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Lots of ambiguities in un-differenced (UD) model lead to lower calculation efficiency, which isn’t appropriate for the high-frequency real-time GNSS clock estimation, like 1 Hz. Mixed differenced model fusing UD pseudo-range and epoch-differenced (ED) phase observations has been introduced into real-time clock estimation. In this contribution, we extend the mixed differenced model for realizing multi-GNSS real-time clock high-frequency updating and a rigorous comparison and analysis on same conditions are performed to achieve the best real-time clock estimation performance taking the efficiency, accuracy, consistency and reliability into consideration. Based on the multi-GNSS real-time data streams provided by multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and Wuhan University, GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning prototype system is designed and constructed, including real-time precise orbit determination, real-time precise clock estimation, real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) and real-time Standard Point Positioning (RT-SPP). The statistical analysis of the 6 h-predicted real-time orbits shows that the root mean square (RMS) in radial direction is about 1–5 cm for GPS, Beidou MEO and Galileo satellites and about 10 cm for Beidou GEO and IGSO satellites. Using the mixed differenced estimation model, the prototype system can realize high-efficient real-time satellite absolute clock estimation with no constant clock-bias and can be used for high-frequency augmentation message updating (such as 1 Hz). The real-time augmentation message signal-in-space ranging error (SISRE), a comprehensive accuracy of orbit and clock and effecting the users’ actual positioning performance, is introduced to evaluate and analyze the performance of GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning system. The statistical analysis of real-time augmentation message SISRE is about 4–7 cm for GPS, whlile 10 cm for Beidou IGSO/MEO, Galileo and about 30 cm for BeiDou GEO satellites. The real-time positioning results prove that the GPS + BeiDou + Galileo RT-PPP comparing to GPS-only can effectively accelerate convergence time by about 60%, improve the positioning accuracy by about 30% and obtain averaged RMS 4 cm in horizontal and 6 cm in vertical; additionally RT-SPP accuracy in the prototype system can realize positioning accuracy with about averaged RMS 1 m in horizontal and 1.5–2 m in vertical, which are improved by 60% and 70% to SPP based on broadcast ephemeris, respectively.  相似文献   

To ensure the compatibility and interoperability with modernized GPS, Galileo satellites are capable of broadcasting navigation signals on carrier phase frequencies that overlap with GPS, i.e., GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L5-E5a. Moreover, the GPS/Galileo L2-E5b signals have different frequencies with wavelength differences smaller than 4.2?mm. Such overlapping and narrowly spaced signals between GPS and Galileo bring the opportunity to use the tightly combined double-differenced (DD) model for precise real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning, resulting in improved performance of ambiguity resolution and positioning with respect to the classical standard or loosely combined DD model. In this paper, we focus on the model and performance assessment of tightly combined GPS/Galileo L1-E1/L2-E5b/L5-E5a RTK for short and long baselines. We first investigate the tightly combined GPS/Galileo DD observational model for both short and long baselines with simultaneously considering the GPS/Galileo overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Particularly, we introduce a reparameterization approach to solve the rank deficiency that caused by the correlation between the DISB parameters and the DD ionospheric parameters for both overlapping and non-overlapping frequencies. Then we present performance assessment for the tightly combined GPS/Galileo RTK model with real-time estimation of the differential inter-system bias (DISB) parameters for short and long baselines in terms of ratio value, ambiguity dilution of precision (ADOP), ambiguity conditional number, decorrelation number, search count, empirical success rate, time-to-first-fix (TTFF), and positioning accuracy. Results from both static and kinematic experiments demonstrated that compared to the loosely combined model, the tightly combined model can deliver improved performance of ambiguity resolution and precise positioning with different satellite visibility. For the car-driven short baseline experiment with 10° elevation cut-off angle, the tightly combined model can not only significantly increase the ratio value by approximately 27.5% (from 16.0 to 20.4), but also reduce the ambiguity ADOP, the conditional number, and the search count in LAMBDA by approximately 22.2% (from 0.027 to 0.021 cycles), 14.9% (from 199.2 to 169.6), and 25.4% (from 150.1 to 112.0), respectively. Comparable decorrelation number, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are also obtained. For the car-driven long baseline experiment, it is also observed that the ambiguity resolution performance in terms of the ratio value, the decorrelation number, the condition number, and the search count are significantly improved by approximately 18.5% (from 2.7 to 3.2), 22.0% (from 0.186 to 0.227), 55.9% (from 937.6 to 413.7), and 10.3% (from 43.8 to 39.3), respectively. Moreover, comparable ADOP, empirical success rate, and positioning accuracy are obtained as well. Additionally, the TTFF can be reduced (from 54.1 to 51.8 epochs with 10° elevation cut-off angle) as well from the results of static experiments.  相似文献   

