or chirp signal imbedded in wideband FM interference (as might be generated by some types of active jamming), such that after pulse compression or other integration, the interference can be approximated by a sum of sinusoids of independent phase. The detection probability in such non-Gaussian noise is compared to that for Gaussian noise, with the Gaussian result approached, as required, in the limit that the number of sinusoids in the sum increases without bound. For detection using a comparison of the envelope with a threshold which yields a given false-alarm probability (CFAR detection), the detection probability is improved over the case of Gaussian noise, so that the usual approach basing the design on Gaussian noise would be conservative. Using a threshold determined from the envelope mean, the FM interference yields a lower false-alarm probability than for Gaussian noise, with detection probability only slightly degraded.  相似文献   

CFAR detection of distributed targets in non-Gaussian disturbance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subject of detection of spatially distributed targets in non-Gaussian noise with unknown statistics is addressed. At the design stage, in order to cope with the a priori uncertainty, we model noise returns as Gaussian vectors with the same structure of the covariance matrix, but possibly different power levels (heterogeneous environment). We also assume that a set of secondary data, free of signal components, is available to estimate the correlation properties of the disturbance The proposed detector assumes no a priori knowledge about the spatial distribution of the target scatterers and ensures the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property with respect to both the structure of the covariance matrix and the power levels. Finally, the performance assessment, conducted modeling the disturbance as a spherically invariant random process (SIRP), confirms its validity to operate in real radar scenarios  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of robust radar detection in the presence of Gaussian disturbance with unknown covariance matrix. We design and assess three new robust adaptive detectors, capable of operating in the presence of unknown discrepancies between the nominal and the actual steering vector. Remarkably the new decision rules exhibit a bounded constant false alarm rate (CFAR) behavior and allow, through the regulation of a design parameter, to trade off target sensitivity with sidelobes energy rejection. Finally, computer simulations show that the proposed detectors achieve a visible performance improvement, in many situations of practical interest, over the traditional adaptive detection algorithms, especially in the presence of severe steering vector mismatches.  相似文献   

An analysis of the probability of target detection for a clutter map CFAR using digital exponential filtering has been performed. General performance equations are derived. The probability of detection versus signal-to-noise ratio is plotted for a false alarm probability of 1.E-06 for several weight values. The CFAR loss is plotted for a detection probability of 0.9 and false alarm probabilities of 1.E-06 and 1.E-08.  相似文献   

Spatially distributed target detection in non-Gaussian clutter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two detection schemes for the detection of a spatially distributed, Doppler-shifted target in non-Gaussian clutter are developed. The non-Gaussian clutter is modeled as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV) distribution. For the first detector, called the non-scatterer density dependent generalized likelihood ratio test (NSDD-GLRT), the detector takes the form of a sum of logarithms of identical functions of data from each individual range cell. It is shown under the clutter only hypothesis, that the detection statistic has the chi-square distribution so that the detector threshold is easily calculated for a given probability of false alarm PF. The detection probability PD is shown to be only a function of the signal-to-clutter power ratio (S/C)opt of the matched filter, the number of pulses N, the number of target range resolution cells J, the spikiness of the clutter determined by a parameter of an assumed underlying mixing distribution, and PF. For representative examples, it is shown that as N, J, or the clutter spikiness increases, detection performance improves. A second detector is developed which incorporates a priori knowledge of the spatial scatterer density. This detector is called the scatterer density dependent GLRT (SDD-GLRT) and is shown for a representative case to improve significantly the detection performance of a sparsely distributed target relative to the performance of the NSDD-GLRT and to be robust for a moderate mismatch of the expected number of scatterers. For both the NSDD-GLRT and SDD-GLRT, the detectors have the constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) property that PF is independent of the underlying mixing distribution of the clutter, the clutter covariance matrix, and the steering vector of the desired signal  相似文献   

A likelihood receiver for a Gaussian random signal process in colored Gaussian noise is realized with a quadratic form of a finite-duration sample of the input process. Such a receiver may be called a "filtered energy detector." The output statistic is compared with a threshold and if the threshold is exceeded, a signal is said to be present. False alarm and detection probabilities may be estimated if tabulated distributions can be fitted to the actual distributions of the test statistic which are unknown. Gamma distributions were fitted to the conditional probability densities of the output statistic by equating means and variances, formulas for which are derived assuming a large observation interval. A numerical example is given for the case in which the noise and signal processes have spectral densities of the same shape or are flat. The optimum filter turns out to be a band-limited noise whitener. The factors governing false alarm and detection probabilities are the filter bandwidth, the sample duration, and the signal level compared to the noise. Two sets of receiver operating characteristic curves are presented to complete the example.  相似文献   

