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研究伍尔夫颠覆传统传记的"戏仿"实验。在《爱犬弗拉狮传》中选择一条宠物狗作为传主,运用娴熟的操纵视角手法,以"戏仿"的方式,颠覆文坛沿袭的维多利亚传记传统。这种高超的叙事技巧证明伍尔夫不仅是一个艺术的讲故事者,还是一个才华横溢的维多利亚传记传统的反叛者。  相似文献   

A demonstration program is described: Weapons System Open Architecture (WSOA) - funded jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), DARPA, and the Open Systems Joint Task Force (OSJTF). WSOA provides an open systems "bridge" between legacy embedded mission systems and off-board C3I sources and systems. This "bridge" is used to support Internet-like connectivity between command and attack nodes. The foundation of this bridge is the creation of a Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) layer over Link 16. In addition, application of quality of service techniques and resource management technologies will ensure the timely exchange and processing of mission critical information by both attack and command nodes in even the most time-sensitive situations.  相似文献   

通过深入研究高职数学课程目标,以"够用为度",提出构建与高职"工学结合"人才培养模式相适应的、具有高职特色的新型数学课程体系。采用与"工学单元紧配合"人才培养模式相匹配的模块式结构,通过三个模块———公共数学模块、扩展模块、数学实验,整合教学内容,实现高职教育"针对不同的专业开设不同的数学课程"的教育目标。  相似文献   

Researchers recently tested the use of robots working alongside astronauts during extravehicular activities. The test was conducted at NASA-Johnson by the Automation, Robotics, and Simulation Division in the center's Engineering Directorate. The "Robonauts" are designed to manipulate tools and perform functions that require dexterity that is difficult for astronauts to achieve in space suits.  相似文献   

苏华  陈国定 《航空学报》2007,28(6):1506-1512
 为了获得高性能的指尖密封结构型式,根据指尖密封的结构组成特点,提出了“定制”型线和“广义”型线概念下的指尖密封结构优化策略,以及反映指尖密封基本组成特征和具有“单元叠加”功能的最小优化单元。通过采用统一优化法和分步优化法对两类指尖密封结构的多目标优化问题进行了优化分析,研究结果表明,“定制”型线指尖密封结构优化和 “广义”型线指尖密封结构优化的策略和方法,可以达到同步降低指尖密封迟滞率和综合刚度的多目标优化目标,是获得具有良好综合性能的指尖密封结构的有效途径。从工程意义上讲,“广义”型线指尖密封结构优化技术更具选择指尖密封性能优化取向和程度的优势。  相似文献   

小信号谐振放大器是高频电子线路课程的基本单元电路之一,主要应用在通信系统的接收机电路中,高频放大和中频放大是信号传输电路中的核心部分。掌握小信号谐振放大器的分析方法,对电子信息类、通信工程类专业学生的学习及工作是非常关键的。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了“空中列车”系统的研究与设计,即采用一艘动力艇牵引几艘拖艇的多艇串联的方法,对飞艇的总体和局部进行了研究与设计。  相似文献   

"中间地带"理论和"三个世界"划分理论,是毛泽东关于不同历史时期国际政治格局的基本战略思想。"中间地带"理论是"三个世界"划分理论的雏形,"三个世界"划分理论更是对"中间地带"理论的进一步发展。在世界多极化和国际关系民主化的背景下,只有采取多边主义和国际合作态度,才能取得共赢的结果。  相似文献   

《蝇王》是当代英国著名小说家威廉.戈尔丁的第一部小说。戈尔丁以象征手法和寓言为主要叙述技巧来表现“人心的黑暗”这一主题。主要从背景、人物以及实物这3个方面分析象征主义手法在《蝇王》中的运用,正是通过这种无处不在的象征,戈尔丁向人们揭示出社会的一切弊端无不是由人的邪恶本性造成,并希望现代人能认识自己的本性,有意识地抑制本性中的黑暗面,起到了警世的作用。  相似文献   