Real-time GNSS-based applications require corresponding real-time orbit products. While traditional GNSS orbits are generated with the dual-frequency IF (Ionosphere-Free) model, the increase of multi-frequency signal satellites brings new challenges for the data processing. Therefore, real-time orbit determination with the multi-frequency UC (Uncombined) model is introduced in this study considering its flexibility. With the derived mathematical model conforming to IGS (International GNSS Service) dual-frequency clock definition and one-week triple-frequency Galileo observation data from 90 IGS network stations, the convergence and accuracy of real-time orbits is assessed and the characteristics of satellite IFCB (Inter-Frequency Clock Bias) are analyzed. Results indicate that the model differences, including dual-frequency IF model, dual-frequency UC model and triple-frequency UC model, contribute to only cm-level differences with CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) final orbits after a convergence time of around 12 h. The constellation-mean RMS (Root Mean Square) differences of the converged real-time orbits with the CODE final orbits reaches about 5.0 cm, 7.0 cm and 5.0 cm for the radial, tangential and normal directions. The convergence of satellite IFCB is much faster than that of satellite orbit, which reflects a loose correlation between these two parameters. While the Galileo satellite IFCB are temporally stable, the modeling of satellite IFCB may be unreliable when over constrained and becomes even more unstable with commonly encountered datum changes. In summary, real-time GNSS orbit determination with multi-frequency raw observations is feasible and extendable with proper treatment of IFCB.  相似文献   

Current precise point positioning (PPP) techniques are mainly based on GPS which has been extensively investigated. With the increase of available GLONASS satellites during its revitalization, GLONASS observations were increasingly integrated into GPS-based PPP. Now that GLONASS has reached its full constellation, there will be a wide interest in PPP systems based on only GLONASS since it provides a PPP implementation independent of GPS. An investigation of GLONASS-based PPP will also help the development of GPS and GLONASS combined PPP techniques for improved precision and reliability. This paper presents an observation model for GLONASS-based PPP in which the GLONASS hardware delay biases are addressed. In view of frequently changed frequency channel number (FCN) for GLONASS satellites, an algorithm has been developed to compute the FCN for GLONASS satellites using code and phase observations, which avoids the need to provide the GLONASS frequency channel information during data processing. The observation residuals from GLONASS-based PPP are analyzed and compared to those from GPS-based PPP. The performance of GLONASS-based PPP is assessed using data from 15 globally distributed stations.  相似文献   

The performance of real-time (RT) precise positioning can be improved by utilizing observations from multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) instead of one particular system. Since the end of 2012, BeiDou, independently established by China, began to provide operational services for users in the Asia-Pacific regions. In this study, a regional RT precise positioning system is developed to evaluate the performance of GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia in providing high precision positioning services for users. Fixing three hourly updated satellite orbits, RT correction messages are generated and broadcasted by processing RT observation/navigation data streams from the national network of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations in Australia (AUSCORS) at the server side. At the user side, RT PPP is realized by processing RT data streams and the RT correction messages received. RT clock offsets, for which the accuracy reached 0.07 and 0.28?ns for GPS and BeiDou, respectively, can be determined. Based on these corrections, an accuracy of 12.2, 30.0 and 45.6?cm in the North, East and Up directions was achieved for the BeiDou-only solution after 30 min while the GPS-only solution reached 5.1, 15.3 and 15.5?cm for the same components at the same time. A further improvement of 43.7, 36.9 and 45.0 percent in the three directions, respectively, was achieved for the combined GPS/BeiDou solution. After the initialization process, the North, East and Up positioning accuracies were 5.2, 8.1 and 17.8?cm, respectively, for the BeiDou-only solution, while 1.5, 3.0, and 4.7?cm for the GPS-only solution. However, we only noticed a 20.9% improvement in the East direction was obtained for the GPS/BeiDou solution, while no improvements in the other directions were detected. It is expected that such improvements may become bigger with the increasing accuracy of the BeiDou-only solution.  相似文献   

