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Light is necessary for photosynthesis and shoot orientation in the space plant growth facilities. Light modules (LM) must provide sufficient photosynthetic photon flux for optimal efficiency of photosynthetic processes and also meet the constraints for power, volume and mass. A new LM for Svet space greenhouse using Cree® XLamp® 7090 XR light-emitting diodes (LEDs) was developed. Monochromic LEDs emitting in the red, green, and blue regions of the spectrum were used. The LED-LM contains 36 LED spots – 30 LED spots with one red, green and blue LED and 6 LED spots with three red LEDs. Digital Multiplex Control Unit controls the LED spots and can set 231 levels of light intensity thus achieving Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) in the range 0–400 μmol m−2 s−1 and different percentages of the red, green and blue light, depending on the experimental objectives. Two one-month experiments with plants – lettuce and radicchio were carried out at 400 μmol m−2 s−1 PPFD (high light – HL) and 220 μmol m−2 s−1 PPFD (low light – LL) and 70% red, 20% green and 10% blue light composition. To evaluate the efficiency of photosynthesis, in vivo modulated chlorophyll fluorescence was measured by Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometer on leaf discs and the following parameters: effective quantum yield of Photosystem II (ΦPSII) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were calculated. Both lettuce and radicchio plants grown at LL express higher photochemical activity of Photosystem II (PSII) than HL grown plants, evaluated by ΦPSII. Accelerated rise in NPQ in both LL grown plants was observed, while steady state NPQ values were higher in LL grown lettuce plants and did not differ in LL and HL grown radicchio plants. The extent of photoinhibition process in both plants was evaluated by changes in malonedialdehyde (MDA) concentration, peroxidase (POX) activity and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content. Accumulation of high levels of MDA and increased POX activity correlating with decreased H2O2 content were observed in both HL grown plants. These biochemical indicators revealed higher sensitivity to photodamage in HL grown lettuce and radicchio plants. LL conditions resulted in more effective functioning of PSII than HL when lettuce and radicchio plants were grown at 70% red, 20% green and 10% blue light composition.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the characteristics of an operations system that can support fast cultivation of algae at high densities in the weightlessness of space. The experiment was conducted in glass bioreactor tanks, in which light was supplied by radiator rods connected to optical fiber cables. The illumination areas of the tanks were 2600 cm2, 6000 cm2, and 9200 cm2 per liter of solution. The characteristics of O2-CO2 gas exchange, concentration and separation of chlorella in the growth medium, dialysis of ionic salts in the growth medium, etc. were examined. Chloralla ellipsoidea was used in the experiment, yielding the following results: (1) By increasing the ratio of illumination area to volume, growth rates of up to approximately 0.6 g/L h could be obtained in a highly concentrated solution (one that contains 20 g/L or more of algae). (2) The most suitable proportions of carbon dioxide and oxygen gases for growing algae quickly at high concentrations were found to be 10% CO2 and 10% O2 (by volume). (3) There was a high optimum concentration for fast cultivation, and the data obtained resembled the theoretical curve postulated by P. Behrens et al. (4) It was possible to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen using gas-permeable membrane modules. (5) It was possible to separate the chlorella from the growth medium and recycle the medium.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of gravity on growing plants, we conducted ground based long-term experiments with dwarf wheat, cultivar Apogee and Chinese cabbage, cultivar Khibinskaya. The test crops had been grown in overhead position with HPS lamp below root module so gravity and light intensity gradients had been in opposite direction. Plants of the control crop grew in normal position under the same lamp. Both crops were grown on porous metallic membranes with stable -1 kPa matric potential on their surface. Results from these and other studies allowed us to examine the differences in growth and development of the plants as well as the root systems in relation to the value of the gravity force influence. Dry weight of the roots from test group was decreased in 2.5 times for wheat and in 6 times - at the Chinese cabbage, but shoot dry biomass was practically same for both test and control versions. A harvest index of the test plants increased substantially. The data shows, that development of the plants was essentially changed in microgravity. The experiments in the space greenhouse Svet aboard the Mir space station proved that it is possible to compensate the effects of weightlessness on higher plants by manipulating gradients of environmental parameters (i.e. photon flux, matric potential in the root zone, etc.). However, the average productivity of Svet concerning salad crops even in ground studies did not provide more than 14 g fresh biomass per day. This does not provide a sufficient level of supplemental nutrients to the crew of the ISS. A cylindrical design of a space plant growth chamber (SPGC) allows for maximal productivity in presence of very tight energy and volume limitations onboard the ISS and provides a number of operational advantages. Productivity from this type of SPGF with a 0.5 kW energy utilization when salad growing would provide approximately 100 g of edible biomass per day, which would almost satisfy requirements for a crew of two in vitamin C and carotene and partly vitamin B group as well as rough fiber.  相似文献   

