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大气电场强度是大气电学的重要参数.大气电场的准确测量及其时空特性对研究空间天气活动、气象活动以及大型地质活动具有重要意义.2019年8月26日和28日,中国科学院鸿鹄专项团队在青海省海西蒙古自治州大柴旦镇地区放飞搭载模式电场仪的探空气球,测量了不同高度的大气电场强度.利用互相关函数法和主成分分析法研究了此次气球实验得到的电场数据.结果表明,尽管通常情况下决定大气垂直电场大小的主要因素是高度,但是该地区风场对大气电场强度的影响也比较显著.晴天大气条件下,有无薄云的存在对大气电场测量存在一定影响,有云条件下,风速会通过影响云的形成间接影响到大气电场.此外,柴达木盆地存在一个易受下垫面影响的大气电场边界层,分析表明这个边界层厚度在3km以上.对边界层大气电场变化以及晴天无云时3600m以上的大气电场分布进行了分析和拟合.   相似文献   

大气电场与雷暴活动、气候变化、大气污染、太阳活动密切相关,在特殊地形上探测大气电场的高度分布对于大气电学的相关研究具有重要意义。2020年9月12日,中国科学院鸿鹄专项团队将大气电场仪搭载在探空气球上,在青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州大柴旦地区进行了大气电场高度分布的探测实验。本文分析讨论了此次实验中用到的电场仪、实验过程及实验结果。大气电场曲线中间凸起的部分对应电场仪穿过带电云层,因此将其分为三段并分别进行拟合。探测实验及分析结果表明:在不同高度处大气电场的主要影响因素不同,其分布规律会存在差异。此外,带电云会使大气电场强度整体增大,但云层中大气电场的高度分布仍能较好地符合指数变化规律。   相似文献   

雷暴期间宇宙线次级粒子强度变化与大气电场的关联研究,对分析大气电场加速宇宙线次级带电粒子的机制具有重要意义.采用Monte Carlo方法,模拟研究了雷暴电场对宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的影响.结果显示,在强度为1000V·cm~(-1)的雷暴电场中,高海拔处电子数目呈指数增长,在大气深度约300g·cm~(-2)处达到极大值,与以往研究提出的相对论电子逃逸雪崩机制相符.模拟结果表明,在地面宇宙线观测实验中,要想得到明显的观测效应,雷暴电场距离探测面的高度应600 m,电场厚度应达到约2000 m.模拟结果为分析雷暴电场与地面宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的关联性提供了重要参考,为进一步模拟研究雷暴期间高山地面宇宙线强度的变化提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

雷暴期间大气电场强度变化及其伴随的宇宙线粒子增长的研究, 对于理解大气电场对宇宙线次级粒子的加速机制具有极其重要的意义. 2006年4月至 8月期间, 西藏羊八井宇宙线观测站记录到了20多次雷暴事件. 分析了雷暴期间, ARGO实验scaler模式下次级宇宙线计数与大气电场之间的相关性. 结果显示, 雷暴期间大气电场剧烈变化时, 多重数n=1, 2的次级宇宙线计数率有明显增长, 增幅在1%~9%之间, 然而n=3, n≥ 4的次级宇宙线计数率增长不明显, 甚至没有增长. 该结果为进一步研究雷暴期间大气电场对次级宇宙线的加速机制打下了基础.   相似文献   

本文在已知电离层电位分布下, 解析地计算了大气电位, 电场和电流强度的全球分布.结果表明, 在大气导电率随高度呈指数增加的情况下, 100km高度上的电离层电位, 几乎无衰减地扫到25km以下.大气电场较强的区域主要在20km以下的低层大气区, 其垂直分量比水平分量大4个数量级.而中高层大气电场较弱, 且两分量量级相当.本文还提出了一种考虑地面形状对大气电场影响的解析方法.   相似文献   

由于太阳紫外、X射线和太阳风粒子作用,近月表形成尘埃等离子体环境,而月表陨坑地形使得这种尘埃等离子体环境更为复杂.本文以位于嫦娥四号着陆区的织女陨坑为研究对象,基于高程数据构造了该陨坑的三维模型.根据太阳-月球关系和陨坑地理坐标信息,计算了陨坑白天任意时刻的有效太阳辐照度分布,探讨了不同时刻陨坑内外的光照面积占比,得到陨坑随地方时而发生的遮蔽效应特征.同时,基于月表充电方程计算了织女陨坑在不同地方时条件下的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度和电场强度分布,发现陨坑自身遮蔽效应对坑内电场环境影响十分明显.以坑底中心为例,讨论了地方时和纬度对类织女陨坑的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度及电场强度的影响,结果表明三者变化特征均以正午时刻及赤道为界呈对称分布,越接近12:00LT或者越接近赤道,坑底中心的平衡表面电势和电场强度越高,德拜鞘高度越低.   相似文献   

