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Evolutionary scenarios must account for Algol binaries surviving their first phase of mass transfer. The outcome of this phase is dependent upon the rapidity of the initial mass transfer, which can be estimated by calculating the radial reponse of potential progenitors to mass loss. Limits on the donor's evolutionary state, and its companion mass, can be placed on systems which would transfer mass on a thermal or dynamical timescale. Slower mass transfer rates are necessary for the successful transition to an Algol. Considering 1.5 and 5.0 M models, the former succeed in case A and Br systems, while the latter can do so only in case A systems. To evolve into an Algol binary, all systems seem to require initial mass ratios near one.  相似文献   

We discuss the origin, evolution and fate of low-mass Algols (LMA) that have components with initial masses less than 2.5 M0. The semi-major axes of orbits of pre-LMA do not exceed 20–25 R0. The rate of formation of Algol-type stars is 0.01/year. Magnetic stellar winds may be the factor that determines the evolution of LMA. Most LMA end their lives as double helium degenerate dwarfs with M1/M2 0.88 (like L870-2). Some of them even merge through angular momentum loss caused by gravitational waves.  相似文献   

We discuss the origin, evolution and fate of low-mass Algols (LMA) that have components with initial masses less than 2.5 M0. The semi-major axes of orbits of pre-LMA do not exceed 20–25 R0. The rate of formation of Algol-type stars is ~ 0.01/year. Magnetic stellar winds may be the factor that determines the evolution of LMA. Most LMA end their lives as double helium degenerate dwarfs with M1/M2 ~ 0.88 (like L870-2). Some of them even merge through angular momentum loss caused by gravitational waves.  相似文献   

We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

We discuss the common envelope phase in the evolution of binary systems. The problem of the efficiency of energy deposition into envelope ejection is treated in some detail. We describe the implications of common envelope evolution for the shaping of planetary nebulae with close binary nuclei and for double white dwarf systems, considered to be the progenitors of Type I supernovae.  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data.Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

Good-quality empirical results on 62 short-period binary stars recently summarised by Hilditch & Bell (1987) and Hilditch, King & McFarlane (1988) are discussed in terms of evolutionary paths from detached to semi-detached and contact states. These data suggest two evolutionary paths to the contact binaries — from detached systems directly into contact to form initially shallow-contact systems, and via case A mass transfer to semi-detached states, thence to contact systems. These empirical results support previous arguments based on evolutionary models and less detailed observational data. Concern is expressed about the paucity of high-quality spectroscopic data, particularly for low-mass systems displaying EB-type light curves and the resultant limitations on analyses of those light curves. Such systems provide tests of evolution into contact for the first time, or of broken-contact phases for WUMa-type binaries. The crucial importance of long-term monitoring (decades) of times of minima as indicators of mass transfer rates amongst these interacting binaries is also noted.  相似文献   

For the evolution of the secondary component of a massive close binary system, it is generally assumed that the mass accretion during core H-burning simply leads to its rejuvenation, i.e. that it evolves like a normal main sequence star with a mass corresponding to its mass after the accretion ceased. We reinvestigate this problem in the framework of a time-dependent semiconvection theory. We find that the process of adaptation of the convective core size to the new (larger) stellar mass may not be completed until core hydrogen depletion, i.e. no rejuvenation occurs. The resulting secondaries show strong differences compared to single stars of same mass.  相似文献   

Theoretical logN-logS distributions and (V/V max) tests of gamma-ray bursts in the model of coalescence of neutron star (NS+NS) and/or NS+black hole (NS+BH) binaries are calculated for a flat Universe (=1) with different values of the cosmological constant and under various assumptions about the star formation history. The observed logN-logS distribution and value of (V/V max)=0.33 for 411 bursts with knownC max/C lim from the 2d BATSE catalogue are best fitted with a model for which = 0.2 and primary star formation occurs at redshiftsz5–6.  相似文献   

随着国际月球科研站计划的快速推进,针对月球基地相关技术的研究受到了广泛关注。面向月球基地场景下不同的设备间进行自主接触式交互这一应用背景展开研究。考虑不同的设备在进行自主接触式交互时,需要准确地完成相互识别,并且规划出畅行无阻且较优的行进路线以保证往返活动顺利进行,基于Webots搭建了月球基地仿真环境进行目标检测和路径规划相关实验。以前后配备高精度RGB相机的交互设备为载体实现基于TPH-YOLOv5月球基地场景下的目标检测。此外,设计并实现了交互设备在月球基地场景下基于双向快速扩展随机树(Bidirectional RTT)的路径规划算法,以保证交互设备在月球基地环境下的相关工作顺利进行。仿真结果显示,该目标检测及路径规划算法能够实现预期功能。  相似文献   