Besides the classical geodetic methods, GPS (Global Positioning System) based positioning methods are widely used for monitoring crustal, structural, ground etc., deformations in recent years. Currently, two main GPS positioning methods are used: Relative and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) methods. It is crucial to know which amount of displacement can be detected with these two methods in order to inform their usability according to the types of deformation. Therefore, this study conducted to investigate horizontal and vertical displacement monitoring performance and capability of determining the direction of displacements of both methods using a developed displacement simulator apparatus. For this purpose, 20 simulated displacement tests were handled. Besides the 24?h data sets, 12?h, 8?h, 4?h and 2?h subsets were considered to examine the influence of short time spans. Each data sets were processed using GAMIT/GLOBK and GIPSY/OASIS scientific software for relative and PPP applications respectively and derived displacements were compared to the simulated (true) displacements. Then statistical significance test was applied. Results of the experiment show that using 24?h data sets, relative method can determine up to 6.0?mm horizontal displacement and 12.3?mm vertical displacement, while PPP method can detect 8.1?mm and 19.2?mm displacements in horizontal and vertical directions respectively. Minimum detected displacements are found to grow larger as time spans are shortened.  相似文献   

The overlapping carrier frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5a and B2/E5b from GPS/Galileo/BDS allow inter-system double-differencing of observations, which shows a clear advantage over differencing of the observations of each constellation independently. However, the inter-system biases destroy the integer nature of the inter-system double-differencing ambiguities. Two methods of direct rounding and parameter estimation are used to determine the ISB value. By analyzing data collected from Curtin University from 2015 to 2018, the phase and code inter-system bias (ISB) are related to the receiver type, firmware version and the selected overlapping frequency. Upgrade of receiver firmware version results in changes of ISB values. For example, the upgrade of Javad firmware in Dec, 15, 2017 causes the difference of 0.5 cycles ISB between BDS GEO and non-GEO satellites. By comparing the three dynamic models which include white noise process, random walk process, and random constant in the parameter estimation method, the ISB determined by the random constant model is consistent with the value obtained by the direct rounding method. After the calibration of ISBs, the performances of tightly combined positioning are assessed. The success rate of ambiguity resolution and accuracy of positioning for the tight combination (TC) are significantly improved in comparison with that for the loose combination (LC) over short baselines. For L5/E5a, on which only few satellites can be observed, the maximum increase in success rates of ambiguity resolution can reach 31.7%, i.e., from 54.9% of LC to larger than 86.6% of TC, and the positioning accuracies can even be increased by 0.13 m, i.e., from 0.208 of LC to 0.074 m of TC in East direction for the mix-receiver TRIMBLE NETR9-SEPT POLARX4 in 2018.  相似文献   

The tracking of large-scale interplanetary (IP) disturbances traveling from the Sun to the Earth is a key issue in space weather studies. The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART) applies the Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) technique to detect these solar wind disturbances and it will participate in a global warning network of space weather forecasting. We describe the data storage and computational processes carried out to manage the instrument’s real time data. These procedures are important for the MEXART calibration, operation and the scientific data reduction.  相似文献   

Precise clock products are typically interpolated based on the sampling interval of the observational data when they are used for in precise point positioning. However, due to the occurrence of white noise in atomic clocks, a residual component of such noise will inevitable reside within the observations when clock errors are interpolated, and such noise will affect the resolution of the positioning results. In this paper, which is based on a twenty-one-week analysis of the atomic clock noise characteristics of numerous satellites, a new stochastic observation model that considers satellite clock interpolation errors is proposed. First, the systematic error of each satellite in the IGR clock product was extracted using a wavelet de-noising method to obtain the empirical characteristics of atomic clock noise within each clock product. Then, based on those empirical characteristics, a stochastic observation model was structured that considered the satellite clock interpolation errors. Subsequently, the IGR and IGS clock products at different time intervals were used for experimental validation. A verification using 179 stations worldwide from the IGS showed that, compared with the conventional model, the convergence times using the stochastic model proposed in this study were respectively shortened by 4.8% and 4.0% when the IGR and IGS 300-s-interval clock products were used and by 19.1% and 19.4% when the 900-s-interval clock products were used. Furthermore, the disturbances during the initial phase of the calculation were also effectively improved.  相似文献   

