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何语璇  刘勇  张强 《空间科学学报》2020,40(6):1074-1083
基于Polar卫星1996-2008年的表面电压数据,研究了卫星在低轨区域出现正高电位(异常事件)与太阳活动的关系及其发生位置的磁地方时(MLT)分布.研究表明:太阳辐射与异常事件发生次数呈正相关,太阳活动越活跃,异常事件出现次数越多,但不会影响航天器表面电位;异常事件发生占比呈现明显季节性变化,在太阳活动高年,冬季和夏季次数较多,春季和秋季次数较少,在太阳活动低年,每月次数均维持在较低水平,而一个月内异常事件次数没有明显规律;在分布上南北半球表现出相似性,异常事件均不会发生在地磁纬度50°-60°区域,极区和昏侧发生次数较多,而不同的是异常事件在南半球发生得更多更集中;虽然太阳活动与航天器在低高度时表面出现正高电位的次数呈正相关,但即使在太阳活动峰年,航天器异常事件发生率也不超过10%.   相似文献   

日加紧研制工程试验卫星一Ⅶ日本工程试验卫星一Ⅶ(ETS一Ⅶ)拟于1997年发射。在未来的空间活动中,需要有向航天器运送补给、回收物资以及在空间组装航天器等新技术。ETS-Ⅶ是为掌握这些技术,实施交会对接(RVD)试验、空间用机器人(RBT)试验而研制...  相似文献   

利用NOAA-12卫星数据对空间环境平静时期太阳同步轨道处辐射带质子投掷角分布进行了研究. 根据投掷角分布的经验公式,计算出90°投掷角的质子方向强度和各向异性指数n. 质子投掷角分布按n的取值范围可分为三类,即90°峰值分布、平顶分布和蝴蝶形分布. 观测证实,对于辐射带质子,三种分布类型均存在并且具有明显的空间区域特征. 在内辐射带边缘地区90°峰值分布占主要优势;在外辐射带高L值区域,90°峰值分布明显减少,平顶分布和蝴蝶形分布逐渐增多. 针对90°峰值分布,研究了质子强度各向异性的区域分布特征,对于内辐射带区域,n值随L值的增大而增大,对于外辐射带,n值表现为逐渐下降的趋势. 为了研究质子投掷角分布对磁地方时的依赖关系,分析了能量为250~800keV的质子在两个不同磁地方时范围的投掷角分布规律. 结果显示,在内辐射带,质子强度的投掷角分布相对稳定,随磁地方时的变化并不显著;而在外辐射带的高L值区域,质子强度的投掷角分布随磁地方时变化明显,与磁地方时之间有明显的依赖关系.   相似文献   

基于预报偏差的LEO航天器轨道异常检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对由轨道控制、大气环境、碰撞等因素造成的低轨(LEO)航天器轨道突变问题,提出了一种基于预报偏差的轨道异常检测方法。选择LEO轨道的半长轴和倾角作为特征轨道参数,利用SGP4模型长期项对目标的两行轨道要素(TLE)进行预报得到特征轨道参数的预报值,通过对特征轨道参数的编目数据和预报数据进行平滑后求差得到预报偏差序列,基于马氏距离对预报偏差数据的两个分量进行联合异常检测。对Terra卫星2010年的机动事件分析结果同NASA发布的其机动历史相吻合,表明该方法可以有效地检测航天器轨道异常的次数、时间和类型,可应用于空间目标的监视与空间态势的感知。  相似文献   

阿里安空间公司最近公布“阿里安”运载火箭1995年的发射计划如下:1.1月,发射欧空局的第二颗地球资源卫星ERS-2。2.2月,发射国际通信卫星-706。3.3月,发射美国休斯公司的第三颗直接广播卫星DBS-3。4.3月,发射法国第一颗军事侦察卫星太阳神-1。5.4月,发射日本电报电话公司(NTT)的“N-星”卫星。6.5月,发射泛美卫星公司的PAS-4卫星和以色列Spacecom卫星通信公司的Amos卫星。7.6月,发射卢森堡SES公司的Astra-1E卫星。8.8月,发射法国电信公司(Tel…  相似文献   

