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To improve the accuracy of the real time topside electron density profiles given by the Digisonde software a new model-assisted technique is used. This technique uses the Topside Sounder Model (TSM), which provides the plasma scale height (Hs), O+–H+ transition height (HT), and their ratio Rt = Hs/HT, derived from topside sounder data of Alouette and ISIS satellites. The Topside Sounder Model Profiler (TSMP) incorporates TSM and uses the model quantities as anchor points in construction of topside density (Ne) profiles. For any particular location, TSMP calculates topside Ne profiles by specifying the values of foF2 and hmF2. In the present version, TSMP takes the F2 peak characteristics – foF2, hmF2, and the scale height at hmF2 – from the Digisonde measurements. The paper shows results for the Digisonde stations Athens and Juliusruh. It is found that the topside scale height used in Digisonde reconstruction is less than that extracted from topside sounder profiles. Rough comparison of their bulk distributions showed that they differ by an average factor of 1.25 for locations of Athens and Juliusruh. When the Digisonde scale heights are adjusted by this factor, the reconstructed topside profiles are close to those provided by TSM. Compared with CHAMP reconstruction profiles in two cases, TSMP/Digisonde profiles show lower density between 400 and 2000 km.  相似文献   

The paper describes the technique that has been implemented to model the electron density distribution above and below the F2 peak making use of only the profiles obtained from the INTERCOSMOS-19 topside ionograms. Each single profile from the satellite height to the ionosphere peak has been fitted by a semi-Epstein layer function of the type used in the DGR model with shape factor variable with altitude. The topside above the satellite height has been extrapolated to match given values of plasmaspheric electron densities to obtain the full topside profile. The bottomside electron density has been calculated by using the maximum electron density and its altitude estimated from the topside ionogram as input for a modified version of the DGR derived profiler that uses model values for the foF1 and foE layers of the ionosphere. Total electron content has also been calculated. Longitudinal cross sections of vertical profiles from latitudes 50° N to 50° S latitude are shown for low and high geomagnetic activity. These cross sections indicate the equatorial anomaly effect and the changes of the shape of low latitude topside ionosphere during geomagnetic active periods. These results and the potentiality of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

The topside ionosphere scale height extracted from two empirical models are compared in the paper. The Topside Sounder Model (TSM) provides directly the scale height (HT), while the incoherent scatter radar ionospheric model (ISRIM) provides electron density profiles and its scale height (HR) is determined by the lowest gradient in the topside part of the profile. HT and HR are presented for 7 ISR locations along with their dependences on season, local time, solar flux F10.7, and geomagnetic index ap. Comparison reveals that HT values are systematically lower than respective HR values as the average offset for all 7 stations is 55 km. For the midlatitude stations Arecibo, Shigaraki, and Millstone Hill this difference is reduced to 43 km. The range of variations of HR is much larger than that of HT, as the HT range overlaps the lower part of the HR range. Dependences on ap, DoY and LT are much stronger in the ISRIM than in TSM. This results in much larger values of HR at higher ap. Diurnal amplitude of HR is much larger than that of HT, with large maximum of HR at night. The present comparison yields the conclusion that the ISR measurements provide steeper topside Ne profiles than that provided by the topside sounders.  相似文献   

The topside ionosphere parameters are studied based on the long-duration Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar (52.9N, 103.3E) measurements conducted in September 2005, June and December 2007. As a topside ionosphere parameter we chose the vertical scale height (VSH) related to the gradient of the electron density logarithm above the peak height. For morphological studies we used median electron density profiles. Besides the median behavior we also studied VSH disturbances (deviations from median values) during the magnetic storm of September 11th 2005. We compared the Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar data with the Millstone Hill and Arecibo incoherent scatter radar observations, the IRI-2007 prediction (using the two topside options) and VSH derived from the Irkutsk DPS-4 Digisonde bottomside measurements.  相似文献   