为了组合导航的载波相位模糊度固定,将目前在GPS中常用的模糊度固定方法--最小二乘降相关平差(LAMBDA)法直接应用于GPS/Galileo组合模糊度固定,发现其搜索空间的确定方法并不能很好地适应GPS/Galileo组合中模糊度维数较高的情况。通过对常规LAMBDA搜索空间确定方法的分析比较,在传统方法的基础上提出了一种专门针对高维模糊度固定的搜索空间确定方法--修正法确定模糊度搜索空间。通过对修正法进行仿真试验,证明该方法能保证在GPS/Galileo组合定位模式下实际备选模糊度个数基本与预先设定的备选模糊度个数一致,进而能在不降低模糊度固定成功率的基础上有效提高LAMBDA模糊度固定的搜索效率,其性能优于传统的模糊度搜索空间确定方法。  相似文献   

There are code biases on the pseudo-range observations of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) that range in size from several decimeters to larger than one meter. These biases can be divided into two categories, which are the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites and the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites. In view of the code bias of the IGSO/MEO satellites, the code bias correction model is established using the weighted least square curve fitting method. After the correction, the code biases of the IGSO and MEO satellites are clearly mitigated. A methodology of correcting GEO code bias is proposed based on the empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-wavelet transform (WT) coupled model. The accuracies of the GEO multipath combination of the B1, B2 and B3 frequencies are improved by 39.9%, 17.9%, and 29.4%, respectively. Based on the corrections above, the ten days observations of three Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations are processed. The results indicate that the convergence time of the precise point positioning (PPP) can be improved remarkably by applying a code bias. The mean convergence time can be improved by 14.67% after the IGSO/MEO code bias correction. By applying the GEO code bias, the mean convergence time can be further improved by 17.42%.  相似文献   

GNSS-based precise relative positioning between spacecraft normally requires dual frequency observations, whereas attitude determination of the spacecraft, mainly due to the stronger model given by the a priori knowledge of the length and geometry of the baselines, can be performed precisely using only single frequency observations. When the Galileo signals will come available, the number of observations at the L1 frequency will increase as we will have a GPS and Galileo multi-constellation. Moreover the L1 observations of the Galileo system and modernized GPS are more precise than legacy GPS and this, combined with the increased number of observations, will result in a stronger model for single frequency relative positioning. In this contribution we will develop an even stronger model by combining the attitude determination problem with relative positioning. The attitude determination problem will be solved by the recently developed Multivariate Constrained (MC-) LAMBDA method. We will do this for each spacecraft and use the outcome for an ambiguity constrained solution on the baseline between the spacecraft. In this way the solution for the unconstrained baseline is bootstrapped from the MC-LAMBDA solutions of each spacecraft in what is called: multivariate bootstrapped relative positioning. The developed approach will be compared in simulations with relative positioning using a single antenna at each spacecraft (standard LAMBDA) and a vectorial bootstrapping approach. In the simulations we will analyze single epoch, single frequency success rates as the most challenging application. The difference in performance for the approaches for single epoch solutions, is a good indication of the strength of the underlying models. As the multivariate bootstrapping approach has a stronger model by applying information on the geometry of the constrained baselines, for applications with large observation noise and limited number of observations this will result in a better performance compared to the vectorial bootstrapping approach. Compared with standard LAMBDA, it can reach a 59% higher success rate for ambiguity resolution. The higher success rate on the unconstrained baseline between the platforms comes without extra computational load as the constrained baseline(s) problem has to be solved for attitude determination and this information can be applied for relative positioning.  相似文献   

