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3月21日。电音、美酒、劲歌、热舞……顶级潮流元素极致混搭。轩尼诗VSOP"炫音之乐"全球音乐派对上海站昂扬首发,一场视听盛宴拉开帷幕。来自马来西亚、中国、中国香港、中国台湾、欧洲、美国等各个领域的潮流高手和流行艺人,将各种潮流元素与音乐巧妙混搭,创造出前所未有的风尚体验,为时尚达人们构建出一个  相似文献   

<正>春天里的音乐节五月,辰山草地广播音乐节、上海草莓音乐节、上海滴水湖春浪音乐节、浓情静安爵士春天音乐节、MYTH"妙"电音节等轮番轰炸魔都。无论你喜欢流行、小众、爵士或是EDM,都能找到自己喜欢的音乐。德国当代艺术家Tobias Rehberger"眩晕迷彩"装置艺术空间在Tobias天马行空的艺术创作下,店铺空间如同一块画布,渲染着艺术家的"眩晕迷彩"这种"眩目"的图案灵感源于一战时期英国海军运用的军事伪装战术。这种战术将战舰涂装上特殊的图案,使  相似文献   

"芝华士音乐体验——顶级DJ中国之行”11月4日起在上海、北京、成都、重庆、深圳、广州和杭州等7个城市全面展开,声名显赫、名列“世界十大DJ”的顶级DJSasha,JohnDigweed和DeepDish的精彩演出让广大电音拥趸们淋漓酣畅地体验了电音的激情魅力,掀起了DJ音乐的完美风暴。不少乐迷对一年前来华演出的S a s h a并不陌生,作为英国ProgressiveHouse和Trance音乐领军人的Sasha,目前名列世界排名第4,被认为是DJ音乐中教父人物,才华横溢的他拥有丰富的演出经验,善于带动场内的气氛。而世界排名前6的JohnDigweed的名声也是如雷贯耳,这位身兼…  相似文献   

加拿大埃德蒙顿举行精灵南瓜节加拿大埃德蒙顿的草原公园(Prairies Gorden)10月4日起迎来了一年一度的精灵南瓜节,公园推出了13项全新的庆祝活动。公园将举行大草原玉米谜宫探险、精灵小屋探秘、  相似文献   

上海世博会将于2010年5月1日至10月31日举行。十一届全国人大二次会议开幕前夕,上海代表团于3月3日在北京推出了"全国人大代表话世博"专题活动,多位人大代表与网友就世博相关话题在线交流。全国人大代表、上海世博会事务协调局局长洪浩在活动上回答提问  相似文献   

301所举办第42届世界标准日活动2011年10月14日,301所举办第42届世界标准日庆祝活动。301所第42届世界标准日活动围绕第42届世界标准日口号"世界标准树立全球信心"进行主题发言。发言阐明了标准的重要作用,并阐述了标准化工作者的责任和使命,  相似文献   

2004年11月,全球知名的DJ领军人物Sasha在中国的巡回演出——“2004Sasha中国之旅”宣告全面展开。本次中国巡演由三场演出组成:分别为11月18日在广州白云山鸣泉居;11月19日在北京糖果俱乐部;以及11月20日在上海科技馆,DJSasha在中国三大城市相继引爆由他所带来的电音激情体验。世界著名苏格兰威士忌品牌芝华士倾力支持了此次“2004Sasha中国之旅”,将世界一流的电子舞曲巅峰体验带给中国的音乐爱好者们。对中国乐迷而言,这次Sasha中国之旅成为一次前所未有的体验:各城市的活动场地由国际搭建及效果专家团队来进行全新的设计,以确保顶级…  相似文献   

10月21日,空中客车在中国科技馆举办了场以"空客创新引领未来"为主题的中国大学生体验营活动,来自北京、南京、哈尔滨、西安等地各大院校的400名学生们参加了此次活动。空客公司工程执行副总裁、空中客车执行委员会成员向宾先生和空中客车传播战略与战略项目副总裁普航先生为学生们现场演示和讲解"空中客车的未来构想",并着重介绍了公司发起的"让创意展翅高飞"全球大学生航空创意竞赛和最新推出的空中客车"概念客舱"。  相似文献   

