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A variably trimmed mean CFAR radar detector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variably trimmed mean (VTM) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detector in which the threshold is determined by processing a linear combination of a group of ordered samples in each window is introduced. Unlike the trimmed mean detector, the number of ordered samples that require further processing is allowed to vary according to a data-dependent rule. It is demonstrated that the VTM detector exhibits performance characteristics that are independent of the total (stationary) noise power. Simulated performance results are presented for regions of clutter power transitions and for multiple target environments to illustrate the possible improvement over the order-statistic detector that can be obtained by using a VTM detector  相似文献   

A CFAR adaptive matched filter detector   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An adaptive algorithm for radar target detection using an antenna array is proposed. The detector is derived in a manner similar to that of the generalized likelihood-ratio test (GLRT) but contains a simplified test statistic that is a limiting case of the GLRT detector. This simplified detector is analyzed for performance to signals on boresight, as well as when the signal direction is misaligned with the look direction  相似文献   

涡轮泵实时故障检测短数据均值自适应阈值算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了实时监控液体火箭发动机涡轮泵的状态,提高其安全性,降低其故障带来的破坏程度,提出了短数据均值自适应阈值算法(SDM—ATA),建立了实时故障检测的统计学模型、研究了阈值区间均值与方差的自适应计算及其带宽系数的自适应训练、故障综合决策逻辑,以及故障数据对阈值贡献的踢除等方法,并利用某型火箭发动机地面试车涡轮泵振动测量数据和某型转子试验平台实时测量数据对该算法进行离线和实时在线故障检测试验验证。结果表明,SDM—ATA没有发生误检测情况,并具有实时故障检测的能力。  相似文献   

An adaptive detection algorithm with a sensibility parameter for rejecting unwanted signals is presented. This algorithm is a simple modification of the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) detector (or test) for detecting a signal in zero mean Gaussian noise with unknown correlation matrix. Specifically, the adaptive detection algorithm is obtained by introducing an arbitrary positive scalar, which is called the sensitivity parameter, into the GLR detector as a multiplier of an already existing quadratic term. The GLR detector then becomes a special case of this detector for the unity sensitivity parameter. It is shown that the sensitivity parameter controls the degree to which unwanted signals are rejected. From numerical examples, it is demonstrated how the sensitivity parameter can be chosen such that unwanted signals, can be rejected while maintaining acceptable detection loss for slightly mismatched signals. Further insight into previous work on adaptive detection is also given  相似文献   

Coherent signal detection in non-Gaussian interference is presently of interest in adaptive array applications. Conventional array detection algorithms inherently model the interference with a multivariate Gaussian random vector. However, non-Gaussian interference models are also under investigation for applications where the Gaussian assumption may not be appropriate. We analyze the performance of an adaptive array receiver for signal detection in interference modeled with a non-Gaussian distribution referred to as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV). We first motivate this interference model with results from radar clutter measurements collected in the Mountain Top Program. Then we develop analytical expressions for the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection for the adaptive array receiver. Our analysis shows that the receiver has constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance with respect to all the interference parameters. Some illustrative examples are included that compare the detection performance of this CFAR receiver with a receiver that has prior knowledge of the interference parameters  相似文献   

The maximum-mean-level detector (MX-MLD) is a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector designed to eliminate the excessively high false-alarm rate seen with the MLD at the edges of contiguous clutter regions. The concomitant high target suppression effect led M. Weiss (1982) to suggest a censored modification. The authors analyze the detection performance of the maximum-censored-mean-level detector (MX-CMLD). A homogeneous Swerling II target and clutter environment are assumed, and only single-pulse detection is considered. Analytic results apply equally to the MX-MLD and extend previous analysis. Simulation results are presented that demonstrate the qualitative effects of various CFAR detectors in nonhomogeneous clutter environments  相似文献   

Traditional lie detector testing requires the subject to be physically attached to a variety of sensors. This is impractical for scenarios such as checkpoints where a large number of individuals are entering at a high rate, necessitating the employment of other methods. Currently, checkpoint officers must make a quick decision to determine if an individual is being deceptive, and if, in turn, they should be searched. The remote detection of deception (RDD) concept uses a non-contact sensor to obtain physiological information that can be used to aid the checkpoint officer's decision. Such a device must be able to sense physiological signals from the body that may indicate deception in an unobtrusive and non-contact manner  相似文献   

于建华  陈志同 《航空学报》2016,37(5):1657-1665
在叶片加工过程中,由于叶片的薄壁和曲率多变特点,易受装夹、切削力和残余应力的影响而产生弯曲、扭转变形。针对该问题,本文提出了一种双臂自适应夹具加工变形控制方法,将加工过程中产生的变形逐层消除。首先,对叶片的变形成因进行分析;然后,通过对无应力装夹和加工应力释放原理进行研究,设计了一种可提供6个自由度的自适应装夹机构,并对该机构进行了工程设计和机构分析;最后,基于这种6自由度双臂自适应装夹机构,形成了本文提出的加工变形控制工艺,不需多次修复基准和更换机床,就可以逐层消除新产生的变形。实验结果表明,采用双臂夹具自适应加工变形控制方法,可以有效控制叶片加工过程中产生的变形,使叶片的轮廓误差降为原来的50%,提高了其加工精度。  相似文献   

Tracking targets using adaptive Kalman filtering   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A simple algorithm for estimating the unknown process noise variance of an otherwise known linear plant, using a Kalman filter is suggested. The process noise variance estimator is essentially dead beat, using the difference between the expected prediction error variance, computed in the Kalman filter, and the measured prediction error variance. The estimate is used to adapt the Kalman filter. The use of the adaptive filter is demonstrated in a simulated example in which a wildly maneuvering target is tracked  相似文献   

