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We study the roto-orbital motion of a triaxial rigid body around a sphere, which is assumed to be much more massive than the triaxial body. The associated dynamics of this system, which consists of a normalized Hamiltonian with respect to the fast angles (partial averaging), is investigated making use of variables referred to the total angular momentum. The first order approximation of this model is integrable. We carry out the analysis of the relative equilibria, which hinges principally in the dihedral angle between the orbital and rotational planes and the ratio among the moments of inertia ρ=(B-A)/(2C-B-A). In particular, the dynamics of the body frame, though formally given by the classical Euler equations, experiences changes of stability in the principal directions related to the roto-orbital coupling. When ρ=1/3, we find a family of relative equilibria connected to the unstable equilibria of the free rigid body.  相似文献   

The rotational state of Envisat is re-estimated using the specular glint times in optical observation data obtained from 2013 to 2015. The model is simplified to a uniaxial symmetric model with the first order variation of its angular momentum subject to a gravity-gradient torque causing precession around the normal of the orbital plane. The sense of Envisat’s rotation can be derived from observational data, and is found to be opposite to the sense of its orbital motion. The rotational period is estimated to be (120.674±0.068)·exp(4.5095±0.0096)×10-4·ts, where t is measured in days from the beginning of 2013. The standard deviation is 0.760?s, making this the best fit obtained for Envisat in the literature to date. The results demonstrate that the angle between the angular momentum vector and the negative normal of the orbital plane librates around a mean value of 8.53°±0.42° with an amplitude from about 0.7° (in 2013) to 0.5° (in 2015), with the libration period equal to the precession period of the angular momentum, from about 4.8?days (in 2013) to 3.4?days (in 2015). The ratio of the minimum to maximum principal moments of inertia is estimated to be 0.0818±0.0011, and the initial longitude of the angular momentum in the orbital coordinate system is 40.5°±9.3°. The direction of the rotation axis derived from our results at September 23, 2013, UTC 20:57 is similar to the results obtained from satellite laser ranging data but about 20° closer to the negative normal of the orbital plane.  相似文献   

In this paper parallel flow velocity shear Kelvin-Helmholtz instability has been studied in two different extended regions of the inner magnetosphere of Saturn. The method of the characteristic solution and kinetic approach has been used in the mathematical calculation of dispersion relation and growth rate of K-H waves. Effect of magnetic field (B), inhomogeneity (P/a), velocity shear scale length (Ai), temperature anisotropy (T/T||), electric field (E), ratio of electron to ion temperature (Te/Ti), density gradient (εnρi) and angle of propagation (θ) on the dimensionless growth rate of K-H waves in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn has been observed with respect to kρi. Calculations of this theoretical analysis have been done taking the data from the Cassini in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn in the two extended regions of Rs ~4.60–4.01 and Rs ~4.82–5.0. In our study velocity shear, temperature anisotropy and magnitude of the electric field are observed to be the major sources of free energy for the K-H instability in both the regions considered. The inhomogeneity of electric field, electron-ion temperature ratio, and density gradient have been observed playing stabilizing effect on K-H instability. This study also indicates the effect of the vicinity of icy moon Enceladus on the growth of K-H instability.  相似文献   

We report on extensive BVRcIc photometry and low-resolution (λ/Δλ250) spectroscopy of the deep-space debris WT1190F, which impacted Earth offshore from Sri Lanka, on 2015 November 13. In spite of its likely artificial origin (as a relic of some past lunar mission), the case offered important points of discussion for its suggestive connection with the envisaged scenario for a (potentially far more dangerous) natural impactor, like an asteroid or a comet.Our observations indicate for WT1190F an absolute magnitude Rc=32.45±0.31, with a flat dependence of reflectance on the phase angle, such as dRc/d?0.007±2?mag?deg?1. The detected short-timescale variability suggests that the body was likely spinning with a period twice the nominal figure of Pflash=1.4547±0.0005s, as from the observed lightcurve. In the BVRcIc color domain, WT1190F closely resembled the Planck deep-space probe. This match, together with a depressed reflectance around 4000 and 8500 Å may be suggestive of a “grey” (aluminized) surface texture.The spinning pattern remained in place also along the object fiery entry in the atmosphere, a feature that may have partly shielded the body along its fireball phase perhaps leading a large fraction of its mass to survive intact, now lying underwater along a tight (1×80?km) strip of sea, at a depth of 1500?m or less.Under the assumption of Lambertian scatter, an inferred size of 216±30/α/0.1?cm is obtained for WT1190F. By accounting for non-gravitational dynamical perturbations, the Area-to-Mass ratio of the body was in the range (0.006?AMR?0.011)?m2?kg?1.Both these figures resulted compatible with the two prevailing candidates to WT1190F’s identity, namely the Athena II Trans-Lunar Injection Stage of the Lunar Prospector mission, and the ascent stage of the Apollo 10 lunar module, callsign “Snoopy”. Both candidates have been analyzed in some detail here through accurate 3D CAD design mockup modelling and BRDF reflectance rendering to derive the inherent photometric properties to be compared with the observations.  相似文献   