1994年10月,美国航天飞机把一组遥感器置入地球轨道,用于对地球大气层进行观测,其是美国航宇局从宇宙对全球进行长期研究计划的一个部分。这些遥感器都装在一个可回收的自由飞行平台上,这是航天飞机卫星公共平台的一种先进型号,称谓ASTRO-SPAS卫星。它通过航天飞机遥控器系统的机械臂将其释放,再由指挥员将其机动飞行到离航天飞机几千米至几百千米远的空间,对地球进行几天观测,然后由航天飞机回收带回地面。ASTRO-SPAS的原型是SPAS-01,它的首次轨道飞行是在1983年6月,1984年2月又飞行…  相似文献   

2008年上半年俄罗斯的Cosmos 2421卫星接连发生了三次不同程度的解体, 并产生了数百颗碎片. 本文利用美国公布的Cosmos 2421卫星及其碎片的两行根数系列, 对三次解体事件发生的时间, 解体碎片的轨道分布、速度分布和面积质量比以及寿命等进行了分析, 并对解体碎片对航天器的影响进行了评估. 分析结果表明, Cosmos2421卫星的三次解体事件分别发生在2008年3月14日、4月28日、6月9日; 解体碎片分布在200~1400 km 的高度范围内; Cosmos 2421卫星解体导致的碎片在空间三个方向上的速度增量均值分别为-8.4m/s, 8.6m/s, -8.3m/s; 67\%的解体碎片的寿命都在1年以内, 解体事件造成500 km以下的空间碎片空间密度增加, 对载人航天器产生了影响. 通过对Cosmos 2421卫星解体事件的分析可以看出, 利用解体碎片的轨道信息可以反演解体事件特性, 根据解体碎片的寿命和空间密度分布的计算结果可以评估解体事件对未来发射活动和在轨卫星的影响.   相似文献   

由英国萨利公司建造的智利第一颗卫星FASat-Alpha(空军卫星-阿尔法)于1995年8月31日,用乌克兰研制的旋风号运载火箭从俄罗斯的普列谢茨克发射场发射。火箭成功地将FASat-Alpha小卫星与主卫星——乌克兰的Sich-1海洋观测卫星一起送入了预定的近地轨道。但是,FASat-Alpha卫星没有与主卫星分离。尽管在发射以后4小时内,地面曾多次向卫星发出分离指令,终未见效。由于FASat卫星仍连接在Sich-1卫星上,智利小卫星无法执行其通信试验和对地观测任务。9月7日,FASat卫星的…  相似文献   

GMS-5气象卫星是日本GMS系列卫星的第5颗星,它于1995年3月18日5时1分在日本宇宙开发事业团(NASDA)的种子岛空间发射中心用第三枚H-2火箭发射成功。GMS-5气象卫星已在3月29日进入位于东经160度的地球静止轨道。它在此位置上用设在澳大利亚的跟踪与测距系统(TARS)进行为期两个月的轨道测试。此后它定点于预定的东经140度,并在6月中旬接替GMS-4气象卫星的工作,正式投入业务运行。尔后,GMS-4气象卫星于7月中旬移到东经120度位置上作为备份。GMS-5气象卫星与GMS系列…  相似文献   

最严重充电条件下航天器的瞬态充电模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用等效电路模式理论推导出随时间变化充电问题的微分方程组,针对最严重情况构造了解决瞬态充电问题的程序,对ATS-6卫星的二种情况运用这个程序进行了计算。讨论了航天器不同材料对充放电的影响。  相似文献   