The International Reference Ionosphere model extended to the plasmasphere, IRI-Plas, presents global electron density profiles and total electron content, TECiri, up to the altitude of the GPS satellites (20,000 km). The model code is modified by input of GPS-derived total electron content, TECgps, so that the topside scale height, Hsc, is obtained minimizing in one step the difference between TECiri and TECgps observation. The topside basis scale height, Hsc, presents the distance in km above the peak height at which the peak plasma density, NmF2, decays by a factor of e (∼2.718). The ionosonde derived F2 layer peak density and height and GPS-derived TECgps data are used with IRI-Plas code during the main phase of more than 100 space weather storms for a period of 1999–2006. Data of seven stations are used for the analysis, and data from five other stations served as testing database. It is found that the topside basis scale height is growing (depressing) when the peak electron density (critical frequency foF2) and electron content are decreased (increased) compared to the median value, and vice versa. Relative variability of the scale height, rHsc, and the instantaneous Hsc are inferred analytically in a function of the instantaneous foF2, median fmF2 and median Hmsc avoiding a reference to geomagnetic indices. Results of validation suggest reliability of proposed algorithm for implementation in an operational mode.  相似文献   

The representation of the topside ionosphere (the region above the F2 peak) is critical because of the limited experimental data available. Over the years, a wide range of models have been developed in an effort to represent the behaviour and the shape of the electron density (Ne) profile of the topside ionosphere. Various studies have been centred around calculating the vertical scale height (VSH) and have included (a) obtaining VSH from Global Positioning System (GPS) derived total electron content (TEC), (b) calculating the VSH from ground-based ionosonde measurements, (c) using topside sounder vertical Ne profiles to obtain the VSH. One or a combination of the topside profilers (Chapman function, exponential function, sech-squared (Epstein) function, and/or parabolic function) is then used to reconstruct the topside Ne profile. The different approaches and the modelling techniques are discussed with a view to identifying the most adequate approach to apply to the South African region’s topside modelling efforts. The IRI-2001 topside model is evaluated based on how well it reproduces measured topside profiles over the South African region. This study is a first step in the process of developing a South African topside ionosphere model.  相似文献   

An examination of the high latitude performance of the bottomside and topside F-layer parameterizations of the NeQuick electron density model is presented using measurements from high latitude ionosonde and Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) facilities.For the bottomside, we present a comparison between modeled and measured B2Bot thickness parameter. In this comparison, it is seen that the use of the NeQuick parameterization at high latitudes results in significantly underestimated bottomside thicknesses, regularly exceeding 50%. We show that these errors can be attributed to two main issues in the NeQuick parameterization:(1) through the relationship relating foF2 and M3000F2 to the maximum derivative of F2 electron density, which is used to derive the bottomside thickness, and (2) through a fundamental inability of a constant thickness parameter, semi-Epstein shape function to fit the curvature of the high latitude F-region electron density profile.For the topside, a comparison is undertaken between the NeQuick topside thickness parameterization, using measured and CCIR-modeled ionospheric parameters, and that derived from fitting the NeQuick topside function to Incoherent Scatter Radar-measured topside electron density profiles. Through this comparison, we show that using CCIR-derived foF2 and M3000F2, used in both the NeQuick and IRI, results in significantly underestimated topside thickness during summer periods, overestimated thickness during winter periods, and an overall tendency to underestimate diurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle variability. These issues see no improvement through the use of measured foF2 and M(3000)F2 values. Such measured parameters result in a tendency for the parametrization to produce a declining trend in topside thickness with increasing solar activity, to produce damped seasonal variations, and to produce significantly overestimated topside thickness during winter periods.  相似文献   

We examine the systematic differences between topside electron density measurements recorded by different techniques over the low-middle latitude operating European station in Nicosia, Cyprus (geographical coordinates: 35.14oN, 33.2oE), (magnetic coordinates 31.86oN, 111.83 oE). These techniques include space-based in-situ data by Langmuir probes on board.European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm satellites, radio occultation measurements on board low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites from the COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission and ground-based extrapolated topside electron density profiles from manually scaled ionograms. The measurements are also compared with International Reference Ionosphere Model (IRI-2016) topside estimations and IRI-corrected NeQuick topside formulation (method proposed by Pezzopane and Pignalberi (2019)). The comparison of Swarm and COSMIC observations with digisonde and IRI estimations verifies that in the majority of cases digisonde underestimates while IRI overestimates Swarm observations but in general, IRI provides a better topside representation than the digisonde. For COSMIC and digisonde profiles matched at the F layer peak the digisonde systematically underestimates topside COSMIC electron density values and the relative difference between COSMIC and digisonde increases with altitude (above hmF2), while IRI overestimates the topside COSMIC electron density but after a certain altitude (~150 km above hmF2) this overestimation starts to decrease with altitude. The IRI-corrected NeQuick underestimates the majority of topside COSMIC electron density profiles and relative difference is lower up to approximately 100 km (above the hmF2) and then it increases. The overall performance of IRI-corrected NeQuick improves with respect to IRI and digisonde.  相似文献   