An astronaut reviews crew escape systems used in the NASA Shuttle Program and explores options for upgrading crew safety on future Shuttle missions.  相似文献   

The "electric airplane" environmental control system (ECS) design drivers is discussed for an electric airplane from two aspects. The first aspect considered is the type of aircraft. The three examples selected are the 150-passenger commercial airline transport, the military on-station electronic-surveillance patrol aircraft, and the air-defense interceptor fighter. These vehicle examples illustrate the effect of both mission and mission profile on the design requirements of the ECS and the differences that the requirements make on the resulting advantages and disadvantages of electrification. For the commercial transport, the selection of the air source for ventilation will be featured. For the patrol aircraft, the cooling unit will be evaluated. For the fighter, emphasis will be placed on the need for systems integration. The second and more important consideration is the definition of the environmental control system requirements for both energy supply and heat sink thermal management integration from the power plant (engine) that make an electric ECS viable for each type of vehicle.  相似文献   


世界最高泳池考验你的勇气如果你是个追求刺激和激情的人,那么,这个夏天,你还可以奔赴新加坡,去那里感受一下世界最高泳池的魅力。新加坡"滨海湾金沙旅游城"之所以被称为世界最高泳池,是因为它就架设在55层高的"空中花园",在这里你可以泡在水中俯瞰整个新加坡闹市区的风景。设计师别出心裁地通过一座"空中花园"将酒店的三幢大楼连在一起,这座船型公园的长度据称还超过了埃菲尔铁塔放倒后的长度,而设在55层楼顶的世界最  相似文献   


<正>"月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合,此事古难全",生活中每个人都会有这样那样诸多的遗憾,不可能十全十美的,就看我们怎么对待遗憾了。有的人沉溺在遗憾的痛苦中患得患失不能自拔,有的人却能正视他的存在,用平常之心去对待遗憾,就不会为一些事情耿耿于怀了,也不会因为理想未能实现而一蹶不振了。苏东坡的"鲈鱼无骨海棠香",这是作者的幽默,生活中鲈鱼味道鲜美却  相似文献   

Explored here is the feasibility of a new attitude control approach for satellites in high altitude elliptic orbits, in order to compensate for the effect of longitudinal periodic drift relative to the ground station. A simple attitude control technique using tethers has been proposed for achieving the fixed apparent satellite orientation with respect to the ground segment of the space mission. Combining the proposed feedback tether length control law with the analytically developed open-loop control policy results in a significant improvement of the controller performance. To illustrate implementation of the proposed concept, the particular case of 24 h elliptic orbits has been considered. A high degree of satellite pointing along the drifting line-of-sight made possible even with modest tether lengths makes the concept particularly attractive.  相似文献   

湘鄂渝黔边界区域具有独特的地域文化资源与迷人的自然生态资源,且处在中国地理版图的心脏部位,故称之为“中国绿心”。整合该区域游憩文化资源,构建跨区域的游憩核心区,提升核心竞争力,有利于培育以奇特自然生态体验、社会传统民俗欣赏与诗意栖居生活享受等为主要内容的中国游憩第一区。其路径选择在于:制定新绿色战略,打造绿色品牌,保育绿色生态,发展绿色产业集群,营建绿色城镇,弘扬绿色文化,启动绿色机制。  相似文献   

The operation of active matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCDs), the preferred flat-panel displays for avionic and aerospace applications, is explained. An 8-in.×8-in. full-color AMLCD designed for a military aircraft is described, as well as the principles of the p-i-n diode switch on which its design is based. The performance characteristics of the display are examined  相似文献   

长期以来,我国航空工业存在着工程研制和形成批量生产周期长的问题,其中一个重要因素是先进制造技术的工程化水平低,批量生产转换能力较差。国防基础科研项目为成飞(集团)公司按照工程化、平台化的发展思路,开发和研究飞机结构件基于PDM的CAD/CAPP/CAM/CAQ集成应用技术提供了平  相似文献   

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