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We describe a new version of the Parameterized Regional Ionospheric Model (PARIM) which has been modified to include the longitudinal dependences. This model has been reconstructed using multidimensional Fourier series. To validate PARIM results, the South America maps of critical frequencies for the E (foE) and F (foF2) regions were compared with the values calculated by Sheffield Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) and IRI representations. PARIM presents very good results, the general characteristics of both regions, mainly the presence of the equatorial ionization anomaly, were well reproduced for equinoctial conditions of solar minimum and maximum. The values of foF2 and hmF2 recorded over Jicamarca (12°S; 77°W; dip lat. 1°N; mag. declination 0.3°) and sites of the conjugate point equatorial experiment (COPEX) campaign Boa Vista (2.8°N; 60.7°W; dip lat. 11.4°; mag. declination −13.1°), Cachimbo (9.5°S; 54.8°W; dip lat. −1.8°; mag. declination −15.5°), and Campo Grande (20.4°S; 54.6°W; dip lat. −11.1°; mag. declination −14.0°) have been used in this work. foF2 calculated by PARIM show good agreement with the observations, except during morning over Boa Vista and midnight-morning over Campo Grande. Some discrepancies were also found for the F-region peak height (hmF2) near the geomagnetic equator during times of F3 layer occurrences. IRI has underestimated both foF2 and hmF2 over equatorial and low latitude sectors during evening-nighttimes, except for Jicamarca where foF2 values were overestimated.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the numerical calculations thermosphere/ionosphere parameters which were executed with using of the Global Self-consistent Model of the Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP)and comparison of these results with empirically-based model IRI-2001. Model GSM TIP was developed in West Department of IZMIRAN and solves self-consistently the time-dependent, 3-D coupled equations of the momentum, energy and continuity for neutral particles (O2, N2, O), ions (O+, H+), molecular ions (M+) and electrons and largescale eletric field of the dynamo and magnetospheric origin in the range of height from 80 km to 15 Earth’s radii. The empirically derived IRI model describes the E and F regions of the ionosphere in terms of location, time, solar activity and season. Its output provides a global specification not only of Ne but also on the ion and electron temperatures and the ion composition. These two models represent a unique set of capabilities that reflect major differences in along with a substantial approaches of the first-principles model and global database model for the mapping ionosphere parameters. We focus on global distribution of the Ne, Ti, Te and TEC for the one moment UT and fixed altitudes: 110 km, hmF2, 300 km and 1000 km. The calculations were executed with using of GSM TIP and IRI models for August 1999, moderate solar activity and quiet geomagnetic conditions. Results present as the global differences between the IRI and GSM TIP models predictions. The discrepancies between model results are discussed.  相似文献   

The temporal and seasonal variations of Total Electron Content (TEC) are studied at Agra (Geographic Lat. 27.17°N, Long. 78.89°E, Dip: 41.4°), India, which is in the equatorial anomaly region, for a period of 12 months from 01 January to 31 December, 2007 using a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The mean TEC values show a minimum at 0500 h LT (LT = UT + 5.5 h) and a peak value at about 1400 h LT. The lowest TEC values are observed in winter whereas largest values are observed in equinox and summer. Anomalous variations are found during the period of magnetic disturbances. These results are compared with the TEC derived from IRI-2007 using three different options of topside electron density, NeQuick, IRI01-corr, and IRI-2001. A good agreement is found between the TEC obtained at Agra and those derived from IRI models.  相似文献   

Monthly median values of foF2, hmF2 and M(3000)F2 parameters, with hourly time interval resolution for the diurnal variation, obtained with DPS-4 digisonde observations at Hainan (19.4°N, 109.0°E) are used to study the low latitude ionospheric variation behavior. The observational results are compared with the International Reference Ionospheric Model (IRI) predictions. The time period coverage of the data used for the present study is from March 2002 to February 2005. Our present study showed that: (1) In general, IRI predictions using CCIR and URSI coefficients follow well the diurnal and seasonal variation patterns of the experimental values of foF2. However, CCIR foF2 and URSI foF2 IRI predictions systematically underestimate the observed results during most time period of the day, with the percentage difference ΔfoF2 (%) values changing between about −5% and −25%, whereas for a few hours around pre-sunrise, the IRI predictions generally overestimate the observational ones with ΔfoF2 (%) sometimes reaching as large as ∼30%. The agreement between the IRI results and the observational ones is better for the year 2002 than for the other years. The best agreement between the IRI results and the observational ones is obtained in summer when using URSI coefficients, with the seasonal average values of ΔfoF2 (%) being within the limits of ±10%. (2) In general, the IRI predicted hmF2 values using CCIR M(3000)F2 option shows a poor agreement with the observational results. However, when using the measured M(3000)F2 as input, the diurnal variation pattern of hmF2 given by IRI2001 has a much better agreement with the observational one with the detailed fine structures including the pre-sunrise and post-sunset peaks reproduced reasonably well. The agreement between the IRI predicted hmF2 values using CCIR M(30,000)F2 option and the observational ones is worst for the afternoon to post-midnight hours for the high solar activity year 2002. During daytime hours the agreement between the hmF2 values obtained with CCIR M(30,000)F2 option and the observational ones is best for summer season. The discrepancy between the observational hmF2 and that obtained with CCIR M(30,000)F2 option stem from the CCIR M(3000)F2 model, which does not produce the small scale structures observed in the measured M(3000)F2.  相似文献   