Accuracy of IRI electron density profile depends on the F2 layer peak density and height converted by empirical formulae from the critical frequency and M3000F2 factor provided by the ITU-R (former CCIR). The CCIR/ITU-R maps generated from ground-based ionosonde measurements suffer from model assumptions, in particular, over the oceans where relatively few measurements are available due to a scarcity of ground-based ionosondes. In the present study a grid-point calibration of IRI/ITU-R maps for the foF2 and hmF2 over the oceans is proposed using modeling results based on the topside true-height profiles provided by ISIS1, ISIS2, IK-19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites for the period of 1969–1987. Topside soundings results are compared with IRI and the Russian standard model of ionosphere, SMI, and grouped to provide an empirical calibration coefficient to the peak density and height generated from ITU-R maps. The grid-point calibration coefficients maps are produced in terms of the solar activity, geodetic latitude and longitude, universal time and season allowing update of IRI–ITU-R predictions of the F2 layer peak parameters.  相似文献   

Ionosonde data of a mid latitude station Novosibirsk (Geog. Lat. 54.6°N, Geog. Long. 83.2°E) has been analyzed for the years 1997–2006 that covers the major part of solar cycle 23. Our results show the presence of winter anomaly in the daytime F2 layer critical frequency during different phases of solar activity. Results also reveal a semiannual variation of foF2 with two maxima and a minimum that always appears in summer. While the first maximum is in the spring equinox, the second one is found to shift from autumn to winter with the increase of solar activity. The maximum height of F2 layer during the daytime shows variation with the solar activity. It is higher during the higher activity periods and lower during the periods of low activity. Results of ionosonde observations have been compared with those obtained from IRI-2007 model and it is found that model reproduces gross features of foF2 variation. However, the modeled hmF2 variations during equinoxes are significantly different from the ones derived using the ionosonde data. The model also underestimates the hmF2 values.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the peak height of the F2 layer, hmF2_top, is derived from the topside sounding database of 90,000 electron density profiles for a representative set of conditions provided by ISIS1, ISIS2, IK19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites for the period of 1969–1987. The model of regular hmF2 variations is produced in terms of local time, season, geomagnetic latitude, geodetic longitude and solar radio flux. No geomagnetic activity trends were discernible in the topside sounding data. The nighttime peak of hmF2_top evident for mid-latitudes disappears near the geomagnetic equator where a maximum of hmF2_top occurs at sunset hours when it can exceed 500 km at solar maximum. The hmF2 given by the IRI exceeds hmF2_top at the low solar activities. The hmF2_top, obtained by extrapolation of the first derivative of the topside profile to zero shows saturation similar to foF2 the greater the solar activity. The proposed model differs from hmF2 given by IRI based on M(3000)F2 to hmF2 conversion by empirical relationships in terms of foF2, foE and R12 with these quantities mapped globally by the ITU-R (former CCIR) from ground-based ionosonde data. The differences can be attributed to the different techniques of the peak height derivation, different epochs and different global distribution of the source data as well as the different mathematical functions involved in the maps and the model presentation.  相似文献   

