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利用考虑行星际磁场作用的磁流体动力学模型,建立了磁帆三维数值模拟方法,对计算方法的可靠性进行了验证,发现了线圈尾部的磁重联现象,研究了太阳风来流速度、等离子体离子数密度以及攻角对磁帆推进性能的影响。得出以下结论:不同速度、不同离子数密度的太阳风主要通过改变z方向电流的大小改变洛伦兹力,进而影响磁帆的推进性能:太阳风离子数密度恒定时,随着来流速度由30 km/s逐渐增大至75 km/s,z方向电流最大值由4 205 A/m2增至14 709 A/m2,磁帆所受推力由3.39 N增至13.40 N;太阳风来流速度恒定时,随着离子数密度由1.8×1019 m-3增大至4.5×1019 m-3,z方向电流最大值由6 039 A/m2增至10 585 A/m2,磁帆所受推力由6.62 N增至12.27 N。磁帆攻角变化,主要通过磁场构型的变化影响磁帆推进性能:攻角为0°和90°时的磁层半径分别为0.14 m和0.18 m,...  相似文献   

张凌  童慧峰  唐志平 《推进技术》2007,28(5):581-585
针对"烧蚀模式"激光推进,为了精确计算靶材的烧蚀质量以得到较准确的比冲值,采用了平衡气化和"电子崩"等简化模型描述激光等离子体的形成,初步实现了固体靶的激光动态烧蚀物理过程。同时采用光线跟踪的思想计算了等离子体的对激光脉冲的逆轫致吸收过程,重点计算和分析了激光波长对推进效应(冲量耦合系数Cm和比冲Isp)的影响及其机理,结果表明:随着波长的增大,Cm减小,Isp增大;波长为2.5μm处的能量利用率η最高,达到了97.8%。  相似文献   

Magnetic propulsion systems are based on the direct interaction of the vehicle's own magnetic field with the natural magnetic field, particularly the geomagnetic one, without using jet propulsion. Three such systems are reviewed in the order of their feasibility of automatic control over the thrust force vector. One of these magnetic propulsion systems permits partial control and is competitive with the electromagnetic or plasma rocket orbital microthrusters. The importance of the other two promising systems is to establish the main principles of magnetic propulsion. Their development depends on progress in solid-state physics. One of them may be able to have total control over the direction and modulus of the electrodynamic thrust force vector.  相似文献   

Active development of electric thrustors began 10 years ago. Today, several kinds of thrustors have achieved efficiencies above 90 % and lifetimes of several thousand hours. The following article derives the basic theory of electric thrust production at constant exhaust velocity, and at variable exhaust velocity programmed for optimum vehicle performance. Electrothermal or arcjet; electrostatic or ion; and electrodynamic or plasma thrustors are described. At the present time, ion thrustors of the electron bombardment and of the surface ionization types are the most promising systems. Electric power in space may be generated by solar cells or nuclear-electric generators. It is expected that the incore thermionic converter will eventually be the preferred system. A variety of missions with electric propulsion systems appear feasible and highly desirable, among them orbital station keeping, attitude control, planetary probes, solar and out-of-the-ecliptic probes, deep-space probes, and manned Mars and Venus exploration. For each mission, a careful systems-design study must be made, which will provide the optimum selection of thrustor type, thrust level, exhaust velocity, thrust program, power source, trajectory, and flight plan.  相似文献   

洪延姬  李修乾  窦志国 《推进技术》2009,30(4):490-494,499
激光推进作为一种利用激光能量与工质相互作用产生推力的新概念推进技术,以其比冲高、成本低、快速机动等优点吸引了国内外学者的广泛关注,美国、日本、德国、俄罗斯等国家都掀起了激光推进研究工作的热潮。这种新概念推进技术在微小卫星的近地轨道发射和卫星姿轨控等领域有着广阔的应用前景。总结了近年来国外在激光推进领域的主要研究计划,讨论了国外研究计划的进展情况及发展趋势。对激光推进研究工作具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

王永胜  王占学  张蒙正  张建东 《推进技术》2009,30(3):257-262,301
为了研究利用火箭作为引射器的引射式火箭冲压发动机的性能及内部流动机理,建立了一维总体性能计算模型,对火箭冲压组合发动机的性能参数进行了数值计算;此外,又基于CFD技术,对火箭冲压组合发动机的内部流场进行了数值仿真。总体性能计算结果表明,引射式火箭冲压发动机可以产生推力增益和提高比冲;流场计算结果表明,火箭主流与二次空气流在引射掺混过程中参数匹配是合理的。由此可见,所建立的计算模型是正确合理的,采用火箭发动机和亚燃冲压发动机的组合方式是可行的。  相似文献   