10月19日,承载着两个多世纪法式灵感的Veuve Clicquot凯歌香槟,带着凯歌夫人的果敢和先锋精神,在万圣节(HalIoween)前夕为中国的时尚人士带来潮爆的Yelloween派对:凯歌香槟标志性的明黄色与西方传统鬼节——万圣节将激荡碰撞,以Yelloween之名亮相,为你的岁末派对狂潮凯歌一首序曲!今次,凯歌香槟将特别设定"Dandy Vampire型男吸血鬼"的派对主题,10月28日在北京先锋酒吧D Lounge,10月29日在上海半岛酒店Sir Elly’s艾利爵士酒吧,奉上独特的派对体验。凯歌  相似文献   

<正>10月20日晚,"一汽-大众奥迪销售百万辆庆典"活动在长春举行。中国第一汽车集团公司总经理、党委副书记徐建一、奥迪公司管理董事会主席施泰德,一汽-大众汽车有限公司董事、总经理安铁成等领导出席了庆典仪式。由世界著名艺术家Gerry Judah特别为本次百万辆庆典设计的"奥迪礼赞"  相似文献   

Tornadoes represent the most dangerous and destructive of storms. This paper describes a concept for disrupting the formation of tornadoes in a thunderstorm. Beamed microwave energy from a satellite heats cold rain to affect convective forces in the storm cell. This describes a Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite (TSPS). The TSPS is based on Space Solar Power Program (SSP) concepts and technology. The concept was evaluated in a numerical simulation using the Advanced Regional Prediction System Code at the Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS). Conditions for tornado formation were affected in the simulation. Additional simulation is proposed to determine the specific areas to be heated and the intensity of directed energy to affect tornadogenesis. Benefits from taming tornadoes provide a basis for initial government investment in TSPS. The potential benefits are balanced by reservations about safety. Demonstration of technology and operations may lead to commercial investment in space solar power. We conclude that the TSPS concept merits additional analysis, numerical simulation, and demonstration testing.  相似文献   

Provided here is an overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission design. The driving mission and science requirements are presented, and the unique engineering challenges of operating in Earth’s radiation belts are discussed in detail. The implementation of both the space and ground segments are presented, including a discussion of the challenges inherent with operating multiple observatories concurrently and working with a distributed network of science operation centers. An overview of the launch vehicle and the overall mission design will be presented, and the plan for space weather data broadcast will be introduced.  相似文献   

Following the launch and commissioning of NASA’s Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) in 2012, space weather data will be generated and broadcast from the spacecraft in near real-time. The RBSP mission targets one part of the space weather chain: the very high energy electrons and ions magnetically trapped within Earth’s radiation belts. The understanding gained by RBSP will enable us to better predict the response of the radiation belts to solar storms in the future, and thereby protect space assets in the near-Earth environment. This chapter details the presently planned RBSP capabilities for generating and broadcasting near real-time space weather data, discusses the data products, the ground stations collecting the data, and the users/models that will incorporate the data into test-beds for radiation belt nowcasting and forecasting.  相似文献   

The NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission addresses how populations of high energy charged particles are created, vary, and evolve in space environments, and specifically within Earth’s magnetically trapped radiation belts. RBSP, with a nominal launch date of August 2012, comprises two spacecraft making in situ measurements for at least 2 years in nearly the same highly elliptical, low inclination orbits (1.1×5.8 RE, 10°). The orbits are slightly different so that 1 spacecraft laps the other spacecraft about every 2.5 months, allowing separation of spatial from temporal effects over spatial scales ranging from ~0.1 to 5 RE. The uniquely comprehensive suite of instruments, identical on the two spacecraft, measures all of the particle (electrons, ions, ion composition), fields (E and B), and wave distributions (d E and d B) that are needed to resolve the most critical science questions. Here we summarize the high level science objectives for the RBSP mission, provide historical background on studies of Earth and planetary radiation belts, present examples of the most compelling scientific mysteries of the radiation belts, present the mission design of the RBSP mission that targets these mysteries and objectives, present the observation and measurement requirements for the mission, and introduce the instrumentation that will deliver these measurements. This paper references and is followed by a number of companion papers that describe the details of the RBSP mission, spacecraft, and instruments.  相似文献   

