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X射线数字成像系统及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
X射线数字成像技术具有一些引进胶片成像技术所不具备的特点,本文介绍了几种X射线数字成像系统的技术特点和主要性能指标,并就其综合性能进行了比较;介绍了两种常见的X射线数字成像系统的应用情况;对X射线数字成像技术的发展方向作了简述。  相似文献   

The New Horizons (NH) Radio Science Experiment, REX, is designed to determine the atmospheric state at the surface of Pluto and in the lowest few scale heights. Expected absolute accuracies in n, p, and T at the surface are 4?1019 m?3, 0.1 Pa, and 3 K, respectively, obtained by radio occultation of a 4.2 cm-λ signal transmitted from Earth at 10–30 kW and received at the NH spacecraft. The threshold for ionospheric observations is roughly 2?109 e??m?3. Radio occultation experiments are planned for both Pluto and Charon, but the level of accuracy for the neutral gas is expected to be useful at Pluto only. REX will also measure the nightside 4.2 cm-λ thermal emission from Pluto and Charon during the time NH is occulted. At Pluto, the thermal scan provides about five half-beams across the disk; at Charon, only disk integrated values can be obtained. A combination of two-way tracking and occultation signals will determine the Pluto system mass to about 0.01 percent, and improve the Pluto–Charon mass ratio. REX flight equipment augments the NH radio transceiver used for spacecraft communications and tracking. Implementation of REX required realization of a new CIC-SCIC signal processing algorithm; the REX hardware implementation requires 1.6 W, and has mass of 160 g in 520 cm3. Commissioning tests conducted after NH launch demonstrate that the REX system is operating as expected.  相似文献   

The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer Extreme Ultraviolet spectrograph, ICON EUV, will measure altitude profiles of the daytime extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) OII emission near 83.4 and 61.7 nm that are used to determine density profiles and state parameters of the ionosphere. This paper describes the algorithm concept and approach to inverting these measured OII emission profiles to derive the associated \(\mathrm{O}^{+}\) density profile from 150–450 km as a proxy for the electron content in the F-region of the ionosphere. The algorithm incorporates a bias evaluation and feedback step, developed at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory using data from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) and the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) missions, that is able to effectively mitigate the effects of systematic instrument calibration errors and inaccuracies in the original photon source within the forward model. Results are presented from end-to-end simulations that convolved simulated airglow profiles with the expected instrument measurement response to produce profiles that were inverted with the algorithm to return data products for comparison to truth. Simulations of measurements over a representative ICON orbit show the algorithm is able to reproduce hmF2 values to better than 5 km accuracy, and NmF2 to better than 12% accuracy over a 12-second integration, and demonstrate that the ICON EUV instrument and daytime ionosphere algorithm can meet the ICON science objectives which require 20 km vertical resolution in hmF2 and 18% precision in NmF2.  相似文献   

Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers (TWINS) is a NASA Explorer Mission-of-Opportunity to stereoscopically image the Earth’s magnetosphere for the first time. TWINS extends our understanding of magnetospheric structure and processes by providing simultaneous Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imaging from two widely separated locations. TWINS observes ENAs from 1–100 keV with high angular (~4°×4°) and time (~1-minute) resolution. The TWINS Ly-α monitor measures the geocoronal hydrogen density to aid in ENA analysis while environmental sensors provide contemporaneous measurements of the local charged particle environments. By imaging ENAs with identical instruments from two widely spaced, high-altitude, high-inclination spacecraft, TWINS enables three-dimensional visualization of the large-scale structures and dynamics within the magnetosphere for the first time. This “instrument paper” documents the TWINS design, construction, calibration, and initial results. Finally, the appendix of this paper describes and documents the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) instrument calibration facility; this facility was used for all TWINS instrument-level calibrations.  相似文献   

The Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations (STAFF) experiment is one of five experiments which together comprise the Wave Experiment Consortium (WEC). STAFF consists of a three-axis search coil magnetometer to measure magnetic fluctuations at frequencies up to 4 kHz, and a spectrum analyser to calculate in near-real time aboard the spacecraft, the complete auto- and cross-spectral matrices using the three magnetic and two electric components of the electromagnetic field. The magnetic waveform at frequencies below either 10 Hz or 180 Hz is also transmitted. The sensitivity of the search coil is adapted to the phenomena theo be studied: the values 3 × 10-3 nT Hz-1/2 and 3 × 10-5 nT Hz-1/2 are achieved respectively at 1 Hz and 100 Hz. The dynamic range of the STAFF instruments is about 96 dB in both waveform and spectral power, so as to allow the study of waves near plasma boundaries. Scientific objectives of the STAFF investigations, particularly those requiring four point measurements, are discussed. Methods by which the wave data will be characterised are described with emphasis on those specific to four-point measurements, including the use of the Field Energy Distribution function.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the coupling between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere. The coupling between the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosphere is controlled by the orientation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). When the IMF has a southward component, the coupling is strongest and the ionospheric convection pattern that is generated is a simple twin cell pattern with anti-sunward flow across the polar cap and return, sunward flow at lower latitudes. When the IMF is northward, the ionospheric convection pattern is more complex, involving flow driven by reconnection between the IMF and the tail lobe field, which is sunward in the polar cap near noon. Typically four cells are found when the IMF is northward, and the convection pattern is also more contracted under these conditions. The presence of a strong Y (dawn-dusk) component to the IMF leads to asymmetries in the flow pattern. Reconnection, however, is typically transient in nature both at the dayside magnetopause and in the geomagnetic tail. The transient events at the dayside are referred to as flux transfer events (FTEs), while the substorm process illustrates the transient nature of reconnection in the tail. The transient nature of reconnection lead to the proposal of an alternative model for flow stimulation which is termed the expanding/contracting polar cap boundary model. In this model, the addition to, or removal from, the polar cap of magnetic flux stimulates flow as the polar cap boundary seeks to return to an equilibrium position. The resulting average patterns of flow are therefore a summation of the addition of open flux to the polar cap at the dayside and the removal of flux from the polar cap in the nightside. This paper reviews progress over the last decade in our understanding of ionospheric convection that is driven by transient reconnection such as FTEs as well as by reconnection in the tail during substorms in the context of a simple model of the variation of open magnetic flux. In this model, the polar cap expands when the reconnection rate is higher at the dayside magnetopause than in the tail and contracts when the opposite is the case. By measuring the size of the polar cap, the dynamics of the open flux in the tail can be followed on a large scale.  相似文献   

The Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) for the polar mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The science objectives of the Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) are to investigate the transfer of solar wind energy and momentum to the magnetosphere, the interaction between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, the transport processes that distribute plasma and energy throughout the magnetosphere, and the interactions that occur as plasma of different origins and histories mix and interact. In order to meet these objectives the TIMAS instrument measures virtually the full three-dimensional velocity distribution functions of all major magnetospheric ion species with one-half spin period time resolution. The TIMAS is a first-order double focusing (angle and energy), imaging spectrograph that simultaneously measures all mass per charge components from 1 AMU e–1 to greater than 32 AMU e–1 over a nearly 360° by 10° instantaneous field-of-view. Mass per charge is dispersed radially on an annular microchannel plate detector and the azimuthal position on the detector is a map of the instantaneous 360° field of view. With the rotation of the spacecraft, the TIMAS sweeps out very nearly a 4 solid angle image in a half spin period. The energy per charge range from 15 eV e–1 to 32 keV e–1 is covered in 28 non-contiguous steps spaced approximately logarithmically with adjacent steps separated by about 30%. Each energy step is sampled for approximately 20 ms;14 step (odd or even) energy sweeps are completed 16 times per spin. In order to handle the large volume of data within the telemetry limitations the distributions are compressed to varying degrees in angle and energy, log-count compressed and then further compressed by a lossless technique. This data processing task is supported by two SA3300 microprocessors. The voltages (up to 5 kV) for the tandem toroidal electrostatic analyzers and preacceleration sections are supplied from fixed high voltage supplies using optically controlled series-shunt regulators.  相似文献   

The Plasma Wave Instrument on the Polar spacecraft is designed to provide measurements of plasma waves in the Earth's polar regions over the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 800 kHz. Three orthogonal electric dipole antennas are used to detect electric fields, two in the spin plane and one aligned along the spacecraft spin axis. A magnetic loop antenna and a triaxial magnetic search coil antenna are used to detect magnetic fields. Signals from these antennas are processed by five receiver systems: a wideband receiver, a high-frequency waveform receiver, a low-frequency waveform receiver, two multichannel analyzers; and a pair of sweep frequency receivers. Compared to previous plasma wave instruments, the Polar plasma wave instrument has several new capabilities. These include (1) an expanded frequency range to improve coverage of both low- and high-frequency wave phenomena, (2) the ability to simultaneously capture signals from six orthogonal electric and magnetic field sensors, and (3) a digital wideband receiver with up to 8-bit resolution and sample rates as high as 249k samples s–1.  相似文献   