WAAS系统中电离层折射校正的新方法及计算结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄智  袁洪 《空间科学学报》2008,28(2):132-136
电离层介质的色散性是影响电磁波信号进行卫星导航定位精度的重要因素之一.配合北斗二代分系绩研制任务,提出了一种新的电离层折射校正算法,并利用2000年7月1日到3日的双频GPS观测数据对6个用户站进行试算,进一步将试算所得均方根误差和电离层网格算法得到的误差进行比较.结果表明,对于中纬区域的用户站,估算的TEC误差约为0.5 m左右;而低纬用户误差相对增大,为1 m左右.文中给出的算法与电离层网格模型所提供的精度相差不多,在未来中国自主的卫星增强系统中采用新方法进行电离层进行修正是可行的及有效的.  相似文献   

The comparison of the IRI model with the foF2 distribution in the equatorial anomaly region obtained by topside sounding onboard the Interkosmos-19 satellite has been carried out. The global distribution of foF2 in terms of LT-maps was constructed by averaging Intercosmos-19 data for summer, winter, and equinox. These maps, in fact, represent an empirical model of the equatorial anomaly for high solar activity F10.7 ~ 200. The comparison is carried out for the latitudinal foF2 profiles in the characteristic longitudinal sectors of 30, 90, 210, 270, and 330°, as well as for the longitudinal variations in foF2 over the equator. The largest difference between the models (up to 60%) for any season was found in the Pacific longitudinal sector of 210°, where there are a few ground-based sounding stations. Considerable discrepancies, however, are sometimes observed in the longitudinal sectors, where there are many ground-based stations, for example, in the European or Indian sector. The discrepancies reach their maximum at 00 LT, since a decay of the equatorial anomaly begins before midnight in the IRI model and after midnight according to the Interkosmos-19 data. The discrepancies are also large in the morning at 06 LT, since in the IRI model, the foF2 growth begins long before sunrise. In the longitudinal variations in foF2 over the equator at noon, according to the satellite data, four harmonics are distinguished in the June solstice and at the equinox, and three harmonics in the December solstice, while in the IRI model only two and one harmonics respectively are revealed. In diurnal variations in foF2 and, accordingly, in the equatorial anomaly intensity, the IRI model does not adequately reproduce even the main, evening extremum.  相似文献   

We have employed the hourly values of the ionospheric F-region critical frequency (foF2) obtained from Ouagadougou ionosonde, Burkina Faso (geographic coordinates 12° N, 1.8° W) during the interval of 1985–1995 (solar cycle 22) and solar radio flux of 10 cm wavelength (F10.7) to develop a local model (LM) for the African low-latitude station. The model was developed from regression analysis method, using the two-segmented regression analysis. We validated LM with foF2 data from Korhogo observatory, Cote d’Ivorie (geographical coordinates 9.3° N, 5.4° W). LM as well as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) agrees well with observations. LM gave some improvement on the IRI-predicted foF2 values at the sunrise (06 LT) at all solar flux levels and in all seasons except June solstice. The performance of the models at the representing the salient features of the equatorial foF2 was presented. Considering daytime and nighttime performances, LM and IRI are comparable in low solar activity (LSA), LM performed better than IRI in moderate solar activity (MSA), while IRI performed better than LM in high solar activity (HSA). CCIR has a root mean square error (r.m.s.e), which is only 0.10 MHz lower than that of LM while LM has r.m.s.e, which is about 0.05 MHz lower than that of URSI. In general, our result shows that performance of IRI, especially the CCIR option of the IRI, is quite comparable with the LM. The improved performance of IRI is a reflection of the numerous contributions of ionospheric physicists in the African region, larger volume of data for the IRI and the diversity of data sources, as well as the successes of the IRI task force activities.  相似文献   