Alexeev  Igor I. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):141-148
Three ways of the energy transfer in the Earth's magnetosphere are studied. The solar wind MHD generator is an unique energy source for all magnetospheric processes. Field-aligned currents directly transport the energy and momentum of the solar wind plasma to the Earth's ionosphere. The magnetospheric lobe and plasma sheet convection generated by the solar wind is another magnetospheric energy source. Plasma sheet particles and cold ionospheric polar wind ions are accelerated by convection electric field. After energetic particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere the solar wind energy is transferred into the ionosphere and atmosphere. This way of the energy transfer can include the tail lobe magnetic field energy storage connected with the increase of the tail current during the southward IMF. After that the magnetospheric substorm occurs. The model calculations of the magnetospheric energy give possibility to determine the ground state of the magnetosphere, and to calculate relative contributions of the tail current, ring current and field-aligned currents to the magnetospheric energy. The magnetospheric substorms and storms manifest that the permanent solar wind energy transfer ways are not enough for the covering of the solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere. Nonlinear explosive processes are necessary for the energy transmission into the ionosphere and atmosphere. For understanding a relation between substorm and storm it is necessary to take into account that they are the concurrent energy transferring ways. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An Engineering Radiation Monitor (ERM) has been developed as a supplementary spacecraft subsystem for NASA’s Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission. The ERM will monitor total dose and deep dielectric charging at each RBSP spacecraft in real time. Configured to take the place of spacecraft balance mass, the ERM contains an array of eight dosimeters and two buried conductive plates. The dosimeters are mounted under covers of varying shielding thickness to obtain a dose-depth curve and characterize the electron and proton contributions to total dose. A 3-min readout cadence coupled with an initial sensitivity of ~0.01 krad should enable dynamic measurements of dose rate throughout the 9-hr RBSP orbit. The dosimeters are Radiation-sensing Field Effect Transistors (RadFETs) and operate at zero bias to preserve their response even when powered off. The range of the RadFETs extends above 1000 krad to avoid saturation over the expected duration of the mission. Two large-area (~10 cm2) charge monitor plates set behind different thickness covers will measure the dynamic currents of weakly-penetrating electrons that can be potentially hazardous to sensitive electronic components within the spacecraft. The charge monitors can handle large events without saturating (~3000 fA/cm2) and provide sufficient sensitivity (~0.1 fA/cm2) to gauge quiescent conditions. High time-resolution (5 s) monitoring allows detection of rapid changes in flux and enables correlation of spacecraft anomalies with local space weather conditions. Although primarily intended as an engineering subsystem to monitor spacecraft radiation levels, real-time data from the ERM may also prove useful or interesting to a larger community.  相似文献   

The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program serves as a pipeline of activities to inspire and educate a broad audience about Heliophysics and the Sun-Earth system, specifically the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The program is comprised of a variety of formal, informal and public outreach activities that all align with the NASA Education Portfolio Strategic Framework outcomes. These include lesson plans and curriculum for use in the classroom, teacher workshops, internship opportunities, activities that target underserved populations, collaboration with science centers and NASA visitors’ centers and partnerships with experts in the Heliophysics and education disciplines. This paper will detail the activities that make up the RBSP E/PO program, their intended audiences, and an explanation as to how they align with the NASA education outcomes. Additionally, discussions on why these activities are necessary as part of a NASA mission are included. Finally, examples of how the RBSP E/PO team has carried out some of these activities will be discussed throughout.  相似文献   

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