We used the ugr magnitudes of 1437467 F-G type main-sequence stars with metal abundance -2?[Fe/H]?+0.2 dex and estimated radial and vertical metallicity gradients for high Galactic-latitude fields, 50°<b?90° and 0°<l?360°, of the Milky Way Galaxy. The radial metallicity gradient d[Fe/H]/dR=-0.042±0.011 dex kpc?1 estimated for the stars with 1.31<z1.74 kpc is attributed to the thin-disc population. While, the radial gradients evaluated for stars at higher vertical distances are close to zero indicating that the thick disc and halo have not undergone a radial collapse phase at least at high Galactic latitudes. The vertical metallicity gradients estimated for stars with three different Galactic latitudes, 50°<b?65°,65°<b?80° and 80°<b?90° do not show a strong indication for Galactic latitude dependence of our gradients. The thin disc, 0.5<z?2 kpc, with a vertical metallicity gradient dFe/H/dz=-0.308±0.018 dex kpc?1, is dominant only in galactocentric distance interval 6<R?10 kpc, while the thick disc (2<z?5 kpc) could be observed in the intervals 6<R?10 and 10<R?15 kpc with compatible vertical metallicity gradients, i.e. dFe/H/dz=-0.164±0.014 dex kpc?1 and dFe/H/dz=-0.172±0.016 dex kpc?1. Five vertical metallicity gradients are estimated for the halo (z>5 kpc) in three galactocentric distance intervals, 6<R?10,10<R?15 and 15<R?20 kpc. The first one corresponding to the interval 6<R?10 kpc is equal to dFe/H/dz=-0.023±0.006 dex kpc?1, while the others at larger galactocentric distances are close to zero. We derived synthetic vertical metallicity gradients for 2,230,167 stars and compared them with the observed ones. There is a good agreement between the two sets of vertical metallicity gradients for the thin disc, while they are different for the thick disc. For the halo, the conspicuous difference corresponds to the galactocentric distance interval 6<R?10 kpc, while they are compatible at higher galactocentric distance intervals.  相似文献   

For the first time, empirical model of daytime vertical E×B drift based on Empirical Orthogonal functions (EOF) decomposition technique is presented. Day-to-day variability of E×B drift inferred from horizontal (H) geomagnetic field data around dip latitude for the period of 2008–2013 is used to both develop and validate the model. Results show that the EOF technique is promising with modelled values and data giving correlation coefficient values of at least 0.90 for geomagnetic conditions of both Kp?3 and Kp>3 within 2008–2013. Independent model validation shows that in situ E×B values from ion velocity meter (IVM) instrument on-board C/NOFS satellite are closer to model E×B estimates than the climatological Scherliess-Fejer (SF) model incorporated within the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI).  相似文献   

The astrophysical parameters have been estimated for two unstudied open star clusters Teutsch 10 and Teutsch 25 using the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) database. Radius is estimated as 4.5 arcmin for both clusters using radial density profiles. We have estimated proper motion values in both RA and DEC directions as 2.28±0.3 and -0.38±0.11?mas?yr?1 for Teutsch 10 and 0.48±0.3 and 3.35±0.16?mas?yr?1 for Teutsch 25 using PPMXL1 catalog. By estimating the stellar membership probabilities, we have identified 30 and 28 most likely members for Teutsch 10 and Teutsch 25 respectively. We have estimated the reddening as E(B-V)=0.96±0.3?mag for Teutsch 10 and 0.58±0.2?mag for Teutsch 25, while the corresponding distances are 2.4±0.2 and 1.9±0.1?kpc. Ages of 70±10?Myr for Teutsch 10 and 900±100?Myr for Teutsch 25 are estimated using the theoretical isochrones of metallicity Z?=?0.019. The mass function slopes are derived as 1.23±0.30 and 1.09±0.35 for Teutsch 10 and Teutsch 25 respectively. Estimated mass function slope for both the clusters are close to the Salpeter value (x=1.35) within the errors. Estimated values of dynamical relaxation time are found to be less than cluster’s age for these objects. This concludes that both objects are dynamically relaxed. The possible reason for relaxation may be due to dynamical evolution or imprint of star formation or both.  相似文献   