A spacecraft with a passive thermal control system utilizes various thermal control materials to maintain temperatures within safe operating limits. Materials used for spacecraft applications are exposed to harsh space environments such as ultraviolet (UV) and particle (electron, proton) irradiation and atomic oxygen (AO), undergo physical damage and thermal degradation, which must be considered for spacecraft thermal design optimization and cost effectiveness. This paper describes the effect of synergistic radiation on some of the important thermal control materials to verify the assumptions of beginning-of-life (BOL) and end-of-life (EOL) properties. Studies on the degradation in the optical properties (solar absorptance and infrared emittance) of some important thermal control materials exposed to simulated radiative geostationary space environment are discussed. The current studies are purely related to the influence of radiation on the degradation of the materials; other environmental aspects (e.g., thermal cycling) are not discussed. The thermal control materials investigated herein include different kind of second-surface mirrors, white anodizing, white paints, black paints, multilayer insulation materials, varnish coated aluminized polyimide, germanium coated polyimide, polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE). For this purpose, a test in the constant vacuum was performed reproducing a three year radiative space environment exposure, including ultraviolet and charged particle effects on North/South panels of a geostationary three-axis stabilized spacecraft. Reflectance spectra were measured in situ in the solar range (250–2500 nm) and the corresponding solar absorptance values were calculated. The test methodology and the degradations of the materials are discussed. The most important degradations among the low solar absorptance materials were found in the white paints whereas the rigid optical solar reflectors remained quite stable. Among the high solar absorptance elements, as such the change in the solar absorptance was very low, in particular the germanium coated polyimide was found highly stable.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of the EU INTAS Project 00810, which aims to improve the methods of safeguarding satellites in the Earth’s magnetosphere from the negative effects of the space environment, are presented. Anomaly data from the “Kosmos” series satellites in the period 1971–1999 are combined in one database, together with similar information on other spacecraft. This database contains, beyond the anomaly information, various characteristics of the space weather: geomagnetic activity indices (Ap, AE and Dst), fluxes and fluences of electrons and protons at different energies, high energy cosmic ray variations and other solar, interplanetary and solar wind data. A comparative analysis of the distribution of each of these parameters relative to satellite anomalies was carried out for the total number of anomalies (about 6000 events), and separately for high (5000 events) and low (about 800 events) altitude orbit satellites. No relation was found between low and high altitude satellite anomalies. Daily numbers of satellite anomalies, averaged by a superposed epoch method around sudden storm commencements and proton event onsets for high (>1500 km) and low (<1500 km) altitude orbits revealed a big difference in a behavior. Satellites were divided on several groups according to the orbital characteristics (altitude and inclination). The relation of satellite anomalies to the environmental parameters was found to be different for various orbits that should be taken into account under developing of the anomaly frequency models.  相似文献   

A method of prediction of expected part of global climate change caused by cosmic ray (CR) by forecasting of galactic cosmic ray intensity time variation in near future based on solar activity data prediction and determined parameters of convection-diffusion and drift mechanisms is presented. This gave possibility to make prediction of expected part of global climate change, caused by long-term cosmic ray intensity variation. In this paper, we use the model of cosmic ray modulation in the Heliosphere, which considers a relation between long-term cosmic ray variations with parameters of the solar magnetic field. The later now can be predicted with good accuracy. By using this prediction, the expected cosmic ray variations in the near Earth space also can be estimated with a good accuracy. It is shown that there are two possibilities: (1) to predict cosmic ray intensity for 1–6 months by using a delay of long-term cosmic ray variations relatively to effects of the solar activity and (2) to predict cosmic ray intensity for the next solar cycle. For the second case, the prediction of the global solar magnetic field characteristics is crucial. For both cases, reliable long-term cosmic ray and solar activity data as well as solar magnetic field are necessary. For solar magnetic field, we used results of two magnetographs (from Stanford and Kitt Peak Observatories). The obtained forecasting of long-term cosmic ray intensity variation we use for estimation of the part of global climate change caused by cosmic ray intensity changing (influenced on global cloudiness covering).  相似文献   

This paper reports single-event upset (SEU) occurrence related to the space radiation environment in geostationary transfer orbit during solar-activity maximum period measured by the Tsubasa satellite. Most SEUs are measured in the inner radiation belt, indicating that they are mainly caused by trapped protons. Thus, the spatial distribution and the temporal variation of the SEU count correlate well with those of trapped protons. The peak SEU rate appears around L = 1.4. The transition point from SEUs caused by trapped protons to those caused by galactic cosmic rays is around L = 2.6. During the experiment period, increased SEU count was sometimes detected due to solar and geomagnetic events outside the inner radiation belt.  相似文献   

航天器表面充电研究表明充电状态与空间电环境和航天器自身情况有着极为密切的关系。空间电环境是导致航天器表面充电的直接客观原因,它受太阳活动和地磁活动的强烈影响。研究空间电环境状态是认识航天器表面充电原因的基础。本文对已提出的许多空间电环境模型作了较为全面的综述和讨论  相似文献   