Many practical problems arise when implementing digital terrain data in airborne knowledge-aided (KA) space-time adaptive processing (STAP). This paper addresses these issues and presents solutions with numerical implementations. In particular, using digital land classification data and digital elevation data, techniques are developed for registering these data with radar return signals, correcting for Doppler and spatial misalignments, adjusting for antenna gain, characterizing clutter patches for secondary data selection, and ensuring independent secondary data samples. These techniques are applied to select secondary data for a single-bin post-Doppler STAP algorithm using multi-channel airborne radar measurement (MCARM) program data. Results with the KA approach are compared with those obtained using the standard sliding window method for choosing secondary data. These results illustrate the benefits of using terrain information, a priori data about the radar, and the importance of statistical independence when selecting secondary data for improving STAP performance  相似文献   

周延  冯大政  朱国辉 《航空学报》2015,36(9):3020-3026
传统的后多普勒自适应处理方法,如因子法(FA)和扩展因子法(EFA)虽然能大大降低自适应处理时的运算量和独立同分布样本的需求量,但由于实际中均匀训练样本数目的限制,当天线阵元数进一步增大时,FA和EFA抑制杂波和检测动目标的能力会显著恶化。针对这一问题,提出了一种空域数据重排的后多普勒自适应处理方法。该方法将多普勒滤波后的空域数据重排为一行列数相近的矩阵,空域滤波器权系数也表示成可分离的形式,从而得到一双二次代价函数,利用循环迭代的思想求解权系数。实验表明该方法具有快速收敛,所需训练样本少的优点,尤其在大阵列、小样本条件下该方法抑制杂波的性能明显优于FA和EFA。  相似文献   

The pros and cons of various classical and state-of-the-art methods in adaptive array processing are discussed, and the relevant concepts and historical developments are pointed out. A set of easy-to-understand equations for facilitating derivation of any least-squares-based algorithm is derived. Using this set of equations and incorporating all of the useful properties associated with various techniques, an efficient solution to the real-time adaptive beamforming problem is developed  相似文献   

Systolic algorithms and architectures for parallel and fully pipelined instantaneous optimal weight extraction for multiple sidelobe canceller (MSC) and minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer are presented The proposed systolic parallelogram array processors are parallel and fully pipelined, and they can extract the optimal weights instantaneously without the need for forward or backward substitution. We also show that the square-root-free Givens method can be easily incorporated to improve the throughput rate and speed up the system. As a result these MSC and MVDR systolic array weight extraction system are suitable for real-time very large scale integration (VLSI) implementation in practical radar/sonar system  相似文献   

李文  李清东  李亮  陈建  任章  廉成斌  王浩亮 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1267-1274
 针对中低精度航姿参考系统(AHRS)在机体机动时不能利用加速度计修正水平姿态,以及噪声统计特性随实际工作情况变化的问题,提出了一种基于模糊自适应卡尔曼滤波的大气数据辅助姿态解算的方法。首先,考虑大气数据系统和航姿参考系统的优势,利用真空速、攻角和侧滑角等大气数据信息对非重力加速度进行补偿,以辅助水平姿态解算;其次,基于模糊自适应卡尔曼滤波原理,对观测模型的参数进行估计和修正,以实现水平姿态的最优估计;最后,选取某型飞机的试飞数据进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,该方法可使飞机的水平姿态估计精度达到1.3°,且在偏差较大时有明显的纠偏作用。因此,相对于无机动加速度补偿和常规卡尔曼滤波来说,该方法能够更好地进行姿态估计,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

加权型中值定理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了Cauchy和Lagrange中值定量的一种推广形式:加权型中值定理。  相似文献   

The problem of achieving the optimum moving target indicator (MTI) detection performance in strong clutter of unknown spectrum when the set of data available to the estimation of clutter statistics is small due to a severely nonhomogeneous environment is studied. A new adaptive implementation, called the Doppler domain localized generalized likelihood ratio processor (DDL-GLR), is proposed, and its detection performance is studied in detail. It is shown that the DDL-GLR is a data-efficient implementation of the high-order optimum detector and has several advantages of practical importance over the adaptive processors  相似文献   

An adaptive detection technique suitable for both stationary and nonstationary noise environments based upon a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) formulation is presented. The detector, which is statistically equivalent to a special form of the Wilks's lambda test, noncoherently combines the information contained in a pulse train of arbitrary length for decision-making purposes. The probability density function of the test under the noise only hypothesis is shown to be central χ2. Under the signal plus noise hypothesis, an exact statistical characterization of the test cannot be obtained, and, therefore, a Chernoff bound is derived. Results in terms of the probability of detection versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) obtained from Monte Carlo simulation, the Chernoff bound, and the optimal matched filter case are examined. The performance of the noncoherent detector is shown to be a function of the covariance matrix estimate and the number of data samples  相似文献   

Fast alignment using rotation vector and adaptive Kalman filter   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A fast and convenient alignment method is proposed. To improve the speed of convergence, we used rotation vectors instead of traditional Euler angles. Furthermore, we developed an algorithm to automatically tune the measurement noise covariance matrix using adaptive Kalman filtering. Finally, the developed algorithms were applied to an aerial imaging system to automatically geo-locate the centers of the images.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for incorporating knowledge sources directly in the space-time beamformer of airborne adaptive radars. The algorithm derivation follows the usual linearly-constrained minimum-variance (LCMV) space-time beamformer with additional constraints based on a model of the clutter covariance matrix that is computed using available knowledge about the operating environment. This technique has the desirable property of reducing sample support requirements by "blending" the information contained in the observed radar data and the a priori knowledge sources. Applications of the technique to both full degree of freedom (DoF) and reduced DoF beamformer algorithms are considered. The performance of the knowledge-aided beam forming techniques are demonstrated using high-fidelity simulated X-band radar data  相似文献   

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