We study the effects of space weather on the ionosphere and low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites’ orbital trajectory in equatorial, low- and mid-latitude (EQL, LLT and MLT) regions during (and around) the notable storms of October/November, 2003. We briefly review space weather effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere to demonstrate that such effects are also latitude-dependent and well established. Following the review we simulate the trend in variation of satellite’s orbital radius (r), mean height (h) and orbit decay rate (ODR) during 15 October–14 November 2003 in EQL, LLT and MLT. Nominal atmospheric drag on LEO satellite is usually enhanced by space weather or solar-induced variations in thermospheric temperature and density profile. To separate nominal orbit decay from solar-induced accelerated orbit decay, we compute r,h and ODR in three regimes viz. (i) excluding solar indices (or effect), where r=r0,h=h0 and ODR=ODR0 (ii) with mean value of solar indices for the interval, where r=rm,h=hm and ODR=ODRm and (iii) with actual daily values of solar indices for the interval (r,h and ODR). For a typical LEO satellite at h?=?450?km, we show that the total decay in r during the period is about 4.20?km, 3.90?km and 3.20?km in EQL, LLT and MLT respectively; the respective nominal decay (r0) is 0.40?km, 0.34?km and 0.22?km, while solar-induced orbital decay (rm) is about 3.80?km, 3.55?km and 2.95?km. h also varied in like manner. The respective nominal ODR0 is about 13.5?m/day, 11.2?m/day and 7.2?m/day, while solar-induced ODRm is about 124.3?m/day, 116.9?m/day and 97.3?m/day. We also show that severe geomagnetic storms can increase ODR by up to 117% (from daily mean value). However, the extent of space weather effects on LEO Satellite’s trajectory significantly depends on the ballistic co-efficient and orbit of the satellite, and phase of solar cycles, intensity and duration of driving (or influencing) solar event.  相似文献   

The Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) region hosts satellites for navigation, communication, and geodetic/space environmental science, among which are the Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS). Safe and efficient removal of debris from MEO is problematic due to the high cost for maneuvers needed to directly reach the Earth (reentry orbits) and the relatively crowded GNSS neighborhood (graveyard orbits). Recent studies have highlighted the complicated secular dynamics in the MEO region, but also the possibility of exploiting these dynamics, for designing removal strategies. In this paper, we present our numerical exploration of the long-term dynamics in MEO, performed with the purpose of unveiling the set of reentry and graveyard solutions that could be reached with maneuvers of reasonable ΔV cost. We simulated the dynamics over 120–200?years for an extended grid of millions of fictitious MEO satellites that covered all inclinations from 0 to 90°, using non-averaged equations of motion and a suitable dynamical model that accounted for the principal geopotential terms, 3rd-body perturbations and solar radiation pressure (SRP). We found a sizeable set of usable solutions with reentry times that exceed 40 years, mainly around three specific inclination values: 46°, 56°, and 68°; a result compatible with our understanding of MEO secular dynamics. For ΔV?300 m/s (i.e., achieved if you start from a typical GNSS orbit and target a disposal orbit with e<0.3), reentry times from GNSS altitudes exceed 70 years, while low-cost (ΔV?535 m/s) graveyard orbits, stable for at lest 200?years, are found for eccentricities up to e0.018. This investigation was carried out in the framework of the EC-funded “ReDSHIFT” project.  相似文献   

The interaction of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs) with the lunar surface produces secondary radiations as neutrons. The study of the production and attenuation of these neutrons in the lunar soil is very important to estimate the annual ambient dose equivalent on the lunar surface and for lunar nuclear spectroscopy. Also, understanding the attenuation of fast neutrons in lunar soils can help in measuring of the lunar neutron density profile and to measure the neutron flux on the lunar surface. In this paper, the attenuation of fast neutrons in different lunar soils is investigated. The macroscopic effective removal cross section (ΣR)(ΣR) of fast neutrons was theoretically calculated from the mass removal cross-section values (ΣR/ρ)(ΣR/ρ) for various elements in soils. The obtained values of (ΣR)(ΣR) were discussed according to the density. The results show that the attenuation of fast neutrons is more important in the landing sites of Apollo 12 and Luna 16 than the other landing sites of Apollo and Luna missions.  相似文献   