The paper describes operation of 'SVET' space greenhouse onboard the 'MIR' orbital station since 15 June 1990 and the adopted biotechnological principles. The microprocessor and measuring systems for monitoring and control of the environmental parameters in the Plants growth chamber are presented. Information about the dynamic of these parameters in the course of the first space experiments with vegetables, obtained by means of telemetric data processing, is given. A draft program for the development of next generations of greenhouses of the same type as 'SVET', but with a larger area and capabilities, is worked out.  相似文献   

The time course of gravicurvature of 3-day-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Apogee) coleoptiles and 7-day-old wheat stems were studied in darkness and under red and red-blue light illumination after declination from the vertical at various angles. The experiments showed that the shortest gravitropic curvature corresponded to 30° initial angle of gravistimulation (IAG). The time course became longer as the IAG increased and with plant age. The effects of unilateral red (660 nm) and red-blue light (660 nm; 470 nm) at photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 30 μmol m−2 s−1 on the curvature of 3-day-old coleoptiles were evaluated. Red light did not produce phototropic bending of wheat coleoptiles in contrast with red-blue light. The analysis of experimental data showed that the curvature in response to a gravitropic stimulus or to combined gravity-light stimuli were not statistically different. Time course of gravitropic curvature were used to determine the acceptable crop rotation rate around the horizontal axis. Approximation of stem bending to a linear dynamic system described by a first-order aperiodic element with a lag allowed the determination of the dependence of the amplitude of apex oscillations on the rate of horizontal rotation under 1-g conditions. The calculated lowest minimal rotation rate (MRR) minimizing the gravitropic effects on wheat was about 1 revolution per hour (rph). Rotating the plant growth chamber (PGC) at a rate of more than MRR eliminated the effect of gravitropic curvature.  相似文献   

Human exposure to ionizing radiation is one of the acknowledged potential showstoppers for long duration manned interplanetary missions. Human exploratory missions cannot be safely performed without a substantial reduction of the uncertainties associated with different space radiation health risks, and the development of effective countermeasures. Most of our knowledge of the biological effects of heavy charged particles comes from accelerator-based experiments. During the 35th COSPAR meeting, recent ground-based experiments with high-energy iron ions were discussed, and these results are briefly summarised in this paper. High quality accelerator-based research with heavy ions will continue to be the main source of knowledge of space radiation health effects and will lead to reductions of the uncertainties in predictions of human health risks. Efforts in materials science, nutrition and pharmaceutical sciences and their rigorous evaluation with biological model systems in ground-based accelerator experiments will lead to the development of safe and effective countermeasures to permit human exploration of the Solar System.  相似文献   

Deep space environments for human exploration.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mission scenarios outside the Earth's protective magnetic shield are being studied. Included are high usage assets in the near-Earth environment for casual trips, for research, and for commercial/operational platforms, in which career exposures will be multi-mission determined over the astronaut's lifetime. The operational platforms will serve as launching points for deep space exploration missions, characterized by a single long-duration mission during the astronaut's career. The exploration beyond these operational platforms will include missions to planets, asteroids, and planetary satellites. The interplanetary environment is evaluated using convective diffusion theory. Local environments for each celestial body are modeled by using results from the most recent targeted spacecraft, and integrated into the design environments. Design scenarios are then evaluated for these missions. The underlying assumptions in arriving at the model environments and their impact on mission exposures within various shield materials will be discussed.  相似文献   