场磨式电场传感器常被用来测量特高压直流(HVDC)输电线路下地面合成电场强度.传统对其标定的方法存在标定装置体积较大、户外标定移动不方便的缺点.针对此问题研究了一种应用于特高压直流输电线路下地面合成电场测量的电场传感器便携式缩尺标定装置.基于有限元方法建立了传感器的三维电场模型,基于该模型对便携式标定装置的尺寸、结构等关键参数做出了模拟分析,在此基础上进行了便携式标定装置的结构参数的优化设计.将便携式缩尺标定装置与标准的标定装置进行了实验比较.仿真及实验结果表明该标定装置能够方便、准确地对场磨式电场传感器进行标定.   相似文献   

利用子午工程5个大气电场观测站点近10年的近地面晴天大气电场观测数据,在年变化、季节变化、日变化三种不同时间尺度上进行了对比分析。结果表明:不同纬度站点的日平均晴天大气电场峰谷类型不同,且部分站点的波峰出现了逐年左移或右移的趋势;在电场幅值变化方面,位于中低纬度地区的站点呈现出逐年减小的变化特征,而位于中高纬度的站点呈现出逐年增加的变化趋势,且这种年变化均是线性的;多元回归分析表明,最大波峰出现时间与地理经度呈负相关,而与地理纬度呈正相关;各站点在近10年中均未出现明显的纬度效应;冬季的晴天大气电场日平均值水平较高,夏季较低,且各季节的日平均晴天大气电场最小值及最大值均近似呈正态分布;最小值及最大值在年度和季节两个时间尺度上的变化规律是基本一致的。这些研究结果揭示了晴天大气电场在不同时间尺度上的变化特征。   相似文献   

晴天大气电场是一个区域大气电场变化的基准场,是大气电场特性的研究基础。对于具有不同地质条件、地理环境和地形特点的区域,晴天大气电场特征具有明显区别。利用在西藏阿里地震台(80.12°E,32.51°N)安装的一台场磨式大气电场仪于2021年10月10日至2021年11月10日观测到的数据,通过对大气电场数据建模与分析,结合气象条件,得到西藏阿里地区23天晴天条件下的平均卡耐基曲线。经过平滑处理去除仪器噪声的波动,得到西藏阿里地区的晴天条件下的标准卡耐基曲线,进而与北京市昌平区十三陵观测台站(116.23°E,40.25°N)同期的晴天大气电场特征进行对比,并对其电场特性差异和原因进行了讨论。研究结果对分析高原地区晴天大气电场特征具有重要的参考价值和科学意义。   相似文献   

大气电场反映了地球近地表大气对气象活动、太阳活动与地质活动的综合响应。实现大气电场与气象参数及地磁活动指数等参数的综合测量,对雷电活动、地质灾害和磁暴活动等的研究具有重要意义。 设计开发了一种大气电场综合观测设备,能够同时测量包含温度、相对湿度、风速和大气电场等多个参数,在大气电场探测原理的基础上给出了大气电场综合观测设备的详细设计和电场标定过程。 通过对该设备在北京市十三陵台站实测数据的分析,与中国科学院国家空间科学中心FAMEMS-DF02电场仪以及中国气象网发布的气象数据进行对比,结果表明各气象参数99%的时刻对应误差不超过±10%,平均误差不超过±3%,而电场数据的平均误差为±0.166 kV·m–1。   相似文献   

With decreasing of cosmic ray (CR) intensity caused by increasing of solar activity (SA) or in some short periods of Forbush-decreases, the intensity of secondary CR relativistic electrons decreases and the probability of formation of thunderstorm clouds and discharges between clouds or between clouds and ground is also expected to decrease. This will influence on weather and climate. In this case is very important to have more detail information on the atmospheric electric field distribution in the atmosphere, additional to information what gave now electric field sensors (EFS) only in about one point near the ground. We show that CR not only influenced on atmospheric electric field phenomenon, but can give practically continuous information on the atmospheric electric field distribution in the atmosphere. We extend our theory of CR atmospheric electric field effect on electron–photon, muon and neutron component including different multiplicities. We take into account that about 0.07 of neutron monitor counting rate caused by negative soft muons captured by lead nucleons and formed mesoatoms with generation of several MeV energy neutrons from lead. In this case the neutron monitor or neutron super-monitor works as analyzer that detects muons of only one, negative sign. It is very important because the atmospheric electric field effect have opposite signs for positive and negative muons that main part of this effect in the muon telescope or in ionization chamber is compensated and we can observe only small part of total effect of one sign muons. On the basis of our general theory of CR atmospheric electric field effects with taking into account of negative soft muon acceleration and deceleration in the Earth atmosphere (in dependence of direction and intensity of electric field) we discuss the possibility of existing this effect in CR neutron monitor counting rate and in different multiplicities and calculate the expected effects in dependence of atmospheric electric field distribution in the atmosphere. We show that the comparison of observed effects with theoretically expected will give important information on the value of atmospheric electric field and its distribution in the atmosphere. We consider also the possible influence of secondary relativistic electrons of CR and relativistic electrons precipitated from the Earth’s radiation belts on thunderstorms and lightnings, and through this – on climate change.  相似文献   

