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8月18日,民航局空管局党委召开空管系统第二批学习实践科学发展观活动总结视频大会,空管局全体局领导均出席了会议。会议由民航局空管局局长苏兰根主持,党委书记周毅洲作重要讲话。今年‘3月12日以来,空管系统700多个基层党组织、1万余名党员按照中央、民航局党组和空管局党委的统一部署,紧紧围绕“夯实安全基础,推进一体化建设,实现空管系统又好又快发展”这个主题,密切联系空管安全运行和各单位的实际,集中参加了学习调研、分析检查、整改落实三个阶段六个主要环节的第二批学习实践科学发展观活动。空管系统各级党委对活动高度重视,加强领导,严密组织,及时指导,狠抓落实,  相似文献   

民航空管系统700多个基层党组织、1万余名党员按照中央和民航局党组的统一部署,从今年3月12日至8月18目的5个多月里.紧紧围绕“夯实安全基础.推进一体化建设,实现空管系统又好又快发展”这个主题,密切联系空管安全运行实际.集中参加了学习调研、分析检查、整改落实三个阶段的第二批学习实践科学发展观活动。党员干部静心学习、深入调研、找准问题、切实整改.  相似文献   

“阿克苏空管站在学习实践科学发展观活动中,组织保障好,活动开展好。宣传氛围好,实际效果好!”这是8月14日民航局空管局学习实践科学发展观第三督导组组长李苏亚在阿克苏空管站听完站领导班子汇报和现场调研后,对站上开展学习实践活动的总体评价。  相似文献   

6月18日至29日,由全国民航团委、全国民航青联主办、民航局空管局团委承办、华东空管局、江西空管分局协办的“青春·安全·使命”——民航青年学习实践“持续安全”理念辩论赛在北京圆满落幕。民航局李家祥局长为本次辩论赛题词:“持续安全、落实责任、青年先锋”。  相似文献   

安全发展是科学发展题中应有之义。坚持安全发展,是民航业实现科学发展的必然要求,也是实现科学发展的基础和重要前提。就空管而言,没有空管安全的持续发展,就谈不上空管的科学发展。李家祥局长日前提出“树立持续安全理念”是民航学习实践科学发展观的重要思想和理念,充分体现了以安全发展体现科学发展,保证科学发展的重要思路。  相似文献   

10月6日,民航局空管局深入学习实践科学发展观活动动员大会在空管局会议室隆重召开,标志着空管局深入学习实践科学发展观活动正式启动。民航局学习实践活动指导检查组组长、民航局办公厅副主任黄子兴参加了动员大会并做重要讲话,民航局政策法规司陈卫副处长、全国民航工会关威同志到会指导。民航局空管局局长苏兰根主持了大会,民航局空管局党委书记、空管局学习实践活动领导小组组长周毅洲做了动员讲话。局机关全体人员及在京所属单位领导班子成员参加了动员大会。动员会后,民航局指导检查组听取了空管局学习实践活动领导小组的工作汇报。  相似文献   

民航局空管局 9月3日,民航局空管局党委在青岛召开空管系统第二批学习实践活动指导检查经验交流会,研讨开展学习实践活动的启示与体会,并研究部署下一阶段工作。  相似文献   

空管一体化改革后,空中交通管理明确为民航局承担的五大行政职能之一,空管系统成为民航局直接管理的最大的安全保障系统,其地位和作用日益突出。要为民航事业的大发展、实现民航强国的奋斗目标提供安全顺畅、优质服务的空中交通管理平台,就必须摒弃传统的思想观念和管理模式,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,切实把空管系统的发展转移到科学发展的轨道上来,促进空管事业全面协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

民航局空管局 11月4日,为进一步推动学习实践科学发展观活动的深入开展,提高领导干部对科学发展观的思想认识和实践能力,空管局党委举办了学习实践科学发展观专题讲座,局机关全体人员、在京直属单位副处级以上领导干部100余人参加了学习。  相似文献   

为进一步推动学习实践科学发展观活动的深入开展,空管局党委举办了学习实践科学发展观专题讲座,局机关全体人员、在京直属单位副处级以上领导干部100余人参加了学习。  相似文献   

Several studies have been performed in Europe aiming to promote the full development of a small launch vehicle to put into orbit one ton class spacecrafts. But during the last ten years, the european workforce was mainly oriented towards the qualification of the heavy class ARIANE 5 launch vehicle.Then, due also to lack of visibility on this reduced segment of market, when comparing with the geosatcom market, no proposal was sufficiently attractive to get from the potentially interrested authorities a clear go-ahead, i.e. a financial committment.

The situation is now rapidly evolving. Several european states, among them ITALY and FRANCE, are now convinced of the necessity of the availability of such a transportation system, an important argument to promote small missions, using small satellites. Application market will be mainly scientific experiments and earth observation; some telecommunications applications may be also envisaged such as placement of little LEO constellation satellites, or replacement after failure of big LEO constellation satellites.

FIAT AVIO and AEROSPATIALE have proposed to their national agencies the development of such a small launch vehicle, named VEGA.

