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The experimental results obtained in experiment “STACO” made on board the Spacelab D-2 are re-visited, with image-analysis tools not then available. The configuration consisted of a liquid bridge between two solid supporting discs. An expected breakage occurred during the experiment. The recorded images are analysed and the measured behaviour compared with the results of a three dimensional model of the liquid dynamics, obtaining a much better fit than with linear models.  相似文献   

Space flight has been shown to have many adverse effects on various systems throughout the body. Because the opportunity to place research animals on board a Space Shuttle or the International Space Station is infrequent, various techniques have been designed to simulate the effects of microgravity in Earth based laboratories. A commonly used technique is known as antiorthostatic suspension, also often referred to as hind limb suspension. In this technique the hind portion of the animal is raised so that its hind limbs are non-weight bearing. This places the animal in roughly a 30° head down tilt position. This results in cephalic fluid shifts similar to those seen in actual space flight. This technique has also been shown to mimic other physiological parameters that are affected during space flight. This study examined testicular tissue from rats subjected to a 7 day antiorthostatic suspension. This tissue was acquired through a tissue sharing program and some of the experimental animals were injected with Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) which was hoped to ameliorate some of the effects of antiorthostatic suspension. The injection of IL-1ra was not expected to have any effect on testicular tissue, however this tissue was included in the morphological and statistical analysis to conduct a more complete study. All tissues were embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained using standard H&E staining. The tissue was then qualitatively ranked according to the “health” of the seminiferous tubules. Our findings indicate that 7 days of antiorthostatic suspension had adverse effects on the tissue that comprises the walls of the seminiferous tubules. It has long been known that antiorthostatic suspension has deleterious effects on testicular tissue, however this research indicates that these effects occur much faster than indicated by previous researchers. This is a significant finding because it indicates that meaningful earth based studies in this area can be carried out in a shorter time span. This could result in more studies per year as well as saving money by avoiding longer than necessary animal suspensions. This is especially important as we enter an era when, without Space Shuttle, flight opportunities will become scarce. These antiorthostatic suspension studies indicate that space flight, even short duration spaceflight, may have harmful effects on the seminiferous tubules and blood-testis barrier of astronauts.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that microgravity might affect drug absorption in vivo, drug permeability across epithelial barriers has not yet been investigated in vitro during modelled microgravity. Therefore, a cell culture/diffusion chamber was designed specifically to accommodate epithelial cell layers in a 3D-clinostat and allow epithelial permeability to be measured under microgravity conditions in vitro with minimum alteration to established cell culture techniques. Human respiratory epithelial Calu-3 cell layers were used to model the airway epithelium. Cells grown at an air interface in the diffusion chamber from day 1 or day 5 after seeding on 24-well polyester Transwell cell culture inserts developed a similar transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) to cells cultured in conventional cell culture plates. Confluent Calu-3 layers exposed to modelled microgravity in the 3D-clinostat for up to 48 h maintained their high TER. The permeability of the paracellular marker 14C-mannitol was unaffected after a 24 h rotation of the cell layers in the 3D-clinostat, but was increased 2-fold after 48 h of modelled microgravity. It was demonstrated that the culture/diffusion chamber developed is suitable for culturing epithelial cell layers and, when subjected to rotation in the 3D-clinostat, will be a valuable in vitro system in which to study the influence of microgravity on epithelial permeability and drug transport.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have indicated that the microgravity environment of space has harmful effects on several tissues throughout the body. Although this phenomenon is well documented, research in this area is still in its relative infancy. This study investigates the effects of space flight on mucin production of the uterine tubes of mice. This study examined the epithelium of the uterine tubes from female mice that were flown on the space shuttle Endeavour for 13 days in August, 2007 and their concomitant controls. The tissue was qualitatively analyzed for the type of mucin produced, i.e., acidic, neutral, acidic/neutral mixture. Further, the tissue was quantitatively analyzed for the amounts of mucins produced by measuring the thickness of the mucin layer for each region of the uterine tube: isthmus, ampulla, and infundibulum. One way ANOVA tests were used to compare mucin thickness between all three sets of animals. Results indicate similar but not identical results between the three regions of the uterine tube. The Baseline tissue had the thickest mucin layer regardless of treatment group. In the ampulla the mucin layer was the thinnest in the Flight tissue, followed by the Ground Control, with the Baseline being the thickest. Analysis of the mucin layer of the infundibulum of the three treatment groups indicated no difference in its thickness between the three regions of the uterine tube. These results indicate a trend toward thinning of the mucin layer of the uterine tube in space flight, but also indicate an influence by the housing environment.  相似文献   

