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采用二维三分量静电粒子模拟程序研究了电子环束流对低轨道磁化等离子体中运行的航天器表面电位和等离子体鞘层结构的影响.当有电子束流平行磁场入射时,航天器表面所带负电位的绝对值将增大.电子束流的速度和密度的增加将使航天器表面负电位绝对值增加很快.与此同时等离子体鞘层的尺度也将增大,形状将由向尾部延伸的“泪滴”状变成向两侧展开的“机翼”状.当电子环束流以相对于磁场成一定角度斜入射时,由于磁场的约束作用,航天器表面负电位的绝对值将随入射角增大而减小. 相似文献
L. Habash Krause C.L. Enloe M.G. McHarg 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
Observations of ionospheric plasma density and frequency-dependent broadband plasma turbulence made during the heritage flight of the Plasma Local Anomalous Noise Experiment (PLANE) are presented. Rather than record high frequency time series data, the experiment was designed to record Power Spectral Distributions (PSDs) in five decadal frequency bins with upper limits ranging from 1.0 Hz to 10 kHz. Additionally, PLANE was designed distinguish turbulence in the ambient plasma from that local to the spacecraft. The instrument consists of two retarding potential analyzers (RPAs) connected together via a feedback loop to force one analyzer into the I–V trace retardation region at all times. Fluctuations in this measurement are believed to be ambient only as the RPA’s voltage would be too high for locally turbulent plasma to surmount the potential barrier, which is nominally at ram energy. The instrument requires pointing along the spacecraft’s ram velocity vector to make this measurement, thus requiring stabilization in pitch and yaw. During PLANE’s heritage flight, though the satellite’s attitude control system failed early in the mission, plasma data were collected during opportune times in which the instrument rotated into and out of the ram. Observations of plasma density and PSDs of high frequency plasma turbulence were recorded on several occasions. Additionally, a plasma source onboard the satellite was used to generate artificial plasma turbulence, and the PLANE data observed periodic structure presumably associated with the rotation of the spacecraft during these source firings. A brief comparison with other high frequency in situ plasma instruments is presented. 相似文献
利用THEMIS卫星观测结果,分析2008年3月13日10:40UT-12:10UT的一次中等亚暴事件在磁尾的全球演化过程.在该过程中,THEMIS的5颗卫星在午夜区附近沿x轴依次排列,离地心距离约8.7~13.2Re.亚暴触发开始后,磁场偶极化和等离子体片的膨胀依次被在磁尾不同位置的卫星观测到.等离子体尾向膨胀的平均速度约为140km·s-1.在此次亚暴事件中可观测到两种类型的偶极化.一种为偶极化锋面,其与爆发性整体流(BBF)密切相关;另一种为全球偶极化,其与等离子体片的膨胀密切相关.亚暴触发开始约7min后,THEMIS卫星在低中高纬都可以观测到Pi2脉动的发生,且Pi2脉动的振幅随着纬度的升高逐渐变大.此次亚暴事件中的离子整体流速度主要是由离子电漂移速度引起的,测得的电场为局地磁通量变化导致的感应电场. 相似文献
采用电流密度卷积FDTD算法(JEC-FDTD)计算了等离子体天线的散射特性, 分析了等离子体天线处于工作状态时等离子体参数(密度、碰撞频率)及天线外部约束腔体对天线雷达散射截面(RCS)的影响. 数值结果表明, 等离子体天线的RCS会随等离子体密度的减小及碰撞频率的增大而减小. 而约束腔体只有在高频段时才会对等离子体天线的RCS值产生较大的影响. 因此, 在不影响天线性能的情况下, 可以根据信号频率调节等离子体参数、选取合适的腔体材料以达到增强等离子体天线隐身性能的目的. 相似文献