为了系统性地研究质子交换膜燃料电池电源子系统的输出特性与电堆压力、电堆温度之间的关系,首先建立电堆的数学模型,在Matlab/Simulink中进行仿真,研究输入与输出的关系;其次针对航天应用设计相匹配的燃料电池变换器(FCDR),将其与电堆的输出端接在一起进行仿真,研究电堆的输入对FCDR的输出特性的影响,当负载发生变化时,检验FCDR对维持母线电压稳定输出的能力;最后对电堆和电堆系统的仿真进行试验测试,证明仿真的正确性,从而对空间燃料电池电源系统有更深一步的认识,为整个电源系统的设计打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Satellites provide two important characteristics to earth climate studies not available from other, conventional sources: (1) full global coverage, and (2) consistency within the data set. This latter arises from the fact that the satellite data are usually derived from one instrument (or at least from a small number) whereas other sources involve large numbers of separate instruments and hence exhibit a substantial standard deviation. Satellite data, of course, are more subject to bias and must therefore be carefully validated, usually via ground truth.The ISCCP and ISLSCP are examples of the increasing reliance on satellite data for climate studies. In addition to the multispectral images, quantitative products of importance are: (1) atmospheric temperature structure, (2) snow cover, (3) precipitation, (4) vegetation index, (5) maximum/minimum temperature, (6) insolation, and (7) earth radiation balance. The U.S. civil space program is presently committed to its current geostationary (GOES) and polar (NOAA) programs through this decade and to continue both programs into the next decade with spacecraft carrying improved and augmented instrumentation. GOES VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) data, presently in research status and available only for special observation periods, will become available operationally in 1987 from the current spacecraft series. GOES-Next will provide additional spectral channels, simultaneous imaging, atmospheric soundings, and possibly increased resolution starting in 1990. The NOAA follow-on spacecraft, in the same time frame, is expected to provide additional spectral channels, improved passive microwave radiometry, and possibly increased spatial resolution. The Landsat program is expected to be continued by a commercial operator following the useful life of Landsat-5. All three follow-on programs are presently at various stages of definition and procurement. Final definition may not be completed until late in 1984. However, their status as of the time of this presentation will be reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

There are obvious risks in space travel that have loomed larger than any risk from radiation. Nevertheless, NASA has maintained a radiation program that has involved maintenance of records of radiation exposure, and planning so that the astronauts' exposures are kept as low as possible, and not just within the current guidelines. These guidelines are being reexamined currently by NCRP Committee 75 because new information is available, for example, risk estimates for radiation-induced cancer and about the effects of HZE particles. Furthermore, no estimates of risk or recommendations were made for women in 1970 and must now be considered. The current career limit is 400 rem to the blood forming organs. The appropriateness of this limit and its basis are being examined as well as the limits for specific organs. There is now considerably more information about age-dependency for radiation effects and this will be taken into account. In 1973 a committee of the National Research Council made a separate study of HZE particle effects and it was concluded that the attendant risks did not pose a hazard for low inclination near-earth orbit missions. Since that time work has been carried out on the so-called microlesions caused by HZE particles and on the relative carcinogenic effect of heavy ions, including iron. A remaining question is whether the fluence of HZE particles could reach levels of concern in missions under consideration. Finally, it is the intention of the committee to indicate clearly the areas requiring further research.  相似文献   

The study of space factors on living systems has great interest and long-term experiments during orbital flight will be important tool for increasing our knowledge. Realization of such experiments is limited by constraints of modern space stations. A new technology of large-size space laboratory for biological experiments has been developed on the basis of polymerization techniques. Using this technique there are no limits of form and size of laboratory for a space station that will permit long term experiments on Earth orbit with plants and animals in sufficient volume for creation of closed self-regulating ecological systems. The technology is based on experiments of the behavior of polymer materials in simulated free space conditions during the reaction of polymerization. The influences of space vacuum, sharp temperature changes and space plasma generated by galactic rays and Sun irradiation on chemical reaction were evaluated in their impact on liquid organic materials in laboratory conditions. The results of our study shows, that the chemical reaction is sensitive to such space factors. But we believe that the technology of polymerization could be used for the creation of space biological laboratories in Earth orbit in the near future.  相似文献   