Monthly median values of foF2, hmF2 and M(3000)F2 parameters, with quarter-hourly time interval resolution for the diurnal variation, obtained with DPS4 digisonde at Hainan (19.5°N, 109.1°E; Geomagnetic coordinates: 178.95°E, 8.1°N) are used to investigate the low-latitude ionospheric variations and comparisons with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model predictions. The data used for the present study covers the period from February 2002 to April 2007, which is characterized by a wide range of solar activity, ranging from high solar activity (2002) to low solar activity (2007). The results show that (1) Generally, IRI predictions follow well the diurnal and seasonal variation patterns of the experimental values of foF2, especially in the summer of 2002. However, there are systematic deviation between experimental values and IRI predictions with either CCIR or URSI coefficients. Generally IRI model greatly underestimate the values of foF2 from about noon to sunrise of next day, especially in the afternoon, and slightly overestimate them from sunrise to about noon. It seems that there are bigger deviations between IRI Model predictions and the experimental observations for the moderate solar activity. (2) Generally the IRI-predicted hmF2 values using CCIR M(3000)F2 option shows a poor agreement with the experimental results, but there is a relatively good agreement in summer at low solar activity. The deviation between the IRI-predicted hmF2 using CCIR M(3000)F2 and observed hmF2 is bigger from noon to sunset and around sunrise especially at high solar activity. The occurrence time of hmF2 peak (about 1200 LT) of the IRI model predictions is earlier than that of observations (around 1500 LT). The agreement between the IRI hmF2 obtained with the measured M(3000)F2 and the observed hmF2 is very good except that IRI overestimates slightly hmF2 in the daytime in summer at high solar activity and underestimates it in the nighttime with lower values near sunrise at low solar activity.  相似文献   

Monthly median values of hourly total electron content (TEC) is obtained with GPS at a station near northern anomaly crest, Rajkot (geog. 22.29°N, 70.74°E; geomag. 14.21°N, 144.9°E) to study the variability of low latitude ionospheric behavior during low solar activity period (April 2005 to March 2006). The TEC exhibit characteristic features like day-to-day variability, semiannual anomaly and noon bite out. The observed TEC is compared with latest International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) – 2007 model using options of topside electron density, NeQuick, IRI01-corr and IRI-2001 by using both URSI and CCIR coefficients. A good agreement of observed and predicted TEC is found during the daytime with underestimation at other times. The predicted TEC by NeQuick and IRI01-corr is closer to the observed TEC during the daytime whereas during nighttime and morning hours, IRI-2001 shows lesser discrepancy in all seasons by both URSI and CCIR coefficients.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航信号采用三个频点工作,可以利用伪距双频组差方法解算电离层电子含量,为实时监视中国区域电离层变化提供新的技术手段.中国中低纬度处于电离层赤道异常变化区,在北纬20°±5°区域时常发生较大梯度的电离层变化.利用北斗实时多频伪距和相位观测数据,采用相位平滑伪距方法计算电离层穿刺点电子含量,分析通过北斗系统GEO卫星监测的电离层周日变化特性;采用多面函数方法拟合中国区域1°×1°分辨率的电离层延迟量,每5min绘制一幅中国区域电离层图,观测区域所有电离层穿刺点拟合残差RMS为2.778TECU;分析北斗系统实时监测中国区域电离层异常情况,当发生电离层异常变化时,相邻两天的VTEC(Vertical Total Electronic Content)峰值相差约60TECU.  相似文献   

This paper reports the diurnal, seasonal, and long term variability of the E layer critical frequency (foE) and peak height (hmE) derived from Digisonde measurements from 2009 to 2016 at the low-middle latitude European station of Nicosia, Cyprus (geographical coordinates: 35°N, 33°E, geomagnetic lat. 29.38°N, I = 51.7°). Manually scaled monthly median values of foE and hmE are compared with IRI-2012 predictions with a view to assess the predictability of IRI. Results show that in general, IRI slightly overestimates foE values both at low and high solar activity. At low solar activity, overestimations are mostly limited to 0.25?MHz (equivalent electron density, 0.775?×?103?el/m?3) but can go as high as 0.5?MHz (equivalent electron density, 3.1?×?103?el/m?3, during noon) around equinox. In some months, underestimations, though sporadic in nature, up to 0.25?MHz are noted (mostly during sunrise and sunset). At high solar activity, a similar pattern of over-/underestimation is evident. During the entire period of study, over-/under estimations are mostly limited to 0.25?MHz. In very few cases, these exceed 0.25?MHz but are limited to 0.5?MHz. Analysis of hmE reveals that: (1) hmE remains almost constant during ±2 to ±4?h around local noon, (2) hmE values are higher in winter than in spring, summer and autumn, (3) there are two maxima near sunrise and sunset with a noontime minimum in between. During the entire period of study, significant differences between observed hmE and the IRI predictions have been noted. IRI fails to predict hmE and outputs a constant value of 110?km, which is higher than most of the observed values. Over- and under estimations range from 3 to 13?km and from 0 to 3?km respectively.  相似文献   