The paper presents the story of the industrial proposal, and the present status of the project: Mission spectrum, technical definition, launch service and performance, target development plan and target recurring costs, as well as the industrial organisation for development, procurement, marketing and operations.  相似文献   

一、充分了解天气背景和发展趋势(一)降雪前首都机场天气背景从2010年3月12日05时(UTC)时开始,首都机场一直维持东南风,风向在110°~140°之间,风速在3~5米/秒之间。同时,云量也在逐步增加,云层不断下沉增厚,到了13日的19:40时以后,首都机场已经是漫天层积云,云底高1200米,且相对湿度也在明显上升。由于云层的夜间保温效应,降雪前,本场地面气温较前几日明显偏高(在2℃以上)。  相似文献   

The Advanced Stellar Compass (ASC) is a second generation star tracker, consisting of a CCD camera and its associated microcomputer. The ASC operates by matching the star images acquired by the camera with its internal star catalogs. An initial attitude acquisition (solving the lost in space problem) is performed, and successively, the attitude of the camera is calculated in celestial coordinates by averaging the position of a large number of star observations for each image. Key parameters of the ASC for the Ørsted satellite and Astrid II satellite versions are: mass as low as 900 g, power consumption as low as 5.5W, relative attitude angle errors less than 1.4 arcseconds in declination, and 13 arcseconds in roll, RMS, as measured at the Mauna Kea, HI observatories of the University of Hawaii in June 1996.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of solar events on August 18, 1995 (SN/C1.9 limb event) and September 23, 1998 (3B/M6.9 disk event) we suggest a new scenario of a solar flare with a surge in which the return motion of a surge is a cause of additional energy release and formation of a second system of solar flare ribbons. Observations in Hα line and data on X-ray emission fluxes in the range 1–8 Å and 0.5–4 Å are supplemented for the second case by the data in line 1550 Å. The scenario specifies two stages of development. During the first one the energy release proceeds in the current layer, which makes provisions both for acceleration of eruption upward from the solar surface and for the flare itself, including flare region heating, and radiation and thermal conductance losses. The second stage of the flare is supplied with energy due to a fall of the surge substance onto the chromosphere. The second pair of flare ribbons observed at this stage is suggested as a chromospheric criterion of realization of this scenario for disk flares. The energy released during the first stage of the flare on September 23, 1998 was equal to ~3 · 1031 erg. Its part consumed on flare processes is about ~0.5 · 1031 erg. The remaining part representing the eruption energy is consistent in order of magnitude with a calculated value of the flare energy on the second stage, which does not contradict the suggested scenario. Early recognition of such a scenario for flares on the disk can be used for prompt space weather forecast. In particular, a flare with a surge allows one to predict the absence of a bright core in a coronal mass ejection.  相似文献   

贴装优化问题直接关系到表面贴装工艺的效率。本文以JUKI.2010/2020贴片机为试验平台,根据该机型结构及贴装过程,把贴装优化问题的描述为最小权重匹配问题(MWMP)以及非对称旅行商(TSP)问题,构建了一种新的优化模型:把时间优化转化为距离优化,并应用启发式算法进行软件编程。通过生产企业的6块PCB板的对比实验,证明了该数学模型和算法是合理的。  相似文献   

贴装优化问题直接关系到表面贴装工艺的效率。本文以JUKI-2010/2020贴片机为试验平台,根据该机型结构及贴装过程,把贴装优化问题的描述为最小权重匹配问题(MWMP)以及非对称旅行商(TSP)问题,构建了一种新的优化模型:把时间优化转化为距离优化,并应用启发式算法进行软件编程。通过生产企业的6块PCB板的对比实验,证明了该数学模型和算法是合理的。  相似文献   

NORA(Not Only Radar)是一项为JAS 39 GRIPEN飞机提供下一代微波探测器系统的计划。该系统将具备利用微波的多功能,比如雷达、被动辐射的搜寻、通讯和射频干扰。该计划有多个阶段,其中NORAⅢ是初始研究阶段和项目确定阶段后的验证阶段。 NORA计划将验证采用AESA的雷达作为战斗机雷达的潜力、保证能力和技术支持,并为JAS 39 GRIPEN飞机的下一代雷达提出选择方案。该验证机选择有源天线的准则为:空军和工业界共同关注的国际合作、成本、时间和计划的成功。Raytheon公司被选为验证机的AESA供货商。其他的子系统已在瑞典国内研制。  相似文献   

星载微波散射计是目前唯一能够同时全天候、全天时、高精度、高分辨率和短周期测量海洋表面风场矢量的有源微波遥感器,这一能力已在美国Seasat-1[1]、欧空局ERS-1/2[1]、日本ADEOS-1/2[1]、中国HY-2等卫星装载的微波散射计上得到了充分的证明。双波段、扇形波束圆锥扫描星载微波散射计是一种具有国际先进水平的星载微波散射计,具有测风范围大、测量精度高的优点。文章简要分析了该微波散射计的工作原理、总体方案设计、关键技术、及初步性能评估等。  相似文献   

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