In view of the concern for the health of astronauts that may one day journey to Mars or the Moon, we investigated the effect that space radiation and microgravity might have on DNA damage and repair. We sent frozen human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells to the International Space Station where they were maintained under frozen conditions during a 134-day mission (14 November 2008 to 28 March 2009) except for an incubation period of 8 days under 1G or μG conditions in a CO2 incubator. The incubation period started after 100 days during which the cells had been exposed to 54 mSv of space radiation. The incubated cells were then refrozen, returned to Earth, and compared to ground control samples for the determination of the influence of microgravity on cell survival and mutation induction. The results for both varied from experiment to experiment, yielding a large SD, but the μG sample results differed significantly from the 1G sample results for each of 2 experiments, with the mean ratio of μG to 1G being 0.55 for the concentration of viable cells and 0.59 for the fraction of thymidine kinase deficient (TK) mutants. Among the mutants, non-loss of zygosity events (point mutations) were less frequent (31%) after μG incubation than after 1G incubation, which might be explained by the influence of μG on cellular metabolic or physiological function. Additional experiments are needed to clarify the effect of μG interferes on DNA repair.  相似文献   

Through the striving of humanity into space, new production processes and technologies for the use under microgravity will be essential in the future. Production of objects in space demands for new processes, like additive manufacturing. This paper presents the concept and the realization for a new machine to investigate microgravity production processes on earth. The machine is based on linear long stator drives and a vacuum chamber carrying up to 1000?kg. For the first time high repetition rate and associated low experimental costs can provide basic research. The paper also introduces the substrate-free additive manufacturing as a future research topic and one of our primary application.  相似文献   

A total of more than 260 continuous stations and 2000 campaign stations from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) project, covering the Chinese mainland and its surrounding areas during the period of 1998–2018, are processed using the Bernese Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) software via a state-of-the-art method. We obtain the coordinate time series of all the stations given in the reference frame ITRF2014, estimate the coseismic deformation, and remove outliers. Lastly, we present the latest, most complete, and most accurate contemporary horizontal velocity field with respect to the stable Eurasian plate, irrespective of the postseismic deformations. This study shows that the signal of tectonic movement in Western China is stronger than that in Eastern China particularly in the Tibetan Plateau, with a rate of 18–32?mm/a. Moreover, the signal decays sharply from south to north. However, North China and South China move coherently to the ESE direction mostly at a rate of 4–10?mm/a and have not experienced any abrupt velocity gradients in their interiors. Meanwhile, Northeast China has the lowest velocity of only 2–4?mm/a in addition to the coastal areas that have slightly larger velocities. The densified and continuous observation of GNSS stations are of great significance to the study of the present-day crustal movement and tectonic deformation characteristics of the Chinese mainland. This would help to provide better constraints on the kinematics and dynamics of the region.  相似文献   

研究粒径对栽培基质容重、孔性和水吸力的影响,以便为空间植物培养提供栽培基质。采用4种基质,即Profile基质(P)、黑陶粒(B)、白陶粒(W)和蛭石(V),各基质按照不同粒径(< 1 mm,1~2 mm,2~3 mm)组成设置了10种组合(体积百分比),研究测试不同粒径组合基质的基本理化特性、容重、孔性和水吸力。P和B基质的容重约0.70 g·cm–3。P基质含有较多矿质养分离子;增加小粒径基质颗粒占比,不同组合基质的容重、总孔隙度和持水孔隙度均显著增加,但通气孔隙度下降;在10种不同基质组合中,P7(40-60-0)、B8(10-70-20)和W4(10-60-30)分别具有最高的总孔隙度,P8(10-70-20),B1(20-50-30)和W8(10-70-20)具有最高的气水比,P3(50-50-0),B3(50-50-0)和W3(50-50-0)具有最高吸附水量;4种基质的平均总孔隙度和吸水量大小顺序为V>P>B>W。因此,P3(50-50-0)基质和B7(40-60-0)基质具有适中的容重、良好的孔性和较高的水吸力,适用于空间植物栽培。  相似文献   

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