High-energy electron precipitation in the high latitude regions enhances the ionization of the atmosphere, and subsequently increases the atmospheric conductivities and the vertical electric field of the atmosphere near the ground as well. The High-Energy Electron Flux (HEEF) data measured by the Fengyun-3 meteorological satellite are analyzed together with the data of near-surface atmospheric vertical electric field measured at the Russian Vostok Station. Three HEEF enhancements are identified and it is shown that when the HEEF increases to a certain level, the local atmospheric vertical electric field near the ground can increase substantially than usual. The response time of the electric field to HEEF enhancement is about 3.7 to 4 days.   相似文献   

This paper presents the method for calculation of DC electric field in the atmosphere and the ionosphere generated by model distribution of external electric current in the lower atmosphere. Appearance of such current is associated with enhancement of seismic activity that is accompanied by emanation of soil gases into the atmosphere. These gases transfer positive and negative charged aerosols. Atmospheric convection of charged aerosols forms external electric current, which works as a source of conductivity current in the atmosphere–ionosphere electric circuit. It is shown that DC electric field generated in the ionosphere by this current reaches up to 10 mV/m, while the long-term vertical electric field disturbances excited near the Earth surface do not exceed 100 V/m. Such limitation of the near-ground field is caused by the formation of potential barrier for charged particles at the Earth surface in a process of their transport from soil to atmosphere.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed for calculating the vertical distribution of atmospheric electric potential in exchange layer of maritime clean atmosphere. The transport of space charge in electrode layer acts as a convective generator in this model and plays a major role in determining potential distribution in vertical. Eddy diffusion is the main mechanism responsible for the distribution of space charge in vertical. Our results show that potential at a particular level increases with increase in the strength of eddy diffusion under similar conditions. A method is suggested to estimate columnar resistance, the ionospheric potential and the vertical atmospheric electric potential distribution in exchange layer from measurements of total air-earth current density and surface electric field made over oceans. The results are validated and found to be in very good agreement with the previous aircraft measurements. Different parameters involved in the proposed methodology can be determined either theoretically, as in the present work, or experimentally using the near surface atmospheric electrical measurements or using some other surface-based measurement technique such as LIDAR. A graphical relationship between the atmospheric eddy diffusion coefficient and height of exchange layer obtained from atmospheric electrical approach, is reported.  相似文献   

通过电过程的耦合是太阳对气象耦合影响的机制之一,本文扼要地综述了迄今为止人们对近地环境内电流和电场的观测结果以及在此基础上所建立的经验和理论模式;给出了在平均状况下和太阳活动下近地环境电性能的总概貌,重点在靠近地球表面的低层、中层大气区域;着重介绍了该区域内的大气电性能及其受太阳活动的调制.   相似文献   

Earth based Bioregenerative Life Supporting Systems (BLSS) are subject to 4 main physical factors: gravity, light, temperature and electrical environment. The first 3 are obvious to everyone, the Electrical Environment (EE) is not under the majority of prevailing conditions perceived directly by our senses. The EE is one of the important physical factors directly influencing some plants and in a less obvious way also the majority of plants. There are only two long range forces in nature: the electromagnetic and the gravitational forces. Gravity is very much weaker than the electromagnetic forces FG/FEL=10(-38), where FG is the gravitational Force and FEL are the electromagnetic Forces. The atmospheric electric field prevails all the time over the entire Earth with a mean intensity of 130 V/m. It is therefore a potent factor which may be used by some plants exposed throughout their entire life time to the atmospheric electric field. What effect should the normal atmospheric electric field have on plants? All living plants are good electrical conductors for electrostatic fields. The plants distort the normally vertical field lines, which have to be perpendicular to the plant tissue everywhere in order to avoid the extraction of energy from the field. The meristems concentrate the field lines, thus the electrically charged nutrients are supplied to the growing parts of the plant exposed to the field. This results in electrotropism in some plants. It is very well known that plants do have adaptive capabilities as compared to animals, it is important for their survival, because they cannot run away from trouble. It is found by careful observations of the behaviour of different plants that some plants do respond to the presence of the atmospheric electric field while other plants exposed to the same environment are indifferent to the atmospheric electric field. The plants growing in the Biosphere II were shielded by the metal structure of the Biosphere II. Because these plants which do make use of the atmospheric electric field are also to be found in the Biosphere II and must be deprived of this natural atmospheric electric field and in consequence of some of their natural nutrients. I have experimental evidence that at least some plants do respond to the atmospheric electric field. This effect is the most likely cause of the oxygen depletion and of the carbon dioxide accumulation in Biosphere II. Under the micro gravity encountered in space habitats the restoration of electric fields is even more important for plant growth than it is on the Earth.  相似文献   

Geotail卫星的电场数据被用于分析近地磁尾等离子体片中电场在磁扰动(Dst<-25nT)和磁静时(Dst>-25 nT的统计分布.结果表明,伴随着地向高速离子流,在X>-16Re以内区域出现强电场(高达 5—8 mV/m).磁扰动期间强电场的幅值较磁静时大,并且出现在更靠近地球的位置.较强和较靠近地球的强电场与磁扰动时更薄的等离子体片和更接近地球的等离子体片内边界相联系.观测结果意味着磁扰动期间的亚暴可能更有效地将高能粒子注射到环电流中.这对磁暴和亚暴的关系问题的解决有重要意义.  相似文献   

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