Measurements of radiation levels at Mars including the contributions of protons, neutrons, and heavy ions, are pre-requisites for human exploration. The MARIE experiment on the Mars-01 Odyssey spacecraft consists of a spectrometer to make such measurements in Mars orbit. MARIE is measuring the galactic cosmic ray energy spectra during the maximum of the 24th solar cycle, and studying the dynamics of solar particle events and their radial dependence in orbit of Mars. The MARIE spectrometer is designed to measure the energy spectrum from 15 to 500 MeV/n, and when combined other space based instruments, such as the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), would provide accurate GCR spectra. Similarly, observations of solar energetic particles can be combined with observations at different points in the inner heliosphere from, for example, the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), to gain information on the propagation and radial dependence in the Earth-Mars space. Measurements can be compared with the best available radiation environment and transport models in order to improve these models for subsequent use, and to provide key inputs for the engineering of spacecraft to better protect the human crews exploring Mars.  相似文献   

The Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE) flown on Deep Space 1 combines an ion mass spectrometer and an electron spectrometer in a single, low-resource instrument. Among its novel features PEPE incorporates an electrostatically swept field-of-view and a linear electric field time-of-flight mass spectrometer. A significant amount of effort went into developing six novel technologies that helped reduce instrument mass to 5.5 kg and average power to 9.6 W. PEPE’s performance was demonstrated successfully by extensive measurements made in the solar wind and during the DS1 encounter with Comet 19P/Borrelly in September 2001. P. Barker is deceased.  相似文献   

The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on 2001 Mars Odyssey will investigate the surface mineralogy and physical properties of Mars using multi-spectral thermal-infrared images in nine wavelengths centered from 6.8 to 14.9 μm, and visible/near-infrared images in five bands centered from 0.42 to 0.86 μm. THEMIS will map the entire planet in both day and night multi-spectral infrared images at 100-m per pixel resolution, 60% of the planet in one-band visible images at 18-m per pixel, and several percent of the planet in 5-band visible color. Most geologic materials, including carbonates, silicates, sulfates, phosphates, and hydroxides have strong fundamental vibrational absorption bands in the thermal-infrared spectral region that provide diagnostic information on mineral composition. The ability to identify a wide range of minerals allows key aqueous minerals, such as carbonates and hydrothermal silica, to be placed into their proper geologic context. The specific objectives of this investigation are to: (1) determine the mineralogy and petrology of localized deposits associated with hydrothermal or sub-aqueous environments, and to identify future landing sites likely to represent these environments; (2) search for thermal anomalies associated with active sub-surface hydrothermal systems; (3) study small-scale geologic processes and landing site characteristics using morphologic and thermophysical properties; and (4) investigate polar cap processes at all seasons. THEMIS follows the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) experiments, providing substantially higher spatial resolution IR multi-spectral images to complement TES hyperspectral (143-band) global mapping, and regional visible imaging at scales intermediate between the Viking and MOC cameras. The THEMIS uses an uncooled microbolometer detector array for the IR focal plane. The optics consists of all-reflective, three-mirror anastigmat telescope with a 12-cm effective aperture and a speed of f/1.6. The IR and visible cameras share the optics and housing, but have independent power and data interfaces to the spacecraft. The IR focal plane has 320 cross-track pixels and 240 down-track pixels covered by 10 ~1-μm-bandwidth strip filters in nine different wavelengths. The visible camera has a 1024×1024 pixel array with 5 filters. The instrument weighs 11.2 kg, is 29 cm by 37 cm by 55 cm in size, and consumes an orbital average power of 14 W.  相似文献   

Klumpar  D.M.  Möbius  E.  Kistler  L.M.  Popecki  M.  Hertzberg  E.  Crocker  K.  Granoff  M.  Tang  Li  Carlson  C.W.  McFadden  J.  Klecker  B.  Eberl  F.  Künneth  E.  Kästle  H.  Ertl  M.  Peterson  W.K.  Shelly  E.G.  Hovestadt  D. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,98(1-2):197-219
The Time-of-flight Energy Angle Mass Spectrograph (TEAMS) is being flown on the FAST Small Explorer mission to measure the 3-dimensional distribution function of the major ion species present in the lower magnetosphere. The instrument is similar to time-of-flight plasma analyzer systems that have been designed and planned for flight as CODIF (COmposition and DIstribution Function analyzer) on the four European Space Agency Cluster-II spacecraft and, as ESIC (Equator-S Ion Composition instrument) on Equator-S. This instrument allows the 3-dimensional distribution functions of individual ion species to be determined within spin period (2.5 s). Two-dimensional distributions are measured in 80 ms. These capabilities are crucial for the study of selective energization processes in the auroral regions of the magnetosphere. The design, operational characteristics, and test and calibration results for this instrument are presented. The sensor consists of a toroidal top-hat electrostatic analyzer with instantaneous acceptance of ions over 360° in polar angle. After post-acceleration of the incoming ions by up to 25 kV, a time-of-flight mass spectrograph discriminates the individual species. It has been demonstrated through calibration that the instrument can easily separate H+, He2+, He+, O+ and, for energies after post-acceleration of > 20 keV, even O2 + molecules. On-board mass discrimination and the internal accumulation of several distinct data quantities combined with the spacecraft's flexible telemetry formatting allow for instrument data rates from 7.8 kb s–1 to 315 kb s–1 to be telemetered to ground through the FAST centralized Instrument Data Processor.  相似文献   