We analyzed the dynamics of global electron content (GEC) for the period 1998–2005 and compared the estimated GEC with variations of the 10.7-cm solar radio emission and with and with GEC values obtained with IRI-2001. We found a strong resemblance between the curves’ shapes for the experimental and modeled GEC: strong semiannual variations are discernible in these series and both curves tend to increase the absolute GEC value during the period of maximum of solar activity. However, there are some significant distinctions, such as absence of 27-day fluctuations in the series of GEC computed by the IRI-2001. On the contrary, observational GEC reflects well dynamics of solar activity: 27-day variations of GEC are very similar to the ones of the index F10.7, but GEC undergoes a lagging of about of 30–60 h as compared to value of the F10.7 index. The relative amplitude of 27-day variations decreases from 8% at the rising and falling solar activity to 2% at the period of its maximum.  相似文献   

The IRI model offers a choice of options for the computation of the electron density profile and electron content (TEC). Recently new options for the topside electron density profile have been developed, which have a strong impact on TEC. Therefore it is important to test massively the IRI and the new options with experimental data. A large number of permanent stations record dual frequency GPS data from which it is possible to obtain TEC values. Thirty-one worldwide distributed stations have been selected to investigate the capabilities of the IRI to reproduce experimental TEC. Data for years 2000 (high solar activity) and 2004 (medium solar activity) have been analyzed computing modeled values with the IRI-2001 and the IRI-2007-NeQuick topside options. It is found that IRI-2007-NeQuick option generally improves the estimate of the slant TEC, especially in the case of high latitudes stations during high solar activity.  相似文献   

基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)和全球定位系统(GPS)实测电离层穿刺点(IPP)数据,结合国际参考电离层(IRI)经验模型历史数据,提出一种对区域二维电离层总电子含量(TEC)进行高精度建模的方法.针对缺乏穿刺点的区域内短时间电离层建模时精度较低且各时段穿刺点空间分布不同的问题,该方法使用IRI模型在建模区域内均匀添加虚拟穿刺点数据,并根据与实测穿刺点的距离,使用构造的权重计算公式赋予其动态权重值,通过加权最小二乘法进行球谐模型参数解算.与欧洲定轨中心(CODE)发布的全球电离层图(GIM)进行数据比对发现,相对于只使用BDS/GPS实测穿刺点数据的建模方法,利用本文建模方法计算获得的垂直总电子含量(VTEC)值对缺乏实测穿刺点的区域精度有明显的提升.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the ionospheric electron density distribution in space and time not only provide basis for better understanding the physical nature of the ionosphere, but also provide improvements in various applications including HF communication. Recently developed IONOLAB-CIT technique provides physically admissible 3D model of the ionosphere by using both Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) measurements obtained from a GPS satellite - receiver network and IRI-Plas model. IONOLAB-CIT technique optimizes IRI-Plas model parameters in the region of interest such that the synthetic STEC computations obtained from the IRI-Plas model are in accordance with the actual STEC measurements. In this work, the IONOLAB-CIT technique is extended to provide reconstructions both in space and time. This extension exploits the temporal continuity of the ionosphere to provide more reliable reconstructions with a reduced computational load. The proposed 4D-IONOLAB-CIT technique is validated on real measurement data obtained from TNPGN-Active GPS receiver network in Turkey.  相似文献   