文章提出了 1种基于双边截断的双参数海上风电站 SAR图像 CFAR检测器 DTCS-TPCFAR,目的是提高在具有多个目标海上区域和石油泄漏区域等环境下对海上风电站的检测性能。DTCS-TPCFAR所提出的双边截断杂波的方法,能够同时消除高强度和低强度异常值的干扰,同时保留真实的杂波样本。通过使用最大似然估计计算双边截断后样本的均值和标准差,然后通过这 2个参数估计值计算出截断阈值,最后再结合指定的虚警率(Probability of False Alarm,PFA)来对测试单元(Test Cell,TC)进行判断,完成最终的目标检测。这也是首次将 CFAR检测器用于检测海上风电站。文章通过 Sentinel-1数据集来验证该方法的有效性。实验结果表明,文章所提出的算法在相同指定虚警率下,具有更高的检测率(Detection Rate,DR)和更低的误报率(False Alarm Rate,FAR)。  相似文献   

It is shown that in a situation where a radar target is distant enough from the radar and is included in a natural or artificial clutter environment in such a manner that the conventional detection methods fail, it is possible to improve the radar detection performance by using appropriate signal processing on two orthogonal polarization states. A CFAR (constant false alarm rate) polarimetric detection system based on the study of the polarization difference between clutter and target is proposed. Since the polarization state of the clutter echoes fluctuates slowly from cell to cell, an autoregressive model can be applied to the components of the polarization vector to predict the detection thresholds needed to follow the polarization state variation. The detection thresholds are determined to maintain a false alarm probability equal to 10-6. The presence of a target registers as a significant variation of the estimation error of the polarization vector. Results obtained from measurements of simple and canonical targets with artificial clutter are presented, and these results validate the principle of polarimetric detection  相似文献   

The problem of adaptive cell-averaging constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection is considered for two distributed sensor network topologies, namely the parallel and the tandem topologies. The compressed data transmitted amongst the detectors is assumed to be in the form of decisions. The overall systems are optimized to yield the maximum probability of detection for a fixed probability of false alarm. The performance of the systems is also analyzed  相似文献   

简涛  何友  苏峰  曲长文  顾新锋 《航空学报》2010,31(3):579-586
在球不变随机向量(SIRV)非高斯杂波背景下,研究了多脉冲相参雷达目标的自适应检测问题。假设杂波具有相同的协方差矩阵结构和可能相关的纹理分量,提出了新的协方差矩阵估计器,并获得了相应的自适应归一化匹配滤波器(ANMF)。理论分析表明,在估计杂波分组大小与实际情况匹配时,所获得的ANMF对杂波功率水平和协方差矩阵结构均具有恒虚警率(CFAR)特性。仿真结果表明:当估计的杂波分组大小失配时,所获得的ANMF具有近似CFAR特性,并进一步分析了不同参数变化对所提检测器性能的影响。与已有的ANMF相比,所获得的ANMF具有更好的检测性能,且迭代次数更小,其相对于已知杂波协方差矩阵的最优归一化匹配滤波器(NMF)的检测损失也更小,具有很好的实际应用前景。  相似文献   

Among the few known adaptive filtering algorithms which have an embedded (integrated) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance feature, the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test algorithm has been found to be robust in non-Gaussian clutter. This paper examines the detection performance of the GLR algorithm in nonhomogeneous/nonstationary clutter environments which lead to nonidentical distribution of secondary (training) data. For two common types of nonhomogeneity, i.e., the so-called “signal contamination” and “clutter edge”, the asymptotic detection performance is derived and compared with simulations. These asymptotic results are relatively simple to use and they predict the GLR performance in nonhomogeneous environments quite well. The GLR performance loss due to the nonhomogeneity is also evaluated. It is found that the “generalized angle” between the desired and contaminating signal plays an important role in the study of the effects of signal contamination. It is also found that the performance degradation due to the clutter edge depends largely on the width of the clutter spectrum and target-clutter Doppler separation  相似文献   

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