Continuous and timely real-time satellite orbit and clock products are mandatory for real-time precise point positioning (RT-PPP). Real-time high-precision satellite orbit and clock products should be predicted within a short time in case of communication delay or connection breakdown in practical applications. For prediction, historical data describing the characteristics of the real-time orbit and clock can be used as the basis for performing the prediction. When historical data are scarce, it is difficult for many existing models to perform precise predictions. In this paper, a linear regression model is used to predict clock products. Seven-day GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) final clock products sampled at 30 s are used to analyze the characteristics of GNSS clocks. It is shown that the linear regression model can be used as the prediction model for the satellite clock products. In addition, the accuracy of the clock prediction for different satellites are analyzed using historical data with different periods (such as 2 and 10 epochs). Experimental results show that the accuracy of the clock with the linear regression prediction model using historical data with 10 epochs is 1.0 ns within 900 s. This is higher accuracy than that achieved using historical data of 2 epochs. Finally, the performance analysis for real-time kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) is provided using GFZ final clock prediction results and state space representation (SSR) clock prediction results when communication delay or connection breakdown occur. Experimental results show that the positioning accuracy without prediction is better than that with prediction in general, whether using the final clock product or the SSR clock product. For the final clock product, the positioning accuracy in the north (N), east (E), and up (U) directions is better than 10.0 cm with all visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 15.0 cm to 7.0 cm. For the SSR clock product, the positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions is better than 12.0 cm with visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 12.0 cm to 9.0 cm.  相似文献   

Galileo系统与GPS卫星定位系统相位组合观测值的模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍Galileo系统空间信号的基础上,以模糊度保持整数为前提,给出了Galileo系统的4个频率载波与GPS L2载波的组合相位观测值的定义,并对有关误差影响加以分析,最后根据一定的组合标准论述了具有相应特性的组合观测值,并给出一些典型的组合.   相似文献   

Precise point positioning (PPP) usually takes about 30?min to obtain centimetre-level accuracy, which greatly limits its application. To address the drawbacks of convergence speed and positioning accuracy, we develop a PPP model with integrated GPS and BDS observations. Based on the method, stations with global coverage are selected to estimate the fractional cycle bias (FCB) of GPS and BDS. The short-term and long-term time series of wide-lane (WL) FCB, and the single day change of narrow-lane (NL) FCB are analysed. It is found that the range of GPS and BDS non-GEO (IGSO and MEO) WL FCB is stable at up to a 30-day-time frame. At times frame of up to 60?days, the stability is reduced a lot. Whether for short-term or long-term, the changes in the BDS GEO WL FCB are large. Moreover, BDS FCB sometimes undergoes a sudden jump. Besides, 17 and 10 stations were used respectively to investigate the convergence speed and positioning errors with six strategies: BDS ambiguity-float PPP (Bfloat), GPS ambiguity-float PPP (Gfloat), BDS/GPS ambiguity-float PPP (BGfloat), BDS ambiguity-fixed PPP (Bfix), GPS ambiguity-fixed (Gfix), and BDS/GPS ambiguity-fixed (BGfix). The average convergence speed of the ambiguity-fixed solution is greatly improved compared with the ambiguity-float solution. In terms of the average convergence time, the Bfloat is the longest and the BGfix is the shortest among these six strategies. Whether for ambiguity-float PPP or ambiguity-fixed PPP, the convergence reduction time in three directions for the combined system is the largest compared with the single BDS. The average RMS value of the Bfix in three directions (easting (E), northing (N), and up (U)) are 2.0?cm, 1.5?cm, and 5.9?cm respectively, while those of the Gfix are 0.8?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.7?cm. Compared with single system, the BDS/GPS combined ambiguity-fixed system (BGfix) has the fastest convergence speed and the highest accuracy, with average RMS as 0.7?cm, 0.5?cm, and 1.9?cm for the E, N, U components, respectively.  相似文献   