激光水推进的机理研究及参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王彬  唐志平  蔡建  胡晓军 《推进技术》2007,28(5):586-589
为了研究双层结构靶的激光水推进过程中各阶段能量转移和转化的物理机制,将一个激光脉冲推进过程划分为四个阶段,并针对双层结构靶的特点,提出了"爆炸-连续爆炸推进模型",利用该模型定性解释了实验结果。实验显示,激光水推进得到的冲量耦合系数比其它推进模式高一到两个数量级。定义了金属粒子与水分子单次碰撞的能量传递率κ为表征推进效率的一个参量,计算不同的金属基底材料对应的κ值:A l为96%,Fe为73.6%,Cu为68.8%,该结果与实验得到的Cm值变化趋势一致。通过对模型的分析,得出选择原子量与水分子量接近的金属,可以得到更好的推进效果;并存在一个与基底材料和激光参数对应的水层最优厚度。  相似文献   

为在高超声速飞行器设计初期快速地获得推力和推力矩,以满足控制相关分析和建模需要.提出一种推进系统建模方法,基于激波/膨胀波相交理论来建模与机身耦合的进气道模型;用有摩擦变截面加热管来描述双模态燃烧室;将内喷管建模成一维变截面摩擦管,采用动量定理估算推力,并通过曲线拟合得到推力的解析表达式.与CFD计算结果相比,该模型计算得到双模态冲压发动机入口气流马赫数和温度误差小于5%,压强误差小于10%;计算得到的推力随马赫数、燃油当量比和迎角的增大而增加,随高度增加而减小,单个状态平均计算时间小于0.5s.计算结果表明:该建模方法满足面向控制建模的效率和精度需求,有助于此类飞行器设计初期的动力学和控制相关的分析和设计.   相似文献   

Aircraft cause contrails when flying in an atmosphere colder than a threshold temperature which depends on the overall efficiency η of propulsion of the aircraft/engine combination. Higher η causes contrails at higher ambient temperatures and over a larger range of flight altitudes. The ratio of temperature increase relative to moisture increase in engine plumes is lower for engines with higher η . Thermodynamic arguments are given for this fact and measurements and observations are reported which support the validity of the given criterion. The measurements include contrail observations for identified aircraft flying at ambient temperature and humidity conditions measured with high precision in-situ instruments, measurements of the temperature and humidity increases in an aircraft exhaust plume, and an observation of contrail formation behind two different four-engine jet aircraft with different engines flying wing by wing. The observations show that an altitude range exists in which the aircraft with high efficiency causes contrails while the other aircraft with lower efficiency causes none. Aircraft with more efficient propulsion cause contrails more frequently. The climatic impact depends on the relative importance of increased contrail frequency and reduced carbon dioxide emissions for increased efficiency, and on other parameters, and has not yet been quantified.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of spacecraft electric propulsion thrusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a clear current trend towards the replacement of small chemical thrusters used for spacecraft control by electric propulsion thrusters. These thrusters use a variety of mechanisms to convert electrical power into thrust and, in general, provide superior specific impulse in comparison to chemical systems. Electric propulsion has been under development for the last 40 yr, and almost all thrusters are designed based on experience and experimentation. The present article considers the progress made in numerical simulation of electric propulsion thrusters. Due to the wide range of such devices, attention is restricted to electric propulsion thruster types that are presently in use by orbiting spacecraft. The physical regimes created in these thrusters indicate that a variety of numerical methods is required for accurate numerical simulation ranging from continuum formulations to kinetic approaches. Successes of numerical simulation models are demonstrated through specific examples. It is concluded that numerical simulations can be expected to play a more prominent role in the design and evolution of future electric propulsion thrusters.  相似文献   

This paper presents a gaskinetic study on high-speed, highly rarefied jets expanding into a vacuum from a cluster of planar or annular exits. Based on the corresponding exact expressions for a planar or annular jet, it is convenient to derive the combined multiple jet flowfield solutions of density and velocity components. For the combined temperature and pressure solutions, extra attention is needed. Several direct simulation Monte Carlo simulation results are provided to validate these analytical solutions. The analytical and numerical solutions are essentially identical for these high Knudsen number jet flows.  相似文献   

火箭冲压组合循环推进系统掺混参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火箭冲压组合循环(RBCC)推进系统工作过程中,来自冲压管道的空气和火箭发动机的排气流进行混合,混合气体通过一个扩压器,在扩压器中与燃料混合并燃烧。本文基于CFD技术,研究了基准掺混段内的掺混过程,N-S方程的计算结果显示,在掺混段出口,截面气流并不均匀,这将会影响整个RBCC推进系统的性能。在此基础上,本文还研究了掺混段长度和掺混段出口静压对掺混性能的影响。  相似文献   