When humans move out into the solar system to stay for long durations, the most immediate challenge will be the provision of a life-supporting environment in locations that are naturally devoid of food, air, and water. Life support systems must provide these commodities in all phases of space flight--during intravehicular activity (IVA) and during extra-vehicle activity (EVA). Systems that support human life must provide: overall reliability in the space environment, allowing maintenance and component replacement in space; reduced resupply mass of consumables and spares; for planetary surfaces, the ability to utilize local resources for increased self sufficiency; and the minimized mass power and volume requirements necessary for all space flight systems. This paper will discuss the melding of these technical requirements in such a way as to meet the human needs of space flight.  相似文献   

The uniqueness of the space radiation field creates specific problems in the evaluation of hazards to men and materials. Comprehensive measurements of all physical parameters are necessary but not sufficient. Particular attention has to be paid to variables like solar flares by applying fast-responding active dosimetry. The assessment of biological consequences poses even more problems. There are no human data for the kinds of particles seen in space and they will presumably never be available. The only reasonable approach is therefore to use the information obtained for other radiations and check their applicability for the space situation. This involves both the study of fundamental processes in ground experiments as well as their verification in space missions. Special emphasis has to be laid on the modification of radiation effects by flight-dynamic factors and microgravity. Radiation protection guidelines for space flights cannot simply be transformed from existent regulations designed for radiation workers on earth but have to be tailored to the specific situation in space.  相似文献   

Instrumentation for plant health and growth in space.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present-day plant growth facilities ("greenhouses") for space should be equipped with monitors and controllers of ambient parameters within the chamber because spacecraft environmental variations can be unfavorable to plants. Moreover, little is known about the effects of spaceflight on the greenhouse and rooting media. Lack of information about spaceflight effects on plants necessitates supplying space greenhouses with automatic, non-invasive monitors of, e.g., gas exchange rate, water and nutrient ion uptake, plant mass, temperature and water content of leaves. However, introduction of an environmental or plant sensor into the monitoring system may be reasonable only if it is justified by quantitative evaluation of the influence of a measured parameter on productivity, efficacy of illumination, or some other index of greenhouse efficiency. The multivariate adaptive optimization in terrestrial phytotrons appears to be one of the best methods to assess environmental impacts on crops. Two modifications of greenhouses with the three-dimensional adaptive optimization of crop photosynthetic characteristics include: (1) irradiation, air temperature and carbon dioxide using a modified simplex algorithm; and (2) using irradiation, air temperature, and humidity with sensitivity algorithms with varying frequency of test exposures that have been experimentally developed. As a result, during some stages of plant ontogensis, the photosynthetic productivity of wheat, tomatoes, and Chinese cabbage in these systems was found to increase by a factor of 2-3.  相似文献   

The genetic risks associated with manned space flight are judged to be of little significance to the general population. The risks may be significant to the irradiated individual, particularly if one focuses attention on the incidence of dominant and chromosomal mutations that are expressed in the first generation offspring. Even so, the risk is not increased to a great extent by the low linear energy transfer (LET) component of the space radiations. It is the presumed high LET component, neutrons especially, that would make the major contribution to the risk, because the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for this component, relative to low dose-rate photon irradiation, are between 10 and 40, depending upon the particular genetic effect and dose-rate comparison. The appropriate RBE value would probably be 20 or greater, so that even small neutron doses become magnified in their contribution. Under the assumed condition of protracted exposure to 8 rads of low LET radiation and 2 rads of high LET radiation, or from 48 to 88 rem, the individual's risk of transmitting a new dominant mutation that will be expressed in his immediate offspring is estimated to increase by at least 4% and as much as about 40%. The HZE-particle component is not expected to make a significant contribution to the total risk.  相似文献   

By the turn of this century, long-duration space missions, either in low Earth orbit or for got early planetary missions, will become commonplace. From the physiological standpoint, exposure to the weightless environment results in changes in body function, some of which are adaptive in nature and some of which can be life threatening. Important issues such as environmental health, radiation protection, physical deconditioning, and bone and muscle loss are of concern to life scientists and mission designers. Physical conditioning techniques such as exercise are not sufficient to protect future space travellers. A review of past experience with piloted missions has shown that gradual breakdown in bone and muscle tissue, together with fluid losses, despite a vigorous exercise regimen can ultimately lead to increased evidence of renal stones, musculoskeletal injuries, and bone fractures. Biological effects of radiation can, over long periods of time increase the risk of cancer development. Today, a vigorous program of study on the means to provide a complex exercise regimen to the antigravity muscles and skeleton is under study. Additional evaluation of artificial gravity as a mechanism to counteract bone and muscle deconditioning and cardiovascular asthenia is under study. New radiation methods are being developed. This paper will deal with the results of these studies.  相似文献   