The electron density profiles in the bottomside F2-layer ionosphere are described by the thickness parameter B0 and the shape parameter B1 in the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. We collected the ionospheric electron density (Ne) profiles from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) radio occultation measurements from DoY (day number of year) 194, 2006 to DoY 293, 2008 to investigate the daytime behaviors of IRI-B parameters (B0 and B1) in the equatorial regions. Our fittings confirm that the IRI bottomside profile function can well describe the averaged profiles in the bottomside ionosphere. Analysis of the equatorial electron density profile datasets provides unprecedented detail of the behaviors of B0 and B1 parameters in equatorial regions at low solar activity. The longitudinal averaged B1 has values comparable with IRI-2007 while it shows little seasonal variation. In contrast, the observed B0 presents semiannual variation with maxima in solstice months and minima in equinox months, which is not reproduced by IRI-2007. Moreover, there are complicated longitudinal variations of B0 with patterns varying with seasons. Peaks are distinct in the wave-like longitudinal structure of B0 in equinox months. An outstanding feature is that a stable peak appears around 100°E in four seasons. The significant longitudinal variation of B0 provides challenges for further improving the presentations of the bottomside ionosphere in IRI.  相似文献   

The latest version of IRI includes various options for the computation of the topside electron density profile. One of the possible choices is based on NeQuick model. Its inclusion in IRI has been made transferring all the formulations used in NeQuick model. In details, an Epstein layer function is used to describe the electron density profile and the topside shape is controlled by an empirical parameter, connected to the NeQuick F2 bottomside thickness parameter, B2bot. It is computed also in this IRI topside option in order to maintain self-consistency with its original formulation. This paper analyses the possibility of using the IRI bottomside parameters for this option and its impact on the profile and TEC. The case of experimental peak values given as input is also analysed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of the comparison of the retrieved electron density profiles of the Ionospheric Radio Occultation (IRO) experiment on board CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload), with the ground ionosonde profiles for the Polar Regions. IRO retrieved electron density profiles from CHAMP are compared with Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI) measurements at two vertical sounding stations well within the Polar Cap, Eureka (geog. 80°13′ N; 86°11′ W) and Resolute Bay (geog. 74°41′ N; 94°54′ W). We compared the ionospheric parameters such as the peak electron density of the F-layer (NmF2) and the peak height of the F-layer (hmF2) for a 3-year period, 2004–2006. CHAMP derived NmF2 shows reasonable agreement with the ionosonde retrieved NmF2 for both the stations (0.76 and 0.71 correlation coefficient, for Eureka and Resolute Bay, respectively) whereas the hmF2 agreement is not that acceptable (0.25 and 0.37 correlation coefficient, respectively). The hmF2 from vertical sounding showed less spread than the CHAMP hmF2.  相似文献   

Regular features of the polar ionosphere have been studied using its local empirical model of the electron density distribution in the bottomside ionosphere. The local empirical model was derived from the hand-scaled ionogram data recorded by DPS-4 Digisonde at Norilsk, Russia (69.4N, 88.1E; 60N GLAT, 166E GLON) for a 6-year period from December, 2002 to December, 2008. The paper describes the technique used to build the local empirical model and discusses its diurnal, seasonal, and solar activity specifications in comparison with the standard IRI-2007 climatological model for the same period of time, long-term observations from the European Incoherent Scatter UHF radar (1988–1999), and the high-latitude ionosondes data. Primary focus of the paper is behavior of the three F2 layer parameters: the F2 peak density (NmF2), the peak height (hmF2) and the bottomside thickness (B0). Special emphasis of the paper is the analysis of the winter anomaly manifestation at Norilsk and the peculiar diurnal–seasonal behavior of hmF2 under low solar activity, named as a “polar day effect”.  相似文献   

In this study, predictions of the E-CHAIM ionospheric model are compared with measurements by the incoherent scatter radars RISR at Resolute Bay, Canada, in the northern polar cap. Reasonable coverage was available for all seasons except winter for which no conclusions were drawn. It is shown that ratios of the model-to measured electron densities are close to unity in the central part of the F layer, around its peak. This is particularly evident for summer daytime. Distributions of the ratios are wider for other seasons indicating larger number of cases when the model underestimates or overestimates. E-CHAIM underestimates the electron density at ionospheric topside and bottomside by ~ 10–20 %. At the bottomside, the underestimations are strongest in summer and equinoctial nighttime. At the topside, the underestimations are strongest in autumn nighttime. Model overestimations are noticeable in the middle part of the F layer during dawn hours in autumn. Overall, the model tends to not predict highest-observed peak electron densities and the largest-observed heights of the peak.  相似文献   