Ionosphere delay is very important to GNSS observations, since it is one of the main error sources which have to be mitigated even eliminated in order to determine reliable and precise positions. The ionosphere is a dispersive medium to radio signal, so the value of the group delay or phase advance of GNSS radio signal depends on the signal frequency. Ground-based GNSS stations have been used for ionosphere monitoring and modeling for a long time. In this paper we will introduce a novel approach suitable for single-receiver operation based on the precise point positioning (PPP) technique. One of the main characteristic is that only carrier-phase observations are used to avoid particular effects of pseudorange observations. The technique consists of introducing ionosphere ambiguity parameters obtained from PPP filter into the geometry-free combination of observations to estimate ionospheric delays. Observational data from stations that are capable of tracking the GPS/BDS/GALILEO from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS Experiments (MGEX) network are processed. For the purpose of performance validation, ionospheric delays series derived from the novel approach are compared with the global ionospheric map (GIM) from Ionospheric Associate Analysis Centers (IAACs). The results are encouraging and offer potential solutions to the near real-time ionosphere monitoring.  相似文献   

Obtaining reliable GNSS uncalibrated phase delay (UPD) or integer clock products is the key to achieving ambiguity-fixed solutions for real-time (RT) precise point positioning (PPP) users. However, due to the influence of RT orbit errors, the quality of UPD/integer clock products estimated with a globally distributed GNSS network is difficult to ensure, thereby affecting the ambiguity resolution (AR) performance of RT-PPP. In this contribution, by fully utilising the consistency of orbital errors in regional GNSS network coverage areas, a method is proposed for estimating regional integer clock products to compensate for RT orbit errors. Based on Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) RT precise products, the regional GPS/BDS integer clock was estimated with a CORS network in the west of China. Results showed that the difference between the estimated regional and CNES global integer clock/bias products was generally less than 5 cm for GPS, whereas clock differences of greater than 10 cm were observed for BDS due to the large RT orbit error. Compared with PPP using global integer clock/bias products, the AR performance of PPP using the regional integer clock was obviously improved for four rover stations. For single GPS, the horizontal and vertical accuracies of ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions were improved by 56.2% and 45.3% on average, respectively, whereas improvements of 67.5% and 50.5% in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, were observed for the combined GPS/BDS situation. Based on a regional integer clock, the RMS error of a kinematic ambiguity-fixed PPP solution in the horizontal direction could reach 0.5 cm. In terms of initialisation time, the average time to first fix (TTFF) in combined GPS/BDS PPP was shortened from 18.2 min to 12.7 min. In view of the high AR performance realised with the use of regional integer clocks, this method can be applied to scenarios that require high positioning accuracy, such as deformation monitoring.  相似文献   

We present first results of using the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Galileo for determining the Total Electron Content (TEC). Furthermore, we describe a calibration technique which can be used to determine GNSS inter-frequency and inter-system biases along with calibrated TEC.  相似文献   

Timing group delay (TGD) is an important parameter that affects the positioning performance of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) broadcasts TGD corrections from B3I frequency to B1I and B2I frequencies, namely TGD1 and TGD2. On July 21, 2017, BDS updated TGD values with a maximum change of more than 4 ns. In this contribution, we explain the motivation for the BDS TGD update, which is due to the systematic bias between narrowly correlated and widely correlated pseudo-ranges in BDS monitoring receivers. To investigate the impact of the updated TGD, BDS signal-in-space range error (SISRE) and user positioning performance regarding single point positioning (SPP) and precise point positioning (PPP) are analyzed. Results show that after the update of TGD, the difference between the new TGD and multi-GNSS experiment (MGEX) differential code bias (DCB) decreases from 1.38 ns to 0.29 ns on TGD1 and from 0.40 ns to 0.25 ns on TGD2. With the contribution of more accurate TGD, the systematic bias of BDS radial SISRE no longer exists, and the overall BDS SISRE also reduces from 1.33 m to 0.87 m on B1I/B2I frequency, from 1.05 m to 0.89 m on B1I frequency, from 0.92 m to 0.91 m on B2I frequency, respectively, which proves the similar precision of BDS TGD and MGEX DCB. One week of statistical results from 28 globally distributed MGEX stations shows that the SPP performance improves on non-B3I frequencies after the TGD update, with a maximum improvement of more than 22% for the B1I/B2I or B1I/B3I combination. The new TGD mainly reduces SPP positioning bias in the East component. The updated TGD also slightly improves the PPP convergence performance for the B1I/B3I combination, but mostly contributes to a more accurate estimation of the receiver clock and ambiguities.  相似文献   

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