透射式水工质的高耦合效率激光推进模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高激光推进的耦合效率,防止光学器件污染,提出了透射式液体工质的激光推进模式。在这种推进模式中,Nd:YAG固体激光器中产生的450 mJ,7 ns激光穿过透明的玻璃基底后,与燃烧室中的液体推进剂相互作用,产生的等离子体在玻璃基底、燃烧室和液体推进剂的约束下膨胀,产生很高效率的动量转换,使靶获得初速度。纯水和黑墨水分别被用作推进剂,通过比较实验结果发现,在这种模式中墨水比水更适合做推进剂。通过改变燃烧室的长度和孔径,得到的耦合系数的最大值为17 858.3 N/MW。  相似文献   

It is suggested that, based upon current research, there exist several possibilities for future propulsion techniques. Some of the most promising research deals with antimatter and its usefulness in energy production. The potential of antimatter as an efficient and renewable energy source is discussed. The design of an antimatter propulsion system is described  相似文献   

微型扑翼飞行器推力特性试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过进行微型扑翼飞行器低速风洞试验,研究了扑动翼展弦比、刚度和弯度对其推力特性的影响.制作了展弦比为2,4.和7以及带弯度与不带弯度的矩形扑动翼,并对三种不同刚度大小的矩形扑动翼进行了结构变形分析;试验风速变化范围从4 m/s到10 m/s,扑动频率从4 Hz到8 Hz.风洞试验结果表明适当的增大扑动翼展弦比或减小扑动翼刚度有助于提高扑翼飞行器的推进效率;而扑动翼翼型弯度的增加不利于推力特性的提高.   相似文献   

烧蚀模式激光推进的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
蔡建  胡晓军  唐志平 《推进技术》2008,29(3):371-376
采用CO2激光器和固体推进剂对三种构形的抛物型激光推力器模型进行了烧蚀模式下的单脉冲、多脉冲连续推进的对比实验,单脉冲实验获得的最高冲量耦合系数达到2.7×10-4N/W,对多脉冲连续推进时的冲量耦合系数有较大幅度的下降进行了分析,尝试采用PVDF薄膜传感器,测量了推力器内壁的瞬态压强,并采用热像仪对推力器的外壁温升进行了连续记录,为进一步研究激光能量转化为推力的机理以及热力冲击的影响提供了直接的数据。  相似文献   

电推进技术的应用与发展趋势   总被引:15,自引:19,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
扼要介绍了电推进技术的发展历史,概述了不同形式(电热、电磁和静电三大类)电推力器的特点及应用情况.指出了为满足不同空间任务电推进的发展趋势;并根据我国的研究状况、存在的问题和差距,提出了加快发展我国电推进技术的意见。  相似文献   

平流层飞艇动力推进系统的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对平流层飞艇螺旋桨与直流无刷(DC)电动机匹配问题,建立了直流无刷电动机模型和螺旋桨模型;结合匹配设计和直流无刷电动机转速控制,在Simulink中设计了螺旋桨与直流无刷电动机控制系统仿真模型,研究飞艇在0~10m/s巡航速度下动力推进系统控制响应问题;采用图形用户界面(GUI)编写螺旋桨与直流无刷电动机匹配界面,开发了一种螺旋桨与直流无刷电动机匹配软件;得到了飞艇在0~10m/s巡航速度下,螺旋桨工作转速为535~1071r/min,动力推进系统工作效率为0.558~0.593时推进系统匹配设计的工作曲线,为高空螺旋桨与电动机的匹配设计提供了参考依据.   相似文献   

超轻型电动飞机电动力系统的参数匹配   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
结合某型超轻型电动飞机的设计参数,阐述了电动力系统的布局、系统参数匹配的原则和步骤.提出了电动力系统参数匹配和性能验证的方法.从动力性、经济性、系统质量的角度验证了该系统的可行性.参考飞机的最大平飞速度为175.5km/h,大于设计要求的最大平飞速度170km/h,满足动力性能要求.电动力系统的运行费用为6.8元/h,是相近功率活塞发动机运行费用的1/8.与3种电动飞机相比,参考机型的功质比仍比较高,达0.0842kW/kg,为可接受值.   相似文献   

李翀  窦志国  李修乾 《推进技术》2007,28(5):471-474
在激光推进的研究中,工质的选择在很大程度上影响着推进性能参数,因此有必要对各种工质进行实验或仿真研究。由于工质种类繁多,导致研究人员的实验和统计工作相当繁重。利用SQL-server系统,建立了激光推进工质性能数据库,使其具有归纳、分类和对比等功能。使用结果表明,数据库可以协助研究人员进行工质选择、推力器设计以及跟踪调研等,帮助相关领域研究人员在宏观上对工质性能有更好的了解。  相似文献   

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