罗棕  杜春  陈浩  彭双  李军 《航空学报》2021,42(4):524721-524721
应急观测任务规划是一个强时效性的复杂组合优化问题,必须在规定的时限内完成相应的计算。采用机器学习的方法对规划问题进行初始规划方案预测,可以有效地简化计算复杂度。为此,提出一种基于Transformer层次预测的多星应急观测任务规划方法,将多星任务规划的求解过程分解为3个步骤:首先,利用基于Transformer的任务可调度性预测模型预测待规划任务是否执行,得到预执行任务集合;然后,基于Transformer的任务分配模型对预执行任务集合分配卫星,得到初始规划方案;最后,利用基于随机爬山的约束修正算法对初始规划方案进行优化调整,得到可行规划方案。为验证所提方法的有效性,通过大量仿真实验与CPLEX优化器、标准遗传算法、长短期记忆网络等方法模型进行比较,实验结果表明所提方法计算耗时短,规划收益高,适用于多星观测任务快速规划。  相似文献   

二元外压式进气道侧板对流场影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究二元外压式进气道侧板对流场影响,采用FLUENT软件计算了有、无侧板两种方案进气道三维流场,通过对比可知安装侧板的进气道性能显著高于不安装侧板进气道性能.在此基础上,计算了有侧板进气道在来流马赫数为2.0~3.0之间的性能特性,与进气道二维流场计算结果相比,进气道三维流场中压缩气体越过侧板溢流使进气道性能下降.通过分析不同来流马赫数下溢流流动,得出了侧板溢流对进气道流场影响规律.   相似文献   

在机身等部位加装吊舱会导致飞机气动外形发生变化,为保证飞行安全,需要评估吊舱对飞机操稳特性的影响.通过CFD方法计算了某型飞机在加装不同尺寸吊舱下的气动特性,在原型机基础上通过增量法建立飞机飞行动力学模型,以必要的操稳特性指标为依据,评估加装吊舱对原型机操稳特性的影响,并结合飞行品质标准及飞机使用限制,给出了吊舱尺寸界限.结果表明,加装吊舱对原型机短周期模态、螺旋模态、定常直线平飞和俯仰拉升时的操纵有一定的影响,依据影响绘制尺寸界定区域图可为飞机改装提供依据.  相似文献   

本文采用二阶精度NND格式,应用改进的二阶段化学反应模型,通过求解二维Euler方程对柱面气相散心爆轰波胞格演化过程进行了数值模拟.计算结果表明在传播过程中,空间尺度的扩张导致了散心爆轰波后气流的自然膨胀,使得多波结构的爆轰阵面呈现出显著的胞格自组织特性.根据计算结果与理论分析,本文归纳了五种胞格演化模式,分别命名为内凹波阵面会聚、波阵面扭结、褶皱波面失稳、胞格自合并和三波点滑移,并定义了各种模式的物理特征,分析了其相关的演化机制和规律.  相似文献   

以DCSB法点燃Ti Cr二元合金 ,研究该合金的燃烧行为及其燃烧产物。结果表明 :Ti (>10 % )Cr合金元素的燃烧速度较低 ,Cr含量大于 15 %的合金阻燃效果更明显 .Ti Cr合金燃烧产物表面及Ti (<10 % )Cr合金的燃烧产物与基体的界面均开裂多孔 ,不可能阻止氧向基体内扩散 ;而Ti (>10 % )Cr合金的燃烧产物与基体的界面氧化物比较致密 ,降低了燃烧速度。Ti Cr合金的燃烧产物是TiO2 、TiO和TiCrO3  相似文献   

狭缝内乙烯/氧气预混气体爆轰几何极限的实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究狭缝内爆轰波传播极限,实验得到了不同初始压力(0.004~0.04MPa)下化学恰当比的乙烯/氧气预混气体在狭缝高度为1.0~4.0mm狭缝内的爆轰性能.采用烟膜板记录爆轰波运行轨迹,高速摄影捕捉火焰面.结果表明:狭缝高度越小,爆轰极限对应的临界初始压力越高.对于近极限条件内不稳定爆轰传播模式,包括"结巴"爆轰和驰振爆轰,其对应的初始压力范围随着狭缝高度的降低而变宽.考虑初始和边界条件,将水力直径与胞格宽度之比作为合理的爆轰敏感性参数描述预混气体爆轰特性,得出在不同狭缝通道内爆轰极限范围为,即该比值在0.326~0.403之间.   相似文献   

One-dimensional hydrodynamic calculations have been done of 1E51 erg explosions in 15M stars. We have appended a steep external density gradient to the pre-supernova model of Weaver et al and find: (1) the outer shock wave decelerates throughout the pre-Sedov phase, (2) the expanding stellar envelope and the shocked interstellar material are Rayleigh-Taylor stable until the Sedov phase, and (3) steep internal density gradients are R-T unstable during the early expansion and may be the source of high velocity knots seen in Cas A.  相似文献   

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