The FLUKA Monte Carlo transport code is widely used for fundamental research, radioprotection and dosimetry, hybrid nuclear energy system and cosmic ray calculations. The validity of its physical models has been benchmarked against a variety of experimental data over a wide range of energies, ranging from accelerator data to cosmic ray showers in the earth atmosphere. The code is presently undergoing several developments in order to better fit the needs of space applications. The generation of particle spectra according to up-to-date cosmic ray data as well as the effect of the solar and geomagnetic modulation have been implemented and already successfully applied to a variety of problems. The implementation of suitable models for heavy ion nuclear interactions has reached an operational stage. At medium/high energy FLUKA is using the DPMJET model. The major task of incorporating heavy ion interactions from a few GeV/n down to the threshold for inelastic collisions is also progressing and promising results have been obtained using a modified version of the RQMD-2.4 code. This interim solution is now fully operational, while waiting for the development of new models based on the FLUKA hadron-nucleus interaction code, a newly developed QMD code, and the implementation of the Boltzmann master equation theory for low energy ion interactions.  相似文献   

The earth's magnetic field acts as a shield against charged particle radiation from interplanetary space, technically described as the geomagnetic cutoff. The cutoff rigidity problem (except for the dipole special case) has "no solution in closed form". The dipole case yields the Stormer equation which has been repeatedly applied to the earth in hopes of providing useful approximations of cutoff rigidities. Unfortunately the earth's magnetic field has significant deviations from dipole geometry, and the Stormer cutoffs are not adequate for most applications. By application of massive digital computer power it is possible to determine realistic geomagnetic cutoffs derived from high order simulation of the geomagnetic field. Using this technique, "world-grids" of directional cutoffs for the earth's surface and for a limited number of satellite altitudes have been derived. However, this approach is so expensive and time consuming it is impractical for most spacecraft orbits, and approximations must be used. The world grids of cutoff rigidities are extensively used as lookup tables, normalization points and interpolation aids to estimate the effective geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of a specific location in space. We review the various options for estimating the cutoff rigidity for earth-orbiting satellites.  相似文献   

Extremely detailed computerized anatomical male (CAM) and female (CAF) models that have been developed for use in space radiation analyses are discussed and reviewed. Recognizing that the level of detail may currently be inadequate for certain radiological applications, one of the purposes of this paper is to elicit specific model improvements or requirements from the scientific user-community. Methods and rationale are presented which describe the approach used in the Space Shuttle program to extrapolate dosimetry measurements (skin doses) to realistic astronaut body organ doses. Several mission scenarios are presented which demonstrate the utility of the anatomical models for obtaining specific body organ exposure estimates and can be used for establishing cancer morbidity and mortality risk assessments. These exposure estimates are based on the trapped Van Allen belt and galactic cosmic radiation environment models and data from the major historical solar particle events.  相似文献   

In a planetarium, the visitor is sitting on Earth and looking into an imaginary space. The Planetarium Inversum is the opposite: visitors are sitting in a space station, looking down on Mother Earth. It is a scientifically-based information show with visitors involvement, its elements being partially virtual (Earth in space has to be projected with highest possible resolution) but also containing real structures, such as the visitors' Earth observatory with adjacent biological systems (plant cultures and other ecological life support components). Its main message concerns the limits and the vulnerability of our home planet, its uniqueness, beauty and above all, its irreplaceableness: Earth does not have an emergency exit. The Earth observatory is part of a ring shaped, rotating space station of the type designed by Wernher von Braun decades ago. Visitors are told that gravity is being substituted by centrifugal force. Both types of life support systems are being demonstrated--self regenerative life based ones and technical ones as a backup (solar electric splitting of water and chemical absorption of respiratory CO2).  相似文献   

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