The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) parameters B0 and B1 provide a representation of the thickness and shape, respectively, of the F2 layer of the bottomside ionosphere. These parameters can be derived from electron density profiles that are determined from vertical incidence ionograms. This paper aims to illustrate the variability of these parameters for a single mid latitude station and demonstrate the ability of the Neural Network (NN) modeling technique for developing a predictive model for these parameters. Grahamstown, South Africa (33.3°S, 26.5°E) was chosen as the mid latitude station used in this study and the B0 and B1 parameters for an 11 year period were determined from electron density profiles recorded at that station with a University of Massachusetts Lowell Center for Atmospheric Research (UMLCAR) Digisonde. A preliminary single station NN model was then developed using the Grahamstown data from 1996 to 2005 as a training database, and input parameters known to affect the behaviour of the F2 layer, such as day number, hour, solar and magnetic indices. An analysis of the diurnal, seasonal and solar variations of these parameters was undertaken for the years 2000, 2005 and 2006 using hourly monthly median values. Comparisons between the values derived from measured data and those predicted using the two available IRI-2001 methods (IRI tables and Gulyaeva, T. Progress in ionospheric informatics based on electron density profile analysis of ionograms. Adv. Space Res. 7(6), 39–48, 1987.) and the newly developed NN model are also shown in this paper. The preliminary NN model showed that it is feasible to use the NN technique to develop a prediction tool for the IRI thickness and shape parameters and first results from this model reveal that for the mid latitude location used in this study the NN model provides a more accurate prediction than the current IRI model options.  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal variations of F2 layer characteristics (critical frequency, peak height and bottomside thickness) over Irkutsk, Russia (52.3 N and 104.3 E) are studied by the method of running medians. The comparison with the IRI-2001 model during the decrease in solar activity in 2003–2006 revealed cases of both close agreement and systematic differences between predictions and observations. The systematic difference is not the only reason for disagreement between IRI and observations; there are also intrayear variations which are not associated with seasonal behavior. The period of observation was too short to make conclusions about solar activity dependence of the noon bottomside thickness and the modification of its diurnal behavior with decreasing solar activity.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the equatorial/low-latitude ionosphere and the transport processes during magnetic disturbed and quiet periods of a high solar activity year, 2014, in the American sector are investigated. Parameters used include vertical drift (Vz), transport term (W), NmF2, hmF2 and scale-height (H). The F2 plasma variations followed the diurnal local solar pattern, being higher at daytime. The sunset maximum and sunrise minimum peaks of hmF2 were directly opposite to the scale height (H) pattern. The plasma distribution was basically controlled by combined actions of the electrodynamic convection/thermospheric composition, which is geomagnetic activity dependent. The annual, semi-annual and winter-anomalies of the F2 parameters were higher at the dip equator in comparison with the low-latitude. The Vz pre-reversal peak magnitude coincided with hmF2 peak and the effects are more pronounced during geomagnetic disturbed conditions. The transport term pattern was similar to that of the scale height and it is suggested as a proxy parameter for quantifying low-latitude plasma irregularities and distribution of thermospheric composition.  相似文献   

We have studied the topside nighttime ionosphere of the low latitude region using data obtained from DMSP F15, ROCSAT-1, KOMPSAT-1, and GUVI on the TIMED satellite for the period of 2000–2004, during which solar activity decreased from its maximum. As these satellites operated at different altitudes, we were able to discriminate altitude dependence of several key ionospheric parameters on the level of solar activity. For example, with intensifying solar activity, electron density was seen to increase more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes, implying that the corresponding scale height also increased. The density increased without saturation at all observed altitudes when plotted against solar EUV flux instead of F10.7. The results of the present study, as compared with those of previous studies for lower altitudes, indicate that topside vertical scale height increases with altitude and that, when solar activity increases, topside vertical scale height increases more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes. Temperature also increased more rapidly at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes as solar activity increased. In addition, the height of the F2 peak was seen to increase with increasing solar activity, along with the oxygen ion fraction measured above the F2 peak. These results confirm that the topside ionosphere rises and expands with increasing solar activity.  相似文献   

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