The observational information on X-ray binaries that was collected with the 80 cm2 auxiliary X-ray detector onboard the COS-B gamma-ray satellite is reviewed. The results illustrate that in the study of X-ray binaries observations of long duration are extremely effective, even when using a small instrument.  相似文献   

The observational information on X-ray binaries that was collected with the 80 cm2 auxiliary X-ray detector onboard the COS-B gamma-ray satellite is reviewed. The results illustrate that in the study of X-ray binaries observations of long duration are extremely effective, even when using a small instrument.  相似文献   

Conclusion A satellite such as Neutral-1 should be instrumented with magnetometers, plasma detectors, and detectors of energetic particles, and flown to an altitude of some 26 RE in a high-inclination orbit. It can thus probe regions of the magnetosphere of particular importance but as yet unexplored. It also is in an orbit that offers the optimum variety of phenomena to be explored, with the additional advantage that the characteristics of each phenomenon can be compared one with the other and the interrelation of these phenomena deduced. Such a satellite offers unique opportunities to investigate a multitude of unknown phenomena, such as the origin and energization of the particles that cause auroras and constitute Van Allen radiation. It can also potentially yield data to help solve long-lived problems, viz.: do the particles that cause auroras come from the sun, and how does a ripple in the solar corona ultimately feed energy into the magnetosphere at an average rate of 1017-1018 ergs/sec? Someone should fly such a satellite at the earliest opportunity and certainly by sunspot maximum (1969) since the existing satellite and instrumental technology is adequate.  相似文献   

Pollock  C.J.  C:son-Brandt  P.  Burch  J.L.  Henderson  M.G.  Jahn  J.-M.  McComas  D.J.  Mende  S.B.  Mitchell  D.G.  Reeves  G.D.  Scime  E.E.  Skoug  R.M.  Thomsen  M.  Valek  P. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):155-182
Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imaging has contributed substantially to substorm research. This technique has allowed significant advances in areas such as observation and quantification of injected particle drift as a function of energy, observation of dynamics in the tail that are directly related to the effects of imposed (growth phase) and induced (expansion phase) electric fields on the plasma, the prompt extraction of oxygen from the ionosphere during substorms, the relationship between storms and substorms, and the timing of substorm ENA signatures. We present discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of the ENA technique for studying space plasmas. Although the technique is in its infancy, it is yielding results that enrich our understanding of the substorm process and its effects.  相似文献   

The receipt of the Pioneer Award has given me a chance to look back over my professional life and the opportunity to take stock of how I helped shape a small part of the world. While I hope this process entertains my contemporaries, more importantly, I hope it stimulates those that are engaged in actively shaping the present. To describe the need for automatic picture transmission (APT), I must retrace the historical development of meteorological satellites. The idea for weather observations from a satellite originated with a small group of meteorologists at the U.S. Army Signal Corps Research and Development Lab. at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and resulted in the design of Vanguard II. The Tiros and TOS series of satellites, and the design of Nimbus, followed soon thereafter. However, a faster picture dissemination than was available at that time was needed, and it was this necessity that sparked the development of APT. Nimbus was originally intended to be an operational system, but the advent of simpler, less costly stabilization systems made the Tiros evolution the clear winner. The geosynchronous weather satellites started nearly a decade later and evolved from the NASA Application Technology Satellite (ATS) series. All three systems, existing polar orbiting weather satellites, APT, and geosynchronous weather satellites, have changed meteorology and the reliability of weather forecasting profoundly.  相似文献   

Observations of NGC 5194/95 with the Einstein HRI show a very strong nuclear X-ray source, surrounded by a diffuse flux, three point sources and the companion. The diffuse flux, which correlates well with the radio continuum, is likely to originate from the disk population with age 2·109 yrs. The large luminosity from the nuclear source, together with optical and radio observations, shows that it belongs to the low luminosity active nuclei, thus extending this class to luminosities less than 1040 erg/s.  相似文献   

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