影响卫星故障的空间天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于美国国家地球物理数据中心(NGDC) 2384例和中国19颗卫星的263例卫星故障信息, 结合1963-2012年小时平均的多种空间环境数据, 定量分析了三种卫星故障发生期间的空间要素特征, 探讨单粒子锁定(SEU)、表面充电致静电放电(ESD)和内部深层充电所致电子引起的电磁脉冲(ECEMP)与空间天气事件的可能联系, 得出以下主要结论. (1)大部分SEU和ECEMP发生于空间天气平静时, 但在其前后3日内地磁活动达到了磁暴水平, 相对来说比例最大的发生在Dstmin之后第3日 (48~72h). (2) ESD受地磁活动和高能电子通量影响明显. 与磁暴、相对论电子通量增强事件的季节性相对应, 两分点附近ESD和ECEMP的发生率高; 93.6% 的 ESD发生前后72h内地磁活动达到磁暴水平, 故障发生时间均匀分布在 Dstmin前0~48h 和后0~24h; 54.9%的ESD 发生时处于地磁暴期(Dst <-30nT), 以-50~-30nT的小磁暴水平居多; 40.6%的ESD发生于高能电子通量高水平期(≥ 103pfu, 1pfu =1cm-2·s-1·sr-1), 81.9%的ESD发生前后72h 内高能电子通量峰值≥ 103pfu, 发生率最高时段为电子通量峰值前 48~72h. (3)高能电子对中国同步轨道卫星的SEU影响明显, 42.5% 故障发生 时高能电子通量≥ 103pfu, 故障在峰值前48~72h和峰值后48~72h 的发生概率相当, 约为23.0%. (4)同步轨道卫星SEU受太阳质子事件的影响相对较大, 22.5%的中国同步轨道卫星故障发生前后72h内发生了太阳质子事件, 季节性不明显.   相似文献   

随着航天器复杂大系统的高速发展,以及器上电子产品的广泛应用,使得电线电缆大量应用于复杂系统之间的功率输送和信号控制。在航天器运行过程中,电线电缆由于受到空间布局限制,交叉重叠;同时受振动、温度、空间辐射等外部环境影响,致使电缆老化进而引发其他电气故障。介绍了基于可测特征参数的寿命模型建立方法,得出电缆剩余寿命的预计模型,开展航天器电线电缆老化机制以及寿命预测模型研究,最终实现航天装备电缆寿命预测的能力。  相似文献   

移位损伤剂量模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先描述了移位损伤的机理及其影响器件性能的机制,引入了适合航天器工程抗辐射加固设计使用的移位损伤剂量模型,探讨了其在CCD器件电荷传输效率CTE,Si器件平均暗电流以太阳电池阵输出功率等工程参数衰降中的应用,介绍了建立的基于移位损伤剂量模型的空间环境中CCD器件CTE衰降预测模式,其结果与欧空局空间环境信息系统的计算结果相吻合.该程序在光电器件抗辐射加固设计中具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

The Russian solar observatory CORONAS-F was launched into a circular orbit on July 31, 2001 and operated until December 12, 2005. Two main aims of this experiment were: (1) simultaneous study of solar hard X-ray and γ-ray emission and charged solar energetic particles, (2) detailed investigation of how solar energetic particles influence the near-Earth space environment. The CORONAS-F satellite orbit allows one to measure both solar energetic particle dynamics and variations of the solar particle boundary penetration as well as relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt during and after magnetic storms. We have found that significant enhancements of relativistic electron flux in the outer radiation belt were observed not only during strong magnetic storms near solar maximum but also after weak storms caused by high speed solar wind streams. Relativistic electrons of the Earth’s outer radiation belt cause volumetric ionization in the microcircuits of spacecraft causing them to malfunction, and solar energetic particles form an important source of radiation damage in near-Earth space. Therefore, the present results and future research in relativistic electron flux dynamics are very important.  相似文献   

太阳是一个异常活跃的天体,其爆发过程会对地球周围空间环境产生重要影响. 通常,单个高能质子即足以引起飞行器中微电子器件出现异常,因此太阳质子事件预报是空间天气预报的重要内容. 关于预报模型的参数选择尚有值得改进之处. 研究认为,Ⅰ型噪暴与日冕加热磁重联具有密切关系,可以作为预报参数. 通过两个典型太阳爆发事件的详细资料分析,说明了Ⅰ型噪暴与质子事件及CME的相关性.   相似文献   

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