The time series of hourly electron density profiles N(h) obtained from 27 ionosonde stations distributed world-wide have been used to obtain N(h) average profiles on a monthly basis and to extract the expected bottom-side parameters that define the IRI profile under quiet conditions. The time series embrace the time interval from 1998 to 2006, which practically contains the entire solar cycle 23. The Spherical Harmonic Analysis (SHA) has been used as an analytical technique for modeling globally the B0 and B1 parameters as general functions on a spherical surface. Due to the irregular longitudinal distribution of the stations over the globe, it has been assumed that the ionosphere remains approximately constant in form for a given day under quiet conditions for a particular coordinate system. Since the Earth rotates under a Sun-fixed system, the time differences have been considered to be equivalent to longitude differences. The time dependence has been represented by a two-degree Fourier expansion to model the annual and semiannual variations and the year-by-year analyses of the B0 and B1 have furnished nine sets of spherical harmonic coefficients for each parameter. The spatial–temporal yearly coefficients have been further expressed as linear functions of Rz12 to model the solar cycle dependence. The resultant analytical model provides a tool to predict B0 and B1 at any location distributed among the used range of latitudes (70°N–50°S) and at any time that improves the fit to the observed data with respect to IRI prediction.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of the electron density is the key point in correcting ionospheric delays of electromagnetic measurements and in studying ionosphere physics. During the last decade Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become a promising tool for monitoring ionospheric parameters such as the total electron content (TEC). In this contribution we present a four-dimensional (4-D) model of the electron density consisting of a given reference part, i.e., the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), and an unknown correction term expanded in terms of multi-dimensional base functions. The corresponding series coefficients are calculable from the satellite measurements by applying parameter estimation procedures. Since satellite data are usually sampled between GPS satellites and ground stations, finer structures of the electron density are modelable just in regions with a sufficient number of ground stations. The proposed method is applied to simulated geometry-free GPS phase measurements. The procedure can be used, for example, to study the equatorial anomaly.  相似文献   

The F layer critical frequency (foF2) as measured by Digisondes in the equatorial and low latitude locations in Brazil is analyzed to investigate the seasonal and solar flux controls of the intensity of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) in the equinoctial month of March. The analysis also included the total electron content (TEC) as measured by a GPS receiver operated at the EIA crest location. The foF2 data set covered a period of large solar flux variation from 1996 to 2003, while the GPS TEC data was for a period in 2002–2003 when the solar flux parameter F10.7 underwent large variations, permitting in both cases an examination of the solar flux effects on these parameters. The seasonal variation pattern in TEC shows a maximum in equinoctial months and a minimum in June solstice, with similar variations for foF2. The solar flux dependence of the TEC is a maximum during equinoxes, especially for post-sunset TEC values at times when the latitudinal distribution is controlled by the equatorial evening plasma fountain processes. Significant variations with local time are found in the degree of solar flux dependence for both the TEC and EIA. The EIA intensity shows large dependence on F10.7 during post-sunset to midnight hours. These results are discussed in comparison with their corresponding IRI representations.  相似文献   

基于NTCM-BC模型的全球卫星导航系统单频电离层延迟修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择NTCM-BC模型作为单频电离层延迟修正模型,通过非线性最小二乘拟合的方法,利用提前一天预测的电离层图(COPG文件),计算得到NTCM-BC模型修正系数;利用Klobuchar模型和IGS发布的GIM数据对NTCM-BC模型进行比较和分析.对太阳活动高、中、低年实测数据的分析结果表明:全球平均水平上,NTCM-BC模型的电离层延迟修正性能明显优于Klobuchar模型,NTCM-BC模型的TEC平均误差和均方根误差比Klobuchar模型分别下降了41%和30%;模型的TEC计算误差与太阳活动剧烈程度成正相关,即太阳活动高年模型误差较大,太阳活动低年误差相对较低.相较于磁静日,磁扰日期间Klobuchar模型和NCTM模型的误差均有一定程度的增加.此外,模型的电离层修正误差同时存在明显的纬度、季节和地方时差异.  相似文献   

Data assimilation in conventional meteorological applications uses measurements in conjunction with a physical model. In the case of the ionised region of the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere, assimilation techniques are much less mature. The empirical model known as the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) could be used to augment data-sparse regions in an ionospheric now-cast and forecast system. In doing so, it is important that it does not introduce systematic biases to the result. Here, the IRI model is compared to ionospheric observations from the Global Positioning System satellites over Europe and North America. Global Positioning System data are processed into hour-to-hour monthly averages of vertical Total Electron Content using a tomographic technique. A period of twelve years, from January 1998 to December 2009, is analysed in order to capture variations over the whole solar cycle. The study shows that the IRI model underestimates Total Electron Content in the daytime at solar maximum by up to 37% compared to the monthly average of GPS tomographic images, with the greatest differences occurring at the equinox. IRI shows good agreement at other times. Errors in TEC are likely due to peak height and density inaccuracies. IRI is therefore a suitable model for specification of monthly averages of Total Electron Content and can be used to initialise a data assimilation process at times away from solar maximum. It may be necessary to correct for systematic deviations from IRI at solar maximum, and to incorporate error estimation into a data assimilation scheme.  相似文献   

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