The Global Positioning System (GPS) has been applied in meteorology to monitor the change of Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) in atmosphere, transformed from Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD). A key factor in converting the ZWD into the PWV is the weighted mean temperature (Tm), which has a direct impact on the accuracy of the transformation. A number of Bevis-type models, like Tm-Ts and Tm-Ts,Ps type models, have been developed by statistics approaches, and are not able to clearly depict the relationship between Tm and the surface temperature, Ts. A new model for Tm, called weighted mean temperature norm model (abbreviated as norm model), is derived as a function of Ts, the lapse rate of temperature, δ, the tropopause height, htrop, and the radiosonde station height, hs. It is found that Tm is better related to Ts through an intermediate temperature. The small effects of lapse rate can be ignored and the tropopause height be obtained from an empirical model. Then the norm model is reduced to a simplified form, which causes fewer loss of accuracy and needs two inputs, Ts and hs. In site-specific fittings, the norm model performs much better, with RMS values reduced averagely by 0.45 K and the Mean of Absolute Differences (MAD) values by 0.2 K. The norm model is also found more appropriate than the linear models to fit Tm in a large area, not only with the RMS value reduced from 4.3 K to 3.80 K, correlation coefficient R2 increased from 0.84 to 0.88, and MAD decreased from 3.24 K to 2.90 K, but also with the distribution of simplified model values to be more reasonable. The RMS and MAD values of the differences between reference and computed PWVs are reduced by on average 16.3% and 14.27%, respectively, when using the new norm models instead of the linear model.  相似文献   

The Atacama Large Millimeter-Submillimeter Array (ALMA) has opened a new window for studying the Sun via high-resolution high-sensitivity imaging at millimeter wavelengths. In this contribution I review the capabilities of the instrument for solar observing and describe the extensive effort taken to bring the possibility of solar observing with ALMA to the scientific community. The first solar ALMA observations were carried out during 2014 and 2015 in two ALMA bands, Band 3 (λ=3?mm) and Band 6 (λ=1.3?mm), in single-dish and interferometric modes, using single pointing and mosaicing observing techniques, with spatial resolution up to 2″ and 1″ in the two bands, respectively. I overview several recently published studies which made use of the first solar ALMA observations, describe current status of solar observing with ALMA and briefly discuss the future capabilities of the instrument.  相似文献   

The prospects of future satellite gravimetry missions to sustain a continuous and improved observation of the gravitational field have stimulated studies of new concepts of space inertial sensors with potentially improved precision and stability. This is in particular the case for cold-atom interferometry (CAI) gradiometry which is the object of this paper. The performance of a specific CAI gradiometer design is studied here in terms of quality of the recovered gravity field through a closed-loop numerical simulation of the measurement and processing workflow. First we show that mapping the time-variable field on a monthly basis would require a noise level below 5mE/Hz. The mission scenarios are therefore focused on the static field, like GOCE. Second, the stringent requirement on the angular velocity of a one-arm gradiometer, which must not exceed 10-6?rad/s, leads to two possible modes of operation of the CAI gradiometer: the nadir and the quasi-inertial mode. In the nadir mode, which corresponds to the usual Earth-pointing satellite attitude, only the gradient Vyy, along the cross-track direction, is measured. In the quasi-inertial mode, the satellite attitude is approximately constant in the inertial reference frame and the 3 diagonal gradients Vxx,Vyy and Vzz are measured. Both modes are successively simulated for a 239?km altitude orbit and the error on the recovered gravity models eventually compared to GOCE solutions. We conclude that for the specific CAI gradiometer design assumed in this paper, only the quasi-inertial mode scenario would be able to significantly outperform GOCE results at the cost of technically challenging requirements on the orbit and attitude control.  相似文献   

This study reports on observations of large-scale atmospheric gravity waves/traveling ionospheric disturbances (AGWs/TIDs) using Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) and Fabry–Perot Interferometer’s (FPI’s) intensity of oxygen red line emission at 630?nm measurements over Svalbard on the night of 6 January 2014. TEC large-scale TIDs have primary periods ranging between 29 and 65?min and propagate at a mean horizontal velocity of 749–761?m/s with azimuth of 345–347° (which corresponds to poleward propagation direction). On the other hand, FPI large-scale AGWs have larger periods of 42–142?min. These large-scale AGWs/TIDs were linked to enhanced auroral activity identified from co-located all-sky camera and IMAGE magnetometers. Similar periods, speed and poleward propagation were found for the all-sky camera (60–97?min and 823?m/s) and the IMAGE magnetometers (32–53?min and 708?m/s) observations. Joule heating or/and particle precipitation as a result of auroral energy injection were identified as likely generation mechanisms for these disturbances.  相似文献   

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